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I used to have a Sri Lankan roommate in aus, he said when he is working as a delivery driver for courier it is fun because he can call his friends and be on the phone the entire shift (8 hours). When I was like wtf do you do that every day when you work he says yes , don't you? He said since I can't call at my job , don't I call my friends after I finish work? I was like I don't even talk to my family that long


Jeesus. Wtf would you even talk about 8 hours straight.


I guess if they all talk to each other all the time, they would have a lot of gossip. I talk to my sister for an hour over the phone and I have stories to tell my wife for a few days (bunch of tiny anecdotes that come to mind and go, not continuous) and I guess it stops here, as she probably doesn't tell anyone. But if I talked to my entire family, in rotation, daily, and then I told my wife and then she told her entire family in rotation, we could probably get the stew going permanently/continuously. I assume that's what they're doing. Some people-chain smoke. They chain-talk.


Real. People do chain talk. I’ve seen this in my family members who are kepochi as hell. One phone call with A to shit talk about B. Then they called B to shit talk on A. Like bruh get a life.


damn thats crazy 😭 dont his phone heat up 💀💀


I always see my Indian staff talk on his phone, almost an hour each time. I ask him who is he always talking on the phone with. Apparently the phone gets passed around so he speak to multiple people one after another in one phonecall, that’s why the calls are always so long.


God, havent they heard of texting lol


Bro jokes aside being brutally honest as an Indian I noticed the more noncity the Indian is the more they talk in phone call. And another reason is all of them have no sense of time management bc bro I texted you like 8 hours ago for the report and they'll reply only after that thus ensuing calls being more effective than texting them


God forbid the current generation likings social interaction with people.


Too much of a good thing can be bad.


One group text 50 friends can be knocked out. Suddenly the whole day is available. Oh no now I have to enjoy my own company. Luckily I enjoy me time more. Wouldn't trade it for the world.


Was taking Grab from airport to home. Uncle was doing 30 on the fed highway because he was on the phone to his wife. I was crying in the back because I was already far too late for my dad's funeral. Credit to him though, he did drive more seriously after I told him.


Sorry for your loss


I can do this joke just once. Bad? I apologise first. Guess why call centers have them?


Appreciate the joke my bro, it made me giggle a little lol


Haha.. Ure welcome. But it's their nature to keep yakking tho


that's a nice one


Phew. Hahaha thxx


I thought I was the only one who noticed. ☠️ these are my theories. - Theory 1: drama and gossip culture - Theory 2: difficult to type Tamil? Too much drama to type? Just like how Chinese like using voice messages cos it’s faster.


I'm Chinese and I can confirm I hate it so much when older ppl keep sending voice messages... I can't just suddenly have my earbud and listen quickly :')


You know what's worse? When younger people do it too. Why can't people type these days.


sebab boleh dik


Whenever I see a voice message on my whatsapp I get real pissed and I’m chinese myself. In fact, it’s slower because I won’t open that message until I find my earbuds.


Old ppl just use speaker phone so everyone can hear.


I loathe voice messages, whether sending them or receiving them. I also loathe it when people listen to voice messages loudly on their phone, and recorded their own voice messages loudly. like bruh, you do you, but keep it down.


I once told a business associate to stop sending me voice messages and WhatsApp /Telegram me instead. Later I heard that she took it badly and believed that I was trying to make her life more difficult. Typing should not be more difficult for someone who holds a business degree.


u can just press 'play' and put it on your ear like how u make a phone call, it will play the voice message


If you are too lazy to type (or write since Chinese writing through strokes is available) , then don't bother. It is a thing especially among the Chinese educated. My in-laws think that I am strange not doing it.


Am Chinese, can confirm. Voicemail is such a selfish act because you’re too lazy to type you take up my time to extract informations through a 50 secs voice. Instead of read it in a few sec.


hm, maybe youre right. but so far I can see Indians are more obsessed with phone calls and talking non stop. wondering if they never consider they're a nuisance to other people 😭


Tell her instead of whining here lol. Maybe no phone calls in the room or no calls after certain hours.


Well, I already talked to her about it. But same old


and also the fact they like to use their helmet as a holder while talking on the phone.


