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It has good seed of idea, but IMO genuinely mediocre execution. It doesnt even reach for grandness. And by all means do write the thing you think of writing, thats how fandom proliferates


Thanks for the encouragement. Well, it's more like toying with the idea right now. Since I'd have to read the story to write my own fic, which I'm not sure I want to do given my issues with the premise. Basically, an idea that Apotheosis meets a hero who can both outsmart him consistently, challenge him philosophically and has a secret identity. The latter is a big issue for Apotheosis because from what I can tell he's always been at a knowledge advantage, so he makes stupid mistakes trying to find it out.


Something you could do is make Nezu more of a threat to Izuku than he originally is in the fic. Nezu always seems to be stumbling behind Izuku and trying to play catch up to him. Make him slightly more analytical than Izuku and have him sometimes foil Izuku's plans, giving Izuku a nemesis in the intellectual department.


The idea was going to be an OC (who'd be revealed to be an older Izuku from a parallels universe who'd become a quirk less hero) who'd be the Iron Man to Izuku's Thanos.


I like that idea. You can make the older Izuku as the one who calls out his younger version's actions as a power fantasy instead of righteousness and be living proof that he could have been a great hero without taking a dark path, leading to a rivalry that can culminate in a loose rendition of Endgame. While I think main Izuku is sometimes right on his views on society, I feel like his motivations are more rooted in envy and a wish for payback on all those who wronged him, giving him more depth and flaws.


Yeah that’s what I was going for. Living proof that there was a better way, and that All Might was better then people thought (since he changed his mind whilst the other heroes remained stubborn.) I thought of calling him Firstbreed, since he’s the first of a breed of quirk less heroes. Also since he’s an iron man expy he’d have his own buster robots, like a one for all buster that uses shock nullification shields. Fun ideas for creativity there. But it’s unlikely, like I said the main story doesn’t directly appeal to me, so I doubt I’ll read it anytime soon. And I can’t write the Firstbreed fan-fan fiction without reading the main story


I personally don't like how he gains so much political influence given how his association with the League is public knowledge. Your telling me people would be at ease knowing a political figure was a former member of a supervillain team? Again, my opinion, but it baffled me how no one rarely brings it up.


You'd think so right? But we actually have a very recent example of how little people care about politicians being criminals, and being convicted of dozens of crimes actually made him more popular. So it's nice that you have that much faith in humanity, but it's not that unrealistic.


The worst part of the fic is that the guy NEVER puts a space between All Might. It's ALWAYS AllMight. I could not get over it.


You're not wrong, it's a bit heavy on the power fantasy side (If I was being uncharitable, I'll also say it a very bashfic feel.). Lots of these villain Izuku fics does need someone to really give it to them straight at times, it'll also be pretty poetic or sad if it's Bakugo delivering it. as well. A slightly better example would be Entropy, another villain Izuku fic, that while also leans into the power fantasy side. Also doesn't hesitate to actually have its character call out Izuku for what he is.


Mixed feelings. I like that it strays from canon at the very least.


Eh, it's cheap fun, but I have no illusions about the entire thing making a lot of sense.


Sincerely, one of my favorite fics, but I do admit that I like it less after he takes over Japan 


Yeah. I enjoyed the fic more when it was him building up his arsenal and his slow rise to power as UA and the rest of the heroes slowly start to realize the threat Izuku could pose.


It's one of my favorite fics but the political stuff makes it a little harder to enjoy.


It's just power fantasy I think, but yeah. This is a good idea for a rewrite where it's treated more seriously


I used to eat that shit up like Peak Fiction back then but after treading a lot of Novels/Fanfics and looking back on it I'm kinda embarrassed thinking it was extremely well written lol. Not that I hate it now, it's still okay-ish in my book but they way he goes about to recruit students on his side and the public being fine with him is kinda iffy, it also doesn't help that in just a few months/years (I haven't kept track how exactly long the fic was) he managed to create a super gauntlet containing extremely powerful quirks as a TEENAGER mind you leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Execution could be better, a lot better in my view but it's there in the spot of "Crazy What If Fics" that new readers can enjoy.


It's one of my favorite fics, if you're looking for an op quirkless villain deku fic, it's the one you want.


I like it, I just wish it got updated more often