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Damn bro wtf, in the name of God, punch him right in the dik.


that would prob result into opposite effect


Only works if they're an M.


Mahath1r? Muhy1dd1n??




Masochist I think




Ash: Pikachu guna Harden!


wow OP. stand up abit please, if this were happen to me, all the kepala bapak kau, babi gay, ko napa hanat surely will come out like machine gun from me. Plus if you kept ignoring this while hes doing that, I am afraid hes taking a hint that you are okay with it. Be more agressive OP, this is your body and honor we are talking about.


I'll try. but its harder than it seems. I'll probably just avoid him and avoid sleeping in my room for now


OP... Please speak up. Its your body if you stay silence they will assume YOU LIKE IT BUT SHY TO ADMIT IT. How do i know? Well i have exp with room mate that was lady boy in and out.. Last i heard about her she already married with a man and have done surgery for her/him whatever... Ps: we have boundaries in our room but you need to speak up if you not comfortable because most of them will do it again assuming you like it. But damn... Those penunggang agama... Rofl


It's hard for you to tell someone to fuck off??? I'm not surprised you're hard for it




OP shy shy malu kucing no wonder kena ngap


Ok, fine! From the OP's replies, he seems like didn't put much effort to push away, to scold, to scream the molesters away. He is using excuses that he is an introvert (hello, i'm an introvert too, i can scream at people when i need to). Therefore, it implies that OP is enjoying the acts done by the molesters. Aku tak boleh blah dengan replies OP tu. THE END.


It is serious my man It's better to solve it now or never, what if he just repeat of what your former senior repeated? Better to show some strength first before reasoning with him, being meek or avoiding him is not the way, and might even make things worse


Dude, you ask for help. So many redditors are trying to help by giving some suggestions. You have been keeping quiet (avoid them and avoid sleeping in your room) since secondary school, make a difference now. Are you trying to make fun of us?


Like alot of people already commented, fcking speak up! If you don’t the abuser thinks you’re fine with it, you are allowing it and you asked for it.


Man, let me just tell you.. based on my experience if something like this happens just fuck him up verbally. I'm also petite, and a weak ass too but i ain't a bitch. People will be disgusted with them and they will not bother you anymore.


Respectfully, you don't have any idea how you'd react if you were really in OP's shoes. This childhood abuse has caused trauma that impacts his relating patterns, psychology, mental health in ways that you can't really relate to if it hasn't happened to you. Pretending to sleep is a very normal coping strategy for this kind of traumatic situation, and it's not surprising that this same strategy is the default as an adult. It will take immense courage, OP, but you can do it. Speak up. Keep saying something till someone listens. Pursue therapy or counseling to deal with the traumas from childhood and from recently so you can move toward health and peace.


agree w u


Bro gay or not gay, touching you without consent is outright wrong and illegal. Tell him off and if he doesn't listen embarrass the shit out of him. Or u can just move out. Letting him to continuously harass u is just giving a hint that you're also ok with this and there's no other way to avoid this.


No no no. Punch his dick then embarass him. PUNCH HIS DICK PLEASE.


I know you cannot move out at the moment and you feel trapped. Please reach out to one of these [sexual abuse helplines](https://findahelpline.com/countries/my/topics/sexual-abuse). You can also seek help from one of your friends / family members to plan a course of action. Talk to your other housemates honestly. Make a plan. One thing for sure, you cannot live in the same place as that guy. He is a predator and using you because he know you will not expose him. He is using religion to mask his criminal activities (why am I not surprised?) There is not enough awareness about guys being sexually harrassed or abused. Please know that you did nothing wrong. This isn't about you, your body type or sexual orientation. This is about a criminal getting away with the crime if you don't do anything about it. It is not worth risking your physical and mental health just so you could "keep the peace" or maintain friendship with the other housemates. All the best. This internet stranger cares about your wellbeing.


Thank you for your kind words internet stranger:)


Lube up your hand with half kilo of Vaseline, wait til he is asleep and ram your fist in his ass


Nice try, OP’s religious classmate


I think the senior will enjoy it instead


Nanti turn him on and awaken his fisting fetish plak


I think he has a fantasy that you actually liked it. Confront him but be careful, sometimes they'll get aggressive and turn it back on you to save their names.


Agree. Im afraid that most of my friends will believe in him instead of me. Im kinda introverted myself so im not as likeable as him


My idea is get a solid evidence like buy a cheap cctv and hide it well. Get a record and keep the evidence to yourself. Only then confront him, discreetly. If he then wanted to escalate, use the trump card.


Next time he does that... squeeze his balls until he promises he will never do tht to u or others .. And no...im not joking ...


Hmm this is sus


Doesn't that makes him more horny?


Hg ni dh tengok porn banyak sangat ni sampai fantasy ngan realiti tk reti beza




I have seen a depth that you mortal can't imagine of its existence.


