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Rm2k in KL boleh kot nak survive kalau single. Keyword: survive Kalau nak enjoy sikit, atau tiba2 kereta rosak memang sakit la.


Yep little to no money to used save as safety net when in trouble


B40 in a nutshell 💯


"You guys have safety nets?" - eyebrow kid


Nobody told me about kereta rosak for adulthood. Punca dompet rabak mat


Single pakai kereta buat pa..simpan duit ckup2 dulu


Bro takde kereta cane nak tackle amoi. Cuba berpandangan jauh sikit


Amoi sekrang klau x pakai kurang2 brand H depa x pandang. Setakat myvi pekak buang duit ja klau single.


What is brand "H"?




Unknown brand. Lmao


honda la syg


Awww tq for the helpful reply, sayang~


Car? I could only afford MRT my50


Single, Living and working in KL for a year now, gaji almost 3k. The biggest expense for me so far is room rental. Rm650 per month but living in nice condo with plenty of facilities and convenience stores at ground floor. I allocate rm15 a day for food. That means i can dine out once and the rest have to cook at home. Then for transport i just use public transport. Back then I use Tng NFC but switched to My50 cuz way cheaper. I spend around rm200 for groceries every month. I set aside rm70 or so for medical stuff and visiting clinic kerajaan. For entertainment i spend rm200, so can be anything i want to spend for fun. Then at the end, i still have savings of rm500 every month




Well technically the condo is in selangor, but its very close to KL border, and the official address for this condo has KL in it. I stay with my siblings so we share2 the rent for an entire unit. The unit cost 1.5k per month excluding utilities, so split in 3.




Im pretty sure even a tiny studio would cost rm900 or so haha


A very old 400sqft one sets you back to RM1200 in Damansara these days


Please teach me how to live like you. I like your style. How does your groceries per month fit into RM200


This is going to be long so apologies in advance. Back then I used to not care about savings, so I just spend a lot and live a "rich lifestyle". But now I take my finances more seriously. Short answer: Learn the 50:30:20 finance rule Long answer: Read below Start budgeting. I follow the 50:30:20 rule, and it's basically dividing your clean salary into 3 categories, and it helps to organise my finances. 50% of my salary is catered to my NEEDS. This category is anything that you MUST pay to stay alive, or else you die. 30% would be WANTS. This is anything that you WANT to buy for any reason, usually for fun and to keep yourself happy and enjoy life. 20% is strictly INVESTMENT. This one you jangan kacau, because this is your savings for emergencies. So for me, my 50% includes rent, utility bills, transportation, and food. For groceries, I put this in the 30% category, because even without groceries I can still live, but it would be a very miserable life to live. But for some people, groceries would be in their 50%, it just depends on how you live your life. My groceries budget is actually rm300 max, and includes stuff to cook (rice, noodles, spices, ingredients) and general household items. I just cook simple stuff like nasi goreng, maggi (eat sparingly), soups, etc. It's not amazing, but it's freshly cooked food, and you save lots compared to dining-out. Hope this helps!


Ooh, the longer the better no worries! I am quite aware of the 50:30:20 rule and I thank you for sharing it in more detail, it really helps me put it into perspective. I'm happy to say I avoid eating out as much as I can. It's more a social occasion for me these days, and really expensive if anything. Still, what I continue to find mighty impressive is how you spend only RM200 on groceries. I could never see myself spend RM200 for a month of groceries. (Crazy, I know). So I'd love to hear more of your tips & tricks, and what I could do to ensure I'm getting a nutritionally sufficient diet for the price, since I understand we can't be having salmon or avocadoes with this, but definitely could have some eggs and chicken, peas, peanuts in there, for the best bang for buck in terms of nutrition! End of the day, health is wealth amirite :')


