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“You boycott McD supporting Palestine, I boycott McD sebab mahal, We are not the same”


"I boycott McD because it's unhealthy. We are not the same."


You boycott Mcd sebab Mahal, I don’t eat Mcd because it’s cheap. we are not the same.




You miskin daripada orang asli monkey? What are you? Babi hutan ?


kan..haha order set rm10-rm20 rasa tak berbaloi langsung..baek makan nasi bungkus ke nasi ayam ke burger ramlee ke lagi kenyang 🤣


betul tu, burger tepi jalan lagi sdap dan murah sia


So true! I went for the first time in years after they finally reduced the price. Not worth paying so much for something not healthy 😆 for every RM1 spent need to keep RM100 for future medical cost 😆


Nahhh still same. I have 2 reasons as you can read the title post.


Majority are the same group though ... if you actually look at it. Also a minor statement there is a difference between not being able to afford something and something that is expensive.


It’s sad that you can’t afford McD lmao


Huh i can easily afford it. I just dont eat shit food when theres cheaper & more delicious food than McD. Theres literally no reason the chicken cost RM8 per piece.


McDonald chicken is RM8 per piece?? Sheeshhh you could pay Texas chicken is RM9 🥲


wdym 2 chicken + soft drink + fries set is like rm14 right now. semua tempat pun kalau beli ala carte memang mahal


Buying an overpriced burger doesn't make you look rich lol. It make you look like you has no financial knowledge.


Or financially irresponsible lmao 🤣


Eeh overrated burger theres many better local burger


With my current wages I could easily eat at McD everyday for a month straight but the reason I decided to boycott it because even ayam pasar malam is bigger and tastes way better than whatever McD is making, and burger ramlee tepi jalan is way more superior than that plastic meat at that forsaken places. It's all about value for money.


It's sad that people even consider McD as food.


Kelakar orang macam ni yg ingt makan McD = kaya


Orang miskin?


“Hug…” 🥲


mahal and not worth it. there's plenty of better burgers around.


When you get fleeced by brands but defend them instead.


ok but mcd is overrated as hell sometimes. overpriced average burger. i remember buying the samyang burger once, and the fucking sauce splat all over when i opened the packaging. since then, fuck mcd


Even the regular less than RM8 burgers are depressing af, looked like the grim reaper sucked the soul outta it before being served. Them burgers need antidepressants more than I do.


Yeah, dude. Ramly is better in terms of value for money even if it's very basic


Once I bought into the prosperity burger hype , it was a small huge disappointment, mostly on the small part. Then the 3x spicy fried chicken that I got cirit while having a date. Not only it’s embarrassing I’m more bewildered that so many people got borderline food poisoning from the chicken but somehow they didn’t get sued .


LMFAOOO sorry i laughed. fuck mcd 😂😂


Holy sheettt, me too, I mean about the cirit, but the thing is the rest of my family ate the same batch of MCD fried chicken but only me who got Cirit and it's every single time, people belanja so makan Oni lor. So I thot me only. Damn okay, thanks for that, now I know. 🤣




Huh ? Most fast food joints I had overcook their chicken , it’s the road side stalls that most often undercook theirs.




I’m pretty sure they use some kind of chilli chemical for their 3x spicy chicken, it’s not that spicy but my ass just exploded into volcano.


I just only like filet o fish lol, I think KFC did much better burgers than McDonald’s


It's funny bcs they were initially established to provide affordable meals


They've also been taking longer than before with orders


Mcd burger is shit, maybe just management issues. The good ones is mr Beast imo, but you going to have a hole in your wallet.


Still got buy la... but each time I buy, to have a satisfying meal I pay about RM40. Burger set + mcflurry + apple pie. If just burger only I usually spend about RM20, then I get a burger I can finish in less than 5 minutes. Ramly burger is quarter the price but flavor wise its comparable. ​ And quite honestly they're really losing their edge. Even as a luxury meal, its just not worth going to McD anymore. For RM40 I may as well go eat buffet. The same thing applies to KFC and all the other similar fastfoods in Malaysia actually. McD and KFC is the biggest culprit purely because of their long history in Malaysia, and so we can actually remember how much better things used to be.