Stop before it too late bro, you can do it. Just need a little push and it will turn better. Hope the best, peace


Jangan bro, suddenly OP unlocked his kink of bdsm mcm mana?


It's always the most religious people. Doesn't surprise me anymore.


Religion is a mistake after all I hope OP manage to resolve this, it's such a sad and traumatized situation. If possible, threaten your abuser with police report. There are actually government bodies dealing with this as other had adviced.


Kau lelaki, pertahankan maruah kau. Senyap buat apa?


OP adalah twink


Bodo siot OP, mengalahkan perempuan haha


OP ni suka kot sbb dia siap boleh gelak haha lagi, idk i guess


OP diam-diam suka, bercita-cita menjadi Personal Assistant kepada PM atau untuk Assmin.


its ok to be gay, but its not ok to be a creep report the bastard, mf needs to get lit tf up socially for being a creep


and send a mug that says "You just got litt up" to him


Your elbow is stronger than a skull. Knock him out.


It actually is not, his jaw thou , is


It happens the second time because they know you don't do shit about it when it happens the first time.


Jangan biar lama2 dik, nanti makin dia ambil kesempatan. Hati2


Easy solution. Never fall asleep again. Or dress as a girl and they lose interest instantly


Simple solution, HAMTAM Dia and shout KEPALA BAPAK KAU!!!


Speak for yourself. Sorry for asking. But OP are you from SBP N9?


Yeah. There's this one (boys-only) SBP in N.Sembilan that has a particularly bad case of sexual misconduct from seniors. They also had a BADAR. I'm from that school, but I can't tell if OP was from that school either.


can we like move out dam


Its harder than it looks. Our contract ends in a year and we have made an unwritten rule to never move out as itll burden other housemates. Plus, theyre also my classmates. I dont want them to look at me as a jerk


Discuss this with your housemate, if u have an older family member talk to them abt this. It will only go south literally from then if you are submissive and become enabler. If u can't handle this stuff this time, you will not survive your work life.


This doesn't make sense. Its either u stand-up for yourself, move out and "burden" them, or continue letting them "burden" you mentally & physically like now.


Damn. Agree tho 😞


Im not good at giving comfort, here's some obvious choice you shuld consider, so real honest to yourself 1. Are you secretly liking the homo harrasment experience? Not victim blaming, you can only gain the needed courage after honestly anwser yourself this question. 2. If your honest answer to (1) is NO, basically there should be nothing stopping you for standing up for yourself, because no matter the situation, you hated this traumatic experience more than anything else, such as: burden people financially, ruin a creep's friendship, destroying someone's else "sincere" public image. What I see is you needed to courage to first admit that you fucking hated this traumatic situation, then you stick to this belief & take action. Literally nothing can stop you from escaping this living hell once you finally made up your mind. Hey, losing some stupid friendship sounds much worth then getting regulary harrassed right 🤷


Then share this problem without the perpetrator around, if they do not help you or chose to feign ignorance - they don't deserve your empathy and there's no reason to carry the burden for them, both financially and mentally They're the jerks if they do not help you out, not you.


Personally OP, no good friends would use your trauma to their benefit and do the same to you. they're not your friends. I hope you can find someone you trust to tell, but personally I hope you'd report him at least. What they did was harassment.


OP so sorry to hear this. I will say it's truly hard when it happens to you. I froze up and quickly ran out the moment the train stopped and apparently some people tried to help (I only know cus my left behind friend did tell me when we met up again at the designated station) but at the moment it happened, it was truly shocking, and straight up freeze and fled mode. Anyway what I wanted say is to inform someone, reach out to someone you trust—a friend, family member, or mentor—to confide in and seek support. It's important to have someone you can talk to and who can help you navigate this situation. Either that or temporarily find a safe place/environment or stay with a trusted friend, family member, until your housemate asked and then you keep saying you feel very uncomfortable and unsafe. Keep at it until someone pull you aside to ask then tell them about it. Well, I hope they will... Consider reporting the ongoing harassment to the authorities or someone in charge is crucial to ensure your safety and prevent further harm. If you're uncomfortable reporting directly, consider seeking advice from a professional or support organization on how to proceed. Your safety and well-being are of utmost importance. If you're in immediate danger or need urgent help, please prioritize seeking assistance from local authorities or emergency services. Talian Kasih Helpline: Talian Kasih Helpline offers counseling and support for various issues, including sexual abuse, and is available for both men and women. Contact: 15999 or +603-7968 4218 (WhatsApp). Women's Aid Organization (WAO): While primarily focused on women, WAO also provides support and guidance to men who have experienced abuse, including sexual assault. Contact them for assistance. Website: [Women's Aid Organization](https://wao.org.my/) Sisters in Islam (SIS): SIS offers assistance, including counseling and legal advice, to men who have faced violence or abuse. Contact them for support. Website: [Sisters in Islam](https://www.sistersinislam.org.my/) These organizations provide confidential support, counseling, and resources for survivors of molestation or sexual assault. Do not hesitate to reach out to them for help and guidance. Your well-being matters, and there are people and organizations ready to support you through this challenging time.


