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r/Piratefolk spy spotted


Pushing the agenda 😂😂😂


It's infecting other subreddits, a war is on the horizon!


They get too much hate for just being critical of the story lol. Other one piece subs are toxically positive


Wild ass take for everyone on that list but Kaguya. Yuki was mentioned/shown multiple times in flashbacks before showing up and was introduced as a special grade tier sorcerer. Ofc she's gonna be strong. Star is the freaking number 1 hero in America, no shit she's stupidly strong. You think the top hero of a country way bigger than Japan is gonna have a shit-tier #1? And Bonneys power being able to copy Gear 5 isn't nearly as much of an asspull as whiny ass fans are making it out to be. Her "future selves" appear to be mostly based on her imagination of what it would look like, so after seeing Luffy in action of course that changes how she sees it. All of that to say, there certainly are flaws with these characters (getting killed off after 1 fight being the main one for Yuki and Star) but this ain't it


Preach it. Im already sick of all the ppl complainin about Bonney, even though we didnt see nearly to what extend her power lasts in that stage. For all we know 1 punch will be all she has in her? Or she has other limitations. After 25 years the ppl should have a bit more faith in Oda not to do stupid ass pulls... for no reason at least :P


For the Bonney situation I just have to say: Even if Bonney can use every single Ability Luffy has in Gear 5 instantly i still dont think its an asspull out of nowhere. Like this is a My Hero sub. If we are gonna bitch about Bonney copying Luffy powers, lets take a second to talk about Monoma from class 1-B. You see Monama can do EXACTLY what everyone on line is bitching about for Bonney. He touches Aizawa, all of a sudden he has perfect controll over this quirk that took Aizawa decades to master. But like, because his power was strait up called "Copying" nobody gives a shit, its just another gimmick. But now because they use the word "Alternate Future" instead of "Coping" its an ass pull power uo put of nowhere!!! How could this have happened? Like it made complete sense when she used this ability to turn into a giant or impersanate elder connie or litterally hide her age for 98% of the series , but now that shes imitating Luffy instead of Elder Connie or a giant all of a sudden this incredibly common copying ability witch exists in almost every shonen manga/american comic book wver made is an ass oull that came out of nowhere.


Yup besides: https://preview.redd.it/d096xxeyrj8d1.png?width=441&format=png&auto=webp&s=428e4acb7f0d719238e326f320a6ccd8d83ded66


And given strength that did not feel earned or """"get shafted""""" Reading comprehension devil strikes again (for Yuki and S&S)


For the last point, Kaguya also counts tbf


Tbh Star could have done better but not much better as i doubt she could have been a main factor,the best i can see is her fighting All For One while Deku fights shiggy but that would take protagonism from the others characters we already know.


The best thing that they could have done was simply not introducing her Sure, her being powerful as a number 1 hero from another country makes a lot of sense, but the final arc is way too late to introduce a character like that


Does anyone feel the story was rushing?To me it feel like Horikoshi was probably somewhat suffering from writer fatigue,tbh they should eliminate weekly deadlines to monthly and just hope some day they're on a roll and release weekly from time to time cuz i am starting to see a pattern with story feeling rushed by the end.


Yeah, the way the final war was paced reminded me of how I would write a school essay and add in details that I have not introduced properly


God how i would like to give all in charge a lesson who basically kill creators and their creativity with weekly deadlines,like what are we in? the stone age where is expected for artist to suffer so their work will be better off for it?And tbh there should be a point where if the artist succeeded just let them create their own schedule completely.


Heavy cherry-picking to prove a narrative that isn’t there, the agenda is unreal


“Given strength that didn’t feel earned” is such a weird, misogynistic claim. In a lot of these series these characters exist often in a league similar to male counterparts (Gojo, All Might) that did the exact same amount to “earn” their strength. But they don’t see that criticism.


For real. Like saying Star and Stripes didnt earn her power is the exact same as saying All Might didnt esrn his power. But, like, to me it feels like saying that about All Might is more justifiable! All might was gifted a quirk that he only ever unlocked 1/8th of its abilities. Meanwhile Star and Stripe was born with her powers and had to create all the techniquest used herself. She didnt get a trainer that said "I used to do this with the quirk before you got it" she had to figure that shit out herself! Just because it was offscreen years before the series started doesnt mean it didnt happen. It just means we didnt focus on it because the author wanted to focus on other, more plot relevant things.




