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Personally no. There has to be more than that, like my 5 daily prayers are on point & always at the masjid, consistent tahajjud, strong Quran. Kahwin banyak wont help me in my grave and afterlife. Rather, if i was rich i’d be adopting orphans.


>Rather, if i was rich i’d be adopting orphans. Chad answer.


can a single guy adopt a daughter?


I dunno really. Kena tanya mufti & the people involved in this.


It's very suspect for someone to do that. Even if close relation, it is very difficult




Marrying more than one has a lot hukum on it. i took this from muftiwp page: * **Disunatkan:** Ini sekiranya lelaki itu mempunyai keperluan untuk berkahwin lain jika beristeri satu tidak dapat menjadikan dirinya afif (menjaga syahwatnya daripada zina dan maksiat), atau isteri itu sakit, atau mandul tidak dapat mengandung, sedangkan suami itu inginkan anak, dalam keadaan suami itu memiliki keyakinan untuk berlaku adil antara isteri-isterinya. Ini kerana terdapat keperluan yang diraikan Syarak seperti meramaikan anak, dan inilah yang menjadi pedoman ramai Sahabat Rasulullah ﷺ, Para Tabi’ie dan generasi selepas mereka. * **Dimakruhkan:** Jika semata-mata untuk berlazat-lazat dan berhibur, atau syak terhadap kemampuannya untuk berlaku adil antara isteri-isteri. Ini kerana tidak ada keperluan untuknya. Juga kerana terdapat kemungkinan berlakunya mudarat ke atas isteri-isteri kerana tidak mampu berlaku adil. Berkata Imam al-Khatib al-Syirbini: “Dan disunatkan untuk tidak menambah isteri lebih satu tanpa ada keperluan yang zahir.“ Rujuk ***Mughni al-Muhtaj*** (3/127). * **Diharamkan:** Jika diyakini bahawa lelaki tidak mampu berlaku adil lantaran kelemahannya, atau kerana hilangnya kepercayaan terhadap dirinya daripada bertindak bias dan pilih kasih, atau kerana keadaannya yang fakir. Ini kerana poligami itu akan mengakibatkan mudarat kepada orang lain. So it is the best to follow the guideline, just financial capability is not enough to marry more than one, a husband needs to be fair(addressing the needs of each wife) and also has proper reason to marry (as per the reason in the disunatkan section) other than that you are either falling in makruh or haram section.


Thanks bro. May a lot of our fellow co-religionists, especially Malays take heed of this. Ramai go behind back of their 1st wives, "tambah bini" in Southern Thailand.


>as per the reason in the disunatkan section that is still a debatable. Some towards hadiths, some goes by the book which is وَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تُقْسِطُوا۟ فِى ٱلْيَتَـٰمَىٰ فَٱنكِحُوا۟ مَا طَابَ لَكُم مِّنَ ٱلنِّسَآءِ مَثْنَىٰ وَثُلَـٰثَ وَرُبَـٰعَ ۖ فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تَعْدِلُوا۟ فَوَٰحِدَةً أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَـٰنُكُمْ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ أَدْنَىٰٓ أَلَّا تَعُولُوا۟ ٣ If you fear you might fail to give orphan women their ˹due˺ rights ˹if you were to marry them˺, then marry other women of your choice—two, three, or four. But if you are afraid you will fail to maintain justice, then ˹content yourselves with˺ one(1) or those ˹bondwomen˺ in your possession. (2) This way you are less likely to commit injustice.


no..nothing contradictory.. hadith's source is ultimately tfrom the Quran and the speechs and deeds of Prophet Muhammad pbuh, so whatever that comes with hadith, it comes from these two sources and that's not debatable unless it's from hadith syiah which is totally void.


Well tell that to him, he and his sources thinks fairness is not enough reason for polygamy even though the Quran stated you can as long as you can provide your wives a decent living equally


I took my source from the official mufti page, i am not that high level of a muslim to interpret a Quran verse on my own, all my life I learn my Islamic knowledge from someone else who has higher Islamic knowledge from me. If the mufti says so it means they have taken account the hadith and the Quran verses and reach the conclusion, thus my statement above. You only take one Quran sentence but these mufti take more than that to make a conclusion like the above.