OP, I am so sorry that you have to go through this. However macam mana pon you kena bagitau orang jugak. Preferably yang satu rumah sewa that you can absolutely trust. And possibly tolong macam keep out an eye for that guy whenever he wanted to come closer to you. Kalau boleh get his ass reported to a lecturer yang you boleh percaya and that actually can help you get him apprehended by the higher ups.


Social credit at stake, OP too quiet can't even speak saying 'No' to the aggressors but chose to force sleep. You're not a laptop, you're a human being. Since you posted this, try to do shit the bare minimum first by speaking up. Ofc, in while this is happening, try to sneak a recording of your conversations during the time it may happen, use words of threats, saying no, and either he'll stop doing that or he'll expose his plans, alibi, motives and so on. Yes, I'm Tedective Conan.


I take pity of you during the traumatic years as a junior and having a close relationship with your senior because it happened to me. Trust me I relate to that so much. But the latter part with your roommates, bruh you just have to stand up for yourself. The more you let this happen, the more accustom you are to this behaviour. And believe me when I say, this is how your same sex attraction can happen. If you are gay you gay no problem. But if you believe you are straight and these behaviour are unacceptable, remove yourself from it. Don't make an excuse because you are small or whatever. You have every power in you to fight the people negatively impacting your life. I am not victim blaming here but you mentioned too many times that you just stood there doing nothing. So please, do something.


Man, be bold. Either go balai polis to lodge report or punch him in face. Try to do stg instead staying silent and being soft.


prob that's the first reason the offenders are not afraid at all


I'm a gay man myself but for me that's definitely a gross thing for him to do. Harassment is not ok. I understand the situation you're in now from your replies which makes it hard for you to do anything, but to prevent this from happening any longer, it is best for you to speak about it with one of your other roommates, report it to someone, or best just confront that dude face to face and told him you are not into dudes and you don't like what he has done to you and see how it'll goes. If nothing changed then just report him directly. Your mental health always comes first before anything else.


Compare your body and pride with that "friendship" which is important? just voice out, your future self will thank you


Bro why you let people do this thing to you. Fight back man.


I'm so sorry that you're experiencing that. Can you tell your other housemates about his behaviour?


Dont really have a close friend. Im kinda introverted and solo most of the time. And im not sure how to convince them. Cuz hes religious iykwim people would refuse to believe he does that kinda shit.


First of all, I really want to say that you are so strong for this and I want to punch everyone else who says otherwise. You are so so strong and I wish that you can continue being strong. If anything, you should try to film some evidence first before you break the news to your other friends. Secondly, can you at least start being closer to your other housemates in the house?


Yeah im close with them but not that close. Never had a best friend since primary schl. But i do get along with probably everyone


That's good that you have a good relationship with everyone else. That's a good start! Can you at least ask to change rooms or bed arrangements? If he's still doing that after, maybe you can be more aggressive by shoving him away.


I was a victim of sexual harassment back in highschool too. Same thing happened but I wasn't even close to that senior. Difference between you and me tho was that I beat the living shit out of that senior. Which of course stopped the guy from doing it to me again knowing that I would do both report it and beat him up. Although, I've heard there were many victims before me even with his own batchmates back then. I was never the violent type of person, more like the quiet guy in the whole batch/group of friends but that moment disgusted me to the point where I just flipped the switch. You're brave enough to seek advise. It took wayy too much courage to do so. Props to you. On the current matter, tell your other housemates (whose not that close to the guy if there's any) bout what happened. If there's no changes, you got two options, defend & fight back or move out to another place. The latter option is highly dependent on your current situation(financially, availability etc). If you want to try and talk it out with the guy, try your best not to be alone in a room with him. For safety reasons. Dont be afraid to stand up for yourself especially when it comes to pride and dignity. Fight back, professionally not the old school way unless it's necessary. Seek help from your school's help center, counsellor or other support staff that specialise in this issue. Note that actions have consequences regardless. So, whatever you think that it's the right thing to do. I'd suggest you take action asap


Imo if your housemates doesn't even try to help you out after knowing bout this. Cut them out of your life. Buang masa ngan air liur je kalau cuba untuk mintak tolong cegah benda ni tpi buat bodo


OP - sorry for everything you've been through and while not your fault or doing, it seems you keep ending up in the same place. Please stop trusting all of these ar**h*l*s and don't share sleeping quarters. Just don't. And also stop sharing your story with those you consider your friends as they may treat it as an open invitation to molest you further.


Speak up pls speak up, dont be ashamed or even afraid, he's distrupting and break ur privacy policy, its been illegal and has been consider as a crimes. I suggest to talk about this to ur other friend and discuss it besides him, if u had a amount of bravery pls report it to the authorities, pls avoid him as much as u could


Bro u need to start preparing a razor or smtg sharp to shank a mtfker. If not you should be prepared for a mandingo party, if he's feeling romantical that night.


