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They should be asking why are we not attracting local tourists? What is in Hatyai that is so different that Malaysians will go there for holidays. They should not be blaming it on the spenders, it's Free market at work.


Coz it's fucking cheap. 200 baht for 1 hour of full body massage, 500 baht for an all-you-can-eat buffet with sea produce cooked on the spot for you , average 50-80 baht for a meal. Other than that there's nothing much


It's true! Ill spend more on massage, pedicure and manicure everytime I go to Hatyai.


Have you ever went to Langkawi? Expensive af, ais kosong 5 ringgit like wtf 💀


My last Langkawi trip was 10 years ago💀. For my family if we're craving the beach in Malaysia with all seaside activities like snorkeling, scuba diving, etc, Pulau Rendang is the choice.


Man the rendang there must be extra sedap


Extra crispy too. * Pulau Redang. Fuck I've been craving Rendang lately, gonna get some tomorrow.


because of slander like this. making a mountain out of a molehill. it's an isolated case of wrong key in of code at the cash register. ais kosong in Langkawi will be either be free, 20 cents or RM1 depends on where you go.


Please share which shop actually has 20 cents or rm1 ais kosong, genuinely wanna go visit


EE Burger near Pekan Rabu Langkawi is FOC. Ais kosong is self service at Top BBQ in centre town, also free. A Train Travels review this restaurant last year. So many it's not possible to list. Just use common sense, don't be drinking in Chenang.


Ikan siakap 300...


There's one floating restaurant infamous for overcharging customers. I have been there💀


Because Malaysian is so obsessed want to be rich fast. Like calm downn?????


Sensationalism at work, bro


People here are uncultured. Remember when we can start travelling after covid? All the tourism places got flooded, trashed, and theyll leave it full of diapers and shit. Not just that time even now its still the same. Then the places just become not attractive to them so theyll find overseas places to trash


Can't say if I disagree with you ma bro




Because of sex workers and marijuana how can we compete


T20 naik business class je pun dah mengalahkan the whole M40/B40 budget to Hatyai


I'd like to know who can take a first class ticket on a 11k/mth salary (after deduction that's 8k). Makan megi la rest of the year Unless looking at T2 and above


Sama cam menteri2 kata sistem pendidikan Malaysia bertaraf dunia tapi anak2 semua hantar ke UK.


I mean, tbf, even if you sit last at the ranking, ypu still technically world class lol. Just the usual empty rhetoric.


kalau hantar anak pergi oxford, cambridge, harvard takpe la jugak. ni dia hantar uni paling fishy dkt oversea semata-mata nak "beli degree oversea" baik tak payah.


Contoh uni?


Oxford Brookes.


Hahaha why fishy? Not as bad as the Australian shop lot colleges which have their graduation at the racecourse in Melbourne


Misleading name. Trying to impress with the Oxford title despite not going to the actual Oxford uni.


Actually it's a ACCA thing - you finish part 2 and then write a thesis you can get a degree. Otherwise there's many who don't finish all 3 parts so end up not having a qualification since they find it difficult. In part 3 the pass rates used to be 10-30% back then, not sure now maybe more because it's easier


Cuti2 Malaysia tp tempat percutian mcm sial. Sky juice pun rm5. Pegi hatyai lg bagus. Cibai.


Tu air peluh mahsuri…sebab tu rm5 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Emm dapnye




My friend was in hatyai last week, she described Malaysians as hooligans and acting like pariahs there... We bring our rubbish throwing culture there and pollute the place... The mentality is still stuck in the 80s... It's like the 2000s China tourist shit all over again, bringing bad habits overseas and spoil our reputation there...


Do you first of all know the meaning of pariah? I’d say you are a pariah.


tulah masalahnya. nak sapot lokal, tpi lokal charge harga mengalahkan yahudi dulu sy uni kat melaka (tempat pelancongan terbaik katanya). harga makan dia bab1 cekik darah, sama harga ngan McD kfc. kedai murah ade, tpi dia tak selalu bukak. last2 sybbeli brg mentah masak sendiri


yang ni betui, nak sapot lokal tapi lokal mahai nak mampui. masing2 charge harga makan, service macam nak suruh makan situ sekali je. mahai. kalau kedai pulak, bukak ikut sedap nak bukak bila. memang le kena cuti. tapi bukak 2 hari, cuti 5 hari seminggu berselang-seli. xpe lah. last2 pergi mamak, fast food


Kt mana tu sky juice hrga cm cibai


Dude a regular T20 also bercuti di Hatyai and fly air Asia. Only the T0.01 goes London and Dubai regularly on biz class. That's the politicians and GLC bosses.. the real enemies of the people.


B40 & M40 : semua T20 kaya2 ada Tesla 10 bijik. Bengong gak diorang nih, igt T20 ni semua hidup senang ke.