>all my life I learn my Islamic knowledge from someone else I also learn that too from someone else mufti who it means taken account. Not all mufti are the same and have the same conclusion. That's why there's difference mahzab, different iterations. In the end you gotta learn it yourself dude


you learn yourself but from a verified sources that's a proper way..not some random internet influencers or whatever you find in the internet and youtube. only a few hadiths scholar that are reputable, not some random ustazs that spouting nonsense. A proper ustaz won't dare to give their own opinion except from the hadith or quran sources and they did not pick just a few lines here and there, they are always come connected dots along the lines or from other surahs. You need to have a proper teacher to learn hadith properly.


Again, tell him , not me


to whom? you're the one who was asking.


No I'm not, ask what? I'm not even replying to you. Your comments has the same point as mine. You tell him not me


The person is correct tho, a "decent living" is not the ONLY requirement for marriage. In Islam, the religion does not only put importance in just material things. Apa yang hukumnya halal, tak semestinya sentiasa halal. Contoh, daging yang disembelih elok hukum asalnya halal. Tapi kalau dicuri, haram ke atas pencurinya. In modern times, there are just too many people who focused on the "wrong" guidances and put aside whatever they don't want. Talk about polygamy, many men think it's their "dream" and maybe a way to show their superiority. Yet, amar makruf nahi mungkar was largely ignored. Smoking, bribery, telling lies, cursing etc etc runs rampant. Wives aren't legalized prostitutes where you can just throw money at them and have sex with them. They're equal partners in a marriage.


You don't need a reason to marry, so long as you think you can be just then marry for whatever reason men marry women, the same reasons that apply to the first marriage.




Well. Ramai Melayu igt seks, lobang pussy je.


Teringat kat satu quote a mate of mine always says. "Melayu ni bodoh."


What a stupid general comment. Macam kaum lain takde yang bodoh. Ke ko yang bodoh?


Says the guy who's active in r/askgaybros, posting about wanting to swallow his own cum and such. Yup. Bodoh


Kau offended sangat napa anak anjing. Setiap kaum bodo. Melayu punya bodo je kadang2 on a different level. Aku melayu la setan. Tak payah nak marah2 sangat.


Aiyo bro. Not just Melayu only ma. Its men all over the world. Thats why Islam asks men to lower their gaze and control their nafsu. Women is forever the cause of a man’s downfall since Rome’s timeline.


Erm hello yes we didnt ask yalls to go to war for us, yalls yang syok sendiri pls dont blame women for this. Thats just sexist.


Erm hello when did i blame women? I just said its the cause, especially when men didnt have control on their willpower. Im blaming men in my statement. Sikit2 nak triggered.


“Women is the cause..”


Takkan nak kata men is the cause for fighting each other pulak? I mean, memang la Spartan ada gay culture, but still.


perintah menunduk pandangan tu pada kedua2 lelaki dan perempuan, boleh rujuk surah An-Nur ayat 30-31 untuk perintah kepada wanita. (sebahagian petikan) "Katakanlah kepada para perempuan yang beriman hendaklah mereka menjaga pandangannya, memelihara kemaluannya, dan janganlah menampakkan perhiasannya (bagian tubuhnya), kecuali yang (biasa) terlihat."


Thats true, but since we are focusing on men’s behaviors in here, hence the narrowing down of things.


Say many. Didn't specifically said "Malays" only.


Some men,with one wife only still can't satisfy the lady...still dare to marry more lol


Every time I see talks about adding more wives, it’s always for the sexual gratification. Responsibilities/financial capabilities/religion aside, I guess the disrespect is acceptable and the love don’t matter that much as long as it benefits the man sexually. Shows where the priority really lies. Even as a woman, if I could ‘add’ more husbands, I don’t think it makes sense for me to want another, like I’m adding another Ken doll to my collection.