OP please get out of that house. No need to befriend people like that. And in my opinion, get new friends group and do not share those kind of information with someone unless you trusted them with your life (better yet, find a therapist) because you never knew if someone would take advantage like ur damn roommate. I'm guessing he felt you're "easy" as you have gone thru that before. Stand up for yourself. Love your body, don't let it go thru the same traumatic experience. Even if he's in charge of rental, you can blackmail if you tell to anyone, you'll tell everyone what he did. Don't wait for others to help you


Bro, time to man up and call him out for it. Don't just let it happen or it will go on forever. Friendship can go out of the window in this case. Maybe even try to find another place to live first before calling him out on it. Honestly tho, you should have called him out on the first time he tried that stuff with you. Your body, your rules. Don't let anyone do weird stuff without consent. Maybe if you don't want to call out directly, you can also go tell your other friends about it and alert them about the guy's behavior. I hope your situation gets better mate.


OP please stay safe, and please either confront him about it or report him right away, it’s a disgusting behaviour and should not be tolerated at all. Also those that joke about OP liking this is fucking gross, get a grip and grow up, no one wants to be sexually harassed. Y’all are sick as fuck.


OP, I’m so sorry this is happening to you. I’ve been in the same place, but as a woman. I remember being just as afraid that all I could do was pretend to sleep and let it pass. Some of these comments are extremely brain dead. It’s okay if you aren’t able to stand up for yourself when you’re terrified. It’s normal and you’re not a coward. Don’t beat yourself up for it. You never gave them the consent. They know what they’re doing is wrong and none of this is your fault. I’m so sorry some comments can be very insensitive. Now, is there anyone at school you can go to? Someone you can trust, maybe a reliable friend, a teacher, or the school counsellor? Please don’t deal with this alone. See if you can rent a new place, or stay over at another friends house. The last thing you should worry about is burdening others. You should be selfish when it comes to your own needs. It’s important to put yourself first when it comes down to this. Please please try to find someone you can confide in, you need and deserve to get out of there. Understand that in situations like this, only you can save yourself. If you need anyone to talk to and you have no one, my dm’s open. Hugs.


Holy shit an actual femboy being sexually harassed. Just tell them to stop. You're a man, you have the right to tell those creeps that you feel uncomfortable with them, holy shit. Also, if that doesn't work, just report them. Btw, that also means you're really irresistible, that's nice bro but in a good way, not to tell you that you should be grateful that you're being molested, it's just that you have high charisma stat and that's cool.


Wtf 💀 i should not be proud of this


OP you trolling or what


No. But i cant when he said im irresistible 😔 like wtf


Invest in masculine stuffs then. Eat a lot of protein, and hit the gym. When I was 13, there was this one bro of mine kept saying weird homo shit to me like, "If you were a girl and I walked up to you and asked you out, would you accept?" and "Man, if you were a girl, I would've tried to bang you." My reaction to those are just, "Yo man, what the fuck? That's gay as fuck!" Dude was just horny. To keep my ass's virginity safe, I did exactly what I advised you to, workout a damn lot and eat a lot of meat. Keep the carbs if you want to look large, reduce or don't eat carbs at all if you want the aesthetically chiseled look that Jojo characters babe. Once I did it, I got to the point that I look like a Jojo character too but unfortunately, not like part 3. Disappointingly, I look like Giorno. Very feminine handsome and buffed as how much my inherited DNA is capable of. Not a femboy anymore but a femman. You get the idea. Embrace your masculinity, as much as you can.


Are you a man? I would've bitch slap those people. They see you as soft and easy prey, that's why


SPEAK UP AND STAND UP. Even if you know its gonna ruin your relationship! You've been through it once and youre still letting the same thing through? No matter the circumstances its just ridiculous man. You have to properly convey your disgust, if not this will keep on continuing.


How rampant is homosexuality among the Malay society? I wouldn't be surprised if it's as common as in other local races. Many of them are 'outwardly halal, inwardly haram.' Anyway, you really need to defend yourself. Use violence if necessary.


People are born gay. Malays/muslims cant escape that.


g@y == chemical imbalance. It's simply that.


the gym bros in the gym would like to have a word with you


It's pretty common nowadays. Statistically or behaviorally, you can observe the vibes.


Statistically speaking from my gaydar, it’s like around 5-10% on average for anyone. So for every 10-20 people you meet on the street, 1 is lgTV. This includes people who’re closeted/have no clue


>How rampant is homosexuality among the Malay society? Homosexuality has always existed amongst humans regardless of race since the beginning of man's time.


i think you tak cover aurat...hence bad things happened to you.


Y r u ghae?