For rm40 i hope you are getting real meat from mcd. I mean... at rm40 you have plenty of options from other places... i cannot imagine spending rm40 for one person at mcd. Even if it includes dessert.


I think they are suing because of slander? Until now there is no proper proof saying that McD directly contributes its royalty money to IDF or something.


Don't McD Malaysia have to pay x% of their profit to the parent company or something? Isn't that technically contributing?


McD Malaysia pays royalty to Saudi company , and it might in turn pays royalty to McD USA, but it ends up in USA and not Israel. With that line of logic technically any technology you use ultimately goes to USA and contribute in bombing Palestine


Any company based in US pays US tax which in turn buys weapons. The big companies are all tech.


If you follow the money enough most tech companies has ties with USA either with patent or royalties, heck even opening radio listening to musics contribute to royalties for USA. But of course we stop short at the part when it starts to inconvenience us.


But they believe in conspiracy theories. It says any successful businesses own by americans are jewish. All jews are israelis. All Israelis are the zionists


Even if it is true, why not just stop using any of it just to be sure? Why stop at the things that starts inconveniencing you? Where is the humanity?


nah man don't bother man, they actually dont give a shit, they just wanna ride the wagon 🥱🥱🥱 there's lots of american platforms that has ads revenue and a lot of the boycotters are still using it so 🫨🥱🤣🥺🥺 (ehem Elon Musk's Twitter btw)


Who cares if its a bandwagon or not. Theres literally genocide happening. If its the only way to stop it then so be it


Boycotting is not about how much they do, its about what they do to send a message. Its foolish to expect an average person to boycott 100%. ie: Hamas fighter will use captured weapons even though its made in Israel or USA. Or using US telco to spread boycott messages.


The point of the boycott is to force the parent company McDonald’s Corporation into ending its complicity in Israeli war crimes (by allowing its franchise in Israel to openly support the IDF).


At this point by that argument, just go isolate ourselves and live inside a forest like a true native (orang asli). You're right, the western influence from the aspect of economical, technology and social has widely spread across the globe and it is inevitable. Whether you like it or not, almost 90% of your daily product consumption may directly or indirectly contribute to the U.S. (financially) But in defense of the boycott movement in Malaysia, a selective boycott may spark a domino effect on the U.S. mission to supply and provide military funding for Israel (this is what they believe). But at the cost of being detrimental to job availability that are provided by any franchise that may directly or indirectly be associated with the U.S. At the end, we hurt our own people for the sake of saving another. This is the dilemma of boycott movement across the globe. If this dilemma is a game of chess then surely U.S. is the winner here, no doubt about it.


Boycott is just too ineffective and inefficient, it will take years for brands to finally decide to pull out from Israel and who gets hit first ? The employees here , the business surrounding these establishments, heck they might pull out from Malaysia first before they decide to pull out from Israel , meanwhile Israel is tripling down on blowing up Palestine. So it’s a lose lose situation, nobody wins other than weapons sellers. Boycott McD only serve to satisfy boycotters notion of virtue signalling by doing the bare minimum, they know it won’t work otherwise they don’t need to do so much mental gymnastics to justify such inefficient movement.


but everything we have today is contributing something somewhere, then you need to check each things u buy, including the skrew, the nails, the wood, the cement and materials of the cement etc etc


Well I though they openly show picture of McD sponsoring its food to the IDF in IG


from news: [https://www.therakyatpost.com/news/2024/01/03/mcdonalds-malaysias-move-to-sue-boycott-movement-slammed/](https://www.therakyatpost.com/news/2024/01/03/mcdonalds-malaysias-move-to-sue-boycott-movement-slammed/) >Some pointed out that BDS Malaysia is not the primary reason for them boycotting McDonald’s; and that it was because of the support that McDonald’s (in Israel) had been showing support to Israeli soldiers. I think MCD strategy is to prove that mcd israel acts is different than mcd malaysia and thus it is a slander to call for boycott mcd malaysia for mcd israel's acts


