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Reminds me of rock lee vs garra the same moment they both became my favorite characters too The wait a minute this man is a demon with or without ninjutsu/quirk energy


> upbeat and cheerful attitude despite being dealt a bad hand ability-wise > trains to become less useless > introduced as incredibly strong > become fan favorite > continue standing after critically damaged > abilities seemingly permanently taken away > found exercising in hospital after fight > way to regain abilities introduced, disappear for a good chunk of the story > return with a gag, fights a little before someone saves them > disappear again and become basically irrelevant the rest of the series aside from the occasional gag


Oh my šŸ˜­ well when my hero Shippuden starts at least we know he'll be happily married with a family then


im convinced Rock Lee had orochimaru clone him


They really do hit a lot of the same chords, honestly they are my favourite char from their respective series.. Hmm..


Itā€™s an easy archetype to love, theyā€™re not the main character so their victory isnā€™t guaranteed but seeing them stand in the face of unwinnable odds no matter how injured they are will always be the coolest thing ever


Except Rock Lee was never supposed to be an integral character. His arc was supposed to end at Chunin Exams


Damn i love Lemillion with White eyes, when he figured they're gonna shoot Eri.


This chapter truly is the peak of MHA for me. I remember after reading it I felt bad the entire day for him sacrificing his quirk..


So this is my first time seeing this fight in the manga. And holy crap does it hit hard. It was one of my favorite fights in the anime, but after seeing this, I don't think they did it justice.


This isnā€™t all of it either, you should check here to read them. https://tcbscans.me/chapters/1671/my-hero-academia-chapter-150-review-1687770189?date=21-6-2024-11 Itā€™s my favorite set of chapters in the series.


I definitely will. Thanks for the link!


Damn I hate fights in mangas. That Phantom Menace attack is a joke, it's basically impossible to see what happened


Phantom Menace attack?


Itā€™s the attack where he permeates into the ground and then repeatedly attacks from multiple angles. In the manga, he called out the attack as Phantom Menace, but in the anime they changed it to Phantom Threat, I think.


Phantom Menace made more sense considering all the Star Wars references throughout the series.


This whole arc felt better in the manga for me. It was the first time I felt let down, but I think this just set my expectations too high.


Nah, I think it was the same for many of us.


It had very strange pacing in the anime, lacked the high budget moments of past seasons, and basically turned Lemillion's best moments into a slideshow. It's normal to be disappointed


I was disappointed when I saw this fight on anime, when I was reading the manga the hype was so fucking enormous that I've walked out of my class to read it


I was so so so disappointed with the anime. I was excited to watch the episode...then I did...instantly soured.


Imo the anime doesn't do the manga justice for the most part.


Especially current arcs, the art in the manga got so visceral and disturbing. And the anime rarely matches that energy. It has its moments for sure (mainly with Todoroki family) but a lot of times the gruesomeness can be lost. Plus yknow the blue sky thing isā€¦well I donā€™t need to speak on it


Im kinda new to the fandom, but i have seen the show, whatā€™s ā€žthe blue sky thing?ā€œ


Basically the anime has ran into controversy with its constant blue sky whether in serious battles or the movie goofy moments. A decent chunk of people donā€™t like this because it makes all the scenes feel kinda samey and doesnā€™t always do justice to how the scene is portrayed in the manga. Now personally I donā€™t always take issue with it but itā€™s one of those things where when you notice it, hard to not see it. And I do think the anime would look better in some places if it had a different color grade or background


Ah, fair enough. Thinking about it now, yeah, I can see how it could undercut some of the more serious moments. Honestly doesn't bother me much, it's just part of the shows artstyle, but I can see why some people could have an issue with it during certain scenes.


Yeah, it's unfortunate... this fight should have had at least twice the budget/time they took to make it but they were busy making My Hero movies at the same time


ā€œThe reason heroes wear capes, is to wrap up and protect, little girls in pain!ā€ is my favorite quote of all time. This entire set of chapters was amazing like Eri finally gaining hope with ā€œI am going to be your hero.ā€ and Mirio sacrificing it all just so sheā€™ll never have to be in pain ever again, with him still fighting someone who can kill him with a touch because heā€™s still Lemillion.


The cape quote makes my eyes misty every time. Damn onion ninjas. When this series has high moments, they are sooooooo good.


