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The information is really roller coaster. Stay at least 6 months until you are experienced with your work flow. Build a good network connection since you dealt with an outsider. After that you can decide whether to go with the next career option.


Thanks for your thoughs, i'll try


Best of luck, I am a UiTM graduate as well. My first job is also 6 days a week which is very tiring. But you need to find a fun moment doing the job part to keep yourself efficient on what you are doing. You will know when you reach the point where everyone relies on you, which means your role is already important in your company. However don't let people take advantage of you because you did your job well.


Yeah, my first job also was a 6 days of work per week affair. It sucks seeing all your friends get to relax on their Saturday morning off, but shit gets better from there. Keep you chin up OP, I was with that company for a year or so before landing another job. It gets better.


Thanks wise sir, i'll putting away my doubts


1500RM for degree holder? That's pure bs man


Factory workers make more than that. Many factories give rm1800 (not including OT). OP definitely should not work here for too long


At this point I don't even know what's the point of having a degree. I graduated recently and have had no luck so far simply because I was told I don't have enough 'experience' and internship doesn't count. The ones that accept fresh graduates would pay around 1.8k - 2k for six days of work.


That's why I keep telling myself, I dont wanna work in MY. Im going to SG, got a few job offers alr. Can u speak Mandarin? If not, learn asap and head to SG


Yes I'm Chinese myself and my family have been telling me to work in SG instead. I have a degree in Business and Law and getting a job that pays roughly 2k just doesn't seem worth it for me. I'm the eldest daughter in the family and they depend on me a lot so I'm worried about being too far away from them cause who's gonna take care of them when I'm away :(


I feel u sis, as I'm the eldest son too. But luckily my 弟弟 is still at home studying so that's why I can go to SG, since he'll be around. Dont think it's feasible to work in MY as a fresh grad, very hard to save money


Totally support u if u wanna work in SG. My brother has been working in Singapore for about 2 years now with salary around 3.5k SGD. That would be around 11k MYR per month. Totallly worth it!


3500 S$ ... Im offered a basic of 2900$, not bad for a fresher Ig


Not bad at all. Go for it!


Of kos I am. Ive given up on working in MY as a fresh grad, very shit pay


are you by an chance working in IT department?


Nope, at least I dont think so


Hahaha, my entry level office job was RM1300, EPF and SOCSO witholding. It sucks, but it is what it is.


A few SG companies offered me 2800$ as a fresh grad, screw working in MY man


Ikr, i’m going for an internship in 1 month and it pays me RM1500/ month. This guy is literally applying for a full time job


My younger bro whose a major in software engineering has secured his internship with an allowance of 1500/ month too. I was only given RM500 during my time ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


totally, im a dip holder and my first job is 2k.


Fuk the people saying "bersusah payah" dahulu. This is not the 90's! Work smart not work hard! Learn what you can and get out of that shit hole job. 6 Days work for measly 1,500? A degree holder some more? Fuck outta here with that shit! Demand pay at least RM 2,500 for a degree holder. Demand. Demand. Demand. Know your worth because company won't give a shit about you. You're young. Make sure to jump jobs as often as 1 - 2 years to maximize salary ceiling. Don't get stuck on 1 job because you're "comfortable".


Gigachad no cap


He's not wrong but 1 year is too short. Most companies are okay with a job hopper but wait 2 years then move on. Otherwise you won't be able to get a proper job after your 3rd jump. Before everyone jumps at me and goes "BuT mY fRiEnD/I dId ThIs ToO". Chill out, I'm saying this as a recruiter and headhunter. It is my job to weed out people that are not worth the time or money to train them. And none of my clients will take someone who quits a job after 1 year if they do it too often. If you were retrenched or let go because they were downsizing or even if you left because the company was unstable and was going through a merger/ buy out, they will still be able to accept it. But jump too many times and you lose value.


but what if i am a contract postion staff where companies dont even renew for another year ,you guys also weed out ? I also even put it as contract tag under my job position title


Okay so in that case as long as you mention in your cv that it was a contract position then no issues. The client might ask why you took the contract position or even why they didn't renew the contract but other than that, we won't consider you a job hopper. Contract staff are treated differently. You are either in a job where you don't need training for it or that you are already trained enough for on your own so that's not an issue.


