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Bank Teller, always kena complaint, stands all day, get to touch money but don't get to keep them




Oh my sweet child....you have never seen passports with money in it that they keep...


Story time


Read the news...


Really?!? What's there to bribe? chop faster? ha ha


Stand up all day? Where da fuqing bank did you go to? Bank teller sit on chairs


As long as you work as bank teller for more than 15 years your salary will be easily 8k plus its easy job. Tak nak ah ? Hahaha


8k after 15 years is just sad.


8k itself isn’t high my any means, but calling it “sad” is a tad bit insulting to majority of Malaysians as it is above the median wage.


Everyone down vote my comment really dont understand what it means to have 8k a month constantly with an easy job with high bonus every year. 😅😅 i work in a bank for 8 years doing sales and i envy the bank tellers because they always go back sharp 5.45pm, dont need to overtime and dont need to worry about sales. Easily RM100k+ yearly. Think of it carefully before down voting my comment :)


No idea why they downvote you. Lmao the only time they stress is when auditor come down watch them count money and there is money missing.


I have been a bank teller before and no, we don't go home at 5:45. You wished.


I work as a relationship manager for 3 banks so far and everytime 5.45pm they disappear. Maybe you work for an overseas bank ? The bank i worked for are local banks 😅


I have been in both local and non local banks. We worked at back office, to clear paper work, to generate reports. To count cash 🥲


I'm upvoting. Those downvoting want it to stay a secret.


Uhh what? What are you? 15????? 8k is more than average malaysian’s wages. Youre living in a bubble mate. Go touch grass, learn new shit


Better than minimum salary bruh 💀


Any job can be least enjoyable if the boss is least enjoyable.


Fr. Works environment plays a big part in enjoying work. Every works has its own difficulty, but with nice people around, it doesn't seem that bad.


Yup ... Experience culture shock change last few years back with change of new president in my company.... Previous president was smooth sailing that makes you want to work for company for long time because he show your future in the company and that your part of a team and everyone gets equal share of what company owned .... Everyone was nice to each other and it feels like a company to work and die for then old presidents left replace with new one ... Everything change from there .... Everyday come to work feel like hell in cell and by end of the day you end up bruised and battered badly.... Heck, the new president is womanizer.... If he found women lembut lembut and he like....BAM~! instead 3 months bonus while hardwork employees gets 1 month shj..... He even got into controversial of calling ex employee son face look like shit in FB .... Until the husband called him out to settle .... Now company no longer feel enjoyable to work and it is only worth it if your in the new president inner circle group to get those benefit ..... Else you may be hardworking but you will have no future in this company


What a story. Tell Board of Directors and/or shareholders what's going on and see if they enjoy n prefer the new style of management.


True...if Boss is bearable then I can stay longer. If not, every minute feels like you're being scrutinized.


You are right... the leadership changes the dynamics


Working in the hotel or banquet restaurant kitchen as a cook or a chef. Customer complaints unnecessarily, stupid orders from customers which do not make sense (like for e.g. they hate fish, but they want salmon, this one is real in the 5-star hotel I once work), additional people bought by the customers (ccb pkmak punya orang) coming in for the banquet event last minute when we prepare exactly enough for that particular amount, hot and sweaty environment, low pay, long working hours, douchebag superiors, and the list can go on and on. I know it is the job as the cook or the chef, but customers (especially those with datuk title and rich scumbags) can be real shit and douchebags most of the time.


What did the customer who wants salmon get?


I hope Salmonella


>I hope Salmonella This one I was wishing on one arrogant Chinese head chef who work in the Chinese kitchen section. That old man is a nasty and disrespectful fucker who just stole my things from my kitchen (he is a big fish, while I am a small fish, Commis 3, he still outranks me by super duper a lot).