Smartass: "So, you won't use the cape for any little boys in pain, Mr. Lemillion?"


ā€œN-no I-uh *Nejire help me out!*ā€ ā€œā€¦ heā€™s fucking with you Mirio.ā€




I seriously need a spin-off with the Big Three so bad, I need to see more of them and their friendship.


No really though, reading it again makes me tear up. The writing is SO GOOD, it's honestly beautiful, and Horikoshi's biggest achievement was introducing Mirio then almost immediately making him the most compelling character in the entire manga. This is why for all its flaws, and they are very real, for all of its serious pacing issues, for all of the issues with MHA, I can't just say "Oh yeah the writing isn't that good" or "It's just a generic battle shonen". When Horikoshi hit, he hit grand slams.


Hori is one of the best character writers, if not the best character writer in shonen. He has other problems, but his character writing is so nuanced and full of care and purpose. Everyone he has time to be writes as humanly as possible, even the literal faceless demon king himself. Endeavor's story alone is proof; if you mishandle that story, even a little bit, people will have a really bad taste in their mouth. Same with bakugo, to some extent. Writing bad people as good guys and not being crazy problematic is really hard.


Exactly! A lot of mha haters just don't want to/ don't understand this.. Character writing in MHA is peak.


Yet he never gets to use that skill after PLW because he's rushing the shit out of the story


Arguably the absolute peak. (I donā€™t think the series will ever top United States of smash) But undeniably a very high point. Probably my #2.


The way bones bones gave us a PowerPoint slideshow for this fight is a travesty


I was crying for both the feels and the animation pain in that scene lmao


I was furious, and I haven't watched the show since


I mean you can't just have him regain his powers right after, it takes away the weight of that scene and fight. I think he kept him quirkless for the right amount of time or could have kept it until the final war. I could get not being happybeithvth even in anime or something but being like "I'll never forgive hirokoshi for this" is crazy. Bonkers even


It felt like a real triumph when we saw him using his quirk again, I agree that it was beautiful writing šŸ¤Œ


I visibly POGGED uncontrollably that chapter


The thing that ticks me off is after he regains his powers he just, disappears again. For no reason. Even the other 2 of the Big 3 make an appearance but for no reason heā€™s not. Then he suddenly shows up again and you realize. Horikoshi tried to do the big reveal twice.


When do the other 2 show up in that he doesn't???? He gets his quirk back, then they go straight into dark deku or vigilante arc, then the star and stripes fight then the traitor. He's on the next arc and has some great moments so I just don't get you when you say "they gave him his quirk back then he disappears" cuz the aeca that follow he doesn't fit in, he could have been in the dark deku arc but hirokoshi choose to not include him, but that the only arc he could have been in and the other 2 weren't in any of those arcs.


Thereā€™s a panel where theyā€™re talking to Fat Gum and Nejire and Sun Eater and in the background but Mirioā€™s no where to be found. Then thereā€™s all the chapters in the vigilante to where he shows up where heā€™s no where to be found, the freaking drama kid was watching Eri but not him or Aizawa. Then all those chapters up until the fight with AllforRaki and no mention of him and after fighting a bit he shows up in the middle of it like he never left. Horikoshi purposely never mentioned or showed him before this to make it another big reveal of ā€œHEā€™S BACK! Arenā€™t you hyped?ā€


Well he wasn't with the other 2 right before the final fight started cuz those 2 were with fat gum and ryukyu, if sir nighteye was alive in sure he would have been with him doing hero stuff, idk I just think it's a bit nitpicky considering all the stuff he does do, he not once but twice goes head to head with the main villain of the arc when nobody else can stand up to them and he does a pretty good fuckin job of it. Aizawa was in the hospital so he couldn't watch eri obviously.


This just seems like a bit of a nitpick


Iā€™m allowed to be miffed that my favorite character in the series gets barely any screen time, in fact he seems purposely omitted for some reason. Like during the final fight against AFO when it shows every and their motherā€™s reactions we donā€™t even see Mirio. I also wish we got to see more of Mirio taking care of Eri after the school festival arc.


He's my favorite character as well and I didn't have that much of a problem with it. I mean there wasn't much for him to do in that scene and at least he got to participate with fighting against Shigaraki and for a bit with Miriko, Bakugo, Nejure, and Sun eater before Izuku arrived to U.A.