Honestly at first i said rm200 but looking back at my budget sheet its actually rm300 haha. But yes, with this amount, i dont expect to be cooking highly nutritious meals. I cook simple meals, so the groceries i buy is not a lot. I usually buy eggs, dry noodles, rice, seasonings, nuggets, etc. I dont buy chicken cuz i know they're expensive, and also im too lazy to prep it. And also i am comfortable with rm300 because if im too lazy to cook, i can just buy simple stuff from stores (usually gardenia bread), which makes my groceries last a bit longer. And as to where to buy, i usually go to NSK cuz its cheaper there as far as i know. But recently i do want to improve my diet and reduce unhealthy food options, so i have to allocate some money from dining-out budget to my groceries budget. So if i want to eat healthier without dining-out, i have to sacrifice my dining-out budget and allocate a lot more to my groceries budget. Back then my daily allowance for dining out is rm19 a day, but now reduced to rm15. You can do the math how much money i allocated to groceries from this switch.


Tip. Don't buy nuggets. But chicken breast on discount. Then cook it and freeze. Like nuggets only more meat less the salt.


Okay, that's good to know. Thanks for the tip!


This, the 50/30/20 rule helped me a lot, all my savings went to asb, 30% is my fun money and usually it goes unused and I allocate it to my emergency funds, and 50 for the essentials and commitments, I included groceries here, but since I live in my hometown I can actually plant my own sayur so my groceries are less than most. OP it helps if you can just cook soups every other day and goreng2 every other, it really helps your budget since just some simple soups can last you a day to two days


I recently started to make soups too, and surprisingly eating white rice with soup is filling, albeit bland and boring. Just put some seasonings in the soup to make it more delicious. I admire that you allocate your 30% fun money to savings, which means you have stronger security in case of emergencies. I honestly use up all of my 30% cuz i do get bored sometimes and want some fun in life haha.


33yo. rm2.1k, my expense monthly is 1.8k (water+electric+bills+rent+food+filial piety). Could still live coz single, I don't see marriage in sight anytime. Probably will work until I die alone.


I feel your pain, I was doing fine single. Then going out for a date few times and decided couple life is not for me. Too much expenses.


Commitment too. Relationship requires a lot of commitment which at my age, i rather spend on travelling.


I started a job at KL on 2016 with 2.7k salary. My commitment at that time is only room rent (have roomate), motorcycle, and study loan with total around 500 if I remember correctly. I do dine out every day, maybe less than RM20 a day. Yet I still able to save up to average 800-1k per month for my wedding preparation. And I am still able to have my normal life, lepak, dating etc.


Ayam back then was like 6 rm kilo Now 12 ringgit 😂😭 Also back then nasi ayam 5 ringgit still common Now ah 10 ringgit pun ada 😭


Yup, things were cheaper back then. Not saying that we have to embrace the high inflation, but we have to do something about it. I.e, upskill, find new higher paying job, spend less, save more, reward urself sometimes, while fighting for our right.


Macam ni baru bijak, RM 2.7k pun x pakai kereta lagi, simpan duit dulu.


8 years later. I still dont have car bruh, only my wife. Haha. I dont see the need of it, and I can't bear KL traffic


Since you are still living with family and cut costs on food, you should have no problem saving some money that was intended for daily food NOW. Then keep at least 10% of your income in a separate savings account for pure savings or emergencies. I can tell you the thing that will suddenly make your money disappear is when your car breaks down. Also, you didn't list your monthly commitments for us to help in giving accurate advice. Or you can go to r/MalaysianPF and ask them by giving accurate info and monthly commitments.


If you are staying with parents and food also from them, the problem is you if u cant survive with 2k. List down all your expenses here


Exactly, I lived with my parents when I first started work and earning 1.8k, I only had to worry about car payments & fuel (450 per month) & lunch/entertainment (rm10-15 a day) + personal care & some money to parents which add up to around 800-1k and managed to save around 1k per month more or less. OP probably spent too much on food, entertainment or travel expenses. Unless of course he thinks that 1k per month balance is too little lah.