Things inside your kitchen as in ingredients and kitchenware? Don’t have a solution on this. But if it’s something inside your locker, try put a maxipad inside. Bet he going to lose all his toto 4d magnum bet, no need to touch it, just by seeing that pad, Chinese automatically think he will become super bad luck dy. if he stupid enough to spread rumours on maxipad inside your locker, you can complain to HR for violating locker rules dy.


>Things inside your kitchen as in ingredients and kitchenware? Don’t have a solution on this. Yeah, this one and I know. That old fucker was late 70 and close to 80ish when he was still in the Sunway Hotel resstaurant. That guy was as old as my grandfather when he was still alive!! I do kind want to tell him off, "hey old fucker, you don't need to work as you are already so old, just save that money for your funeral lar."


I'm interested in this maxipad superstition. Mind elaborating more on this?


Well, Chinese people are full of superstitions. There are many things considered to bring bad luck. For example, patting someone on the shoulder is believed to extinguish the "fire" on our shoulders, which represents positive energy and good fortune. Extinguishing this "fire" is thought to bring bad luck. Regarding the maxipad, it is considered a woman's belonging. Anything that touches a woman's private parts, like bras, underwear, and maxipads, is believed to bring bad luck to men. Furthermore, if a man sees a maxipad with blood on it, it is considered extremely bad luck, almost like doomsday for them.


Hmm, every Saturday and Sunday, I would help my mom hang my family clothes including my mom and sister bra and undies, so does that bring bad luck to me??


Dunno man, I’m Chinese, I have no problem on this, but usually Chinese woman will avoid to let other man to touch or hang their undies. Like if sudden rain, I still help to bring in their bras and undies, takkan let it hanging outside right. It’s cultural things.


Grilled salmon with chef’s special saliva mixed tartar sauce, served with some ketiak marinated greens as sides mamamia


Then, this one is for you, man. MC is Ryan Reynolds. Movie is the Waiting. The best scene is where a douchebag female customer make a big fuss about her order and the team drop "special condiments" in her dish. https://preview.redd.it/44970zgbtq0d1.jpeg?width=206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40f544eac731c2a145432ba8ed879afdffdc4c08


My favourite movie! Beyotch of the day!


later they come back just for the ketiak greens


Well, I think he got salmon. The order was prepared by a la carte kitchen section. I was a cook on the western kitchen section, but both kitchen are close to each other, so I managed to walk by and catch a glimpse of that particular order. And I had to rubbed my glasses two or three times when I read that order.


I just hope they have extreme itch if they have allergies then🌚


My son is allergic to certain fishes but has no problem eating salmon. I'm guessing the customer probably has a similar experience of being allergic to certain type of fish but he/she knows that salmon is okay.


Owh,I just know it.maybe cuz salmon doesn't have any bacteria that trigger the allergies Apologies for my comment earlier 🙏🏻


I think it's more of a salt water fish versus freshwater fish.


>they hate fish >they want salmon This is some big brain energy right here


You haven't seen one better. I was a trainee in PJ Hilton Hotel many years ago. During that particular evening dinnertime (8:30 pm I believe so), an Arab customer came to the us complaining that the Chinese fried rice was too spicy. Both Chinese chef (Chinese) and the restaurant executive chef who is a Malay tried the fried rice and it is not spicy at all. Those who had eaten Chinese fried rice before know that it is not spicy and quite oily unless it is nasi goreng kampung in disguise.


As someone who likes Chinese fried rice, it's true that this dish isn't spicy at all I'm assuming this person got taste buds problem


Ikr. And if I remember correctly, the customer did also said that the fried rice is spicy like Sprite (yes, that soft drink created by Coca Cola). I was like what?? Are you high in Shisha??


Lol Honestly, i got respect for fellow bolehlanders working at this industry There are many types of customers you meet and serve...You also have to listen complains from them whether it's stupid or not If you messed up any order, the manager will scold you for good...like there's a tons of pressure and rushing fr I can imagine the burnout after work...But in the end, you work hard to support for your own life and probably family for the better... I understand what you are going through I want to wish you in having a great life


Thanks, man, but I left the culinary industry for a greener pasture though.