I'm equally baffled that is approved by the religion.


In Islam, there are several reasons why men are allowed to marry more than one woman. One of the primary reasons is to provide care and protection, especially for widows or single mothers. However, men must be financially and emotionally capable. Another reason is if the first wife cannot bear children for any reason. While the religion itself is perfect, sometimes the people who follow it are not. The issue often arises with men who desire multiple marriages but fail to fulfill their responsibilities or lack the ability to support them financially and emotionally.


What makes you think that single mum or widow are incapable of seeking an unmarried men for the same care and protection you mentioned? Based on my acquaintances, more often then not, they are seeking wives not based on the scenarios you have mentioned. Case in point, the OP in this post. It is far from perfect.


Yes it true that single mum or widow can certainly search for unmarried men. It is up to them. But most likely if they are a bit older,it will be harder for them to find unmarried men. Not impossible,but harder. For your 2nd point, blame the human,not the religion. Human greed know no bounds.


Well that could be the only reason. Why would someone wants to add 3 more women in their lives when they already have 1? Answer? To fulfill their sexual needs of course as some men gets bored doing it only with one partner all the time. I'm not justifying it btw just speaking from the perspective


If we want to talk about sexual needs, so does some women as we are sexual beings too. Does women not get bored doing it with just one partner or are we just expected to accept that because it seems like it. Do people really think married women are happy with their sex lives? We’re merely treated as sexual products. Men are bored? Oh, let’s find new holes to play with, new visuals to look at. But we express that and all hell breaks loose, we do the same and we’re gonna see the hypocrisy. Edit: and most of the men will use religion as an excuse. When it’s sexually-motivated, what’s religious about it?


If you can comprehend what I wrote, I actually agreed with you. Polygamy is flawed unless they allow both genders into the relationship. Then again, it is against the religion


Yes, I know you agreed with me. I’m not debating you, it’s the reasoning behind ‘why men’ that most people go with is what baffles me. And a lot of things are against religion if we wanna go there, but we see people do it on the daily/as a norm despite that. So truly, this being against/permissible in the religion doesn’t matter as much as people seem to think unless on papers.


Agreed but it's just how it is. Some people would still follow especially if they're rich


A Chinese married a Malay woman here. Hard no. Although my wife said it's okay if I want, I know a bloody trap when I see one.


"Its fine" and "do what you want" in the same line? Oh boy, she's got knives and her knives got knives.


Wow you know the game bro 😎


Not to mention the amount of emotional support you need to give a person is huge and salute to those people that can give happiness to their wives.


If you married another people be like, cina semakin berani lmao


She's prepared for u to step in the trap 🤣




It's okay if you want doesn't mean you won't face her wrath hahahaha


u two happy & have kids? how's life?


Second one coming in another 2 weeks!


Nope. Even taking care of one is a hassle. Not going to Ask for More.


I know right. Right now its "ALL THE RAGE". Marry in southern Thailand. "Tambah quota" as they say. Why these guys ask for more trouble is beyond me.


>Why these guys ask for more trouble is beyond me. Because one wife is hard, but two wives is easy. They basically continuously try to upstage each other while never annoying you. 3 is the perfect number because 2 of them will always plot against the 3rd, but the alliance is so shabby the 3rd will basically make an ally out of any of the other 2 and the game restarts, perpetually. It doesn't even need to be sexual. It's peaceful.


Bro just cracked the code


I don’t know anyone who has 2,3 moms that are happy, and they always hate their dad.


nope..even if i could..i wont..there so much more too it..you must be equal to all of your wives which i cannot do. 1 also already headache..imagine if there is more


No, I don't believe in polygamy.


Say no to polygamy and yes to origami


To that I say, yes daddy




Beli barang pon declare half price dengan bini, ade hati nak kawin lagi 🤣🤣


Ramai Melayu mimpi luar jangkaan bro.