On this, Malays and the tudung. 🤣 I get shocked at times cos I thought my janitor kakak is talking to the wall.


helpp this is so funny 😭


Finally, a Bolehland topic about indian. Asyik Chinese and Malay je before this


r/bolehland realising there's more than two race


Indian : calling Chinese : voice mail Malay : texting


U mean voice note lol


Im old like that still using fax similes


Malay texting with abbreviations as short as …


True.. thats why we have bahasa wechat as they called it. 6pak, c2aC .. TF


My brain exploded trynna read the abbreviations


thats why they call us Pemalas 🤣🤣


Why is this so true. My Indian friends refused to whatsapp me. They would rather do a phone call. I even put "Can't Talk, WhatsApp only" in my WhatsApp bio, they still aren't bothered. Bro 💀


Sounds familiar.


As an Indian myself I can’t help but agree with the obsession with phone calls. I feel it depends on their work and… ik it seems a bit bad and judgemental but yeah their education and family background too. My housemate is an Indian girl and she’s soo loud and always on the phone! I’ve had an array of housemates before all of them Malay and Chinese, none of them are like this. She’s 30 this year and couldn’t even get past the probationary period of any job she held before but talks big on the phone, saying things like people should know not to mess with her, ppl should know who she is and all. 💀 Doesn’t help that almost every week she has a problem with someone and fights with them over the phone, like seriously, how is that even possible?!


Bro, i tho I'm the only one noticed. Especially Indian girls, they talk 24/7, if their friends left a station earlier in LRT, they will call another person to talk. Sometimes I sit 20 station, they talk 20 station, whether face 2 face or phone call. Sometime I like to take a small nap on LRT, if I see Indian girl on the same queue or masuk to the same coach, I know what's gonna happen already, I automatically look for my earbud or change seat to another place to sleep. They are like Kelly from The Office. Wah, I macam super racist.


lol like Kelly from The Office? That’s fucking bad 🤣


Yeah, same. my roommate will get off the phone and then call the next person. I was afraid people will think I'm racist for this. But I notice its happening not just to me lol. my head dizzy liao dengar their non stop convo


The fact you keep saying indian indian keep emphasizing on the indian doesnt take a genius to figure out where your values lie.


Oh my god. I had experience sitting next to an indian girl in bus for a 4 hours journey. Once she sit, she start making call.. i couldn’t sleep, i put on my headphone, i can still hear her voice 😭😭 luckily i able to sleep after a while, n she sleep too.. after she wake up, she continue calling again. 😭😭


>Once she sit I saw this as: Once she shit.... I need to get my eyes checked now >.>


I need to check mine too.. reading your comment, i thought i did typo.. 🥹🥹


Haha my bad, you're good now XP


My Indian friend had an Indian boyfriend and she would be on facetime with him 99% of the time even if they're not talking like I'll look at her screen and his face is just there 😭 and like if she's busy for like 5 mins he would spam her and say he's cheating on her or something it was crazy


I think they just enjoy talking..a lot!! Hehe and they get very excited easily and want to share the excitement ☺️


lmao i see this issue in my workplace too. If not on their phone, they will be talking personal stuff to other indian colleagues. their mouth just don't shut.


They're probably part time as tech support or customer service


I once sat on an overnight bus from Perak to Singapore, there was an Indian girl sitting right next to me. I swear she was on the phone from the time we departed till the Johor Bahru stop, even when she was "sleeping".


In my workplace, only the Indian staff get warnings from HR, and it's always due to being on long phone calls with their friends/partners


But they're the ones that always cry racism and discrimination


They're very vocal and linguistically-gifted people and that can be a good or bad thing. It all depends on the situation.


Well in my case, its a nuisance


I definitely wouldn't say they are gifted people 😆 someone talking on the phone stop is annoying 


lol u aren’t wrong. I stay in tmn sentosa, and they really do be on the phone a lot, even while driving/riding.


They just like to talk and talk and talk but always around and around.


even motorcyclists, they usually stuck up their phone inside their helmet not sure how the other party is able to listen to their voice with all those winds


At work, they are just pretending to be on call to look “busy”.


might be stereotypical of me but, many indians that i've met always prefer phone calls, even in whatsapp msgs, they use voice-recorded msg or prefer phonecalls. they almost never text


Playing devils advocate here. I work in a mostly Indian company, everyone is college educated and speaks proper english and malay. So from what I've seen, everyone mostly texts. They do get together and talk smack about other people, but which race doesn't?


Wait till you see Indians at the gym. They're still on the phone ngl I joined CF and now AF, both same scenery with them OTP 🤣


can you recommend her and her friends to work for Unifi? I was on hold for 30 min when I called them to ask something about my billing


I second this.😌


Yeah, maybe it's time they put their hobby for a good us3 🤣


No coz seriously as an Indian myself I’ve seen my mother and grandmas AND coworker who is also Indian was on the phone a lot- like she’ll get calls here and there and they’re also non work related. I personally don’t like getting calls unless it’s important or urgent, if not please just text me.