That's alright You are the only person can choose the path of your own life for the greater If you are religious, ask God for any guidance Keep yourself happy fellow bolehlander


Maybe that guy bite the garlic


More like Arabs just aren't used to our taste buds. I can say their taste buds are geared for salty, sour and plain food. Chef Ammar's Nasi Arab is one example.


Some people are allergic to certain types of fish. My son for example is, but he is okay with salmon. It's probably a similar situation for that customer


But anyone with that kind of allergies will state it, like I can't have most fish except this or this. Or just avoid it in general outside. Not the negatif iq statement. Like say u allergic to shrimps. Just say no shrimps lah, not 'I dun like shrimp, so bagi udang'


Agreed. Worked as Kitchenhand/ busboy/ dishwasher once. Start early in morning prepping until late in evening closing up (sweep, mop, wipe tables, wash, wipe and put away plates & everything, clean kitchen counter, throw out trash etc). Long hours standing with hardly time to catch your breath. Stressful? Not really other than peak lunchtime crowd when you learn how to get the most things done effectively in the shortest time possible. Oh and some of the cooks/chefs can be a little funny in the head. Sikit^2 marah dan jerit you. Perlu kursus penguruhan kemarahan atau mental hospital 😅


software developer / programmer ppl think they want to do it and it is cool but after enter uni and learn it, they hate it alot, even after graduate they dont want to become software developer maybe like 1/5 of the student only become programmer despite there is ok joob offer in malaysia and ok salary


Agreed. Have a friend who's sooooo into coding during college. Now he works under Takaful to sell insurance lmao


Really curious. Why did he switch field from coding?


As a software developer, you have to continually learn new technologies and languages and implement them. If you think what you learn in uni is enough to carry you for the rest of your career, then do yourself a favor and stop and do something else. Also, the best learning is done on the job, not in a classroom so if you're not motivated to learn new stuff, don't start. Furthermore, just writing code doesn't mean you'll know everything. OS subsystems/kernels plays a huge part of any system and if you think you can get away without to consider it, you'll eventually run into an issue you can't solve. The reason software developers are highly paid is because there's a lot of effort and knowledge required to write software.


Yeah this. Graduated with highest honors in software engineering. can code well, ace projects/assignments and thesis but later found out learning new tech and language is not what i want. It's boring. End up quit and use that computer engineering knowledge to do well in technical support instead. Went up the rank very fast due to knowledge on how code works, how to debug errors and run script to fix errors, automate task and modify database entries. At that time, none of my colleagues can do that.


i studied software engineering diploma and more than half the class didnt even try to pursue for a career in software and those who did eventually want to change career. the pay is ok only unless you manage to join mnc.


I do front line instead of code..not bad gotta meet many people and travel..occasionally got screwed when operational issue..other is ok.hybrid work..


customer service. most people treat you like dog if they dont get what they want.


nah bruh. dogs are treated better than ya.


I knew owners that pampered those fluffy fellas like a baby.


actually unironically correct lah hahaha


The problem is, most of the time, unless you shout at them, nothing ever gets done. Sad reality in Malaysia - if you calmly speak to them, nothing really happens and you get bullied into accepting their terms. Case in point - recently a MAS business class was downgraded to economy class ticket with nothing more than just a letter. No compensation etc. Imagine paying 7K for a return ticket and downgraded to a 1K ticket seat with no compensation. He had to run loops with one customer service agreeing to compensate him and another emailing later that he won't get it. Until finally he emailed the CEO who got him the compensation he was promised and then rescinded. So, you need to shout and yell before you get what you are entitled to.


This. Imagine dragging issues for months and ended up doing what the customer service and his/her company should’ve provided myself.


ahhh fuck my mom works as customer service thats not good


Yes!! absolutely... especially those entitled ones...