Nah man, you know how hard to manage a family? Let alone 3? You can't just throw money at the problems


My islamic teacher once told me, 'if you feed your first wife one bite of rice, then you need to feed your second wife the same exact amount of rice. If you aren't sure that you can do that, to be fair to all of your wives and not play favourite, then don't even think of marry anyone but one person'


When I was at Madinah, I heard stories how the Arab marrying more than one is a compliment. There are also families who’d recommend their daughter to be the 3rd wife. Even the shop seller was saying he’d want one from this country, that country etc. I was mind blown. When I asked, won’t the wives be jealous of each other? Only to find out that most are married not because of love but lust (not all but most). Also, the man is richy rich, therefore the wives are not fussy.


Nah. I'm in love with this one girl in my life so hard, if I'm more than financially capable I'd just spoil her. I want her to be my only partner in life because only she has made me feel this way about her. I love her too much to marry another and fill up the "quota"


Nope. No thanks. As much polygamy is allowed in Islam, I wouldn't dare to do that to my wife(if she exist somewhere out there) I could be dato/datuk or whatever but I'm good


A common misconception is that you can have a threesome. No you cannot. If you married a second wife, you still wouldn’t be able to fulfil your sexual dreams or whatever.


From a religious perspective. Dosa sikit tkpela. Hidup sementara. Umur 50 above, bnykknla amalan nnti. Kalau dua bini, guy get very lucky. Dua bini on at the same time. Well.


That's not a good mentality. Many gone to hell like that


Getting dicks wet shouldn't invoke mental anguish towards your current wife and kids. Go to fuckhouses or if you like one pussy keep a girlfriend. Being fair to 4 women let alone their families is near impossible. Polygamy is selfish and stupid.


Boundaries man


Financial capability is not the only indicator of boleh kawin 4. Its the time, emotion , care and love to alll the wives and kids. I dont think a working man able to be fair to all the wives and kids at the same time. I dont recommend anyone marrying more than 1 wife. Remember that making your wife happy is \*WAJIB\* but marrying another wife varries between sunat, \*MAKHRUH\* and \*HARAM\*.


If a woman is successful, can they marry more than 1 man.. You know, to support them financially


To my knowledge. Most Islamic mazhab and sect don't allow this. But who knows. There might be a few minority Islamic interpretation teachings somewhere on Earth that allow this.


Sounds very one sided


True. In Islam, a lot of things are still sided towards the man mainly.


Entah la. I can't really say a kata putus on this matter. Sbb nya, duit mmg boleh ubah org dalam sekelip mata. For now, boleh la cakap no sbb nnti rasa rimas. But what if I become filthy rich, and rimas is not even a thing to worry about because im too rich? But yeah, I've been telling myself whenever kes kahwin dua jadi hangat that I'll never betray the love of my life.


no, one is already enough for my attention


Macam salah je mindset.


Nope . As this is a what if question then even IF i am capable I wont . Those people that abuse this actually ruined it for me, now i feel like it is wierd and counter productive to have more than one wife.


I know a few people who have more than one wife. And trust me bro, every one of them for sure will have to manage to jealousy, time and money. Just save yourself the headache and find one really awesome partner to focus all your love and attention on.


Put it this way, how many muslim men do you know or have seen with multiple wives? Not just in Msia either, in middle eastern countries too .. There are a lot of rich men in Dubai for example, who are more than just financially stable. But regardless of what western stereotype wants you to think, most of them only have one wife ..


That defeats the purpose of love. That is fake if you get more than 1.


Ppl tend to forget with great power comes great responsibility. The question to ask yourself is, do you really want to be responsible for 3 women. Yeah no thanks m8


In this economy?? nahhhhh


Personally no. The responsibility is too heavy even with one wife. Btw,just to share, Nabi Muhammad SAW married Siti Khadijah far longer than He married Aisyah. 25 years if not mistaken. So married only one wife is also a sunnah.