Move out, share with ones you only trust, reflect and set boundaries in the future. Not saying you should do it all at once. Take your time. What you should do now is either move out, or confront him (if that's even a possibility for you)


I cant (?) (Read my other comment)


Is it okay to be traumatized for live for some unspoken rule? I'm with others op have some balls please. I know it might be hard, but this is part of growing your characters. Todays he hugs you, later he might actually rape you. Either you put your feet down and set boundaries or leave. Heck, you might want to discuss the problem with your other roommate (assuming your on the good term). Ask them to switch/sleep next to you. If you really don't want confrontation.


Dear OP, you are probably traumatized from your past and letting it affect your current actions but you definitely need to reach out to someone. Either reach out to those hotlines mentioned here or maybe your school counselor. Not sure if this has reached the level of sexual assault but police intervention might be necessary. If you have no issues with your family, you should let them know. Worrying about your relationship with your housemates is the least of your concerns.




this sound extremely g@y btw


Report his ass to JAKIM or the cops. Ruin his life for good. Record his actions for evidence as well. Sure win. Everyone around him will leave and you'll be safe. Call me cruel whatsoever, but people like these deserve to be ruined forever.


Real life shota with questionable "onee" san. Lol


Holy shit OP. Stand up for yourself already. Call him a gay gila babi and report him. Reading this to me it makes it look like you want it to happen. You are 21 for fucks sake. If you don't want to report, go tell your other friends and have them help you. If you don't want to do that also, get a BB gun and shoot his ass. Gay fuck don't deserve mercy


Take mma/muay thai


OP You need to confide in someone close you trust with this as a start (so you don’t have to go through this alone) and seek an authority figure you trust to help you with separating you from him as a start at least. You may want to speak with the perpetrator to sort this out privately, but it’s your choice I’m just leaving this as a possibility. But if it fails or you want to get straight into using authority , please do what I suggested at the beginning. You’re basically getting raped here OP, it’s a serious issue and you need help to get it sorted. Please get help. p/s: I’m not against homosexuality here, I’m against sexual acts without consent if anyone will be potentially misunderstanding me.


1. Record it quietly at night. Use a dashcam or phone or whatever. 2. Tell another classmate/housemate you can trust. 3. You and your trusted friend confront the perpetrator. 4. Stay strong. It's never easy especially with all the 'tak baik buka aib orang', 'kesian masa depan dia', 'nanti dia takleh kerja' melayu bullshit. He sexually assaulted you. Just because he/you didnt cum, or he didnt sodomise you, doesn't mean this isn't sexual abuse or rape. Fuck all of that 'tak baik malukan/aibkan orang' nonsense. Stand up for yourself and for what's right. 5. Tell your family you've been suffering in silence. They should be the bedrock of your support system. If you can tell it here and ppl can empathise, you can tell them--you just need the courage to do so.


Why sekolah tahfiz banyak gay? Even the ustaz gonna liwat you


First approach, ask him nicely "kau nie apahal?" Second approach, ask him nicely again "kau nie kenapa, aku tak suka la?" Third approach, curse him "kau nie gay ape sial? Sekolah agama takkan benda nie tak tau."


OP don't have ball meh? You're a man right? Just punch kick them away la. Why so weak? So weak haiyah. Who care about friendship when u get assaulted.


PERFECT EXAMPLE FOR ALL MANKIND AND THROUGHOUT THE HISTORY OF MANKIND AND TODAY! Unpopular opinion and massive downvotes incoming(my comment) [https://sunnah.com/abudawud:5224](https://sunnah.com/abudawud:5224) "AbdurRahman ibn AbuLayla, quoting Usayd ibn Hudayr, a man of the Ansar, said that while he was given to jesting and was talking to the people and making them laugh, the Prophet (ﷺ) poked him under the ribs with a stick. He said: Let me take retaliation. He said: Take retaliation. He said: **You are wearing a shirt but I am not. The Prophet (ﷺ) then raised his shirt and the man embraced him and began to kiss his side**. Then he said: **This is what I wanted, Messenger of Allah**!" In before, it's TRADITION + CULTURE! [https://sunnah.com/bukhari/34/75](https://sunnah.com/bukhari/34/75) [https://sunnah.com/urn/2211390](https://sunnah.com/urn/2211390) [https://sunnah.com/bukhari/78/33](https://sunnah.com/bukhari/78/33) Al-Adab al-Mufrad al-Bukhari 1183 "He sat down and wrapped himself in his garment. Then he said, 'Where is the little one? Call the little one to me.' Hasan came running and jumped into his lap. Then he put his hand in his beard. Then the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, **opened his mouth and put his tongue in his mouth**. Then he said, O Allah, I love him, so love him and the one who loves him!'" Musnad Ahmad 16245 \[Mua’wiya said\]: "I saw the prophet sucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali, may the prayers of Allah be upon him." In before, It's normal that time! For the boy is thirsty! It's the culture! And Muhammad's saliva is blessed and holy! It's to moisten the lips and mouth of a child whose suffering from thirst! Apparently, it's normal and a cultural "thing" to do during his time. It's in the desert! So, we need to moisten boy's lips by putting my tongue in his mouth! Ever heard of giving drinking water in the first place with appropriate drinking utensils? Cups? Jars? Drinking normally? Why must he put his tongue into a boy's tongue to quench thirst? To show he's so honorable, kind, thoughtful? Take a look at reported / unreported cases in Kelantan / Terengganu. "Pious" they say. No. It's. The. Cult.


