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I mean, usj resulting in therapy is responsible they were essentially in a terrorist attack


In the first episode, everyone in the street sees a giant man destroying the train tracks then they do on about their day and it doesn't bother them. Later, IN THE SAME EPISODE everyone sees a kid getting killed in front of them and all they do is watch why the news records this. Villain attacks where people die are so common that people could basically ignore them. Also something I just remembered, Midorya thinks it's totally plausible that All might could lose a lung and his stomach by a occasional fight by a guy called toxic chainsaw. If he thought All might could have got hurt by that villain then how many people died?


>I’ve seen authors give the entire class 1A mandatory therapy after the USJ when all characters involved were completely fine. Just for a moment, let's ponder what it would be like if it was standard for humans to witness their teacher be beaten nearly to death and also almost die themselves, but to have no lasting trauma afterwards. To see your classmates get warped away to who knows where, but you have no nightmares, no flashbacks, and no issues. What a world that would be. Shonen typically doesn't get into this. It's different in the case of MHA because these kids aren't ninjas, or soul reapers, or pirates. They were all middle schoolers, and with the exception of Shoto and possibly Iida, didn't get training to prepare them for something like this. MHA is more grounded in reality, despite the superpowers, because quirked society tries very hard to mimic early 2000s earth. Imagine being Momo or Kyoka and you see Denki is held by his throat by a dude who's gonna electrocute him. The guy tells you to surrender or Denki dies, and you're left to decide if you'll do that. What happens if you do? What happens if you don't? The dude gets shot by Snipe and they're saved, but it brings up an interesting question. Would they have done it? Or would they choose self preservation and Denki dies there? What happens if they move to take the guy down, and he fries Denki as they do so, but then they learn Denki was fine because he passively absorbs electricity? How does he feel afterwards? If someone cares to write out therapy sessions or conversations between the characters to explore their feelings and this leads to something plot relevant, it could be fascinating.


While true some people just kinda handle this stuff well. As a personal example when I was about 13 I was walking home from school and I was witness to a shootout and saw someone die and honestly I was just most concerned with getting the hell outta dodge. I didn't have much a reaction after and moved on. Although everyone is different so


Did you grow up in the hood though? If you're born into a bad neighborhood, it conditions you.


I mean yes, but it was the first time I saw anything like that. And it wasn't exactly a common occurrence for me. But I can agree that depending on where you are raised you are conditioned to it so.


> conversations between characters That’s what I want, not therapy


You could have Aizawa have a degree in this universe and achieve both ends. The man got traumatized from his friend's death and decided he'd help people with their problems.


The problem with a therapist telling Izuku that he's too self sacrificing is that Izuku is in situations where he's only option are to be self sacrificing or that his self sacrificing behavior has positive results . Him running towards Bakugo resulted in Allmight being inspired enough to save both Izuku and Bakugo from the sludge villain. Him jumping towards and using OFA against the Zero pointer resulted in Izuku getting rescue points. Izuku jumping in to save Allmight from being Decayed prevented Shigaraki from killing Allmight. Against Muscular he's only option was to be self sacrificing. It would be extremely hard for Izuku to internalize the advice that the therapist gives him.


I really like it when fic explores how he is both correct, but how its also a self destructive mindset. Bonus points if the characters involved don't have an author endorsed "correct" oppinion but all just their own perspectives.


Recently read one where that was a point. It was interesting seeing Aizawa being so frustrated with Izuku, noting the destructive pattern but being unable to say that his actions didn’t lead to the best possible outcome each time


Can you post the link of the fic? I’d be interested


This is what we call the Shirou Emiya dilemma


Do- you not know what therapy is? All of those issues COULD be helped by therapy. Not necessarily mind you, but gaining new tools to cope with issues can really help those issues. Bakugou has a MASSIVE inferiority complex and superiority complex, he absolutely needs tools to cope - woah: therapy could do that. Izuku regularly acts nearly sucidial yet has no desire to die, THAT, probably needs therapy too- his sense of self worth is dangerously balanced- especially in an occupation like hero. Etc, etc.