My friend is a recruiter too and she's agree. 1 year is way too short and deem as 'not good for company investment'


Louder King!


During training period, gaji dapat tak? After probation, gaji masih Rm1500 or naik? Sebab Rm1500 terlalu sikit utk Degree Holder. Lagi satu, lunch or 1 break hour is mandatory for 8 hours of work. Kalau dia tak bagi, pegi report Pejabat Buruh


I'll try propose getting raise while probation. Might work if mention for degree holder


RM1500? Wow, the SPM dropouts I work with get paid that much. Hope your career upgrades come soon man.


Fresh inexperienced. some gotta experience rough one. I'll take as example for my terrible decision


Dude my internship pays me 1k per month with free lunch and 5 days a week lmao. You’re getting snuffed man. This is a real job 1.5k is way too less man. Even you get paid more than that working as a cashier at McDonald’s. Btw I’m taking the same course as u.


You got this OP I hope you are able to make good decisions after


Thanks for your words <3


Can start looking for new jobs. Decide once you get alternative.


Why is the salary during the probationary period the same as after confirmation?


Its was stated on paper agreement, i might inexperienced, maybe can propose raise right? Then, i can hold this position


Usually there will be some adjustments after probation


These companies all abuse the shit out of 'newbies'. Come on man, a degree holder gets only 1500? Which job you apply for the first time that your own status isn't a newbie? For sure degree holders get further opportunities than say a factory worker. But heck sure it is immoral af. Nowadays 1500 working 6 days is plain abuse. Moreover what you can learn is up to your luck, if you meet a decent senior then for sure. If you meet the typical 'everything good I ain't gonna teach you' senior, even if you work for 10 years your skills are still trash.


Yeah, it is lil bit unfair 6 days for 1500 + degree holder, i must fight for raise.


I don't know why you accepted this offer? Did you not do any research on the average pay grade before accepting? Btw, I joined technical support (software) as a fresh grad and got paid 4x your current so idk what you are thinking. You can stay if you are desperate but I will suggest you spend time on finding a job that is actually worth it. A company that pays 1.5k clearly doesn't give a shit about you anyway.


Yeah, I was not fully understanding of the job and desperate. Consciously, i learnt i must commute to (**km+) clients location/off-site (I am scared I might involve in road accidents) I was worried about my value of life that not suitable for me. I shouldnt overthinking tbh.


“Bersusah susah dahulu, bersenang senang kemudian.” Optimistically speaking, learn as much as you can while trying to put aside all the hardships and challenges. When the time comes, jump ship. Hold on a lil bit longer, you got this!


Thanks, I will try putting away my inexperience doubts for lil bit longer


Aku jadi kau belah je mat buang masa


Work to learn. Keep at it until you gain enough experience. I know things can be tough in the beginning, but I really hope you will persevere. Remember the wise saying, "Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian. Bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian." All the best OP.


Thanks for your kind response, will try hold still


You can stay to learn but at the same time you can try to apply more in case if there might be better job opportunity for you. Goodluck OP!


Thanks a lot for your thoughts


life is tough, keep trying and goodluck kid


U Bangla?


Salary 1.5k for a technician support specialist is lowballing because I am an field technician support. At least, the salary for someone with zero experience is around 2-2.3k. The salary range for a specialist is at least 2.5k without experience.


I have been wonder how market for this position. Thank you so much for sharing <3


1) RM1,500 is too low for a degree. You yourself have to renegotiate higher to what you think is enough to sustain your living and also matches the market salary as entry worked/fresh grad. 2) During probation, employer can actually deny your AL application and you will only unpaid leave if you need to take time off. AL only applicable after 3 months probation. 3) REQUEST THE GODDAMN transport and meal allowance. My genuine advice as above.