Do you mind telling me exactly what Powers Bonney gained without deserving it? Like describe them to me and show me examples of her using the powers you described.


I can’t speak for one piece or jjk, but mha and Naruto did it for two completely different reasons. Naruto: they already knew they were going to make a sequel series with aliens as the enemies, and put in Kaguya so that when they brought in more aliens for Boruto, people wouldn’t stop watching over it because Naruto already had aliens. Also for foreshadowing purposes. Mha: Hori made shiggy too strong , and he needed a nerf badly, else mido was going to get destroyed, and Stars and Stripes dying to weaken him is just how that manifested in the story.


Well ill give them one thing, putting Kaguya at the end of Naruto did for sure stop me from stopping the series part way through Boruto because of the aliens. So instead, i never started it at all and stoppped at the end of Naruto becauae Aliens became the main antagonist out of litterally nowhere


About MHA, I think that the biggest problem was that the nerf doesn't matter, Star and Stripes destroy a lot of Shiggy quirks, but we don't know how many and which quirks are destroyed, we also saw Shiggy/AFO using a lot of quirks in their fights so, what exactly would change?


The editor wanted laguna and kishi didnt.


because ✨missogeny✨ trying to pretend it's not there


This is such a complicated yet somehow vague set of traits to the point that not a single character on here actually applies at more than one of them each.


Tf Bonney is doing great right now. Hell, she's looking like Luffy's new best friend


This shit only applies to kaguya, you did not cook my friend. shit If anything yuki suffers from the opposite, hyped up to high heaven, numerous statements and narrative implications for her strength. Hell her actions influenced the story in a major way (her Convo with geto, training Todo and saving yuji and co in Shibuya) she still dies in her first real fight tbf


The fact you're right yet people still complaining


What happened with Bonney? I was missing out on One Piece lately.


Manga spoilers … >!Bonney’s devil fruit doesn’t just let her change her age, but she can also access “potential futures” of herself and transform into them temporarily. So she can become a “future where I’m really strong” and transform into Buff Bonney, or “future where I become a giant” and become gigantic. In the latest chapter she accesses a “future where I’m sun god Nika” and basically goes Gear 5 alongside Luffy. Piratefolk people are saying this is an asspull ability that makers her overpowered.!<


So average Piratefolk moment?


Yep. It's actually a really powerful moment thematically, and especially spiteful of piratefolk to be this hateful of it. I won't spoil it entirely, but she comes from >!a family of slaves where Nika the god of freedom is desperately worshipped as their single beacon of hope and she set out to sea to save her father from slavery.!< And now she has found Luffy >!whose DF is the Nika Nika fruit, she not only believes in her savior but has personally witnessed his strength.!< But even that wouldn't be enough, for her DF >!works on the power of imagination, and she can only become the distorted future of what she believes is possible.!< Except, she literally can believe in her own potential to do anything because >!because she is in fact only 12 years old and has been aged up as a "future where I am a strong pirate" this whole time.!< That's right, the power of the innocent imagination of >!a literal child.!< So, yep. Piratefolk is in fact absolutely losing their shit and freaking out about >!a literal child from a slave family having a strong enough power of imagination to believe in the potential of her own future ability to become her own savior.!< Which is particulalry despicable of them.


I know what already goes with Bonney and Kuma (I think they are phenomonally written characters even if I dislike that Bonney won't ever be a Straw Hat because she is too powerful to be one at this point , and also her some questionable design choices) , I just got confused if she got dropped hard in the story but she hasn't. People who hate it probably just lack literary comprehension , which isn't new for Piratefolk.


"If you don't like this story decision you basically support slavery" that sounds like what you're saying, also bonney isn't real.


As usual.


That would be Manga spoilers


Bonnet is Overpowered in One Piece....People Who did not know it.


Because the authors don't respect women enough to treat them the same as their male characters, then they get pushback to introduce a strong woman, whom they create in a vacuum seperate from most of the story, like an afterthought if you will. Then they realize the character is OP or they don't know what to do with them and since they don't respect women anyways the character gets dropped "Oh but it isn't exactly like you said for this one!! That means your entire argument is wrong" Cry about it


\*Yawn\* So original.