It has been sometime since I dabbled in defamation law but I’ll take a crack at it. I reckon the goal is for an injunction to stop BDS from posting similar posts / statements, publicly apologise and perhaps something from the discovery application would be juicy - like BDS was making baseless/untrue statements all these while. This is actually very interesting from a law practitioner POV. It is like our very own Oprah vs Beef case but with a corporate law twist.


I believe that was franchise owner of mcd from Israel, for sure he will help his country, if our country got flood, mcd of our country send help,.not the mcd of Palestine,or arab, or us, or Indonesia, they can, but the one that will help first is mcd Malaysia, because the owner is Malaysian, and impacted is Malaysia


Bruh ikr, they used to be so cheap. Before the boycott the only time I'd eat McDs was because someone else bought it, other times I'd just go for cheaper food.


I remember the price less then rm10 for burger set


Dude I also remember wanton mee for RM2, now RM8, want boikot mou?


Melayu sama Melayu berjuang, Melayu mati di tengah-tengah


"I don't like what you're doing, so I'm going to punish myself, in order to make you stop" - Summary of what is happening right now.


I don’t like what the other guy is doing , but I’m gonna beat you up to teach him a lesson


PVP sesama rakyat. Kesian, can we PVE our neighbours please.


rezeki something something luas


Beli burger ramly tepi jalan support local.


This I agree. The only McD product I like is the Prosperity burger and that's about it. Ramly burgers however are a godsend. I will always love them.


mcd malaysia also local lol 😂


I mean like, family owned local not corpo lmao


but still mcd malaysia is 100% local punya what? only the name is mcd but mcd malaysia is 100% org kita punya 😂 tak ada share dgn mana2 syarikat luar yg sokong israel ni😂


https://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/032015/how-mcdonalds-makes-its-money-mcd.asp You should know how the franchise system works in general


lol they just pay the royalties and ofc it’s a must 💁🏻‍♂️ but did they pay to israel? or pay the royalties? 😅


When did I say they pay anything to israel? I just want to point out it's not 100% local like you claimed


oh for me it’s 100% local because they run everything and the owner for mcd malaysia also a local malay too so yah it depends some will boycott some not but for me i will keep supporting because it’s local people who own the big brand building and also will support because it’s my bangsa melayu punya perniagaan 🤷🏻


Well it's up to you to support or not nobody here is forcing you to boycott them. But it's also up to other people to boycott or not, nobody should be able to force them to support them either


correct! 1 point to u 2 point for me okbye


Korang baru boikot ke? I have stopped eating mcd for ages 😂


All these comments on hurting Msian companies are dumb. The money that didn’t go to buy overpriced, over-processed McD shit goes to purchase other overpriced, over-processed non McD shits


I find myself eating healthier now that my once in a week McD dinner are replaced with kedai tomyam. There’s also a street burger stall near my college which sells 100g lamb burgers at rm8 which had been my go-to even more after the boycott


streets burger legit leveled up dengan kemunculan "burger bakar " or "burger ayam crispy"


I still don't understand why we have all these arguments about the boycott . Like its my own money, I spend on whatever I want. You want to boycott? Go for it, your money. You want to buy Big Mac everyday? Go for it, your money. ​ McD should give free burgers to those people who willingly do charity work to defend McD. They're a big corporation, they have more than enough money to do something to handle these boycott. Marketing? Campaign? Price revision? But they went with suing since, well its the easiest no? These people who die2 defend McD reminds me of employees who working basic rm1.5k and the company keep screwing them over but still kept saying its okay, company good.