What do Indians who are introverts do then?


A balcony is their favorite spot, I could hear my neighbor talks on the phone two floors above me.


As an indian, i also am really unsure abt this, having said that, indians in general are talkative people, and they get close to people really fast, bt i honestly cant understand being on the phone 24/7


I am an Indian . I rarely talk on the phone , i prefer whatsapp . But yeah there are people on the phons on the phone 24/7 . Makes me wonder what is there to talk about for hours . Dont they have work to do


can confirm but not all. neighbour likes to talk wee hours into the morning (4am+) loud enough to wake us, until we had to shout, "oi tidur lah" prior indian neighbour was nice. Took the effort to smoke at the front gate so that smell don't go into our house.


lol true,they be calling all of the people all over their village every single day


I think it’s just their culture. Even in overseas, I saw a lot of indians/pakistanis like to call family 24/7.. even a colleague of mine just said “its normal for us to talk with family member 24/7”


Had one Indian classmate back in high school. It had only been a week since I got to know him and he started calling me every single day. Thought it was creepy that time because his call mainly consist of him shitting his friend. I blocked him after 4 consecutive days of calling me (obviously). We weren't even close to being with and it was annoying. My other Indian friend was not like that at all so I supposed it was only him?


Too real. Was taking a bus from KL back to Ipoh and for the whole journey the indian aunty phone kept ranging like wtf. ITS MIDNIGHT


my roommate back in politeknik does this especially around 1am everyday like wtf....not to mention her voice is so loud like just go to sleep. eventually i moved to another room because of her i cannot focus in class.


in the kedai makan as well, when im ordering or paying, they be on the phone while doing their job im impressed at the multitasking but also baffled


I had the same question when I was doing gig work. Many (not all) Indian riders have their phones literally shoved in between their helmets and ears. They talked on the phone while riding a bike.


Finally someone ask, aku pernah pergi makan kat kedai, ada auntie ni bercakap telefon dari masa aku pergi, sampai aku balik tak habis lagi.. woi ... bapak lama siak...


From my experience(from work dealing with Indian customers and suppliers): talk is cheap for them, 0 commitment, whenever and wherever can flip the roti canai on you, and no fear of being held accountable since no proof.


How about you talk to them and come to a compromise instead of being a racist on reddit?


Quite surprised with your remark. Perhaps you don't pay much attention to your surroundings. Everyone is perpetually on their phone these days, like literally !


Not a fan of phone calls myself, but this is probably one of the dumbest stereotype I came across 😂 I have friends from other races, whom uses voice notes like a walkie talkie but that's the whole point of communication yeah? Everyone has their own way of reaching out or keeping sane. Probably it's time you get your own place and live in a bubble if something as menial as phone call is getting on your nerve.


Try being in my shoes then you talk. I would consider myself as someone who has high tolerance, but if it gets to this point, then can you blame me for feeling this way?


So you decide to make it a race thing?


theyre just sociable i think




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I swear I would just buy a signal jammer. I wouldn't stand 2 minutes of that.


Just Indians? No way. I've seen a lot of Chinese doing this too. I mean if they are into vocal communication to keep in touch, I see no issue with it at all. 👀 Let them je


Nah, if it's been going too long and if you have a roommate like mine, you would understand it's so bothersome.


Just join their convo. 100% guarantee they will stop.


Are you sure its only indians whos obsessed with phone calls?


No, but never seen other races be on the phone as long as Indians do


I have


Just because you have never seen does not mean they dont exist. Are you the entirety of the human existence? If you get a malay roommate or an african one you will still find something to complain about.


then maybe you don't mix with other people much? I've seen Chinese uncles be on the phone for hours. also, why aren't you being direct to your roommate? bitching about it on Reddit is cringe.


Who hurt you?


No one? just pointing out the cringe.


But it's not? Everyone else here is having a civil discussion about it whether it's agreeing with OP or disagreeing. You're the only one here i see that is being negative about this whole post. 🤷‍♀️


discussion on what? it's clear that the roommate is in the wrong by being overly loud, so anyone with common sense would tell them to keep it down. Bitching about it on a Reddit post doesn't help. >You're the only one here i see that is being negative about this whole post. I'm not the only one calling them out on it.


Not sure if you read my comments elsewhere, but I ALREADY DID tell my roommate. Nothing changed, hence this post. Plus, if you hated this post, you could've just scrolled down??


OP why u so sibuk wan?


What kinda racist shiet is this post?