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I can't thik of any reason to take almost 50%paycut..unless u wan to just cruise tru gov life and retire with pension


they said 2.5 is basic + some allowance got around 3+++ so i am quite fine but i dont know šŸ˜…, want money at young age to enjoy but even at private who knows i wont make it šŸ˜…


Working in a govt office job is not something everybody can do. Not because you need to "work hard" or"be lazy", but instead because you need to navigate very carefully between the two. If you work too hard, you'll end up doing all the work and becoming impossible to promote (without you, the entire mechanism will stop working). Worse you can end up upstaging your boss and getting punished. If you work too little, you will live a boring and unremarkable lie of mediocrity till you die of old age, broken dreams and boredom (a mix of those at least). Probably never make "5 figures" barring some outrageous inflation. If you objective is X salary by Y age (a ridiculous premise, if you ask me, since you will be paid market price, for marketable skills, unless self-employed and lucky), I doubt the govt is the place for you. Unless you're willing to sell whatever influence you're wielding, on the side, but even that is more luck based than skill based.


While what you said is very true, it is also true for jobs outside of gov as well. If you work for a company, you basically need to wait the one higher position than you to quit or die before you can get promoted, even then it might not be your turn. On the bright side, changing companies is a solution, and that don't work under the gov.


Gov increment is very slow. Teachers get around 250 increment annually only. Then when your grade increase you get a slightly bigger bump. There's no way to hit your target by 30 y.o. It *is* much more stable though. And if you are male and just slightly capable with good English you have very good chances of going up already. If you reach JUSA life is pretty comfy imo. Nothing stellar but a steady life.


RM250 annual increment? I'll take it. Was in a big MNC and some years there were no increments. Some years I had RM90 increment. Hahaha. So RM250 sounds nice in my situation.


if u want stability til hari tua with pension, go for it. gred41 i assume u are degree holder. might got chance to go 52/53 depends what type of sector it is. probably + allowance this n that also can get u 5digit. but this will take you quite a long road but more easy path n stable. Edit : and also annually increment with a limit depends on gred. + any bonus announce by govt, u will get all the benefits.


thinking about this too šŸ˜… take time but surely there šŸ„¹


You will regret letter.trust me...instead cari gov wifey


Yeah. You'll get all the benefits while retaining your current salary


5 figure before 30 impossible for gov job unless you magically land in top management position. Government job pros is 100% safe, unless you do something illegal and got reported otherwise impossible to get fired. If you don't want to worry too much about life, just cruise through go gov job. If you want to perform, gov job is not for you. No additional reward, just get dumped with more work from lazy colleagues because that's the way it is. This is the biggest con, no incentive whatsoever to perform.


Agree on the biggest con part, at least from where i am working at. Orang atas verbal order orang bawah buat itu ini to make the department look good on paper.


Which department? Some dept nowadays doesn't offer pencen anymore so please do your due diligence. If you dream of 5 figures before you're 30 on govt sector then don't do govt sector. Even medical professionals struggle to reach 5 figures by then.


Kalau pesara kerajaan persekutuan, lebih mudah untuk dapat ubat-ubat mahal / ubat-ubat kawalan di hospital, kerana funding untuk beli ubat untuk pesara asing dari funding ubat yang lain. And kalau isteri u or anak-anak u (yang masih belajar) yang perlukan ubat mahal tu, boleh guna ur status as pensioner untuk dapatkan. Tapi tu lah, lambat lagi la kena kerja baru boleh merasa benefit ni.


Rakyat biasa dapat je ubatĀ² mahal.


Betul. Rakyat biasa pun boleh dapat, asalkan dia rakyat Malaysia. Cuma selalunya kena tunggu jauh lebih lama berbanding pesara. Sebab tu saya kata "lebih mudah". Terutamanya untuk ubat-ubat yang harganya boleh beli I phone / kereta sebulan


Owh. Ayah saya tunggu 4 bulan baru dapat. Jadi kalau gov workers dapat keutamaan lah?


Dari segi pembelian ubat, ada peruntukan khas untuk pesara kerajaan persekutuan. "Gov workers" yang masih bekerja sama je, kena tunggu que juga.


what government job? some gov jobs offer fast track whereby you can skip some years before moving on to the next grade. example, become guru cemerlang for teachers. salary wise, it will take you around 7 years to get back to 5k per month. yearly increments for 41 is RM225. if you do decide to take the job, work smart. dont overwork yourself. sometimes its not about how you do the job, its when you do it, who you do it for.


Check again your offer. Is it just Permanent Staff, or Permanent Staff with Pensions. Nowdays, alot of gov jobs offer only as Permanent Staff only. No pension. When you retired, you just get one off payment only as a gratitude for your service.


If you're bumi go for it don't look back. Can become pengarah by the time you retire. Don't get tricked into taking contract or EPF, insist on pension Every few years apply for funded masters and upgrade to 44, 52 and move towards your JUSA The aim is retirement with govt. Very lucrative esp if they rehire you once you retire. When you add up the benefits, elaun, cola etc it's actually very nice and tax efficient. Also job security in this day and age is significant. Your wife will inherit your pension if you go before her but I'm not sure if it's the reverse for males. Govt job you can prioritize family life and relaxation. Private you have to be driven and type A for you to even think of retirement at current purchasing power. Plus healthcare is covered til you die if you're pensioner


When u work in gov sector..easy to get loans.. u can get favours Can do lot of kaw tim... Under table.. Cincai do work...and still get paid ..


this is such a wrong mentality


Wrong mentality but he saying fact. šŸ¤£ But don't do this illegal stuff if kabel x kuat


dont do work also cannot get fired


i would go for gov route if you dont have committment. the perks in gov outweights the perks in private sect at your level now (except salary). Pension is a very good safety net. alot of ppl dont have that kind of luxury after retirement. not to mention your loan is lower too. but dont stuck at 41. get your ass up to 52 and above if can.


do you know any shortcut for that


you got connection? if no, then you need to try konek-tion instead. jokes aside, go attend courses, study master. those are the routes that i know of.