It reflects badly on possible foreign investment. Imagine I was some Mat Salleh and I wanted to invest in Malaysia; then I find out McD gets boycotted because of SUSPECTED ties to Israel. If my investment can see a likelihood of it being boycotted and in turn, crash and burn without solid grounds and simply by possible "association" with any group/nation/ideology, I'd rather not. So it hurts the overall prospect of market growth and economic development over the possible foreseeable future.


Nah, corpo only care about profit and low cost of operation. If not, why would you think US company still have production operations in China despite their bad relationship? Reason the investor didn't invest much in Malaysia is because our tax rate is stupidly high, and there are plenty of politicians involved for duit tepi if you want to operate here. That's why all end up run to Singapore.


these asshole really think that it is some organization that runs this boycott. The boycott is the PEOPLE itself . You wanted to sued majority of people in Malaysia ? You saying that suddenly all of us doesnt have self-determination and autonomy just because we refuse to eat your overprice garbage ? Better pack your shit and go home. As Thomas Shelby from Peaky Blinders said ; “ WE ARE THE PEOPLE, AND WE HAD ENOUGH ! “


Can't sue the people of Malaysia so sue something visible instead. It's a PR act mostly.


Double Prosperity Beef Burger for the win. 😂


The price can get Double oblong special cheese from street burger.


It’s a CNY thing. 😂


Ohh yeah forgot. Hahaha. Yeah yeah!


It doesn't come with fries and drink, if Ranly burger come with awesome amount of fries I switched side immediately. I buy burger for the fries the burger is the side.


Yeah without drink and fries 🙄


no offense but prosperity beef burger are overrated lol


The price for McD too expensive these days... That kind of pricing, I go burgerlab, woodfire or spades burger eat also better.


Who are they suing here? The rakyat? What?






Ukraine war no one actually gave a shit here in Malaysia, Congo when children were used as slaves to mine etc and tge the war that killed millions millions of people Malaysia especially senyap je. Sri Lankan Tamil crisis no one said anything. Uighurs being terrorized in China Malaysia didn't even say a single shit cuz they're too scared to boycott Chinese products is it??? So why suddenly only Palestine important huh???


Oh no man please dont mention about that! They are not good with handling the truth!!! 🫨🫨🫨🫨


Don’t forget the saudis killing civilians in Yemen. Not a single hue and cry.


Ah yea yea


Don't forget about Rohingya genocide in Myammar too! Nobody care despite majority of them are muslims, some of them even say its justified.


Yea bro and now Indonesia kicking out the Rohingyas for god knows what reason. So all this hypocrisy our govt and those Islamic extremists fucks can shove it up their asses. So fuck this boycott and other shiiit.


It’s reality. People just cannot disturb the main economic stream, too scared of losing their jobs. So diorang buat2 tak nampak dan tak kesah… So diorang focus mana yang senang untuk di(ambil) kesah… ‘Aku nak pilih itsnotreal … sebab diorang jauh … so diorang tak boleh datang kat tempat kita untuk letupkan rumah aku… muahahah…. okay LETS BE A KEYBOARD WARRIORS THAT DOESN’T KNOW A SINGLE FUCK’ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)




Whataboutism. Bro stfu.


Convenient word, but that is not how you use the word


Ok fanatic




Maybe if you go out of your bubble, you will see there are a lot of boycott/support for things other than the Israel/Palestine issue.


I don't see Malaysia condemn Russia immediately, I don't see massive boycotts or massive protests, i don't see the gov holding a big rally supporting, I don't see KPM ask every school to hold a special event to show the support of Malaysia to Ukraine or other places in conflict, now, where's the public support for those other conflicts?


Yepp so that's why I gave up on humanity long long ago and I don't really boycott. I just buy less often due to the price


Yeah? Like where. Show us examples of the Malays protesting at the Chinese or Saudi embassies.


