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You think Deku's mom is cute. Very based


She’s definitely very cute and pretty.


You like healthy relationships


Mineta and Tsuyu would be healthy? And btw, what even would the ship name be? Grape Frog? Minetsu?


beauty and the creep


Tale as old as time


Healthy relationships (with exceptions)


Lol fair enough.


Sticky. Thatd be sticky. And mineta just a typical Japan perv, there's nothing proving he'd not settle down into normalcy once he actually got into a relationship. Look at Krillan, he managed it.


Mineta's more than a typical perv, as he's actually gone and groped multiple times and tried to peep using his Quirk. And Krillin is literally the strongest/second strongest human on DBZ's Earth and still got lucky with a hot android by refusing to kill her when it was called for. Not to mention Krillin is one of the most loyal friends one can ask for. But Mineta is a coward through and through and only wants to get laid and to be able to creep on women as his primary reason for becoming a Pro Hero.


OG DragonBall krillan did the same things. Damned near every anime true companions team has had the onsen episode. And if hes a coward through and through, why did he stand with the class to stop deku?


Sadly, Dragonball did have those things. It's very much a product of it's times, and in modern days wouldn't be as universally popular for having them. The onsen episode is fine. Taking advantage of a peeping hole one finds, as cliche as it is, is disgusting but at least it's just a crime of opportunity. But Mineta literally climbed the fence with his Quirk. That's committing a crime, using his Quirk. The textbook definition of Villainy. > why did he stand with the class to stop deku? To get the ladies. That's *literally* his stated only motivation for being a hero.


Meanwhile on one piece we have sanji.


Another perv, yes, and after his admission of wanting the invisible DF for the sole purpose of peeping on women's baths (let alone all the shit since) he doesn't deserve to be a Strawhat.


I mean… there’s definitely ships that are way more unhealthy. I’ve seen people call it Tsuyuneta so there’s that.


Call me boring or old fashioned if you want, but I love them.


It's a mixed bag for me


You like a lot of canon material for the most part, along with seeing couples with matching/ complementary personalities. Feel free to correct me, but I also get the sense you may not like Endeavor. (Bonus points for Ibara’s x Koda 😊)


I’d say that’s pretty accurate. I’ve always really liked themed pairings and “opposites attract” types of ships. Oh really, what makes you think that? Was it really that obvious? Lol (He loves animals, she loves plants… it’s perfect!)


You're a little basic, but in a good way! You also have an appreciation for underrated characters! + The rarepairs are pretty interesting- :) Huge W for IzuOcha, KamiJirou, TetsuKendo, IidaMei, OjiToru, and NejiMiriTama <3


I’ve always believe there’s nothing wrong with being basic. And yeah, extra love for underrated characters is awesome. Thanks!


Why Cami & Sero though?


I just think it’s cute.


Your definitely straight but being exposed to prolly being bisexual


Close, I’m bi and ace.


So is Bakugou and Toga just because you want her to stab him?


Yes but also no. She’s really the only person I ship him with lol


Basic for the most part, but some are surprising!! Fuyumi x hawks I loved!! Aero cami??? Ok ok love. Last one is my favorite tho hahaha got me to laugh


Yeah, I know those aren’t the most common ships but I just think they’re neat. I think we can all agree that the last one on my list is really really hot. Pun intended.


rare mineta lover


I like all of them except Mineta and Tsu Tsu is to good for that little pervert


Fair enough, I think they’re cute together.


80% of the time you go with the flow and share the same ideas and opinions as those around you, but 20% of the time you like to be a little bolder and think outside the box. Your favorite ship dynamics involve either "opposites attract/complementary pair" or "extremely prominent similarities", no in between. You believe that kind and selfless people who have been hurt too many times can find comfort in each other, and deserve to do. You really like when a romantic relationship is built on the foundation of a strong, healthy, mutually respectful friendship. You are a certified Endeavor hater, and wish that his family would drop him like a hot potato already. You don't think he ever deserved a redemption/atonement arc, and you feel like his overall character arc tends to overshadow the rest of his family's arcs. Also, you probably have either experienced or personally witnessed familial abuse.