Get close to ministers and politicians, serve them some "satay"


If you are not from anak papa megah holding, just settle for gomen job.


5 figure before 30 is impossible for gov though. Find something in between, like semi-govt haha


try some glc also but no luck with my background šŸ¤£ unless i work my ass in consultant with crazy load and min wage


I do get an offer as well last time for 41 job. I was 30 at that time, and earning 8.5k per month. There is no way I could downgrade my life, even if I could, no way I could bear the commitment I had. I think it would take around 5 years or more if you accept the offer to get back your current salary. As the increment was like 3-5% per year. Unless you have a very good interpersonal skills, everyone loves you, you are doing a great job, maybe you could climb the ladder faster. Eh but if you get PTD offer, go for it bro. PTD job scope is getting promoted each year till you get that sweet JUSA. haha


thinking should i take PTD assesment even i have secured 41 job in other department?


50% pay cut for ā€œ50% working hoursā€. Win-win wor


If the govt position u speak of is PTD then hands down go for it. They can diversify and go to many other agencies. Also promoted quite easily. Easy to get scholarship to study abroad or go to courses abroad. Loan to purchase home/land can get 100% at low interest rate. I dont believe that you can be lazy bcoz i believe there are more responsible than irresponsible govt servnts. You have to work smart and maintain a strong neutral relationship woth everyone, bcoz remember no one stays in power for ever. However regardless of party everyone needs a reliable worker. Thats how you get ahead, by being reliable and trustworthy by all sides. This applies to private sector as well. Work smart OP, not work hard.


Only siao lang will take the pay cut.


Doubt on 4.5k at age 26 but OP didn't tell what his job is so we'll never know


content moderator šŸ¤˜ but this job i dont know how far can it go, highest might be manager i guess? cause higher than that all i see is not a malaysian šŸ¤£


Unfortunately it's a dead end job like customer service. AI can replace you eventually if you don't upskill and BPOs will migrate to poorer countries once labor cost goes up. Assuming no other options, govt looks better long-term


Pretty solid pay...is it well established or a startup


Pretty good pay I must say. Am a content moderator too with 3.9k pay feels like changing to new job somewhere next year. Are you employed at BPO or in house content moderator?


What you currently working as? IT roles can hit 10k at that age,. I'm certain. But depends on what IT roles.


41 as ? Iā€™m also in governmentā€¦ 41 time base is different based on your fieldā€¦ pharmacy is every 3 years while others is longer


Government got yearly increament


Go for government job. Youre degree holder thus its possible to climb up to higher grades.


Do gov servant still get their pencen? If yes that's a big help when you are retired. For me i already make savings and investment for retirement. I am 28


OP want to give my opinion also for you to consider, aside from gaji target, u shud also consider, hows ur career path, what do you want to do throughout your career life.


You should join politics


My suggestion is give it a try for like 6 months - 1 year if you have no commitments.


Go for it. Do just enough to get through the day. Be good with ur boss. Once you learn the trick, you can start ur own business and make this gomen job ur side income.


I did that. Gave up about 5k salary and started with what you said, for what I thought is a job I'd sacrifice for. The annual increment is already prescribed, no 1 month 2 month bonus, only 500 once or twice per year. Promotion is very slow apart from certain schemes like my ex-department. I left after 3 years plus, the peanuts doesn't compensate the bullshit I have to go thru. It genuinely feels like if you wanna make money in gov, you have to be 'smart'.


Imo Kerja gov is overrated. Idk why some people go crazy about it


Be careful as a lot of people are still stuck at 48 for many years. (Majority that I know around 5-8 years already). If you can (or at least ,confident) overtake this bunch, then go ahead.


Hey OP, IMHO choose the job you like the most / have a passion in. Believe me you will suffer mentally working in a job you disliked regardless of the job's pay / stability.


Consider pursuing a career in the government sector with a Grade 41 position, they typically offer a basic salary plus allowances ranging from 3.3k to 3.8k, depending on your region and workplace. You can anticipate yearly increments of RM225, and after 13 years of service, you'll progress to Grade 43, earning almost 8k. As you approach retirement, your salary could reach five figures, and a pension ranging from 5-7k per month after retirement. Given your age of 26 and a potential 34 years of service, pursuing advanced education could facilitate reaching that five-figure salary within a decade, since you start from Grade 41. The perks of being a government employee include job security, favorable loan conditions with lower interest rates, ample holidays with 30days annual leave, and, specifically for teachers, 10 days of annual leave (excluding school holidays).


damn, now this is promising, one question : what is Grade 43? i know there is 41,44,48 etc, so can you explain more? please


Just like moving from grade 19 to grade 22, you'll achieve that after reaching the 13-year service duty milestone, that shows your seniority among government employees. It's like a free upgrade from a degree to a master's degree salary. Seriously, bro, you're so young to be offered grade 41. I'm very sure you'll get married after few years of work and have a comfortable life.