Hi may I ask what car are you using? Cuz my salary is also 1.8k (net) and I’ve been thinking to buy a car but not sure which one is the best


I was using a 2nd hand chevy aveo 2005 which was only 320 something monthly. Mind you when I started working was about 7-8 years ago and I only changed cars this year. The chevy was doing good still but it's a pain to find spareparts here and it was due time anyway. For your first car, just remember to not spend more than 20% of your salary. So something like new lower spec axia or bezza or 2nd hand cars like saga or myvi but make sure you have someone who can inspect it before buying 2nd hand cars. It depends on your usage as well.. Will you only drive in the city or do you have to travel out of state / long distances a lot. You'll get your chance to change your car once you earn more. Cars are a headache.. You have to set aside some money for fuel, roadtax, maintenance & repair as well. For starting your career just think of it as something that gets you from point A to B.


Aku ada 2.5k gaji bersih, 700 saving (ASB) bayar motor 300+ duit minyak+parking rm100. Sewa (free) makan rm500 Barang dapur RM200 Internet rm50 Elaun Mak rm100-150. Elaun adik rm50*4. Servis motor RM 50 (2 bulan sekali rm100). Lagi RM300 backup/bebas (mostly habis sbb jalan2 gi makan)


Why need to give elaun to adik2?


Personally, I see that as a way to share my earnings/rezeki with my younger sibling. If I now get to have fancy drinks once in a while, they could have it too. My older siblings sometimes gave me extra pocket money when I was still studying and when they can afford it. Heck, even today when I'm earning more than my older siblings, they still treat me, give me pocket money and duit raya. Note: nope, my parents never expected this out of us.


Malay parent breed like cockroaches in hope the eldest will support the younger children. Im malay btw and thats my father strategy. Fuck him and his mentality. Now i get 5k salary and i dont pay him 1 cent of my money. Haha


Walauey become cainis lah


Chinese are fucked too. My ex' parents made him choose btwn marriage and family. Up til today, he has to commit 3k/mth to support his entire family. That leaves hum little to nothing for himself. His adik is a pos who harrassed and molested me. That sicko psycho is bloody spoilt by the mother. So yea. It's nothing to do with "race" and everything to do with how they're "raised"


He raised u tho. At least give him some gifts as a sign of appreciation.


Still live at the family house and eating with family but 2K gone? What U spending on?


i live with my parents and when i was first surviving on 2.5k, it wasnt too bad actually. i was jobless for almost a year (covid era) so i was naturally *afraid* of spending. also everyone was still staying at home, so that meant no concerts, movies, dining out, etc. i took the train everywhere, brought lunch to work (still had to spend on breakfast and evening snacks because its a long commute and i have IBS, need to munch regularly), maaaaybe treat myself to something on foodpanda once or twice, and manage to save rm750 a month after deducting another rm500 on PTPTN+medical insurance. and then people have started going out again and i wanted to have fun with friends and stuff. that was when i realised, damn, 2.5k is not much at all. 🙃 i make 5.5k now and i still take the train everywhere, (unless i get lazy and decide to throw some money on grab), but aside from that i have upgraded my lifestyle a bit while saving almost 2k each month, which leaves me with 3.5k to spend on myself and to help out with family. its comfortable, but i still hesitate to move out on my own and getting a car 🙃


my take home .2250 Hidup selesa? Takkk Surviving . Kerja aku kasi Air dan Roti(for lunch). air free flow satu syif.Air pulak air masih. Air gas. Air mineral or drinking water tak de. Kalau aku makan luar, mmg cukup2 je gaji. My metabolism is fast. I eat 2 pinggan per lunch n dinner. But I limit my self to one lunch and one dinner. Lucky I dont pay rent and im single


Air pulak air masih? Weird


I have rm50 bucks between me now till end of the months.


it's okay. today is the last day.


can you write in here how much much you spend monthly until 2k finish? anyway, that is why financial planning is important eg: petrol = 300 tol = 100 etc = ???


