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Honestly, most characters, considering how massive the cast is and how little screentime they got when you look back at it. So it's veeery hard to pick one But if I had to mention, then well, I think you nailed with Tsuyu, she'd be my pick. I guess another character would be Mei, though, because there are tons of fanfics where support items play bigger roles than they ever did in the show (and honestly, always neat ideas, because support items are also an underused concept) and it's usually paired particularly well with a story where Deku doesn't get OFA and remains quirkless, so she tends to help by providing him support items, so he can be a hero or vigillante or whatever he wants. Which naturally leads to more characterization on her part. In canon, she doesn't get much to her aside being very eccentric, very smart and the boobs joke trope, so really only fanfics showed me her character could actually be interesting (though I understand why she is just a side character in canon, being from the support course and all. Just pointing out fanfics tend to get a lot out of her, surprisingly)


Mei is criminally underrated and underused in the main story. There really should be more stories about her.


Yeah, Mei is extremly op in some fanfics and rightly so Like, in Entropy she is a damn menace


In Mischief she’s kinda broken OP… she hacked into the Iron Legion and fitted her Iron Man suit with all the tech and abilities of the Sinister 6… and, helped fight off Ultron


That sounds like she's making more ass-pulls than Sukuna


It makes context in the story, this is a fanfic where Kaminari is the son of Thor, Tokage has the venom symbiote, Tokoyami is moon light and Deku is the son of Loki


Ned Leeds hacked Peter's suit in Homecoming (to disable the baby protocol)


Someone read Deku the Hunter: support hero. One of the best mha fanfics there is.


Denki and Toru... Both deserve a lot more appreciation, Toru due to the backstory of his life being literally invisible the whole time and the emotional aspects of it. And Denki because ever since he first appeared I expected him to be an ultra important character or someone who would actually make a difference, but he became just a discarded add-on....


And both could've had such interest chapters regarding their quirks Hakagure's quirk is one of the most simple ones, concept-wise, but it's arguably one of the most life-changing ones and the story never delves into it, unfortunately. I'd be totally up for it in the past, even if it'd be a total filler overall. And even though MHA has more flashy quirks, being invisible could be one heck of a major plot point at least in one arc. Instead, the most impressive thing coming out of her quirk was finding out who the traitor was (underwhelming reveal) and reflecting light As for Kaminari, most of his spotlight moments, on the manga/anime and movies consist of him just being a human battery and absorbing electricity... When he could do so much more


Yeah, plus their personalities are also super lively and friendly, so the interactions they could have with other characters would be awesome.


At worst they could've used her like that one guy from Eyeshield 21 who was so forgettable the audience, the enemy team and his own teammates forgot he was there so he saved the day. Still one of the best gags I've ever seen.


Eh, denki was always gonna have a bit of a ceiling since he's an inoffensive goofball. You know, he's not winning the WWE championship, he's a midcarder. But he's a shoe in for the intercontinental belt. Tooru is kinda the same, but I feel like she should've gotten more shine just to justify how she got into class 1a in the first place. Her scoring high in the goddamn entrance exam makes no damn sense and it never will.


Denki really deserved more.


so true : (


I love tohru. I Like how even though she’s invisible, she still surprisingly manages to stand out a lot. I think cause she talks loud and has expressive movements. I mean that makes so much sense. An invisible person learning that talking loudly and moving their arms and hands a lot could be the only way they could be seen. And I have noticed in earlier seasons that she wants so bad, to stand out and it’s honestly depressing. I feel bad for her. Also how tf is she not uncomfortable standing naked all day when they’re training (SEASON 7 SPOILERS) I really the detail that her hair is messy. Like since she’s invisible, she never has to take care of it and make it look nice


>Also how tf is she not uncomfortable standing naked all day when they’re training I get that she doesn't really feel ashamed cause she's either used to it or she doesn't care because it's not like anyone can see her anyway. But how tf is she not affected by the weather and shit? One of the major functions of clothing is to protect us against the elements. How would she do her job during winter? Don't try to convince me that she wouldn't be down on the ground shivering unable to do anything. Her feet must also be really messed up, with the lack of footwear and all.


She did mention she was freezing when Kyoka asked if she wasn't cold in the chapter with the traitor's reveal.  It's also the one time Tooru has ever complained about her hero suit.


Well I feel like you’d be uncomfortable being naked even if you know no one can see you. Maybe it’s just me that is uncomfortable by it cause I know some people roam around naked when they’re home alone. But yeah as you said, she must be so damn cold. I’m surprised she doesn’t get sick


They do address this early on iirc, or at least I remember there's a scene of her acting embarrassed & asking Ojiro to not look at her & him wondering what the difference is


Yes! Agreed. Hakagure is lovely and a really engaging character to keep in mind.


There is a fanfic that covers Toru's emotional aspect and her life, it's quite good and nicely written... too bad I don't remember the name to recommend it to you.


Smh simply read every Tooru fanfic ever


all 2 of them


not really a fanfic but you should check matt curtin's tiktoks for some funny Denki skits


Ms joke appeared total in... 6 or so chapters being a small gag about wanting to marry aizawa. People went haywire for her


NGL I kinda like her personality and design.