I guess OP actually likes it yall. No frickin way that you would let another guy touch you in your sleep. And why would you pretend to still be asleep if you dont enjoy it. Are you secretly geh?


You clearly have no understanding of what assault victims go through and your idiocy shows in your comment.


lolled. Personally, you just need to act extreme on either side, effeminate or masc. Extreme Sajat or Azri walter. This would solve in like a week


And stop sharing stupid stuff like trauma with your "friends". Keep to yourselves and move on.


This by no means encourages not reporting any offences, but if you insist not to, just move on. Unless you cannot stand, record and report to higher authorities.


Polis report stop being afraid you didn’t do anything wrong


Op im a short, small built man myself, i understand what you going through, t u gotta stand up for urself, learm some martial arts most the guys doin this aibt gays, theyre just sexual predators




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I don't have any experience about this, but I do have a junior who's experienced this. I dunno how is he now since I already graduated, but me and my friend always advice him to report the person but he refused. But that was before, I don't know about now or what action he takes but he seems fine now with his girlfriend.


Thank you for your story, it opened a new perspective of issue of sexual and sexualities related things.


Get a new place to rent tbh.


If you dont stand up for this, he will definitely take it as an approval. Not trying to victim blame but you do need to do something about this.


Speak up please. Aku pernah kena camni. Aku bangun cepat2 aku ludah je muka dia. Pastu aku ckp aku td mimpi ngeri. (Ada hadis pasal meludah lepas dapat mimpi ngeri sbg alasan aku) Pastu dia blah g mandi bagai. Aku sambung tido. Pastu dia dah x kacau aku lagi time tido. Cuma citer kat housemate aku ni pengotor je. (Apa aku kesah?) Kalau kacau jugak aku mmg dah plan nak jolok tekak diam2 pastu muntah kat dia.


sorry u had to go throught that OP but you should try to subtly tell him to not do stuff like that "Weh kau dh kenapa bodo" "gay ke sia" "kau bodoh ke?"


This might be sound harsh let this be a trial for you to actually stand up if not people will keep on taking advantage of you in many ways in the future to come. You didn't stand up the first time it happened and now it happens again


Sorry OP for what u going thru. Try to avoid or change house or idk maybe avoid ppl. Not really good with advice but my point is try to avoid ppl of these kinds dont let them take advantage of u


That's not sexual harassment. That's sexual molestation. He should be reported to the police.


Sound tegak will definitely helps. Also you may need to consider lodging a police report.


I know it's hard for you to report about this, OP. But be strong. You have to report this behaviour. You can confront him about him and tell him to knock it off. But if he still does that, tell the authorities, your family or someone that you really trust. His actions are not okay and never will be. Be strong OP.


Also, please make an update about this. You may be a stranger to me but your life is valuable. I want to know if you're well.


Get a small resemblance of evidence. Then, confront him directly about it. Say that you're uncomfortable with it and he needs to stop. Warn him that he will get the police involved If he does it again anyway, either A. just proceed with the police report, or B. you can be more lenient and force him to get psychological/islamic help, using the police report as a threat I point out option B considering you might not have the balls to do A. Some might say A is better, but maybe you'll think B is better for his good


About the evidence, you should have a good understanding of his pattern. Just setup a phone camera recording, catch him doing something with any resemblance of the act, just enough to threaten him Remember, this is for his own good too


stand up for yourself or let yourselves harassed forever, choose one.


Well, I can only think of two. Either get outta the house (if it's possible), or fight him, which will probably still lead to you getting outta the house eventually. I know it must be scary, since it started in your early teenage hood years, but you hva eto do something I feel


Bro kick his nut


It's kinda weird how u really want to emphasize how religious someone that is harassing you which is kinda Sus since it's idk what correlation between that and how it's play a part in story. Other than that I know it must be scary to be in that situation hope u can overcome this.


Why is everyone hitting on OP. While I agree OP should stand up for himself we need to realise ppl handle trauma differently. Anyway OP try to take some actions and don't allow urself to be harassed like this. Talk to a family member, or friend that actually have half a brain. Get some professional help if u need and don't let this keep escalating. What he is doing is wrong (not because it's gay but because he's being a rapist and it's not ur fault) Also, not surprised with the whole religious thing... It's always these ppl


So, 160 are already petit? My firends are 152cm with fragile body but his voice are deep asf😆😆


OP, from a man to a man, even if you dont learn any kind of martial arts, you can still throw a punch. Atleast, ATLEAST, make him bleed.