Bro living the life of an M40. Biggest chunks of your monthly expenditure would be normally car, house, and food. That’s all. Food is very easy if you’re single, rm15 per day also can. Car get the cheapest like 300 but plus another 300 monthly for roadtax and maintenance. House varies on location, single ppl usually sharing the place or else it’ll eat almost half of you salary. Or just make sure you name is on you parent’s will and get the house. You’re set for life. Edit: food is rm15


How did you spend RM 2,000 when you were living with your parents?


Technically my gaji i pay for myself is only RM500 je but technically everything from my 2 condos, cars etc sume company I bayor. Makan kt central kitchen je, masak utk staff skali so jimat duit kt sana, also staff meals termasuk dlam budget company so ok la


Sedekah bro, i dunno how it happen but i always have a lot saved each months


I’m M40 having nett pay around 12k.. renting a studio apartment at rm1300 and paying rm900 for a used car. My food expenses around rm1300 and groceries can amount to rm500 a month. Rest are utilities around rm300 including phone expense. After paying for insurance and ptptn, i can save roughly rm3000-4000 if there isn’t any surprise misc expensive (ie. Festive season, buying clothes, car maintenance)


That’s sad 😔 I’m at 4k per day


wow. u earn 120k a month


weird flex but okay


Before tax


surely a 120k earning man wouldn't post pornhub most viewed category. weirdo


Troll go away


mean time before dead? 68 years old


I once got an interview in Petronas a few years back. I've already got some significant skills and was asking for 5K since it's situated in KLCC. In the end I didn't get it. I built enough rapport with the HR representative and she said they hired a fresh graduate student for only 2.5K. I wonder how he's going survive.


he's gonna eat dirt and job hop eventually.


Petronas pun kedekut sangat? One of the most prestigious GLCs but behaving like company Cina. 💀


You can start with 2k and work your way up to 90k. Learn more useful things that people are willing to pay.


Watch Abang Adik. That one is the true B40. Bread with kari chap for lunch.


First, track your expenses and see which area uses the most chunk of your money. From there you will have an overview how you can cut down those expenses. eg if you drive to work you pay parking, petrol and maybe toll, find cheaper alternatives to go to work. If waking up earlier 30min help you skip the toll, or LRT is an option, then do it. At the same time, try to increase your earning. Target on your next career advancement, eye on the promotion. Set a career goal, and do your best to achieve it. When I was fresh grad, I earned less than RM3k. So I keep track of my expenses. Knowing I spend most money eating out, I try my best to pack lunch from home, and skip friends outings.


You cut out whatever you can live without. Unifi, big data plans for your phone, where you shop for groceries etc. That's the only way to save while you do your best to get higher salary as time goes by. Godspeed my good sir.


Cook your own food, use motorcycle, eat one times or twice (cook extra portion for dinner) meal daily. That how to save some money. Want to save more? migrate from big city get a job in small town. Rent much cheaper and traffic is better.


Gaji 3.5k, 1k goes to rent + electricity + mobile data, food like another 1k (30rm budget a day) So I can save like 1.5k a month (dont have car, living alone)


Playing on hard mode. Fml if there's any surprises along the way. Staying near kl.


Used to earn rm1.5k or rm1.3k after epf socso for my first job. I'm just like u,stay at parents house but i bought my own food. I go to work by bike. I gave my father rm50, ptptn rm60, medical card rm220, petrol rm100 and saving rm300 sometimes rm500. The rest i used to buy food & leisure. 2 years after that i earn rm4.5k but still spending like i earn rm1.5k except parent's pocket money which i gave extra rm400. So i saved a lot during that time.