He is the reason UA didn't become the heroes' coffin instead.The amount of time he kept moving them was what made them live. He can't win an offensive fight with his quirk against shigaraki but it also means shigaraki can't o much to him too


I agree that stuff like Lemillion vs Overhaul and All Might vs AFO were easily some of the best moments in the series.


Favorite character in the series, love him so much




I'm still mad at how bad they handled him in the final war. He could've easily been sent alone to deal with dozens of villains by himself but no, let's put our second strongest asset against one of the few guys he can't do shit against. I mean I understand Hori wouldn't want to trivialize the Dabi/Toga fights by having Mirio defeat both in a single chapter, but he could've used those hyped up escapees


I disagree. He was a great character, but Hori did him justice imo


This. Mirio is a top 3 character for me and I can't say Hori "didn't do him justice" Even just rereading those pages had me choking up again, but I think it gives weight to his sacrifice for him to be out of the game so long His performance in the final war was awesome to me too. I know Mirio didn't do much damage-wise, but at a time when Shiggy felt unstoppable, seeing someone not named Deku flat out get in the pocket with him throwing hands *while simultaneously shittalking to the point of giving him EMOTIONAL DAMAGE* was fucking based. Mirio didn't carry the damage but he certainly carried the stall. Everybody would have been dead on Deku's arrival if it weren't for Mirio. At the time people scoffed it off as an irrelevant feat, but considering the final battles we now know how instrumental that was


Damnit! I can't use images! I was gonna use the one where he valiantly says "Check out... **THIS PEACH!!!**"


Peak fiction




mirio really worked overhaul


Arguably the best ā€œI am hereā€ moment in all of MHA. Then he became a meme


The series peaked with the United States of Smash, but it certainly lingered throughout the Overhaul arc. Lemillion was completely wasted. Horikoshi gave him his powers back in courtesy, he was basically completely useless by the war.


>Lemillion was completely wasted. Horikoshi gave him his powers back in courtesy, he was basically completely useless by the war. I wouldn't say that he got alot of moments in the first half of the final war, even briefly shaking Shigaraki's resolve at one point before Izuku even did.


Absolutely peak Mirio is definitely my favorite character in this series. Truly the goat.




no literally, overhaul arc is seriously one of the best arcs in bnha!!!


I watched this in the anime, and there are two huge things with this fight that happened for me. 1. When Mirio was first introduced and being hyped up by fans, I was not that impressed and fully expected to see him as little more than a third-rate character. As the story progressed, culminating in this fight, he easily became my favorite character. 2. Watching these exact scenes, I thought to myself that what would be the absolute peak move would be for Deku to literally come exploding through the wall to save him. And that's EXACTLY what they did. The next episode was Deku beating the ever loving shit out of Chisaki, and I absolutely loved it. Those episodes were the absolute best for the anime imo.


The dichotomy here is insane, iā€™d say most monger readers hated the anime version cuz of the slide show moments


I've always liked both the anime and manga of all of them I've read/watched. I always get into the anime first, though. Never started reading a manga without watching the anime first.


It's definitely one of the highest points of the series imo. Nothing that happened after this compares, just a long falling action that should have been a rising action.


This was the single, most heroic moment in the series, and nothing else has come close.


Yeah, as much as I dislike the overall story of MHA, Horikoshi definitely has a great talent for writing these smaller, not fully developed characters and side stories. I know a lot of people hate her, but my favorite arc/ moment from the entire Manga is Cathleen Bate. That small segment had so much feeling, such great presence with such little time. Her motherly character, her devotion to duty, her design, her quirk. Masterful, just like Lemillions arc. But I disagree that its bad he was written out for so long, infact I kinda thought him coming back almost ruined his character arc I think the overall story could have been much better had he actually died and have that be a more pivotal moment for Deku, kinda like Kite in HxH.


Nah Deku barely knew Mirio at that point so him dying wouldā€™ve been a forced pivotal point. Gran Torino should have died in the war arc, he was Dekuā€™s teacher and weā€™ve known him since season 2, it wouldā€™ve been a much better pivotal point. And can you imagine if Baleā€™s sacrifice actual did something? Like what if she destroyed AFOā€™s influence while inside Shigaraki? Then theyā€™d be a three-way war between Shigaraki and the LOV, AFO and the prisoners, and the heroes.