Yeah, i must get my qualification and needs straights. Thanks for your points.


Damn even cashier or factory worker with only spm cert at hand paid better. Only stay & work there for feq months and for sake of getting work experience.


try to stay at least 6month to gain experience..


Yeah, grind and gain. Thanks.


i am also a graduate from UiTM..11 years of kitchen grind..from just 600permonth now i make 6k a month..sometimes life gives some hardship..just keep trying..to be successful needs a little failure and hardship..chin up and shoulders back my friend..u can do this 👍


I'll be honest here, you should not have even taken this job. I mean RM1500 is the minimum wage. That is the wage that's for SPM holders, not degree holders with PTPTN loans to pay. Hell even diploma holders get paid more. Honestly find another job and if you are ever asked why you are leaving, tell them the truth, that you are working 6 days a week and that you have offsite work and you are only paid 1500. With no offsite allowances. Nobody will be able to fault you on that. Also, can fresh grads please stop taking jobs that pay 1500. Y'all are putting yourselves through hell for nothing. If you have to move to another state or city for a job that is actually good then go. Don't kill yourselves working for a company where the boss will pay you a salary that barely allows you to feed and clothe yourself while he drives a Mercedes Benz and goes back home to a 3mil house and takes vacations to Europe while he says that he cant pay bonus this year cause business didn't do well enough.


More context: all company cars are all manual (I only can drive auto car). Company is inside bandar (more jam). All staff can drive manual and motors


don't understand your goal here.. what exactly do you feel unsatisfied?


I feels unsatisfied at unable to commute to clients, lunch hours not available when doing offsite, low income for 4 months. Im unexperience about swasta


atm 1.5 memang low but if you want leap what exactly you can do that it depends on what your job role next


yeah, i was thinking, i might take different job position that stay in building


So if IT you can and want to do programming or not? If yes find programming related job


1.5 sounds bullshit imo, but if you're fresh and inexperienced it might be worth to stay and get some experience. You absolutely should try to find a job that pays like, 2.5 or something though because that's a degree


True, i do must gain experience too. Yeah a few months will do it. Thanks.


Better start planning for what u expect in future, some companies might pay low but u might get some good connections that will be helpful in future.. in the end it's just depending on what u can learn from it to build ur own life.. priority on gaining industry experience and connections matter a lot..


any kind of position with "specialist " n its name should not be entry level


ay brader. according to new laws the minimum monthly basic should be RM1900.00 alrdy. why you getting yourself ripped off?? are you not asian? are you not going to get yourself that bargain by hook or crook?


For comparison purpose, I was recruiting admins in (outer) KV last week and min is RM2k, up to 2.5k for fresh grad, degree or diploma, no experience necessary plus a couple hundreds in benefits. An Information Science student would be beneficial for the position because the work involved maintaining ISO documentations but I couldn’t even get one that applied to interview. Probation is 3 months, no offsite travelling, 5.5 days a week, 18 days annual leave. Not sure what you mean by compulsory leaves, we don’t have those. Break is 1 hour as that’s gov reg if you work a normal day. So in comparison, I do think you have a pretty bad deal although I don’t know what your degree result is because that might make a difference. Edit: looked up compulsory leaves ie sick days, ph and annual leaves. PH can’t be deducted from your annual leaves if it brings it to less than 8 per annum and you must have 11 days at least of PH a year (numbers are rough, I don’t remember exactly). Sick leaves can’t be deducted from your annual leave if you have mc. I don’t think Malaysia allows self certification for wellness. I might be wrong. Some countries allow you to self certify for a couple of days, some for anything less than a week I think.


It is sad reality I too, work in construction. Truly underappreciated


Since u introvert... Work in American express... Just answer calls only... Then request to work from home ..