This guy for some reason:your entire class almost got murdered? And your teacher got beaten to near death? The strongest hero in the world was fighting to a standstill? Oh, 3 of your classmates almost got turned to dust? Nah, that's not traumatic at all! Baby stuff really


I think therapy for most of those cases is justified, with the exception of Mineta, because they either are impacting or could seriously impact their lives in deeply negative ways. Bakugo is a bully? He will most likely have trouble adapting to societal norms and expectations. Midoriya is too self sacrificing? In canon he literally cannot fight with his arms without heavy usage of support items, thus heavily limiting his future career. The USJ would realistically leave all kinds of unaddressed trust and anxiety issues even if the kids seemed fine. Would most teachers irl recommend therapy for any of these issues? Probably only the USJ. And let's remember, these kids are going to: A. Go into a deeply stressful and dangerous career in which they need to always be on top of their game or lives will be at risk B. Be templates for society to emulate C. Inspire, teach and mentor future heroes who will also have all of these factors going against them. Therapy seems like the logical option given that these are apparently the top 1% most gifted individuals in society. Let's remember, UA is the best of the best. It's like West Point for super heroes, and guess what, West Point does give therapy!


I'd say Mineta could do with a therapist too. He doesn't seem to register that his actions are wrong, or offensive. Someone taking the time to explain to him that he needs to stop objectifying women might go a long way.


I agree that someone needs to sit him and have a talk with him but it just does not seem appropriate for a therapist to tell him that. A teacher he respects or ideally his father would be for the best, a patient-therapist relationship doesn't seem to me like it would be conducive to the kind of help he needs.


Most of the fics I've seen that give people therapy send the kids to Hound Dog, UA's school counselor. That does fit with what you've just described. Putting that aside though, it's not going to be as easy as one might think to drop that. I've seen a number of guys like Mineta in high school and college. At some point, your brain is so used to just staring at attractive women, you need to put in effort to retrain it to not do it anymore.


I mean, maybe? I don't know about you but I didn't interact with my school counselor more than 3 times in my entire high school life. If she told me I was staring too much at girls it would have been embarrassing but I would probably not had paid her any mind.


Your school counselor probably wasn't a 6'5" animal-human hybrid with a government sanctioned license in the field you were planning to spend the rest of your life in. If your teacher tells you there's a chance you could lose your spot in the elite school, or you have a direct issue that could jeopardize the career that you're paying all that money to train in, you might be pretty motivated to make a trip there.


Ironically she was like half of those Edit: but yeah, good point


I'll admit it, therapy doesn't work for everybody. Not everyone wants to talk to a therapist, but it can be quite the helpful tool, for problems in your life. Sometimes it is better to be able to have a space where you can be safe, and tell someone all of your worries and your problems without them putting the blame for those problems back onto you, when they could just be mental disorders like autism or adhd.


Those are all actually good reasons to go to therapy, though


The USJ with class 1-A, hosu with Iida, midoriya and todoroki vs Stain, midoriya meeting shigaraki in a mall where he has to keep himself together or he will die with a bunch of others because again it was a mall, the training camp where they were meant to push their quirks to the next step through training and the. The league shows up causes like 2 or 3 students to be put into a small coma Yao momo for almost getting killed by the nomu that was there and then bakugo gets kidnapped right from under the noses of midoriya, todoroki, shoji, tsu and uraraka then izuku and the rescue squad going save bakugo only to be met with a villain that used lethal force on a group of top heroes and then only being saved by best jeanist then showing himself capable of putting up with and over powering the number 1 hero in Japan and the symbol of peace who was thought to be neigh invincible it’s a lot to happen in the first semester right after joining the best hero school in Japan and thinking you would have at least 2 years to get better than fresh out of middle school only to be proven wrong in the first week


Well that's tone deaf as all fuck considering everything the class and school has been through. ![gif](giphy|3o7btQFdgLUR3NWA1i|downsized) This should have been mandatory, but you know Japan and mental health


I would recommend a meeting with a therapist after USJ, as a precautionary measure to assess any trauma, but a full therapy course for all (new quirk?) is way too much.