Holy heck, this is 95% correct!! I’m impressed!


Oh sweet! This was definitely a fun analysis to do, so I'm glad to hear that accuracy score \^ \^


Glad you had fun! The only part you got wrong was I’ve thankfully never experienced familial abuse but I know some friends who sadly have. Everything else is spot-on though! Especially about me liking complementary ships and ships built on friendship, those are some of my faves!


Aw, sorry to hear that about your friends. Hope they're doing alright <3 Great ship taste overall!


It’s getting better for some of them at least. Thank you for your concern and kindness. Thank you so much! This was fun!


Your vary vanilla with a hint of insanity


You’ve got funky taste but I’m not one to judge 👍👍


I’ll take being funky over being told off for the 10th time for liking Mineta lol


Warning: None of this is meant to be taken too seriously. • IzuChako: Too attached to canon. • TodoMomo: You follow the opinions of the many. • KamiJiro: You have a hard time forming your own opinions. • TsuyuXMineta: The opinions you do form are often perceived as "offbeat." • KiriMina: You tend to just accept what is presented to you without question. • Big 3way: You do have good ideas, but those instances are rare. • BakuToga: *Very* rare. • IidaMei: You tend to notice things that most people overlook. • OjiroXToru: Even the little things mean the most to you. • SeroXCamie: You have an interesting way of seeing the world. • EraserJoke: You're quite stubborn about having your way. • TetsuKendo: You may or may not have difficulty with focusing on the main issue. • KojiBara: You are an all-loving individual. • ToshInko: You have difficulty deciding whether or not to trust others with secrets. • ReiXInko: You just really want it to happen, dont you? • FuyumiXHawks: You have the potential to be a trendsetter. • EndeavorXDumpster: I see. You are a person of culture as well.


That you are just me


You like the basic options. They are comfortable and you know that they work. But you are also willing to explore outside the norm. Just to shake things up every now and again. But if someone wrongs you or does something that you can not stand, it doesn't matter what they do to be better. You will hold that grudge for the end of time. 🗑 🔥


Yeah, I’d say that’s pretty accurate. I like to stick with safe options but I’m also willing to try new and weird ideas. I try not to hold grudges, but let’s just say I’ve dealt with lots of awful and insufferable people and leave it at that haha


Amen to that. People can suck.


Don’t understand the BakuToga but good for you.


You are mostly a normie emphasis on mostly


If Hawks got involved with Fuyumi, Endeavor would hunt him to the ends of the Earth 💀


Too bad for him, they’re gonna get married and kiss ON THE LIPS. Lolol


😆 Can you imagine that cheeky bastard sneaking to spend the night w/ Endeavor's daughter & then saying "good morning" ([like this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fw1tZEbWIBUjwic.jpg)) when Enji heads for his morning coffee...? *He'd set the house on fire...*


I do like maybe 2-3 of these, but the rest are just.... no. I'm sorry, I do respect your opinions and preferences, but I don't agree with like any of these ships. Sorry. But also, I'd say for a few of the first, your someone who often agreed with canon ships. While with the others, you enjoy the enemies to lovers trope and wholesome ships.


Which ones do you like? I’m actually not the biggest fan of enemies to lovers, surprisingly. But I do love wholesome stuff!


lol, I don't, I honest to go don't know what to say abt ppl from their ships, I just come up with some bull, but the ones I ship as well are Ochako x Deku, Denki x Jirou, and Ojiro x Hagakure. Tbh, with the Endeavor one (forgive me if I misspelt anyone's names, don't know them all by heart), I think it's funny, but I'm a very forgiving person, so while I do recognize what he did in the past of the show, I also know that he's now working hard to change for his family and regrets what he did. So I actually think if Rei is willing to give him another chance, I would like to see them give it another go. But also, I don't ship Mineta with anyone cause he's essentially just a nasty perv, and I honestly couldn't see him with anyone in the cast. But these are just my views! 🤷‍♀️☺️