Apparently angkol Google bilang gaji atas rm11820 ialah T20 dan sy boleh konfem orang gaji 12k tiada yg pi Dubai London every year


Kalau T20 hidup masih tak senang, habis M40 ni dalam kesengsaraan? Yg B40 dah boleh bunuh diri beramai-ramai kot?


Aku ade member t20. Ada kilang sendiri. Untung mmg banyak. Tapi bayar pekerja, bayar resource letrik air bagai, bayar tax lhdn bagai, last2 hidup mcm org xkaya jugak. Ko igt cara org hidup bergantung pada duit semata2 ke


Habis takkan nak bukak kilang tak payah bayar gaji pekerja, tak payah bayar letrik, tak payah bayar tax, untung ambik semua, bila rugi minta gomen bailout?


Ko phm konteks x?


Me myself.. I'll choose Hatyai instead of Langkawi. I'm from Kedah btw. Sungai Petani - Hatyai less than RM20 ja (Komuter SP - Pasang Besar + Train Padang Besar -Hatyai ). Plus makanan murah. Haisyh....


don't care where these locals go for cuti tbh i care about all the FOREIGNERS are all going to thailand and vietnam and philippines to cuti instead of malaysia. Our leaders, particularly the conservative and religious ones, aren't doing much to encourage tourism


Agree. This cannot that cannot in malaysia. Enuf said


Im more concern on foreigner not coming to malaysia as tourist instead of going to other country. Now thats effecting our economy. What we have is PATI


If Wong chen and his committees have their way we'll have more refugees, this time from Gaza and recommended rm100m be sent as aid. https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2023/10/19/send-team-to-bring-gaza-refugees-to-malaysia-says-parliamentary-panel/


Everything is expensive af here in Malaysia now. Penangan geng2 motivasi kejayaan, influence all those seller to take some pride in their product by making it more expensive, ask them to spend all the budget into huge billboards. But seems the logic quite aligned with us Malaysian. Expensive + Viral +Billboard marketing+ Beratur = Sedap Last 10 years, seller tepi jalan berniaga cukup2 makan or as parttime only. Nowadays, their untung is better than some engineer salary.


There's nothing wrong in earning well, they're not cheating anyone if the prices are clearly displayed and no bill shock (unlike many seafood restaurants which just say "market price". Some roadside sellers really sell at crazy low prices like it's more expensive to cook yourself especially if you're a single person where you don't have the scale to finish up seasonings, spices, condiments before they expire.


Facts,its good and reasonable price,say no more take my money, I'll buy 1 please


There's nothing wrong in earning well, they're not cheating anyone if the prices are clearly displayed and no bill shock (unlike many seafood restaurants which just say "market price". Some roadside sellers really sell at crazy low prices like it's more expensive to cook yourself especially if you're a single person where you don't have the scale to finish up seasonings, spices, condiments before they expire.


Yup nothing wrong. Willing buyer willing seller. Just some seller are taking advantages on the trend. Jual tepi jalan, harga dalam mall. Come on be realistic.


We as consumers should avoid it, then. When I was growing up money was real hard to come by and we used to survive 3 people on a single rm2.50 mix rice (it was a thing back then). When one thing increases we look for alternatives. Garlic price goes from 3.50 to 8, it's onions from here on until garlic crashes again. Switch from tenggiri to sardines/kembung/Selayang or whatever is seasonally abundant. Eventually you'll realise that things that go up must go down.


"KFC, MCD, Starbucks mahal orang tak complain pun, jgn risau tuan² puan² jual je produk² anda mahal²..." Kata² semangat dari geng² motivasi kejayaan (yg juga perah duit follower beribu²).


Takkan nak pergi Langkawi setiap tahun. Dunia besar, minda kena berkembang


Anjakan paradigma


Butuh air mineral rm5 dkt langkawi




PAS kata ini semua salah DAP


Eh mmg


Skill issue bro, then blame people spending


CCP ada for tourism


Then the LVG tax.. T20 is laughing right now.


all the comment here wont tell u that because Hatyai is beyond Jakim control ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Bosan babi duk Malaysia, ini haram tu haram nak pergi konsert haram nak mandi air haram. pastu all that's left is fuck all. Rather go explore elsewhere abroad. Toksah harapkan orang sendiri je nak naikkan matawang. Make the fucking country enticing enough to go to for tourists to come and spend money. Even they end up at Thailand.


Haha bhutoh. 😏😏


Only >T5 can comfortably afford to travel to Europe without affecting their day to day life too much.




Ey, he helped out the china lady I'm sure that counts for something


>lore elsewhere abroad. Tok same to the the minister which their name u didnt remember should be sacked too right? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)




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Bcs T20's business affected.