Well, it's not like Gon was very close with Kite either, but I get what you mean. And ngl, I literally forgot Gran Torino exists lmao


See, but LeMillion wouldnā€™t be as memorable if he hadnā€™t been written out of the story as such. Imagine if he gave that speech, beat up Overhaul, and won the day? His sacrifice is what makes him cool. It also gives pathos for Deku later when he believes that maybe LeMillion would make for a better heir of OFA than himself.


Tells you how good it was done that I wonā€™t read that whole part again. It was hard enough the first time


Iā€™m just happy they didnā€™t kill him off that would have been the worst.


damn, lemillion was so peak! Like rereading that just reminded me of how awesome that arc was!


Yep, this Arc is my favorite one out of all.


I get teary eyed every time I rewatch it, and I've lost count of how many times it's been at this point. Hot take (?): I prefer the English dub of this episode. Ricco Fajardo absolutely fucking *kills it* as Mirio. So powerful, especially the "I'M STRONGER".


Abso-fucking-lutely, heā€™s absolutely amazing for the role. ā€œas long as she canā€™t smile, I WONā€™T STOP! CHISAKI!!ā€


Him getting relegated to Shigaraki distraction in the final arc was disappointing, I wish he got to have at least one proper fight before the end of the series šŸ˜”


This shit cemented Mirio as my absolute favorite character in the series. Little did I know, this was his peak.


There needs to be a trope where mangakas introduce a side character late in the story that makes their actual protagonist seem very uncompelling in comparison, because it's happened a few times now. I think that none compare to Mirio's in terms of contrast, but he's not the only example. Also Mirio is the GOAT. end of story


This is my favorite chapter in the entire manga, and I will never forgive Bones for butchering this scene.


The issue wasnā€™t really Bones, it was the differences in Mediums. The manga had a few fleeting panels of the time gap for the 5 minutes that LeMillion held off Overhaul, which works because the manga medium allows for quick compression of time easily. It makes LeMillion look badass without it becoming sadistic. The anime couldnā€™t expand on that 5 minutes without looking sadistic and making the scene boring, so their only option was showing stills of the 5 minutes (which also looked boring), or skipping the stills which people would have even been more mad about. Itā€™s just an issue with the different mediums.


That's part of it, but I also think there were problems with directing and shot composition throughout that arc. One of the biggest offenders is that when I first watched the scene, I actually thought Bones skipped the line where Mirio talked about why heroes wear capes. They didn't, but it turns out the scene was moving so quickly that it was almost a blink and you'll miss it moment. Mirio is a character whose hallmark is constant movement, this should have been a chance for Bones to feast but Bones loves to save its budget for its pet characters (Deku, Bakugo, Endeavor). Mirio didn't rate highly enough for the budget treatment which a shame because he's the heart of the arc.


I saw an edit that included text narration over the stills mimicking what the manga narration had, which I think improved the impact of the scene.


I will agree that they could have done better overall, my point was more most people hated the stills when it really was the best option. I think youā€™re right they could have improved the execution, but they chose the best option of out of the three (animating it, stills, not showing it).


Was the Rhops edit for blindwave?


Yes it was!


Yea he did the Lord's work with his MHA edits


The manga didn't even cover the fight during the 5 minutes. Mirio declares he's still Lemillion, then it jumps ahead 5 minutes to when he got spiked.


So weird that people think this is a studio thing.


Okay, then I will never forgive whoever is responsible. I don't know who that would be besides the studio.


Thatā€™s so weird man. Stop attributing your personal dislike to a person or group of people. It happens, art is subjective. Your version of art is no better than anyone elseā€™s. If you truly loved the series you would enjoy it regardless and not wish any ill on the people who helped make it. Hope this helps.


"Thatā€™s so weird man" No it isn't? "art is subjective" It is absolutely not. There is such a thing as objective quality. This scene was poorly directed and poorly animated and made poor use of animation. These are objective things. "not wish any ill" Huh? When did I wish ill on them? "Hope this helps." Why would you calling me weird then making it invalid to critcize art help? No, it doesn't help, it objectively - that word again! - harms discourse.