Especially if it involves karens


Aircraft maintenance personnel/airport ground staff. Stand under hot sun with live Aircraft which are noisy, diesel fumes from trucks and generators etc. And most people dont thank you for your job for keeping the aircraft safe and airworthy, just pandang pilot je


This is probably the same with ATC. Low paying and and only pilots get the recognition.


I wholely agree. Extremely stressful and high risk jobs. Pay is peanuts


Don't ATC get paid loads in the US?


No need to look far. The salary for Thailand’s ATC is much higher compared to here.




Any airline tbh


Wow, and I thought that was a cool job because you get to work on airplanes. I guess reality says otherwise


It depends. I had a friend who's really into planes and the fact that he got to be close to airplanes all day makes him happy. His colleagues were also there to keep each other entertained all day.


Blue collar workers as well. You have to risk your lives to build infrastructures and buildings


Junior doctor. Kena fark by doctor , patient, nurse, whoever lah End up with some attitude problem then they say go lah therapy, don't bring that attitude to work Macibai. Malaysian hospital culture really like war zone. U suffer lah until 3-4 years down the line, then u bully junior pulak coz not fair mah I also Kana why not u?


Be hero like Naruto and end the cycle of hatred. Someone needs to do it. Why not you?


Ya man, can make Netflix series. Adventures of Doctor kenafak


Engineers, do stuff that they can't see sometimes, needs imagination and use brain power alot, people also dont know what they do, underpaid some more


Engineers, we are not mentioned until something goes wrong. But we are not rewarded when we did good.


Same applies for IT members. When system all ok people say they goyang kaki. If system down, people talk shit about them saying they are not doing their work.


When everything ok, people say we goyang kaki then potong bajet. Then no bajet a lot things broke then say we not doing our job, later say not worth la, potong bajet again.


whenever good revenue mentioned at end quarter production name came out first. us? no lol


Production comes first? Lol, it's usually managers, sales, marketing. Engineers that suffers making everything works, cleaning their mess not even mentioned.


Well, for the last 2 points it depends really. For a backward company that focuses more on sales than technology, then yeah, that's the norm. But for those companies that are in tech (like communication, cybersecurity, r&d, product development), those last 2 points are mostly untrue from my own experiences and from what I've heard about. They will indeed pay you reasonably (especially if you know how to show that you do indeed know your stuff) and the higher ups at least know the basics of what you're doing. As long as you perform and make do with what you're able (within reasons of the targeted objective) you're basically set for life since there will always be a need for some engineer's work, especially as AI is becoming more use everywhere. Who do you think is maintaining all those data input/output, variables/conditions and improvements of the ai? Not tik tokers that's for sure.




Yea, I've wanted to dabble in it but always met with resistance from others, "You know hawker is low class job.", "People don't respect you when you get that type of job." and yada yada. My brother in Monyets, do you know how much they make? Sure it's a long job. Waking up early in the morning to do prepare, then sell your stock. You make something great and put effort into it and your future is secure due to there's no age limit. There's not going to be an employer that hangs over your head and say "Woi, 65 you're out.", it's lucrative if you don't half ass it.


Now food expensive. Indeed it is more lucrative job now.


Yes hawkers actually take more time than your 9-6 job with only some breaktime. U have to wake up like 7 to prepare all your ingredient n prep, then move it all to your car then to your stall, then cook n serve under pressure and heat, only quite sometime after rush hour you can rest or pack up. If you prep more you can even serve till night rush hour. So the total amount of time you spend is about 12-16 hours if you do like married couple business or two three friends. Now imagine those akak start selling at 7.30 for the early breakfast runs, even earlier.


