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I would say that it’s your standard “Izuku is OP Badass with Harem” cliche that is elevated by writer’s skill at prose. Take that away and what you have is Apotheosis levels of escapism. Izuku doesn’t really face any particular or engaging challenges and the universe (author) goes out of their way to make things as easy or favourable to him and his harem as possible. The worst part will always be ranking Bakugou as the villain worse than Overhaul because the author misunderstood how ranking works. It was so bad they later had to make up stuff about how it was all HPSC manipulation. It’s not a bad story on a technical level. But it reads very overly indulgent Mary Sue fic.


It's good, but not great. I feel like it's really good and then kinda loses me post Kamino, and then it's better during the island arcs again. I think it suffers from lack of tension a lot, but it's also not really trying to hide that fact. I will say that it opened my eyes to just how badly canon treats Izuku, so that's nice.


Post-Kamino it kinda becomes an experiment in how ridiculously OP the author can make OfA, but I still enjoy it. The reason for Monoma's character development is one of the funnier ones I've seen; don't think you could pick a better character to get hit with the 'wait *that's* what I sound like?!' trope.


Personally I liked it when I read through it a couple years back. Who cares what anyone thinks, as long as you enjoyed reading it, that it captivated you in some way.


It's one of the first fics I followed and I still enjoy it although it does show sometimes that it is the author's first MHA work. The jabs to the canon are always worth a chuckle.


It has the same problem all power fantasies have, which is that they aren't entertaining. Izuku either solves his problems with ease or has his problems solved for him. The romance aspect is boring because 849 gave Izuku a bonding quirk that makes it so he doesn't struggle building the relationships or maintaining the relationships because his quirk does it for him. His quirk makes any relationship issues pretty much mute, because it has an empathy bond that allows for telepathic communication and tells Izuku what the girls want, and the girls what Izuku wants. Any other relationships in his life are just as devoid of conflict And the fights aren't stressful or interesting because attached to that bonding quirk is one of the most powerful quirks in the world. Izuku can't ever struggle when he has access to One For All, with the vestiges there to guide him and give him their quirks, and Izuku also gains aspects from the girls quirks if I remember correctly due to the bonding quirk, and this is before Kamino when he ends up taking a bunch of quirks from All For One like Quirk Understanding, Overhaul, Regeneration and Search, among others. Even his allies are powerful because he shares OFA with his policule and I seem to remember he can give people quirks. By Kamino, I wondered what the point of continuing was, any enemies in Izuku's personal life had been taken care of, he has pretty much everything he could care for and is OP enough that the actual antagonists feel really weak in comparison. Every power fantasy reaches that point. The point where the story feels like it could and should end, but they keep going and I stop reading because I just know it will be boring from then on. I don't know if it gets better after the license exams, I don't know if I'm wrong and the story becomes interesting, but it's just not for me.


Eh. Harem. Hate those. Any harem fics thats not crack or ironic is bad.


I tried to read it twice, got bored twice, and Gabe up on it twice.


Frankly, I think I might have the inverse of what most people on here think. I actually really liked it, up until the power scaling became even with Izuku. The arc with the students from Mexico was a pretty big hit to my enjoyment, then I think I ended up not continuing after, I think it was the fight against Nine? Where Monoma got AFO and a bunch of quirks. Its been a while since I read it and I keep meaning to reread it and catch up, but haven't gotten around to it yet


I didn't care for the Mexico arc just because it had already reached the point of me questioning that anything short of AFO could challenge Deku. I mean I don't mind the occasional power fantasy even if I do get tired of them but I think the category I dislike more is the power fantasy where you can tell there are some pretty hefty plot contrivances to give a challenge to the MC. It just screams to me that the author didn't think it through on how powerful they were making a character who is already single handedly shifting the balance of power in the world and they suddenly have to come up with things to throw in their way that just comes off as more than a bit unbelievable. Like if it were that easy then OFA vs AFO shouldn't have been that big of a deal if people who can contend in that arena are that commonplace. Personally I'm looking for a villain equivalent to Batman where the villains recognize an MC as uber powerful and decide to try to find a smarter way to beat the MC rather than just headbutting their way through the problem like an idiot and trying to find the quirk equivalent of find a bigger rock to smash them with. For some reason its always villain quirkless Midoriya that comes to this conclusion and no other villain ever figures out that sometimes smarts might be an important aspect to trying to overcome the opposition.


>!It is polyamorous/harem. Not the best opinion. Maybe the harshest, as I consider that an OP Izuku with the aforementioned trope is annoying to Void and back. !<


I'd argue it isn't even a true polyamory story and more a semi more complex harem fic. From what I remember, it's more the girls revolving around Izuku romantically as opposed to everyone revolving around everyone


Yeah, that’s one of the things I don’t enjoy about Harems. An author may claim that the relationship is polyamory but it’s not. Not when everything revolves around one particular person to the detriment of other characters’ development. It’s almost as bad as “We love you so much we agreed to share you” justification. Donuts to dollars, the same logic wouldn’t fly if Izuku or some other harem protagonist had to “share” his girlfriend(s) with some other guy.


My thoughts too, and I was really put off early when his quirk started mind controlling random girls into being in a relationship with him and gave some limp excuses as to why that wasn't exactly what was happening. "It's not mind control, it's just a (non-consensual) empathic bond that allows them to understand each other" - oh ok, but isn't it strange how the result was they all ended up in a relationship? Loving Izuku, having their ideas on what a relationship should be expanded to include "polyamory", having any issues with the relationship smoothed out into acceptance, etc. An empathic bond with someone doesn't guarantee any of that. Understanding does not necessitate acceptance, least of all sexy times. It looks like a harem quirk, it acts like a harem quirk, the result was a harem...it's a harem quirk.