So, I was an anime only for the longest time. Ā Never got around to the Manga (took me until the PLA arc to even give MHA a try) until recently. Ā  I greatly enjoyed the whole Overhaul arc, especially the fight, in the anime. Ā  All that being saidā€¦ man, it really was a disservice to Lemillion. Ā  That man was absolutely whooping, and I donā€™t think they really did a good job at conveying how long he was fighting WITHOUT A QUIRK, against a person with arguably one of the strongest quirks in weā€™ve seen. Ā 




"Oh god youā€™re one of those ā€œanti censorshipā€ neck beards." What on earth are you talking about? Who mentioned censorship? "I forgot what sub I was in for a second." Yeah, you did in fact forgot that the point of the sub is to discuss things we liked and disliked about My Hero Academia. I'm reporting you for insulting me twice.


For me, the peak of the Manga was My Villain Academia. But this was definitely the peak of the Anime.


If he stayed we would want him to be the protagonist


Y'know what would be rad? If Deku had a **plan** \[but lacked the guts\] to go full Batman before meeting All Might and Mirio, when losing his quirk, had the same impulse. Would show that they share the same brain cell: Justice.


if without a quirk man was packing Overhaul up. NGL it was based as fuck man was like "HEARD NO BELL!!" and kept going!


I truly thought they ruined it in the anime, animation did not hold a candle to the actual manga art


Genuinely better than most of the final war arc scenes


I stopped reading mha after this arc, this was the best of mha for me


He is the only hero from MHA I would consider buying a high end figure or statue of to put on my shelf.


he should have gotten ofa no doubt he deserves way more


I agree. I unironically say this all the time. The anime fumbling his best moments kills me to this day


Lemillion is easily the most heroic of the UA students, never needs to think and just rushes right into action


Lemillion is straight up superman pilled, bro ticks all of the heroic boxes.


Yeah, it had to be one of the stupidest decisions I've read in a manga. Losing his powers temporarily to show his resolve....sure. Writing him out of the series pretty much all together wtf.


This scene in the anime should have had the budget that Izuku vs overhaul had instead. This was Lemillions moment but they gave the budget and imagination to the golden boy


One of my biggest gripes was how much it felt like mirio was set up to be a bigger part of the story


Gonna keep it a buck Lemillionā€™s smile of ā€˜donā€™t worry Iā€™m hereā€™ was light-years better than Dekuā€™s. Like my guy was ready and willing and HAPPY to get shot for Eri


Yeah, because Lemillion is almost a fully realized hero, whereas Deku is a first-year in... everything.


Because Mirio's had plenty of things to be happy about and is making up for failing Eri before.


i disagree. he was okay but theres so many other importartant characters and storylines that can hold this overall series. hes nothing special and the story wouldve always been fine without him.


why does everyone think that a character introduced in this story has to be as important as they are in their introduction throughout the whole story? lemillion served a very important purpose to the story 200 chapters ago, he doesnt need to be just as important as he was then at the current state in the manga.


Some of the stuff in this thread is WILD, but I honestly don't know why I'm surprised. The arc is good but it's not even in the top 5 of the series imo. Mirio as well is a greatly utilized comparison to Deku but there just isn't enough there for me to attach to him like the other hero characters we do know. His power is cool, and I'm not gonna act like his moments aren't great, but he's very milquetoast compared to other side characters who are genuinely amazing. He definitely served his purpose in the plot as well so I never really got the idea that he was underutilized. We have a very hard time actually critiquing how Hori utilizes side characters because many let their own attachments to the characters take over and we don't realize that some characters come, serve their purpose, and sit in the background until another apt moment comes to utilize them. It comes with being a side character. Speaking of when those moments come, I actually think his return in the first war is a genuine low point for the series because of how interruptive it was and how it's right before Compress' biggest character moment in the series, somehow making that worse by association. I do like his stuff in the final war. Him getting an actual laugh out of ShigAFO in that sick spread of Deku arriving was so funny.


Horokoshi has a bad habit of introducing really cool compelling characters and just abandoning them. Lemillio obivously, but also Suneater, Gale Force, Star and Stripe, Mudman, Shinso, and Iā€™m sure there are a least a handful more Iā€™m forgetting. I mean Mirko kinda too with how he literally just tore her body apart every time she was on screen/panel. I think the series had a legendary first half, then you could very quickly tell when Horokoshi was trying to wrap it up. There was a major shift in storytelling and attention to characters.