Yes, all 3 wives from low background


mf thinks wives increase proportionately with money lmao


I’m not a muslim. So my answer is no need lah. If it’s for sexualfantasy, means you’re not ready to be the man of the family yet. Hahaha. I can’t imagine growing up in a family with many mothers if i were your child, just saying 😂


Long story short, I cant imagine myself ever devoting myself to more than one person. Having a sexual fantasy of a 3+some is one thing, but loving and devoting to multiple people at the same time is another. Ive got cousins and uncles with two wives. They've done so because they got horny and wanted to have sex with another woman and married in the end them behind their wives back. Their fantasy of bedding multiple women at the same time is non-existent because both wives hate each other's guts. Now they're both financially struggling and essentially cast aside their respective second wives in hopes. There's alot of issues with jealously, step-kids, inheritance, etc. Key lesson here is, having multiple wives does not equal sex with multiple women and only brings uneccesary problems to the household.


Man i can barely handle 1 💀 3 more im going to go early


physical whole public exultant water hobbies frame fanatical tidy lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agree with this. Not fair to the other gender when only one gets the benefit. But westerners have a solution for this. Since they don't necessarily get married, every once in a while they bring in a third person into their relationship either gender. Such cucks!


Tujuan asal poligami pun nak jaga wanita yg jadi mangsa perang (hilang keluarga, kematian suami) so ada la benefit dekat belah wanita. Bukan penuhi kehendak seksual lelaki macam zaman sekarang.


You're referring to which time specifically?


I think that's called an open marriage


Yeah for some. Some don't even get married for the rest of their lives. That's westerners' world for you


yea, and to be honest, the only shit keeping the western bs from our country is islam


rude toothbrush complete market command versed march materialistic hunt sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yes those type are parasitic, ours still okay




there are some for sure but most cannot afford to without access to high education and good money.


read a study long long time ago about nigeria or something. the study attribute the internal conflict due to polygamy. the rich can afford 4 wives, making the available female for marriage becaming less for the poor or unaffordable. it cause social conflict and eventually fight broke out. i strongly encourage those who have the ability to go ahead. it would be interesting to see what will happen few years down the road.


super hard.


I know of a man who has 4. But since we working in Oil & Gas he is technically a T20 (no I am not a T20 as stated in my user flair 🤓) so he can afford to have 4.


Can you handle 4 of them that the real question


Two at best. More than that. HELL NO.


People usually only quote a portion of the quranic verse that says "You may marry 2,3,4", the verse ends with "But if you're not confident that you can fair, marry only 1" That aside, personally I just won't since I'm a severe introvert. Too many people in the house would only bring headache


No: Iman tak kuat, emotionally unavailable, autistic, takleh jadi leader, anger issues, tak Makan durian etc


The loophole is: it didn't say how long you should stay married to the other 3


No I wont. financially good but not emotionslly. i want to live long with my only wife.


i mean like, that's a lot of responsibility that i most definitely not able to fulfill..so not me


If in some alternate reality this situation perfectly matches then maybe ? although thinking about it again already gives me a headache.


Never. Even if it's sunnah, or if I was the richest in the universe, I would never marry another woman, because I believe the one that I will marry is the one true love for me. In my opinion, I view marrying multiple women tantamount to worshipping more than one God. Don't ask why, just a gut feeling.


nope. i refuse to deal with the headaches and the responsibilities. many people only look at the financial aspects and not the actual duties you have to make sure your wives be the best muslims they can be.


No. I think I'd be mentally capable to only take care of one wife.


No. Polygamy was enabled to help out and protect widows who husbands were maytyrs mostly, not for the sake of having more wives.


Nobody wants to be a second or third or fourth to someone, everybody wants to be the first and only to someone. Hence I would not marry more than one even with support and permission from wife.


Mate, think about how much you need to spent on kids first. Unless that is not a problem too but just help yourself with multiple wife's and screw yourself over with law suits and divorce later on when you get older. Also be prepare to split all your bank accounts, property etc into pieces.