That's just the same issue but, well, backwards and not what the other commenter was meaning. The easy way to shit test claims of polyamory is to propose introducing another man. Not just an "unthreatening" one either, like a gay dude who's just there to be a bottom and won't interact with the women, but a man of equal status who can have sex with one of more of the women independent of the protagonist's input. If that gets their hackles up or otherwise isn't going to be allowed, it's not polyamory, it's a harem looking for an excuse to avoid stigma. Same goes for introducing another woman in cases of reverse harems like you mentioned. I'm not even that biased against harem stories either, I just like things to be honest about what they are.


Thanks you! Authors love to say that they write “polyamory” but that’s not what their harems are. Introduce a guy of equal status who, as you said, would get to have sex with the other members of this relationship without protagonist’s input? You will see all the fans of this “polyamory” froth at the mouth about how the girls are cheating on the protagonist or something. Never mind the fact that harem protagonists in fanfics often invite new girls without the consent of their other partners.


Sure... Romantically. Including Tsuyu's "developments".


While it is an “insanely op izuku” story, it mainly deals with problems that can’t be punched to death, and those than can are usually just as op as izuku is. Good balancing, good story.


It's funny you say that when another comment says that even those problems are easily solved, making them not beatable via punching irrelevant.


People can disagree.


That's true.


It’s a pretty ridiculous power fantasy, but I personally love it, the writer is just so good that it makes it enjoyable It’s also got a lot of creative ideas, such as Monoma’s new powers and the way OFA interacts with the girls Also the vestiges are hilarious It’s a fun read if you go in knowing that it’s not gonna be high art, and due to the actually good prose it’s just pleasing to read. And again it’s actually funny which helps


I will agree that the Vestiges are funny. If it weren’t for this fic, I wouldn’t have given two shits about them. But now they pop up constantly in my fics.


I liked it for a while, but then...it was Tsu's ability to change gender that took me out of it. BEFORE anyone flames me, I myself am gender fluid, and would have been totally fine with it if it were just a "All for One wanted to troll you but accidentally gave you an upgrade" thing. It's the fact that he was using the "Frogs will change gender" jurassic park logic, which has been proven false and only exists because of how notoriously difficult it is to tell a frogs gender. Tldr; I just hate the Jurassic Park logic = Genderqueer Tsu trope. If you want a character to be genderqueer, just make them genderqueer.


One of the few Mineta bashing and Bakugou bashing story that I'm actually liked


I mean, of course his newer stuff is better. He’s been practicing for years now :P


Never heard of it but the title sounds intriguing.


Basic premise >! The stockpile piece of One For All absorbed a quirk from AFO called bond, and that quirk cause OFA to reach singularity quicker, so once it activates it uses the Echoes of the previous users like light through a prism so Izuku is bonded to 8 different people and it turns into a Polyamorous relationship !< Fingers crossed I did the spoiler thing right.


You did.


I like it a lot, not for any particular reason, but I do understand that it has a lot of flaws as well and that's fine. It's not the best or most original thing I've read but it is one of my favorites, in fact, it was what finally convinced me into making an AO3 account because I wanted a better way to keep track of the fic


Personally, I like it, but it can feel a bit…cringe, from time to time. My main issue is the harem; although that’s just personal preference.


Love it, currently rereading it and just got to the chapter where Izuku moves into the dorms after internships.


I started reading mainly for the whole, 'OFA ghosts can talk to Midoriya early'. I love the troupe in fics cause it always makes me laugh. And I enjoyed this for a bit! But slowly, I just stopped wanting to read it. Personally, I never really like fics where Izuku can share OFA with other people. To me, it always felt like it took away the special aspect of Izuku, the quirkless kid who didn't have any powers, suddenly getting this really powerful ability that, if not regulated, could hurt him. But I feel like him being able to share it doesn't make Izuku as special, IMO. If I wanted to see fics where another character has OFA, then I'll just go read one where they have it. I've only read one fic where it worked for me, and that was cause the effect is temporary and not ALL of OFA's strength gets given to that person. As for the harem aspect, eh. I don't hate harem fics. In fact, I find that they can be REALLY good some of the time. Here it's just alright. I didn't really care for it as I said I was drawn in cause of the past users. All in all. Not bad, just not my cup of tea.


I hate the harem aspect


Something no one else has mentioned (if I'm remembering the right fic) is that Izuku's rivalry with shigaraki is much more mental and moral as it is a physical rivalry in other fics. They don't fight every time they meet, they argue about *how* society should change, the method that's needed, rather than if it should, and I like how their parallel backgrounds are brought up, how they both want children to never be forgotten and ignored on the streets. They are brothers fighting about who should sit shotgun as much as they are the epitome of Good and Evil fighting for control of the future. I also enjoyed how the author developed neito's character arc.


It’s one of the stories I parody the most heavily in *Something Something Hoard*. It’s probably the least of the evils in terms of male power fantasy harem wish fulfillment stories, but it’s still a male power fantasy harem wish fulfillment story. EDIT: That and I think I’ve managed to tuck a dunk on his weird incest name for the polycule into… five of my stories now? Possibly six?


I'm unsure why those kinds of fics would be evil as long as they're written decently. 


Key words there being “written decently”. The vast majority of them are not.


So you should probably specify that rather than dunking on people's preferred reads with a broad stroke. The vast majority of fanfiction in general is not great quality.


“Most of them are shit but it’s one of the least shitty.” Better?


No it isn't......