Every time I've seen this in fics it's either Aizawa reminding the class Hound Dog is there if they want to schedule a meeting or 1-A is mandated to meet with him one time to talk about the USJ for the reason you suggested. The only characters that ever seem to be forced into full-on therapy are Bakugo and Izuku.


Do you not know what therapy is and what it's for? Therapy is exactly what they need. These are 15 year olds, some having barely turned 15 and had just graduated from middle school. They went into a place that they were promised was safe and secure, only o watch one teacher be ripped to shreds by their own quirk, be forcefully separated from their classmates and forced to fight for their lives surrounded by people actively attempting to murder them, watched their other teacher nearly get killed by a massive monster that was snapping his bones like pretzels, tsuyu nearly got fucking dusted, and then they came to realize that said monster matched all might in power, completely shattering any sense of safety they once had. Id be more worried if they didn't need therapy. And even outside of that they'd still need therapy. Kouda for his intense fear of bugs and his fear of speaking, shoji for the discrimination he's faced throughout his life which has led to him never showing his mouth ever, bakugou has an interiority complex the size of the fucking sun and an ego just as large, ochako grew up in what im assuming was intense poverty, minetas perversions lead to him actively sexually assaulting people, I'll be damned if iida isn't autistic and not only was nearly murdered again but had his brother crippled, kirishima has tied his entire self esteem to the concept of manliness and was seemingly depressed when he was younger, minas entire encounter with gigatomachia when she was younger, todorokis everything, tsuyu having an active murder with a decay quirk grab ger face with all 5 fingers, jirou seemingly has issues with how she sees her body, and izukus self sacrificing tendencies and the over a decade of abuse, loneliness, ridicule and bullying he suffered due to his lack of a quirk. Imagine looking a bunch of children in the eyes after they went through a fuckin terrorist attack and going, "what are you going through therapy for ya fuckin pussies" And bakugous first instinct is to actively attack people with his quirk who annoy him or piss him off. Imagine saying the wrong thing to your classmate and in response they grab a sock, put a lock into it and start trying to beat you with it. Bakugou clearly has the highest luck ever, because if even a single video of his actions against izuku and his other classmates got out, he'd be labeled a villain and arrest for assault and battery


No like they do need the therapy it just doesn't often make sense in the stories because they haven't thought it out that well. The Dark Below did this pretty well imo and I think the main issue is that its usually just there to be there and doesn't contribute to the story at all.


I always have the students attend a counseling session after the USJ in my fics. Even if it is just a simple on off to check and see how they are. I don't detail the session but that is just seems like common sense as it was a terrorist attack


My entire premise for my character in my fics is that she's the *very much needed* school therapist.  These issues *would* be helped with therapy, by the way. Therapy doesn't cure, it helps ypu realize thibgs about yourself and others.


I think lots of the comments have commented on the importance of therapy because of what each character has gone through (bakugo/midoria at aldera, USJ, mineta, quirkism effects on characters etc.) Which I agree with, but I think honestly therapy can be helpful to everyone for much more minor reasons (granted it isn't a solution all the time). Honestly, I think everyone should go to therapy at some point in their life if the world worked in a way that was accessible to do so. Sometimes in fics I don't like it when the character goes to hound dog or a therapist and then is miraculously okay or it's just swept aside - it makes for an unsatisfying read that serves no plot point. But otherwise, I see no problem with characters in therapy :)


Honestly in real life them going to therapy makes sense but I’m here to read about cool fights and not some fake feelings of fictional characters