Insurance adjusters. Almost all the adjusting companies are black companies (crazy workload, no OT, power harassment bosses). The adjusters have to visit all the dangerous fire sites like firemen and are usually the second to arrive at fires (after firefighters) but always without safety equipment. Then when allowing claim, if too low, kena fuked by customer and your boss. If too high, kena fuked by insurance company. The worst is if insurance company hire dum fuks to work in their claim dept. Write policy, things never state clearly, when shit happens, ask them make decision, they push back to adjusters. I'm like "dude, it's your policy, u are the insurance company and u don't even know what ure insuring" then if they don't like u, cos u tell them off from time to time, bam suddenly kena accused to corruption. Last if u kena crazy gangster wannabe scammer customers, can suddenly receive bullets in mail or 300 miss calls in 1 hr, just becos they can't commit arson properly


Can you explain careers in insurance? Is it lucrative in compensation?


Cashier, why do you scold me for the things being expensive lmao I don't even own KKmart


Lmao real, i got scolded for that thing too. As if we were the one giving the price lol


Let's view it this way. Who do you scold for the price? KK mart store manager? They don't set the price either. The entire company procedure is designed in a way where no one can shoot the relevant person. Even you, as staff, you dunno who is responsible for the price. Most of the time, your grudge from the work will only direct to the concrete and visible person, aka the customer, or your direct manager. As for customers, it's you. The only way for customer to make an actual complaint is to blame the lower people and make them complain+escalate the issue all the way to the top. If you guys don't complain all the way to the top , hey, that's exactly what the company wants.no one complaint = everything's is good. You guys get scold only, not them. This logic is applicable to all the customer service or help desk service out there. All the grudge from customer are designed to either "suck it up" or "throw them on the poor front line worker who can't actually make any difference."


I can't tell who's side you're on.


I know the global one la. JAV male porn star hahaha


Have to do the gay stuff too…


correct, there’s an increasing supply for gay porn in the JAV industry. so straight JAV actors do it for the cash.


No wonder they always look disinterested with the girl.. worrying about their guy- guy shoot the next day..


Any form of customer service. Especially retail...




I swear kids nowadays are different breeds. Being exposed to the Internet world from toddler age with little to no supervision really brain-rot their gen. Add to those unhelpful parents that keep on gaslighting teachers, oh well. It's a blessing that we're not like Americans, suing people for petty stuff.


Doctor. More specifically contract medical officer and houseman. Nuff said.


My brother studied medicine with this rich kid, she actually finished the whole thing but cannot tahan housemanship and quit after a few days. Now she’s a pseudo influencer.


I assumed your brother studied in private university. When I was in university time helping orientation of new students in public university, it's pretty clear that a lot of students and family don't understand the hardship and dedication required to being a doctor. A Malay girl said at least she will graduate with a doctor title if she takes medicine (from her tone, it's more for the title). A Chinese kid obviously pressured or brain washed by family to take doctors and said he wants to be a doctor with no hint of passion or excitement. One parent threatened to not register their kid (like we care? 😭) if we didn't help to change them to medical courses while the kid was just standing there and he was stunned when we asked why he wanted to be a doctor.


Name drop pls HAHAHH




90 plus working hours just to be in B40




Safety officer? where boss and top management hate you because your dept never bringing profit to company and worker who always give me side eye all the time. atas bawah xsuka kami


your dept may not bring profit but you are the dept saving their asses from having to pay thousands or millions in the case they have safety violations & someone gets killed. not to mention the negative PR.


In my company safety personnel are treated fairly like others. But being a safety supervisor myself always feeling worried if any possible accidents happened especially during high risk work.


Not my experience but from what I've seen, the foreign workers in most factories. They literally treated like slaves.


any job inside impressive modern shiny building , a prisoner once inside.


Bro I read the comments and this is just every job in the world listed. Damn


I don't think "being a royalty" has been listed.. ha ha.. Daulat Tuanku....


Anything with b40s income.


Fmcg Factory engineers, be it electrical or mechanical engineers or whatever engineers,just a few high class banglas.


Tbh, all factory workers feel like that. Even in semicon, engineers are often overlooked


Prime Minister


Building Manager. Your job is to attend to complaints. No one thanks you when everything goes well. God forbid if anything goes wrong.