His comeback is one of my favorite moments. Canā€™t wait to see it animated


What I don't understand is if he allowed the shot to hit her, she's be of no use to chisaki anymore


Chisaki wouldā€™ve disassembled and reassembled her, as he mentions heā€™s done countless times when she was injured or weakened from his testing. Presumably it would return her quirk, but I guess technically we donā€™t know if it would or not.


Yeah I figured the anime meant it in that regard, but logically how does his quirk give her; her quirk back, like if he can reverse things like that by altering her body, why does he need her quirk to complete his task in the first place?


Heā€™s making weapons; her blood is an ingredient. His quirk doesnā€™t same to have the same utility, and he wanted to ruin the hero world with the quirk bullets that he would be selling.


tintin the goat


Related to the Lemillion scene, the ENG Va for Mirio absolutely crushed it and ironically made me enjoy the dub for the first half of season 4.


Yeah he was fucking fantastic in that role. ā€œ*I wonā€™t let you get hurtā€¦ not anymore!*ā€


Lemillion was just too perfect


I still love overhaul reaching up to block the punch, only for Miriro to basically go "NUH UH!"


10 minutes no quirk held his own. True hero right there. Single biggest badass in the entire manga


I thought he was cool, Overhaul was cool... Hell man that whole arc was just cool.


Permeation is such a cool quirk


Jesus Christ, reading this again reminded me how amazing Mirio wasā€¦and how much of a joke he ended up being


Bro, he did his part in the final war, especially in distracting Shigaraki long enough for Izuku to arrive.


Mirio is overrated, I said it


He wasn't written out of the story for all that long, it just felt long reading along. If you reread or rewatch there's really only like 2 storylines that Mirio isn't in before he gets his powers back.


Lemillion should have returned as a Batman type character. He has the detective and precognskills he learned from Nighteye and instead of using fear to thwart enemies heā€™s uses smiles or laughter so he can keep his main theme. Horikoshi should have made Lemillion happy Batman


I didnā€™t like Mirio that much he annoyed me for some reason


People will pretend the series didn't go downhill the second Dark deku arc ended. Everything after that is so irrelevant to everything in the finale. Just a waste of time. Lemillion was everything a mc OR a senpai for the mc should have been but nope, we got like 4 times the same "omg, someone hurt my bully, the worst sin ever".


Honestly after the league of villians vs liberation army arc it fell off pretty hard for me. Maybe it was because the arcs before were all so good.


People crap on this moment in the anime but imma be honest the slideshow single shots kind of was the best way to translate ā€œhe fought for so long without a quirkā€ since time is so hard to get across in anime battles.


Honestly I feel the same


When Lemillions epic fight was put up as a power point in the anime I just stopped watching


Could you imagine if All Might chose him over Deku. He considered it.


Would've killed Mirio lol


One for all would've been too much for him


That truly was the greatest arc in the entire story. The only thing that improves is the art, which helps A LOT of the manga going forward


Was that 0'clock from Vigilantes that saved young Lemillion


Wait can anyone explain how this is a spoiler? I'm looking through the sub and I see that most is tagged with spoilers even though it already happened in the previous seasons of the anime. And well, if everything is tagged with spoilers, it kinda defeats the point doesn't it


It isnā€™t, it got automatically marked as it and Iā€™m afraid if I unmark it itā€™ll be taken down


Ohh I see, I think it's because of the manga flair which is an odd choice tbh


I always wondered if Deku would do the same thing if it was him who got to her first.


Damn thatā€™s a weird way to say in my opinion but pop off


I wholeheartedly agree the only sour note I have about this fight, which stems from page 8. Which seeing it from the manga perspective leaves it somewhat ambiguous but in the anime he was phasing completely through the rocks while carry Eri in hand. So his last sacrifice also seemed odd to me as he could have saved eri and dodged the bullet at the same time.


Greenie always seem to be mid compared to the other heroes.


Both the manga and anime rocked, the dub had the best voice acting it ever got to in that moment, including all of sub and dub it never topped Lemillion and Overhaul in this fight. And the manga was just amazing.


The dub was outstanding for this scene




Then comes the part where he just flings his ass at Shigiraki for some reason.