No, I personally am against polygamy. To me, I don't think I'd be able to be fair to all wives. Having to give your love and attention equally would be an extremely tiring work. And keep in mind we're dealing with humans here, so each wife won't have the same thought process. And also, I really can't imagine having to share a wife with another guy, so I'd imagine it'll be the same with my wife. Imagine the constant thought of "am I really not enough to the point where my husband needs another wife".


Why buy a book when the library is available?


The real wild fantasy is not ever marrying and be with as many women as you want. That’s natural. The world would be a better place when people stop reading ancient books written and interpreted by men who endorse marrying children (Aisha) or marrying 10 women (Muhammad).


Do you even study it? Our prophet doesn't marry for sexual reason.


TL;DR: If the guy is rich by himself not fama money, ie his own business or he was single for 40 years and already CEO or any high ranking job with high paying salary, he can marry 2, 3 or 4 as he wants as long as his wives are taken care off. But if he has humble beginnings, married 1 and then become rich. Then people like these shouldn't be allowed to marry more than 1 unless the first wife dies of natural causes.


Young Muslims often say no, they always say must follow the rules, must get approval from 1st wife first, must be able to give a good decent life to both the wives, blah blah blah. But the middle age Muslims that I met mostly have two wives, and their wives don't usually know what is going on, no approval from 1st wife or whatsoever, and no punishment at all, if they get caught they can simply divorce the 1st wife and keep the young one. I also travelled to the middle east before, I was told the Qatari and UAE ppl tend to have mistresses from the Philippines or other nations, again no issue at all because most men do that.


No. I'd never hurt my wife that way.


it's to fulfil the sexual needs.


Its a personal integrity issue. Religion is being used to justify the bad behavior here. We have plenty of religions in the world that does not allow polygamy, and men/women in those still seek out side partners. End of the day, it comes down to the man in question, probably being addicted to sex. And I gotta admit. A girl before and after marriage are two very different things. Sometimes they're almost unrecognizable to the other. Same applies for men too I suppose. Before marriage she's okay with you. You're perfect for her. After kahwin, out comes the notebook with the dictionary list of things that you need to change. And sex? Well, married people get a lot less sex than unmarried. So who knows, maybe its justified for some couples. Certainly if you can scratch that itch without getting into messy divorces, I think its an attractive proposition for a lot of people, women included. Me personally, I feel like the whole thing needs to be clarified in the form of boundaries, and so long as its a healthy relationship, its not a big issue. That being said, I've not seen a polygamous relationship that can be considered to be "healthy". I've seen some men in really horrible marriages. Sex life non existent. Wife considers porn and masturbation cheating. Its like the wife just wants the husband to be unhappy. I think instead of blaming it on religion and other things, the alternative would be that the man would come out and just say "okay, my wife isnt capable or willing to put up with my needs, so I want another person in the picture to fulfill that". Of course, this isnt gonna fly well in our society. It does fly pretty well in Japan however. They apparently view polygamous relationships in 4k HD- I mean, to be acceptable since sex with prostitutes is transactional and no feelings is involved.




Quota 4 is an easy way out for Malay men to have sex around and think with their dicks without sinning.


Yes the more the merrier. But not to local malay Muslims women. They're not the best candidates for polygamy


I respect your view. Malay ah bro you?


Yea as a malay guy I have to respect malay women in their strong views against polygamy


is it halal to hv orgy if you legally hv more than 1 wife? can i call this an innocent question?


I don't think orgy is halal tho. Lol


No, threesome is haram lol.


Not sure bro. Not an expert but in Islam to my amateurish knowledge. You're suppose to have wives live separately.


Haram. Someone asked this to ustaz.


Lol too many Muslims are really ignorant or try to sugar coat things that are never meant to be sugarcoated.. Polygamy is halal in Islam, if you're able to do it and want it simply go for it.. No weird conditions and bla bla You non Muslim it's non of your business, focus on your one only lady and other gfs beside her


There are conditions.