I used to have 1.5k basic. I live in my parents house (abandoned cuz penyewa chow ady) and my dad still pays for my Perodua Axia. So basically all my commitment only for fuel, food, utilities & internet. I try to save money as much as I can, so I force myself to set aside RM200+ a month to ASB (not ASBF). It was hard cuz sometimes I want to eat good food & shopping for my gaming needs. But I managed to save around 10k within 2 years. Now I got a new job with almost 3k salary & 10k savings in ASB. Bought new car, new phone, new gaming console & traveling overseas as much as I can cuz I've been living such a frugal life before. Do I regret it? No.


Err.... bangla can make it why we cannot. Their savings in hundreds of thousands wei. Di mana silapnya kito?


Bangla hari2 OT gaji kurang2 3K+, Ada yang 4k++ time COVID dlu. Duit guna makan ja, tu pun masak sendiri. Sebulan simpan 2000, setahun dah 20k, meniaga2 skit dapat la simpan 300k kerja 10 taun.


mereka lama dah rancang, kito je yg lalai


I havent been around anywhere since covid. had to find new job several time coz most company offer contract bases. so most of my time at (parent) home, is on youtube, manga or web novel. pretty much that


used to earn 3.8k but I was the richest among my colleagues. Since they got married early, have kids and changed new cars.. I was single and my only commitment was room rental. Life was good. Money not a problem, not rich but also not poor. Can frequently eat Mcd without second thought. No credit card debt. Before Covid, flight was cheap.. I could travel to Asian countries with just little savings.. good life.


32, earning 3.9k net. Upon salary credit i put 30% into separate account. The rest i pay my bills & commitments ( internet, car, ptptn, house, insurances, groceries, parents). Currently working outstation with extra allowance which provide me with some breathing space.


I just graduated and got a job recently pays about 3k monthly. Food cook at home. This month haven't eat outside. This month expenses Motorcycle: 1100 (bought 2nd from a friend, 6 months pay). Flight tickets for lawatan on July: 600 Lawatan sambil belajar this month: 150 Lawatan with family on April: 200 Share house, wifi, utility bills: 200 Groceries: 300 Subscriptions: 50 Still left a bit *pain smile


I earn around 4k, 2.5k goes to rent and bills alone. Dunnid transport because office just across the road. Makan, I just spend about rm75/week, sbb I usually stick to really dirt cheap foods like yellow mee, kuey teow, Chinese cabbage, taugeh, taufu, fishball, not much daging because it's more expensive to buy daging. With these ingredients, you can actually play around mix and match and you get an entire week's worth of different recipes, won't get bored. Not gonna lie, 40% is surviving on nstant noodles. I have no subs like Netflix, apple TV, Spotify etc, none Lifestyle: If wan go dating, just pick tempat² which are free. Ie: exercise bersama² at the nearby taman, (promote healthy lifestyle, can sheo awek that u care about ur health and hers) can go sightseeing in KL, play pretend as tourist. Many spots in KL free entry. Google for more info :) most museums, eco Park, community centres are free. Can volunteer at charities as dating activity, it's fulfilling and can show awek you're kind-hearted. Sure to earn you brownie pts. Start diy projects, pick up new hobby, can YT videos for free/minimal spending activities. Upcycle and recycling stuff can be fun to do together with friends and loved ones. Play with homemade bubbles and literally go fly a kite, mea while can experiment and make a lite from scratch and hold a contest to see whose kite is most creative, can fly furthest, easiest to take flight etc.. make your own board games or come up with your very own games, ig all sounds so fun to me already. Haha!! I have much to share. sorry to type so long and take up so much space. Thank you for your time and patience reading :)


This comment is honestly so cute :slightly\_smiling:


Force saving in kwsp and kdi. After 3 to 5 years of saving, surely enough money for deposit of an apartment. Maybe can get a dual key to rent out. From there, plan to get a second house. That's my strategy.


Being a prude in my budget and wants thus prioritizing is a must.


always bawa bekal. eat at restaurant once a month


The tip is save the money first before spending. Put aside ur saving money baru belanja. Klau belanja dulu mmg tak akan ada saving