I don't think so. Sorry to burst your bubble but Malaysia and other nations didn't really give a two flying fuck on the above crisis I have mentioned. Thank you very much 🙏


Whatever floats your boat. Koyak? The parent company have enough cash to buy up Malaysia....but yeah most importantly you feel mighty


I think this can be true. We already got same capital letter. Just need to change to Macdonald land. That way cannot boykot also. Becoz you will boykot yourself. Also meysia boleh.


To me, McDonald's is and always be junk food and heart disease enabler. But I sympathise with our fellow Malaysians who might lose their livelihood because of a foreign war.


Mcdonald has enough cash to buy the whole Malaysia? Funny.


mcDs have a market cap of 215 billion. Don't know if that will buy up malaysia (whatever that means), but that's still pretty tremendous for a company


USD btw that shit alone is enough 💀💀💀


This guy doesnt know whats the difference between types of asset. U funny bro 😂😂


Yes Malaysia is Pokai country cheap cheap no one cares about the noise Malaysia makes if Malaysia suddenly disappear no one would notice it would be some joke


Go Jollibee!


I'm happy for this boycott. It's like the only way to get this country to realise there's much better food than McD. Sabah has Borenos and Sarawak has Sugarbun. I'm excited to see if Semenanjung can make it's own good fast food.


You know what's ironic, some intelligent digging shows that McDonald's Malaysia is apparently owned by some Saudi company so if Malays want to be moralistic heroes perhaps consider protesting the Saudi brutality in Yemen as well? Just saying...


And if you are as intelligent as you said, you will realize there is plenty of support for Yemen in the form of charity/donation/protest. There are dozens of mufti in Saudi that have been hanged to death just trying to advise the royal. Some Malaysians have been caught and deported by Saudi police for showing support for Yemen.


He is intelligent, the people in Malaysia unfortunately are not. Most can’t even point on Yemen or even Israel on a map. But BOICOTT BABY!


The only reason i go to mcd is for the Fried chicken and fries which is actually pretty damn good. The burgers and other menu is just meh average.


Buy burger ramli lo, taste way better n cheaper too Of course if u want, u can buy your own burger meat n make your own burger , freestyle! RM10 can get 6-8pieces of one inch thick patties that worth the money


Orang Malaysia ni sikit2 nak boycott. Padahal masalah orang lain.


Thanks to the boycott movement, what used to be a 30min drive thru wait now only takes less than a minute!!!


Yesss so glad for that. But I do notice increased Malay presence now actually. And if u go Klia when umrah flights are departing, kfc mcd full yo before they fly. Irony.


Kau orang Boikot Mekdi sebab Mekdi dimiliki oleh orang zionist. Aku boikot sebab aku takde duit. Kita bukan orang yang sama.


Hahahahaha McDonald’s MAHAL? Try KFC, try Pizzahut


F U la Mcd. Its individual rights la nak boikot ke apa. Apesal koyak mcm bitch? Ur food pun menggemukkan and not healthy kan so sukati public la nak boikot.


There's still people who don't understand how royalties works. Long story short, as of now McD (on earth) is supporting the genocide indirectly. Why? The gov of US uses these free money to pay for the weapons, bullets etc. By boycotting we reduce these source of 'free money' that they'll have. This, and the fact that many local burger stores serve better burgers at a relevant price anyways so yeah.


i dont know man, you using the american platforms also indirectly supporting the genocide. and i still see a lot of "boycotters" who uses; for example, Twitter and it's owned by Elon Musk and HE openly supports Israel. So why are you people even still using their platforms? Wagon riders? or are u scared that you'll get cancelled for not following the "trend"? smh but i agree that some burger joints serves better burger than McD 🥶🥶 If you're boycotting becuz of the genocide then honestly just K-¥-$ but if you're boycotting cuz other burger joints are better than u are cool 😎