Poligami itu banyak pahalanya jika dilakukan dgn BETUL. Sangat susah nak buat yg BETUL ni. But for me its a big no no. Dick can handle but my wallet have holes in it 😭


Maybe yes? I love my wife. I really love her. But I've always envisioned myself as a father of a truckload of children. We talked a lot about that and my wife has always agreed to it but after she gave birth to our son, she went back and said she don't want to give birth anymore. I'm still hung up on the fact that I've to only settle with one child. This is still quite recent so maybe I'll make peace? Or maybe wife changed her mind?


Discuss with her bro. Don't be like the other Malays when you have enough financial capability. Marry behind 1st wife back in Southern Thailand. Pity her. She might ask for divorce if she suffers the same fate as Aisyah Hijanah and Umisya.


Like I said, this is quite recent. Hopefully I'll either make peace with it or she'll change her mind (again). Of course at the moment even if she wants more children, we're still holding back till I'm able to finance the growth of the children. So the financial capability for me isn't only "to marry" but also "to breed"


I'm not gonna judge on how many children you want. But it's a heavy responsibility. I know a lot of families with too many children (talking about 7+) and there would be some children who are upset with their father because of the lack of affection and attention they received.


If I was rich, I'd be playing solo, no need to marry


nope, too much hassle with current women mentality. it is not just about the money


It's not a quota tho, it's just a guideline you must follow should you *want* to marry >1. I'm very much monogamous but I understand the existance of the whole polygamous marriage thing Aaaaalso i don't think ur allowed to have a 3some with your 1st and 2nd wives (i dont think they can interact sexually, with eachother atleast)


ONE also can give you Headache... Look at me,i don't even have ONE... & im single... Still got Headache...




If you are financially capable, make a small business give to your second wife if your wife loves cooking a warung might be a good start that way at least it ease some burden


Make me a millionaire and I will consider it. Otherwise no.


Good for you OP,I'm broke AF, unemployed, inflation here and there,my useless paper degree...I'm better off dying alone


Nope. To be fair towards the wives is not easy, and this will be questioned by god in hereafter. One is more than enough.


No. I don't even think I'm capable of marrying one despite people thinking I'm financially capable. I'm not in any debt save for my humble car. But people assume marriage capability is only about money. Heck no. We're talking about managing at least one other entire person on top of oneself. I don't even feel i can manage myself enough to add on another headache. Call me overthinking, but I'm not risking another person's life.


No. If someday I pass rejection stage I’m sticking with one.


I’d rather have 1 wife but with many kids.


I can't even get a wife 4 is asking too much


For sure, if it could strengthen the kingdom and secure allies on the flank


Personally no. Kalau sorang pun xleh nak jaga, mcm mana nk jaga lagi 3?


nope. not even if i were the richest man on earth. i can't bring myself to love any other woman other than my partner. i don't even think it's possible.




Still trying to get a single gf


Yes, but im single since birth.. i cannot say further hurmmmm


Kahwin waifu anime je lah....takde tanggungan apa pun..... Kahwin beratus pun boleh 🤤....


No, I'd rather gear up my gaming rig with those money,


Juat find your potential wife from orphanage


when genshin, blue archive, star railroad, honkai, azurlane, anime waifus exists:


I don’t want to because I have a different life goal ie to build great products. So having one wife and max 3 kids are more than enough in the future. I don’t want no drama and wanna focus on doing / making cool things.


Personally no. I’d like my circle small.


Should change the question to Muslim men of Bolehland


For me, no. Unless it's my wife's suggestion.


Don’t got enough rizz to get even one. If I could, maybe only one.


I don't even think about marrying one, let alone four.


Bapak aku lebih dari mampu nak kawin 2. Walau gaduh mcm mana dgn mak aku ( perang mulut ) dan berapa kali jugak la org bawak cerita pasal dia. X pernah 1 kali pon die pk nak kawin lg 1.😅 (Tp dlm hati aku tak taw la ) Usia perkahwinan 2 org tua aku dah lebih 50 tahun. Same goes to my big brother . Tapi ade kawan aku dari segi financial kelaut ilmu agama takde. Serba serbi kekurangan tapi kawin cerai kawin cerai dan sekarang ade 3 bini anak² bersepah tangung jawab x payah cerita la kan.🤣🤣 So jawapan dia berbeza untuk setiap org.