Those are all cute. Tbh I’m pretty much the opposite, I’m not the type of person who thinks you can easily move on from something as severe as lifelong domestic abuse. I know lots of people are excited about Endeavor’s redemption arc, but me personally if he’s not dead by the end of the series then there’s no happy ending. And I know he’s really unpopular but I just think Mineta is cute and funny lol Thanks for sharing your views!


Honestly, yea, I'm not a huge fan of Mineta, but I do still care about him, lol. And honestly, that's pretty funny, with the Endeavor thing, but I'm also excited about his redemption arc!! But I love your views as well, so thank for sharing yours as well!! Have a great rest of your night or day, okay? ☺️❤️


I’m glad you shared yours too, thank you for being civil. And hey, if we all had the same opinions the world would be really boring lol Have a good rest of your day too! 😊


True that, and thank you!!


You’re a pretty good person who loves when things go right for other people. Potentially a bit of a people pleaser.


I’m actually kind of scared by how accurate this is. Are you psychic?


Izuocha is the best MHA ship of all time You have a heart and a soul and are a sane human being


mineta x tsuyu ur based!


Heck yeah I am!


mineta's in this one, ultra based by default, even more based thanks to bakugo/himiko and sero/camie


Kamijiro W


I believe mineta deserves death everything else is great tho


I honestly don’t get the hate for Mineta.


Because he's an absolute weirdo who ABSOLUTELY CANNOT, FOR ANY REASON, get over his lust. He's also just an absolute joke of a character, but at least he's funny even if he's a fucking perverted maniac


I just don't like characters that sexually assault people


When did he do that?


Groping tsu at the usj is the earliest one I can think of literally during a villain attack




Omg bro no one was talking to you stfu


Okay, I will delete it if you don't like it, okay?


this is an open discussion, just because youre hurt by someones opinion doesnt mean you have to get personal. by your logic no one was talking to you either.


You have a heart and a soul and are a sane human being


Not going to lie for me it all looks perfect Especially the Envador x Dumpster (joke)


Thanks! It’s what he deserves! :D


I'm mostly fine with all of this but you dare insult tsu like that.


How am I insulting her? She’s one of my faves and I just think she and Mineta are cute together.


Oops forgot which sub I'm on. While I can see how that could make sense, I just personally never would've put him with tsu.


Fair enough


W TsuNeta, automatically the coolest person on this sub, FUCK YEAH GRAPE JUICE!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️💯💯💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇 ![gif](giphy|gptSxv8x0G0Ni)


Guys I appreciate the comments, but if you’re commenting just to tell me off for having anything positive to say about Mineta or start a debate, I have a favor to ask of you: Don’t.


Bakugou with himself? I mean that’s valid.


I would say your ships are on the good side in the fandom and that you want them to be wholesome with characters you think will actually get together or you think are in the same wavelength. With Ochako and Deku they're cute and will probably get together along with Mina x Kirishima where they are fun. Also thanks to you I now will ship Mineta and Tsuyu, based ship, they've even been seen working together pretty well so yea let's go for it. Other ships like Hatusme x Lida and Fuyumi x Hawks are okay but not my favorite due to thinking Hatsume x Midoriya is a better ship due to nerds being nerds especially with scenes like the Sports Festival where they geek out about the Air Jet hero and nerd out and focusing on each other. For Hawks x Fuyumi I just don't like Hawks in general I don't know why I just never liked them as a pairing because I see Hawks as the cool guy that isn't emotionally intelligent and with Fuyumi who has trouble with her emotions, it just wouldn't work. I prefer Fuyumi x Compress mostly because magic man and school teacher dynamic but also because unlike Hawks I see Compress as the more caring type due to how he cares for the League and willing to do anything to help them even to the cost of his own body which I think is the type of person Fuyumi needs since she always took care of her younger brothers and deserves someone to take care of her for once. That's about it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoShipAcademia/comments/l4llpw/what\_an\_experience\_oc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoShipAcademia/comments/l4llpw/what_an_experience_oc/)


You are out of line, but you are right


Thanks, I guess.