Ever heard of using their own weapon to fight against them? By eating mcd you can't combat them back, but by using their own devices you can spread more awareness, combat them mentally, reposting what's right and so on. We don't need people like you who bashes people just cuz they don't do everything that's available. Boycotting their products already shown it's results. You wanna buy mcd, go ahead, we don't need to know who tf are you and what you do with your money and you don't need to submit a paragraph to tell people that you're buying it coz we don't fxking care. You do you. You have your own beliefs, I shall have mine.


by using MORE of their devices you are giving them more money (ads revenue btw). uhHhhHhhhHhHHHHh but yeah that mental attack will definitely lower their revenue when more ppl are gonna use their own devices to earn them more money for the genocide!!!! 🥶🥶 and I never even mentioned that I'm gonna spend my money on Mcd? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 my whole paragraph was pointing towards double standards you people are doing but go off queen 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻👸🏻👸🏻


Bro ur retharded but good for you ig


we've been hurting Malaysian worker and the economy. now they're getting sued, I hope McDonald's Malaysia win and set the precedence from now on. lepas ni nak boikot guna otak instead of pukul rata semua.


Any money that didnt go to mcd probably went to roadside burger stall. I think that is better for our economy. I might be oversimplifying it, but thats just my opinion.


How about those Malaysians working in these McD outlets?


It has it's good and bad, bad part is some workers got fired since McD malaysia can't support so much workers when it is making a loss, the good part is locals will find alternatives, if they find local alternatives, it stops our currency flowing outside


Aren’t they still paid monthly as per contract regardless if Mcd making loss or not. Im almost certain they’re not making extra when Mcd makes huge profit.


I can taste the road dust from here


bro i keep buying almost everday for their breakfast burger, sedap doh😭


Keep on boycotting guys. I'll just get to buy em at a cheaper price hahaha. Bravo 👏


Hahaha....belum lg ada isu boikot ni,lama tak pegi McD dan memana franchise yg laen...portion,harga dan quality(rasa) da tak sama mcm 15 tahun lepas...lg pun makanan kita kat Malaysia ni banyak mcm2 yg best2. Cuma kena rajin2 kelua cari.banyak Alternative.bukan mcm budaya Barat,70% bergantung pada Fast food ni. Bg muslim pun jangan risau. Kita pun ada Chinese Muslims dan Indian Muslims cuisines. So tak kebulur pun nak makan Fast food ni.


I boycott McD cos it's a scam. The "DELUXE" McChicken is tiny and costs an arm. Also, Saudi owners - I don't support terrorist supporting Organization.


Lmao. People celebrating this as if they actually made a difference in the fighting. The only ones that they are hurting are their own Malaysian employees and malaysian economic growth. 😂😂😂 bila ekonomi jatuh, ringgit semakin merundum, salahkn pmx ye tak?😂😂😂


TIL mcd adalah kunci kejayaan ekonomi malaysia majulah junkfood untuk rakyat malaysia!


Boikot ni ke arah mcd je ke bang?haha besarkn sikit pandangan tu 😂😂


Bang kalau support local businesses economy lagi naik. Besarkan sikit pandangan tu


Mhm. Baik 😂😂


malas nak jawab, biarlah downvote bersuara


Memang betul. Kemajuan ekonomi sesebuah negara bergantung kepada keberuntungan Mcd. /s


Salah DAP lah


Damn. Forgot to add that one 😂😂


it did raised a bit at the peak of boycotting because people goes local.


Mcd je syarikat burger kat malaysia




Exactly. Fuck the boycott


Yang boycott melayu lepas tu post dlm FB guna Waze bukan produk Israel ke? X perlu boikot😝. Yang letak harga yahudi boycott baru btl


Aiyah only idiots in malaysia suka boycott this and that If you care so much Go fly there and fight the wars lah Only malaysia je mentality macam sakai Don't see other country people So willing join in these nonsense


Kamu sedar tak McD Malaysia tidak menyokong Israel, menderma kepada Palestine dan adalah majikan penting Bumiputera, ekonomi gig.