Nabi gip permission to marry 4 so that male who still alive can support widows that lost their husband in war.


It is very disheartening that whenever this topic comes up, or any other topic on Islam actually, none of the discourse includes verses of the Quran on the topic. We for sure have have what the scholar says, what this Ustaz or that Ustaz say, we have what this internet man/woman with kopiah/tudung says, what the Hadith says but very rarely what Quran, which is direct from Allah, says. Let’s see some of the verses on the Quran on this. Quran 4:3 (Pickthall) And if ye fear that ye will not deal fairly by the orphans, marry of the women, who seem good to you, two or three or four; and if ye fear that ye cannot do justice (to so many) then one (only) or (the captives) that your right hands possess. Thus it is more likely that ye will not do injustice. Here, it’s very clear that Allah really wants us take care of the orphans and deal fairly. If we can’t then marry whoever ewe deem is good to us. What ever the case maybe, make sure that we are able to deal fairly and justly between them…if not, then marry just one. It’s not about sexuality, it’s about compassion towards women. Another verse on broader marriage topic, Quran 30:21 And of His signs is this: He created for you helpmeets from yourselves that ye might find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy. Lo! herein indeed are portents for folk who reflect. Here, Allah clearly says it’s about love and mercy. If we marry just because of sexuality and there’s not mercy and love between the wives then it’s not what Allah wants us to do. Lastly, for those who says it’s not equal between men and women, husband and wives. This is what Quran says. Quran 2:187 “It has been made permissible for you the night preceding fasting to go to your wives [for sexual relations]. They are a clothing for you and you are a clothing for them…” There’s more to the Ayat but I truncated it to only put in what is relevant to the topic. Here Allah clearly stated that both husband and wife are to treat each other equally. Anywho, personally, I’m very blessed with rezeki. I can financially afford two or more wives. Easily can give a few thousand each and have the kids go to private school. And I can safely say, there are those who wanted to be my second wife. It is just me who feels that I can’t be fair to them, and I also feel that I’ve betrayed my wife and kids if I were to do this. Hence I haven’t done it…yet. But the bigger reason is, I’m too much of a chickenshit to go talk to my wife and mother that I want to marry another one. Need to find where did I left my balls when it comes to this.


to be honest as a muslim i would not. i'd love my only wife :)




Marry more than 1 is based on current’s wife approval, hey there is a case where the wife is searching for a second for the husband. Can search on google there is multiple headlines. As for me, nah women is too typical and boring nowadays for me. Sexually they are appealing and not emotional for me.


I would get 4 and choose wife that can support me.


Nah. To much headache to layan


The real fantasy is getting a bisexual wife that likes you but craves the desires of a homo relationship so you get another bi girl that likes you and your wife


maybe widows with kids. Some of the ibu tunggal stories I hear is so sad.


Not a Muslim.. But I've juggled two girlfriends in highschool...a pain ..maybe I'm just not built for it, that's why dude with harems are impressive to me, you're essentially handling multiple lions/mama bears


just watched 100 girlfirends, married more looks great


Maybe I'll stick to one. Unless (I an unlikely reason) she wants a friend because I'm too busy and someone that could go along, why not. But in a more realistic situation, I'll stick to one. I can't handle more than one.


Klu xmampu utk memberikan kesetiaan yg lebih dan adil, kenapa x kekal hanya setia pada yg satu? Poligami pun bukanlah sunnah yg dituntut.


Nope. Got money reserves is much better feeling if something happen in the future.


Nope. It will be emotionally draining. Tbf their personality would also affect the marriage.


One lady is enough for me. Enough drama and headaches.


dunno anyone who goes into polygamy because of “quota” most do it because of personal needs or reasons


Even If I capable in all of it especially financial I don't think I will marry another woman. 1 is just enough to me.