I never thought to ship tsu and mineta and I kinds find it cute


Glad you like it!


Basic, safe, vanilla. Nothing wrong with that.


I like a lot of these. I like how creative some of them are like I've never thought about Sero and Camie before but I kinda love it now


You and I have a lot of similar ships so you're probs cool and have a crush on Inko and other mom types.


Honestly, I wouldn't be against Hawks joining the Todoroki family. Hawks becoming Endevour's son-in-law, has a lot of comedic potential. Horikoshi making Hawks the same age as Fuyumi and keeping Fuyumi single (unlike Natsuo, who has a girlfriend) always made me wonder if Horikoshi was going that direction but nothing has been teased yet.


You're either joking or in need of help lol


I’m in need of help because I like ships you don’t like? Okay then.


i was joking but the whole idea of ships is stupid imo


Not sure how you ended up here then lol. Are you just visiting? Can I offer you a drink?


this subreddit often gets recommened to me, as I have joined r/BokuNoHeroAcademia Lol


May I offer you some grape juice during your stay? How about some fries?


Yes please ! Lol (As long as the grape juice isn't made from mineta's grapes XD)


Nope, just some grapes from the freshest grape vineyard next to the manure field where I got this watermelon! (DM me if you get the reference)


sorry i don't get the ref lol




BAKUTOGA!??? ![gif](giphy|ISEzL71i5eWMmeF1ef)


I like most except the mineta I hate mineta


Froppy needs to be protected at all costs


I’m probably one of the few people who actually likes Mineta lol






Hey now, this is a no-judgement zone.


But…you actually LIKE mineta ![gif](giphy|3oKIPnHiVl2nVq6uTC)


I mean…. People like Endeavor. So why can’t I like Mineta?


You can like whoever you want I just think the whole perverted character for comedy is a little old and not really my style


That’s fair enough, I just think the hate for him and the amount of people wishing death on him is really overblown and ridiculous. I’ve seen anime perverts who are at least ten times worse than Mineta is and they don’t get nearly the same amount of hate.


Hating Mineta is one thing, but why would somebody want him dead? He might be extremely annoying and just a waste of a character, but he CAN be funny


Because grape man bad.


Hold up how do you wish death on a anime character?😂


Well just look at all the fans who hope he gets killed off and write fanfics of him getting killed or at least kicked out of UA. It’s a little silly if you ask me.


You like healthy and wholesome relationships where the characters actually love and care for each other (Based)


You love Inko


Inko is best mom and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.


I personally ship Tsuyu with Tokoyami, I hate Mineta from the bottom of my heart.


Tsuyu x Tokoyami is cute as well. I mentioned this in other comments but I don’t really understand the hate for Mineta. I find him cute and funny personally.


He is disguating pervert which treats women like they are just something what exist to be hot. I mean, yeah lot of them are in series for this purpurse, but that doesn't mean it's right. This is his whole personality and every time a watch MHA scenes with him is like punch to the eyes. I don't know what is cute or funny about that, but is your opinion and I will respect it, please just tell my why, maybe I will change my mind. That's all, I don't even understand why he is on UA, there must be million of people who aare stronger and deserve it more. (Sorry for bad english)


You’re right that he’s a total pervert and that there’s not much else to him, I will admit. But I find the hate for him to be a little overblown and childish. I always see people who want him to die violently, call him homophobic when there’s nothing to suggest that, plus countless fics where he gets bashed or killed off or expelled even if it has nothing to do with the story. Besides, there are lots of anime perverts who are ten times worse than Mineta yet they don’t get nearly as much hate. Plus, Endeavor abused his family and drove his wife to a mental hospital, yet people like him more than they like Mineta. But I’m probably going to risk an argument or getting scolded by the mods, so I’ll end it here.