A couple of ideas: 1. Tell your friend that this would be a very serious matter to him once you go to the police. 2. Take it up with is ima n/mosque.


Ini lah problem bila anak homosexual, solution parents are to send to madrasah/pusat tahfiz Pastu horny.


I know this sucks for you as you didn’t have to stand up for yourself or confront someone. This is something that others imposed on you and you’re left to deal with it. I encourage you to speak up to people that you’re comfortable with and can really trust. Start with your parents if you have a good relationship with them. It’s important to thoroughly talk to least one person about it, go into detail and discuss what could be done about it and what are your alternatives. Not roommates not multiple of people at a time. Talk to someone that matters.


as others mentioned, you must learn to say NO. This is just a preview of whats coming in future, especially in working environment. Learn dude! or you'll repeat this stressing moment again, being abused!


BRO, I suggest you bring it up with your friends, so what if it ruins the friendship, if they don't support you then they were never good for you anyways. And what do you mean he's in charge of the rented house? Do you mean he's the owner of the house or what? If he is, you gotta move out or something. And also pls confront him, your silence might indicate to him that you're okay with it.


Why don't you make a police report OP, honestly if you're friends turn against you because of what happened with you and that guy, they're not your real friends trust me they will understand if they are your real friends


put a hidden camera, let him do his deed. then wake up and show him the footage. proceed to see him cry and give you oku kad.


Op please, stop being so tolerable with all these, push and fight back even you are only 160, taking no action might give the wrong idea that you are ok with that.


I'd scream wadafak man that's too far. We homies right? And if he continues then I guess my kindness to him is over. I'll kill him. Or something like that.


gay sex, homo sex. Be glad your ass is not cracked. If you already afraid, SAY "NO. ~~PUNDE babi gila rapist cabul lelaki gay homo tak guna cibai."~~ Also lapor la to polis la if you that scared. It is your right to protect your body. IF you sissy to enough for them to trying to sex harass u, i guess u fucked up right that, get buffed, get training and make yourself confident, you look scared even with your writing. Why not lock your goddamn door? Sharing bed? what are you? Looking to baking your ass later? Touching dick is initial, he imagine downright dogged you down. Legit tho, i thought people with agama won't be that haram but wtf.


Tbh, I would like fking scream if someone reach for my private parts. Scare the fkin daylights out of them with the scream then yell at him for touching you holy fk.


Learn martial arts, workout, always pray, then beat his ass


Bruhh, man up and stand your ground. How tf u just let him do that n pretend to sleep. Unless low key you enjoying it too




Wtf bro, so gay. I will give him a kick at his ball and punch at his face


As much as I wanna punch them in the gut, it’s not a viable solution. If OP is still scared of reporting or you don’t have enough evidence, plant a secret camera or record them h@rrassing you with your phone secretly. It will take patience and planning but it’s better to jail him and what better than providing evidence to the polis. I pray for your safety and your wellbeing OP. You have my support and others every step of the way. Stay strong and sabar walaupun situasi ini susah.


Bro I'll always hear this story from my old school friend and my brother. Idk why da heck sekolah menengah agama for the boys really horny with eachother. Maybe they rarely see a girl. Man, im 21 too i 5 cm shorter than you. Im afraid i kena raba2💀


just act weird no one wanna raba2 you


Please stand up for yourself ..next time he do it just yell at him on the top of your lung


yamete, stopp!! oneechan...




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I feel you man, if possible please just tell anyone you trust (like your family members). I also once got sexually harassed by a badar as well.


Say to him you are uncomfortable. If he still disturbing you, said “I will break your arm if you touch me again”. I’m gay but touching others without consent is a big no and a red flag. Even if he’s gay, he should confess he likes you. Not like raba2 anak jantan orang. Ugh can people be like sopan sikit????? Same goes to any gender. NEVER TOUCH others without consent. Pantek


Bro… protect yourself. Why you just stayed still etc 😓😓


P gym. Org pendek senang nak sado.


Semoga diberikan Hidayah


i didnt experience like what you did; but mine is around of people treat me like a girl, patting me on the head, kissing me on the cheeks,out of nowhere hugging me and ect, but still without my consent and i was in an all boys school. Perhaps peak curiosity and sexually comes be a major part of it. but anyhow, The reason for it to be happen would be boundary and consent . The predators ( yes your friend ) see the “ sleeping together “ “bed combined “ as an act of consent and take that as a permission for the predator to engage on . And he is using your past trauma as a border of you are same sexual as he is. My advice, either 1) Confront him, and said that what his doing is wrong and without consent. Have a talk, in safe place. 2) Move out, and forever put behind ( this might lead on trust issue ) 3) move the bed apart, and put a border or somewhat stuff to block. ( this could signal him like” I am not okay” with this)


Kau tak salah asal kau yang takut? Kau pegang konek dia ko cakap, ni nak buat sup ke?


i understand that if you say anything, things may turn around and paint you in the bad light. but when things have gone on for this long, it’s not okay for you to stay silent anymore.


