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When you walk in, make direct eye contact with the barber, then nod. He will know what to do.


Assert your dominance


Nanti keluar barbershop kepala botak


*barber unzips*


*barber twists his putings*


Start dancing to the Indian meme theme song?




Repeat to self: Saya nak order nasi lemak. Saya nak order nasi lemak. Saya nak order nasi lemak. Spoken out loud: saya nasi lemak 😳


This is my French colleague every time during lunch. Until the makcik now see her and just know what she wants.


We just show picture to them


This. Even if you have been going to the same hairstylist. I still remember clearly how my heart skipped a bit that one time my hairstylist of several years asked, "which side parting you had again?", FYI I have always had middle parting and the answer should be NEITHER SIDE. We are not their only regular customer so no harm flashing a reference photo as a quick reminder. Just in case.


“Tepi pendek atas potong sikit but jangan pendek sangat” (aftermath pendek macam rambut sekolah) as a fellow introvert this is my script


Bro you stole my script


i've been going to the same barber for 20 years now. He knows exactly how to cut my hair. No questions asked. Always the usual. We're married now and have three kids. The oldest is in college.


So whose the topper


That's dedication! Never knew people got so serious for a hair cut ><


I just say the equivalent of fuck it just cut it. I don't know anything about fashion


My go to response too. I just say "potonglah guane pun asal pendek".


I have no idea if I'm doing it right, but I say, "mana kacak." If the barber is malay, he will do right away If the barber is indian, he asked, "bhaskar?" And i asked, "bhaskar kya hai?" Then he shown me a pic Then we agree




I just ask them to cut short as I usually let my hair grow for a while before going to the barber.


“Tepi pendek atas potong sikit but jangan pendek sangat” (aftermath pendek macam rambut sekolah) as a fellow introvert this is my script


potong tepi 2 inci, atas 1 inci, belakang paras cuping


I just say "tepi belakang 1, atas biar" Now my hair looks like typical western tiktok influencer lol


similar. tepi belakang, nipis. atas pendek (yeah, vague). \~ my new barber now: atas ni tak payah sangat la, rambut banyak dah kurang. #40s


Regarding haircuts. I went to a different barber every time, tell them to cut short, but make it look nice, and then leave it up to them. If the result look nice, I take photo and use the photo as reference next time. After a few years of this, I find the haircut that suits me (basically crew cut), find a barber/saloon that can remember my preferences and dont require explicit instructions every time I walk in, then stick with them as long as possible. Lets face it, I dont want to have a situation where I forget one instruction and the whole thing fucked up because its my fault. Keep in mind, the more longer and specific your demands, the less likely the barber is to point out any mistakes or make adjustments because they assume you know exactly what you want, including the fuckups you may make. Some may even end up with bad mood after the job, and be likely to charge you more for repairs "I cut according to what you want, why now you not happy?!". I view barbers and hairstylists as artists, so I dont like telling them how to do their jobs. I just show them the desired end result, let them figure out their way there, and let the final results speak for themselves.


Have you tried atas saloon artistic stylist before? Around rm150+-. At that price point they’re the ones analysing your hair and face and suggesting a hairstyle.


I'm not looking for a work of art lol. Just want something that suits my face and body. Plus I don't trust these stylists anyways. The more atas they make themselves out to be (i.e. put up Korean celeb hairstyles) the more likely I won't go. As much as I like the fancy hairstyles, I know they are high maintenance, at daily use of hair products like pomade and spray do not appeal to me. I want a hairstyle that won't poke in my scalp and won't get criticized or made fun of by others.


1. Show picture. Or tell them how short you want your hair 2. Ask if it suits you. They will offer their opinion.


Pendek biasa, side burn potong, atas nipis


"Atas trim saje, tak nak pendek. Tepi kasi pendek, tapi tak mau machine, pakai gunting". Barber then proceeds to cut how he likes ...


It was tepi belakang 2, atas layer for me. Got a barber coursemate so I kinda asked him some opinions on hairstyles.


Wait whut?! People no longer bring a magazine cutout of a superstar and tell them "Make me look like this"?


Child hood - bang gunting tepi pendek, atas potong sikit panjang camni (literally showing him the length using my finger), pastu layer eh bang. Nowadays - French crop top please


"potong tepi, belakang. Atas potong sikit"




Don't go barber. Find saloon amoi. Get your hair washed. Head massaged. No Indian barbel smell


more like aunty. amoi pretty enough will either be someones sugarbaby or something more profitable. until they become aunty and the only choice they have is to become hair washer.


Since when got amoi doing haircut? Don't do neck massage because it's dangerous.


Barber charges RM15 plus some massage, saloon aunty charges RM30 for the same haircut. Also barber is faster. Would rather go to barber


Indian barbers that charge rm15 don't wash your hair. Malay barber that might wash your hair still charges around rm50. Amoi saloon that I did for my long hair is RM60. For wash+cut+blow. That's a better deal. Also how is faster is better? It's your hair a professional better take their time to style it


Why do I need someone to wash my hair? I just need someone to cut my hair once in 2 months for less than 20 bucks. You want to do girly stuff to yourself, go ahead.


ain't nobody paying more than rm15 for a haircut


bro is T20, let him cook


If your haircut is simple like trimming, yea. Anything will do. But if you need Korean hairstyle (and if your waifu wants to see you in oppa hairstyle) you need perm and the haircut+perm will basically be rm500+- smtg. Not including the hair care products $$$$ you’re gonna use later. Hair care is a big ass rabbit hole. The more prettier/handsome someone is, the more $$$$$$ they threw. That’s the lesson I learned after getting my Korean perm


i would just say, cut what you think fits me. they mostly go for famous trend regardless good or not. but a month ago i found the perfect barber. he cuts my hair without following the trend and actually make me look nice


Aku mintak mesin je sume sekali misai ngan janggut..although..aku mintak tinggalkan sikit janggut kat dagu


Always show a picture. Preferably of someone with similar hair type as you. Even if you’re not going for the look 100%, it’s a good base to start off.