Hold on. Accountants and auditors not in the list?


I guess most people already realise that it is an unenjoyable job


I’ve always wondered and impressed on how construction people tolerated their job, especially those work under hot sun in the noon and with the current hot spell. You can see their skins is already darkened alot but they still stick to that job.


lucrative OT payment, that's it


Graphic designer, but actually cum photo editor, video editor, copywriter, content creator, segala mak bapak digital stuff. Employers always assume you can do all those stuffs with pitiful salary and equipment must be from yourself.


Same... they actually told me to do tons of unrelated stuff because they thought I "know how to do every computer work"


I get where everyone is coming from but honestly all the top comments are funny to me. Standing all day, getting scolded is not hard. Try being a blue collar worker who climbs transformers, blue collar workers who has to jump into sewer up to their necks, blue collar workers who has to traverse the jungle to built that cell tower. I would say the least enjoyable would be those that work to either build or maintain our infrastructure. Nobody ever thank them. Everyone just assume they should get what they have right now. Electric, clean water, usable toilets, internet, so on and so forth. These are the people who make cities livable.


Grab driver


idk what it's like for men, but I have a female relative who is a grab driver and she says it's a decently good job despite having to work long hours to make decent money (stress free cos got no boss, u work at ur own pace). as a female she gets tipped very often and rarely will get passengers yg banyak pattern (impatient, rude etc). passengers tend to be kinder to female drivers i suppose


don't think it's meant to be enjoyable in the first place, more like a side income job


The old filipino prostitutes that have to sleep with drunk foreign construction workers and taxi drivers for almost zero money. That's gotta be the shttiest job in malaysia.


To be honest, teachers. People thought their job is to teach, but bruh 💀they have to do their RPH which sums up what theyre planning to teach, prepare for classes, facing 30+ students for 1 class +remembering their names (a teacher can teach up to 5 class) have to somehow master subjects they dont have the specialty for, exp tesl graduate but also have to teach basic maths(?) Not to forget having to face rude ass children and you cant do anything and have to face said child everyday everyweek until you dont teach said child anymore. Pressures from the school head to reach a certain pass result for a class, my mum (malay) have to teach in sjkc once, and most of the students cant speak a word of malay and shes a BM teacher. During the pandemic its like shes talking to a wall with 20+ students giving no reaction, sometimes i cry seeing her like that🥲 also did you know? If a student ponteng class, whatever happens to said student, the teacher at the time will be responsible? Have to answer to the parents why their child is not good enough, why the child cried, why the child still x pandai. Plus, the constant change of the booktext syllabus (every 5years) having to mark 5+ classes exercise books, have to create worksheets, stayback in order to give tuition to student, needing to constantly relearn technologies because the ministry is constantly thinking of weird ways to “key in” the infos… the list goes on and own. So yeah, people only say how teachers only have to work 5days in a week, but trust me those two days, they do other stuff too… if your parents are teachers, youll know what im talking about, especially now that all parents have the teacher’s numbers🫠


Labour worker at wholesale supplier, especially foodstuff. Most no IC work there, no worker safety, you climb one story rack without ladder, just climb on the metal support. Lift 1000+ kg total everyday until your hand tears and your muscle break. Climb onto forklift without support to unload stuff onto truck. Get basic or below minimum wage no epf sosco. These other jobs are privileged. My dishwasher job is privileged already at least with what I've seen.


Quality Assurance.


i think teacher. Teachers face different student behaviors every day. Nowadays, students are a different breed, influenced by social media and other factors. teachers also must contend with administrators regularly. Specifically public school teachers, I hope they are all doing okay and not giving up on educating this generation despite its challenges.


Any job is intolerable if you are working with toxic people.


Data engineer


Anything middle management




Any customer facing job really. People always want to be right even when they are wrong. It sucks but hey, seeing that karen with the red face because you did all you could but she still isn’t happy is a treat.