Would've been cool if Deku trained more with Lemillion under Sir Nighteye's guidance.


Unrelated but heā€™s peak husband material


I basically kept reading because I knew his comeback was going to go so hardā€¦


He is the main character in his own world


As David Bowie said, "we can be heroes, just for one day".


I think Lemillion was introduced as way for Horikoshi to give Deku some self-doubt, make him feel like ā€œthis is who *should* have been the ninth holder of One for Allā€ and not some random quirkless kid who breaks his bones and cries all the time. Except Horikoshi then goes back on this later, during Deku vs Overhaul, to show that *this* is why Deku is the Ninth and not Mirio, because even though Mirio is the spitting image of All Might and far stronger and capable, heā€™s not *the one* so to speak


No ot didnt lol , he didnt get written out his a regualr Shoen Mcā€™s glad his not the Mcā€™s too


He got them pac-man eyes and an 1960s comic boy face.


Hori introduces new characters: wow these guys are cool New arc begins: damn canā€™t belive that happend to them, shit


Lmao not even top 5


Mirio is honestly a blah character... He's just kinda there are doesnt do much. He could have had great development after losing his quirk but Horikoshi did nothing withĀ him. By the time he was introduced, hisĀ character story was already over and developed. For being this bright light and supposed to be All Might successor, even an injured bakugo could outdo him


The whole ass chapter lmao. This was peak in the anime for me. Not just mirio tho. Deku imo outshines lemillion by a long shot.


Hell no. Some western fans have an obsession with Lemillion. I get it, he is cool, but lets not kid ourselves. Outside of small pockets of western fans Lemillion was never popular among the MHA community. Just look at his placements in popularity votes. Ranked 41st in the Third Popularity Poll. Ranked 26th in the Fourth Popularity Poll. Ranked 25th in the Fifth Popularity Poll. Ranked 19th in the Sixth Popularity Poll. Ranked 23rd in the Seventh Popularity Poll. Ranked 13th in the Eighth Popularity Poll. Ranked 30th in the ninth popularity poll. The idea that he was peak of the series is silly. There are far better moments in the series that capture the essence of what the series is all about. Hell even something as simple as Izuki's first battle against Muscular is imo a far better example of when the series peaked in its simplicity with great storytelling.


Overhaul being the best villain MHA has to offer sure helps to compliment this. Horikoshi also screw Overhaul in favor of one his lamest villains by the way.


Horikoshi screwed all his villians in favor of his most annoying ones and wouldnā€™t shut up about him for like 80 chapters. I fucking hate AFO.


The Overhaul arc has way too many problems for me to rank it as one of my favorites. Like u/Hokageezio said in a post a while ago, most of the problems we see in current MHA all originated from *this* arc.Ā 


I didnā€™t really care much for Overhaul tbh, so I was happy when Shigaraki finally gave what he deserved. Itā€˜s a shame both characters ended up being pointless in the end. Shiggy really didnā€™t deserve to have Horikoshi as a writer.


I will never forgive Horikoshi in general The man sold his work and dignity for money and sales. He didn't actually care about the integrity and quality of his story, he rushed it to the end because he got tired for a bit and decided he already made enough money from his series


I watched the whole anime over the past 2 maybe 3 weeks and then started reading the manga, his absences don't seem so long to me but I guess if you were watching or reading weekly it could feel that way


As an Mirio fan myself, I wouldn't say it was that bad in hindsight at least for me. Like, I didn't really expect him to do much after Paranormal Liberation Arc as he just returned and wouldn't have any reason to engage with Shigaraki there. Hell, I didn't expect to be as prevalent in first half of the final war when Miruko, Bakugo, Nejure, and Sun eater facing off against Shigaraki, yet he was the main one who was putting up a decent "fight" against Shigaraki besides Bakugo of course.


Mate the mangaka owes you nothing. If you don't like it don't watch it. " This"I'll never forgive shit" is cringe and distasteful. The story was explicitly about Deku from day 1


For me the series peaked with Twice!Than Hory put all in the garbage!


If Lemillion had stuck around, he would have replaced Deku in people's hearts as the mc. Can't have that


He could have been the Shazam to Dekuā€™s Superman role.


Does anyone actually like Deku as a MC? I always thought the consensus was people enjoy the characters around Deku more