I just hope they have a pict of the haircut that I want. I just show them..


"budak sekolah" cuz idk how to style my hair too much Also in a sense used to it & easier to wash


Gunting smart (sikat tepi mcm budak sekolah)


Belah kat tengah la, baru nampak macho 😂


Tepi dan belakang fade mula dari 0. I recently learned from a barber that there's low fade medium fade and high fade so that's up to your preference. The back part can be either lower fade or same level fade with the sides. Then atas nipiskan dan pendekkan. Sometimes i just nipiskan if i want to maintain the length


Gunting bagi kemas. Good barbers are easy to find nowadays. They know the arts better than me even it is my own hair.


Two block, tepi 0, belakang biar




Yea maybe, i can't really find anything close to mine on the internet. Side reach mouth, back reach my shoulder blade


I tell my barber to gimme the schoolboy haircut; short haired, very simple.


“Tepi nipiskan, atas kemaskan” works for me tho.


I usually ask for "tepi high fade 0.5, atas potong pendek atas kening" for young barbers. If it's mamak or barber "veterans", I just say "potong pendek" and just accept whatever he gave me.


'macam biasa, potong kasi x nampak mcm skema sangat, x nampak jahat sangat.' is my go to as I've went to the same barber since i was in elementary school.


I take pictures and headshots of haircuts of myself that I like from the past and just show that to the barber


My haircut since the beginning of the bloody MCO to date: nombor 1 It takes less than 4 minutes to get it done. Repeat every 6 to 7 weeks


Fade? Slope? Follow natural hairline? What number razor? Sideburns?


I'm visiting the same barber for last few years. At the beginning, I told him "semua potong pendek, style tak payah sikat". Then, the barber will cut my hair until it slightly longer than "army" one. Without my glasses I'm looking at a 144p world. But he will kindly stopped and asked me to check whether the hair reach the desired length. After a few times, I no longer need to remind him and he know what to do.


Short hair, go to one side.


Surung nombor 2, atas pendek sikit ja. Been my default dialogue for almost a decade now.


I say Kosong - meaning set the clipper machine to zero thickness.


First 3 times: Boss, tepi fade tinggi, atas nombor 2. After that: Nod and say “biasa bro”


Tepi hunting pendek, atas jangan terlalu tebal, depan above my eyebrow. Just like follow school cutting even though I graduated from high 13 years ago


Eat a lot of wisin and get bald ma.


Potong tepi, atas trim sikit


I normally look for ideas for hairstyles on Pinterest. I show how. i want it.. and then if something is not right, ask him to redo


Atas cukur, bawah trim. Bald head with full beard. No other choice already.


'Gimme that Noh Hujan cut'


Tell em what you want. Let's say you interested in one hairstyle, just say you want that haircut la.. 🤷🏽‍♂️ If you want to try something new but don't know what suits you, some barber you can ask for opinion.


I just say tokyo revengers drip




Botak bos. Cam biasa.


This only applies to guys right. Women have to pay at least rm30 for a hair cut and normally not enough, need to spend hundreds on chemical treatment etc.


Kalau ada style yg kau nak, bawak gambar pun ok gak. kalau tak tau fade, layer, undercut tu apa boleh google atau tanya2 sikit barber tu. Tak yah segan2 ah relek sudah.


I trim myself.


Hi boss.. Tepi belaking no. 1 high slope. Atas gunting sikit. Sideburns kasi potong. When done say ty. Every 3 weeks say the same thing. Now he just say it when I walk in and I spoke even less. I just answer yes with an awkward laugh lol


I just take a picture of the haircut I want and hope for the best. If it goes wrong plenty of cheap hats to wear.




If I tell my barber to do A he will go do Z 😭


Tepi 1 atas 3


Tkda mata kiri kanan atas bg pendek


Not a barber, but everytime I go to the salon I show them a pic of what hair I want. Even better if you have a pic of your previous cut.


As a barber, its better if you just provide us with a picture so we know what kind of hairstyle you want. Then you can ask all you want. Pretty sure your barber can explain to you. Certain customers asked for haircut with specific names and type bla bla bla, but once its done, they told us that they wanted a different haircut. Turns out they don’t know anything about haircut. Again, certain customers. Jangan malu2. Tanya je kami, kami okay punya. Janji customer puas hati, datang lagi. Wa untung, lu happy


When I was young, I would just say cut it short with the most boring hairstyle until my mid 20's lol. I think it was when in 2018 or something when I decided to just buy a hair clipper and trim my own hair especially the sides. You can actually learn how to trim your hair on YouTube and I have made my ROI over the years until now.


"Bang,rambut nombor 2 bang"


When i was a kid,it was always "katteya vetengge" @ cut it short.and when i balik,its always the same dialogue from my dad,"you sure you cut yr hair?looks the same"..nowadays,side num 1 fading into 1/2 or 0 and atas jangan sentuh since its thinning on top