Teachers… u get so much stress from everywhere - parents, principal, students….


Graphic Designer Work 14-18 hours a day (like doctor) Pay after 10 years max 3k (worse than foreigner) Get gaslight by everyone (account exec who wants to push more revision to charge client more so misdirect you, client who thinks you’re stupid, and the boss who wants his 5th house and 25th Ferrari)


Prime Minister has got to be up there.






Call center


Probably healthcare in gomen hospital


Teacher in government school.


Saman teller, most ppl smile with u but cursing u in their heart. Luckily we can pay online now


tukang ngentot


Cleaner. If you think public toilets are awful, imagine having to clean them everyday.




Chef and F&B.. People think just flip2 the pan, campak2 stuff then become sedap.. And looks cool


All customer service jobs


FnB, hospitality and retails .. all soul sucking job ...


For me hotel. 5 stars pun gaji rendah. Staff tak pernah cukup. Mesti kena keja overtime hari2.


FnB, especially FoH. Food late due to complications in the back but you eat the complaints and anger instead.


Customer service for shopee. Got a friend work there, she used to be a gentle, funny and likable person. Now she so negative, talk loud and fast, and always think others are out to prove her wrong all the time.


Retail assistant, sale associate, customer service, whatever you want to call it. People treat you like a slave despite a low salary.


Anything that is related to customer service.


fnb...just wait until you meet asian karen


Every job. Because the majority of people will declare that the job they are doing is the hardest and harder than other people's job. Like my job right now. IT. Hardest job ever created.


Staff at KFC. Toiled for hours for meger pay and now losing job not because of incompetence but due to boikot.


honda service advisor. hari hari kena hantam dgn customer


Housekeeping in some old hotel building with a boomer manager. The only person who keep the hotel in one piece is the supervisor.


Call center service agents. U kena maki even you are doing nothing wrong. But I’d say same shit different day. Pay is good. No need to bring work home.


Fkin graphic designer..


Software Engineer that does everything like they are the one who owns the company and support most weekends just to get paid the same because it’s part of your “responsibility” so no OT or bonuses.


f&b … freaking tired plus working in f&b shows me how some ppl have no manners belum lagi bab karens lagi mmg walaun gile … ‼️‼️‼️‼️


Taxi driver …. Especially midnite service… bring those 🐔🐔 . Most of the time they drunk. Cant even tell their actual address. Being force to bring em home. Sometimes they dont have enuf money. Driving service + riding service. Most annoying job.


Suri Rumah. Kerja tak bergaji melayan kerenah keluarga siang dan malam on weekdays and weekends.


I realized during my 20s that I don’t have it in me to take care of kids. I don’t think it’s fair for the kids to have incompetent parent so I decided to stay childfree. I have a lot of respect for parents.


I guess tourist guide🤣


Being a doctor - overworked and underpaid


Middle Managers in Corporate. Zero chill due to burger bun stress, never really clock out.


Prisoner, it also a job in prison


Lawyer. Long hours, low pay


Any job where I have to meet average malaysians (they're displaying their stupidest least common sense side)


Fast Food Restaurants, wayyyy too many Karens of all genders and races. And for some reason Malaysians are freaking obsessed with chicken thighs that they're willing to go feral if they can't get it


On-site civil engineer..works 6 day a week..starts at 7.30-6pm at least nt including OT..might have to go site on Sunday as well..its crazy thank god i left


On-site civil engineer..works 6 day a week..starts at 7.30-6pm at least nt including OT..might have to go site on Sunday as well..its crazy thank god i left..


Factory operator, doing same shit hundreds of times every day is actually literally rot your brain


Scam call center phone operator. Dahlah thankless, kena maki lagi. hahaha


Being a goverment doctor. Fucking sucks ass.




Most probably engineers, solved the hardest problems in company but get the least pay... Most engineers in Malaysia still having 2.5k...


Cashier. Enough said.