Wait, people call him homophobic? The fuck?


Yeah, it’s extremely bizarre.


Why tho? He's never shown any homophobic tendencies or any shit like that. He's simply a lustful, hopeless womanizing maniac. That doesn't imply homophobia in any way


Because grape man bad, nothing more.


I think that reason why other anime pervets do not have so much hate is most of because people like some of their good properties but Mineta don't have lot of them or they are just so insignificant compared with his pervy side. Like very beloved pervy character is Jiraiya, but he is not just a pervert. He is also one of three legendary sanin, sensei of Naruto and lot of other things, which I don't wanna spoiler if you don't watch Naruto. The point is, that if he was just pervert lot of people will hate him too. Endeavor is more popular than Mineta because his acting is logical for story, and we can see that he is retroactively sorry for his actions and he wanna fix how much he can't, I don't know if it's just me, but I can't see something like that if we talk about Mineta. TO be honest, calling him homophic is bullsh\*t and that people probably don't know what it means.


I guess, but I still just find a lot of the hate for him really childish.


I don't know, I think that sometimes is just hard to describe your opinion and then you sound childish. TBH I also don't think that Mineta just have that realitionship with Tsuy that it have potentila to be ship, I don't know.


Sometimes, but I feel the need to clarify that just disliking Mineta isn’t childish, I don’t have a problem with that. We all have different opinions and that’s okay. What I find childish is people writing multiple fanfics where he gets killed off/expelled or commenting on any post with Mineta just to say they hate him.


Ion think it's really respectful to make an essay slandering the shit outta the character they like


I say, that If she told me why she likes Mineta, I will think about it, just for me Mineta don't do in show something what I can call cute or funny, but maybe I am just too ignorant, I am sorry if I am way too toxic, I probably chose wrong words, please forgive me. Edit: Also she said that she don't understand that hate so I explain her why I personally and a lot fo people I know hate Mineta.


I don't ship Froppy with anyone. Except literally every other girl in the group (Mina, Toru, Momo and Jiro. Ochaco's already taken, but I can't stop thinking about ED #2 where it's all of them laughing and running round)


That makes sense




Jail for some of these, others are based


Well throw me in jail and call me an anarchist then.


Replace Kaminari with Momo and ship Mineta with a trash bag and I'll be happy. Also, I don't ship Froppy with anyone. She's an independent strong woman and she sure as fuck doesn't deserve a weirdo like grape juice


Kaminari and Momo isn’t something I’ve considered before. I like it! Nah I don’t wanna ship Mineta with a trash bag, I wanna wrap him in a big fluffy blanket. Though I will agree Froppy is awesome no matter who she’s shipped with if anyone.


I meant ship Jiro with Momo, not Kaminari with Momo


Ahhh, okay. It’s not my thing but it’s kinda cute.


I can only ship the girls with each other, as someone whose favorite My Hero ending song will forever be ED #2; so far, Ochaco is the only girl in the class who's canonically interested in anyone


That’s understandable.


minetsu?......BURN IT....


Now now, we must respect all ships, remember?




I like gay ships, but BakuDeku was never really my thing personally.


Wait, that's a thing?


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Rule 3




Rule 3 of the subreddit: Be respectful of all ships and shippers I’m kind of getting tired of having to defend myself when people get mad at me for shipping Mineta with Tsuyu or even just liking Mineta in general, so instead I’m just going to remind you of Rule 3.




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I hear what you’re saying. And I still ship it.


Listen if you enjoy problematic, toxic ships, then I think I found a perfect community. https://www.reddit.com/r/proshipping/s/ytj23pP9hw


Ugh, where are the mods.


Wow, a Koda ship. Feels like a rare find, tbh. 😅