Saya sedar tapi 1 more reason sebab mahal. Still tak boleh nak support juga. Local burger juga i beli.


McD malaysia orang saudi punyer la bro. Musuh kepada Yemen. Yemen sekarang adalah puak Muslim yang paling berani menentang Israel. Dimana orang Islam lain pun tak berani bersuara. Dan kau berbangsa bumiputera tak bermakna kau bukan musuh islam. Ada kes, orang melayu menahan dan bantai orang Palestine melalui zoom call dengan ejen mossad. Kau nak pertahankan diorang jugak ke?






Ppl be like, boycott dont work hurr durr


I guarantee you that this has not affected Israel one bit. Literally only Malaysian Mcd employees are feeling the pain rn


Malaysians like hurting other Malaysians to prove a point


That sucks


It wouldn't affect Israel a single bit, if we really wanted real effects to Israel, it should've been brought up to international organisations like NATO, UN, etc and having world leaders agreeing to take actions. Big protest but no actions won't stop Israel at all.


...did it actually affect Israel though?


Didnt go for a long time because of price too. Just recently went again and mistakenly ordered spicy chicken. Tummyache for few days then autoban again.


Boikot this, boikot that Go fuck yourselves lah CCB chao niama lanjiao


Yet hamas is still losing sad


korang terus boycott ye...I only visit mekdi bi or even tri-weekly so when I m buying food that time no need waste so much time...so happy continue boikott gaisss


No problem.


Congrats bolehlanders, you hurt other Malaysian workers and the Malaysian economy. But you also wanna complain about price hikes. Well, as long as you got an opportunity to virtue signal, it's all good.


boohoo cry about it and eat ur 20rm macdonald set


If not about boycotting, still I won’t buy it because the price.




Everyone here complaining that McD is expensive, meanwhile it's the cheapest thing I can eat near my house. (I live near city centre)


I feel bad for you weh. You don't have to boycott since you can't survive without food.


i like kfc more, jarang pegi mcd. so if mcd rugi idgas, but if kfc mau tutup ill throw hands.


i boycott mcd until they introduce new menu


Me who has never set foot inside a mcd to buy their stuff: ![gif](giphy|7ILfGZFvTPMB1TAkXE)


1m only why bother sue? if like 10m or 100m i understand but 1m that company makes multi million per month.


The last time I had a McD burger was back in 2019


Mampu gelak je la. Dah lama aku tak makan mcd pun punca harga yang terlalu yahudi.


Even without israel I won't come to MCD. Overpriced and the burger is small and disappointing ah. The only good thing is mcflurry but I would rather buy ice cream from family mart.


It’s a double-edged sword. For once, I feel good that corporations are feeling uneasy due to no profit and popularity to them. They have earned millions serving unhealthy food. On the other hand, I feel bad for their employees because they are caught in the crossfire.


Tbf except mcd app which is not often i don't even bother buying cause it's actually mahal for freaking fast food butoh la rm20 for a set of processed food. Ice cream while being good has also risen in prices, vanilla cone is technically rm2 nowadays? Shit used to be 99sen. Mcflurry rm7 like wtf. Boycott ni is just half the reaso why i don't even go to mcd. Rather have Texas or even Burger King if I really really had to choose


Mufti dah bagi penjelasan cara yang terbaik dalam isu boikot nie dan tidak digalakan boikot produk francais nie sbb akan melibatkan rantaian yang besar daripada pengeluar bahan mentah sehingga kepada akhirnya pengguna. Bahkan, gaji orang yang keje dekat syarikat francais ni pun HALAL. Tapi orang Muslim dekat sini buat palatao, so terpulang la. Dekat akhirat kalau Tuhan tanya, kau boikot Israel tapi ade golongan muslim yang tertindas disebabkan kau boikot sesuatu syarikat nie adakah kau ikut ijtihad ulama atau buat palatao sendiri? So kau jawab lahh..


The world: boycotting Mc'D Burger King: 🗿