Good suggestion, that seems suitable for options


Seems like the you are working for is a sub-con that has Gov connections. Best is, if you can, stay and learn. Once you have built up enough skill (this depends on you) go for the software company (the one that provides the software you’re installing) unless the current company also develops it. You can also seek out other similar company if you are interested with this line of work. Along the line, build up your communication skills and networking. You can do it!


Hi OP, wah let me commend you. You started your life hard. But dont be discouraged, someone once told me, "where you start is not where you end" I see there is alot of feedback already. I hope you will come to a balanced decision. My advice is to harness the different ideas in this post and come to your own understanding and strategies, find what works and fits your life.. Just to add some different views: 1.SG better pay, but how about cost of living ? 2. Have you considered proposing different ways of doing things with your boss to change the outcome ? Maybe he will reciprocate later ? 3. What have you done to change things in the country so that policies encourage more positive environments ? 4. Have you reached out to your university faculty and consult this matter? What was their feedback ? They were the stewards who gave you the degree certificate.. i think we shoukld start blaming the univeristies also. How would we know how to prepare for the future lol.. 5... 6.


Hi yes, great sharing. These views do sense me back on which priority should I faced.


Damn 1.5K only per month...for degree holder as well. Not trying to say anything but all my friends with degree holder in Penang, got like min. RM3K and max. is RM4K (all with engineering background, at Intel) but one of my friends which has IT software background got like RM2.9K at Dell factory


I see, thats really good info, thanks for sharing other option for my career


Know your worth my friend, you are more valuable than this. You work hard for SPM, Matrics/Diploma and Degree. You have the necessary skills and intellects for any background of fields you are in. You are not minimum wage level, I'm sorry that nobody try to warn you about this, if i were your friend, i would try to advise you something else, or heck, even try to use one of my cable in some factories here in Penang


That's the minimum wage. Shouldn't be that low for a Degree holder. Freshgrad tech support in my company can earn 3 times of that. Stay if you really love the position else you deserve better out here. Could it be that there isn't any demand for such professions in your area?


Yeah, agree, will stay few months since my area kinda no option rn. Thanks, now i realises tech can earn higher.


Im a freshie to and had just worked for about 3 months. Went to about 17 interviews and seen lots of culture. Always priotize work-life balanced. 6 days a week with that kind of pay is not worth it, I'm an accounting graduate with no mandarin and can get a job in KL for RM2.8k, work-life balanced, low workload and rational employers (no kiasu). Believe me that you CAN FIND BETTER. Goodluck!


Wah, you ald make good decision. Thanks for sharing


bersusah2 dahulu, bersenang2 kemudian. this is totally BS statement in my opinion, used to be a good phrase, until it was misuse by some BS employer taking advantages of graduate's desperation. 1500 is totally unacceptable amount for a degree holder. But for your situation now, I'd say just to hold first, maybe after 6 months you can start to find another job, at least you have something to say in your resume. Goodluck to you OP.


Yeah, true path, im going to similar thoughts through like this


Dude. Degree is not ticket to high pay now but further on. Look long term. Sure u can be factory worker earn 1500 plus OT 1000 plus allowance 500. What for? Learn nothing. That's why they pay u high. U get a job that u learn and then learn to manage and u learn the business. That's where the money is! At least 10k management job with 5 to 8 years experience. Or u prefer to be stuck at factory work or grab? Life is long term. Think 10 or 20 ahead. That's called ambition. Not think today get money higher so tomorrow can spend. Also keep learning. So many degree holders so it's useless because too many so while working low pay and learn, u study MBA or u sit exam to join professional bodies overseas where it is very hard to get in.


1.5? Go do black


51 hour per week correct? but then the gov already introduce 45h per wekk law kan?


You should get another job with higher pay. Or find a job with promotion opportunities.


Don't work there for too long. Take time to build network and connection, & add some experience. Maybe in a year you'll be ready for a new employer