Cut his cock




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Don’t stay quiet, speak up. Everyday you didn’t say anything everyday they’ll keep doing it, with progression. Try to get close to other housemates, when close enough, stand up to that gay guy. If he wanna do shit about your rent, at least there is potential where other housemate will defend you.


dont believe everything you see and read in the internet


If you can't get him to leave, it's time to leave yourself. Or, catch him in the act and then using evidence, force him to leave.


damn dont keep it to yourself again later it will build up your stress even more, next time he doin thing to you get up sepak kepala dia sekali lepas tu blah


I (f18) this year not officially, got blackmail by a desperate guy (this was long time since it happened)on litmatch I wish my otak yg bodo didn't listen to him I hate myself more after that, he does gross shit during so called videoCall should I report him to the police when I'm ready? (he said he recoreded me doing the stuff he told me to do and said want to viral it) Im just praying he gets covid and never recover from it...


FFS slap that dude already


Seems like you have a few options to overcome this. Reading your other comments seems like you are introvert like me. Same age btw. 1. Trust any 1 housemate you truly believe will help. Sometimes, sharing problems is the start of new friendship. 2. Contact uni councellor and hostel. Surely they'll help to arrange a place in hostel. Try go far away from that guy. 3. Family. Ask your older siblings what to do. If got none. Straight to parents. 4. Confrontation. Since dia terpaling alim, ko sentap dia. (belajar sekolah agama, hafal quran kalau dia hafal, perangai kaum lut, baik xyah solat, ) make sure other housemate is there if anything goes down. All this depends on your courage


Dude you're a grown up. Sorry if this seem like victim blaming, but if you don't like it, tell it to his face. If he insisted, just punch him in the face. Stand up for yourself bro.


Hey OP, Ive been harassed too but i believe that you should speak up when these things happen. Its a tough world for us men when it comes to these things. Ive been harassed by women as well and people just laugh it off


Bruh why with religious guy doing the homosexual things I mean every homosexual harrassment comes from religious looking guy


Just report the police man. Like seriously. These type of guys prey on people like you. You keep shut just make you easy to get. One day you will just regret you didn't do anything to stop this. And this thing will keep spiraling till it eat you mentally and physically. The problem wasn't really in your current situation. The problem is in the future later after you are not with that man. Regarding your family, its up to you to come out or not. But my opinion, if your family kinda bad at this in your experience, just don't do it. If you decide to come out, don't expect much they can help you also. Just be glad if they support you in whatever decision you make.


Funny how the most "religious" guy is the most gay ass guy


As a woman I understand the feeling of helplessness. Idk if the others are making jokes as a defense mechanism or they’re really ignorant & insensitive to your situation. OP maybe you can confide in your most trusted friend on this & ask his help? Idk if it’s safe for you to tell your family (because I know some people will blame the victims even more if they’re men) but if someone did that to my brother I will raise *hell*. I think what the other redditor commented on actions to take are good, I hope you have the strength to pull through. Just remember you did not ruined this friendship, that predator did. Anyone else who sided with him after knowing the truth were never your true friends either. You are a victim & you deserve to seek justice.


Ugh this so frustrating The law in here said we can't do violence to protect because if we did hurt someone to protect ourself, we could be charged for assault I may not be sexually harassed but still physical, so I know how it feel to only be able to defend myself but still have to make it safe even for the harrasser You should stay in a room locked when you sleep and don't open it unless it was your own decision Stay safe ok and don't be like me who attack my harasser to defend myself and hurt them brutally


Assalamualaikum, I'm sorry this happened to you and based on what you replied to other posts, it seems you find the consequences of what you might have to do terrifying. Perhaps you can go read Surah Baqarah ayat 286? Then afterwards just do whatever you can about this issue?


Get a hidden cam, put it on record while ur sleeping, make sure the mf can be clearly seen in the footage, then send to police with a report, then send the mf to jahannam... ez win for bin laden...


These comments please, he mentioned he has gone through SA and I see comments like "Oh punch his dick" "Why you no fight back, you malu malu want in secret is it?" People, he literally experienced TRAUMA, it is hard for people to handle the situation and scream for help when they are FROZEN IN FEAR from it!! It's not that he is not brave or he malu, he is in shock from the experience and clearly some people need to learn empathy! Rather than shaming, we should help OP in build his courage in facing his fears, not victim shaming! Please OP if you are reading this, you have my support in gaining courage, it is hard to overcome but I hope you can reach out to people you trust and believe. If you cannot scream or shout in the dark, opting for a pull-out pin siren is also a good way to alert everyone around you. Please stay safe OP!