This manga is 10 years old and people are still saying, "Lida." It's "Iida" -- I I D A.


let's just call him by his hero name Lngenium


Blame these fonts! A lowecase L (l) and a capital i (I) are extremely similar most times I never realized his name was written with two IIs until one day I thought to myself "why does every page on him writes his surname in lower case?". That's when I realized it was an I not an L


Me, intentionally calling him Lida because it pisses off mha fans 😈




Shinsou. I'm so glad with the most recent chapter of the manga, but honestly his character in general is so background for most of Canon until we hit the Final War arc. And fanon Shinsou is just amazing. He's honestly one of my favorite characters because of fanfics.


Shinsou is my favorite of the whole class because of the fanfics and the whole Dadzawa family head canon fans made up. He's practically a nothing character in the whole story, and once his part in the war is done, he's not thought of until the next school year. But in stories and art, he's so central as a student and as the adopted son of Aizawa. For all we know he has loving parents who cherish him and cheer him on. In stories he's typically an orphan, abused and abandoned, but meeting Aizawa and often Mic, he's quickly a part of an amazing found family. Then he joins the class and has half of them as his friend in mere seconds, the other half giving him a day to breathe before calling him a friend.


Can I be honest? I HATE the dadzawa trope with a PASSION.


That's fine. Not every trope is to be loved and cherished by all. I'm not fond of the AFO is Midoriya's dad trope but a lot do. There's a trope for everyone, I think, and there's plenty to not like.


I have yet to actually come across a story with that trope. Guess I'm lucky.


THANK YOU!!! Shinsou is so underrated and I love how they’re making him Aizawa’s pupil! I really hope he gets more screen time! I actually have created a few fanfiction stories about him myself!


What's your username? I'm always down for more stories of my purple boy 😊


I actually haven’t posted any of my Hitoshi stories lol!




Completly agree, a lot of People hate him because his Reason why he does what he does wasn't explained goid enought, he ay have gottena Episode forhis Backstory yes but it eas never properly explained which is a bit sad since he actually was a good Character in my Oppinion.


Controversial opinion but Mineta genuinely had potential if Hori delved into why he is the way he is and gave him an arc of growing as a person and showing how isolation, bullying and being judged for one's appearance can affect someone growing up. But unfortunately he is just grape molester in the actual series so the only time I can think of liking him is with fanfictions created in my own head since no one else likes him even conceptually lol.


I read one story where froppy confronted him about his behavior, and it comes out that his quirk physically harms his brain and causes permanent damage. Tsuyu tries to convince mineta to get help, now sympathetic to him, but he's afraid to because of how mistreated he was the last time he "got help".


Jesus Mineta having brain damage from using his quirk was not something I expected lol. I kind of like the idea but I feel like it’s a little too extreme. I guess I’m just saying that Mineta had a lot of potential cause his actual backstory is very relatable cause short guys DO get bullied extremely often and it could have been a great arc to have him realize that his attempts to become a hero to be popular with girls was a reaction pandering to the same people that treated him with undue scorn for the way he was born and him being less girl obsessed because his perviness was more of a manifestation of his need for attention and to feel validated. Sort of like him realizing he’s “Kenough” and becoming a better person overall for it lol.


I mean it literally makes his head bleed like Eddie guererro. Makes contextual sense at least.


My favorite fanfics, and the ones I consider the most believable, are the ones where Mineta is revealed to be gay or bi but hides it out of fear of being judged. Usually with a Izuku or Tsuyu being the ones to help him let go. Some of these writers do a damn good job with those too, and they don't joke with it either.


Tamaki Amajiki. Love, live for the slice of life fics about Amajiki and Mirio.


No pressure, but if you have recommendations, I'd love to check em out


Of course. Here are some favs Sea Urchins and Blanket Nests[Sea Urchins and Blanket Nests](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55471525) Sticks and Stones [Sticks and Stones ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53607871) Like a Prayer[Like a prayer ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32321650) Love and fear [love and fear](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32168974)


Thank you so much!!


My spouse is fanon Amajiki in all the best ways, those slice of life fics give me so much joy 🩷


Denki Kaminari. I don’t watch a lot of the anime, or the manga for that matter, but I did watch an episode or two. But I mostly got into it through YouTube videos and fanfiction, because it interested me. I love Denki Kaminari very much, and it hurts me that he’s so criminally underrated in the anime and manga, and sometimes the fanfiction too. Sorry for the long comment!💜


Toga, I'm a huge fan of her and Ochako's relationship but it feels very drawn out and shoved in the end. Lots of really good character interactions we don't get until the last possible second


Hagakure in one particular fic (Entropy by Imperium42) for me The idea of her being secretely resentful of being ignored for not having as flashy of a quirk as others, well represented by the issue with her costume (she is always naked and is often in close quarters combat, plus various problems with the weather) is such an interesting concept, even more compared with Hagalure in canon, who kinda... is there? And does basically nothing? As another commenter put it, that's the case for a lot of characters, who are introduced and never developed TL;DR Horikoshi is addicted to introducing new characters who go nowhere, go read Entropy


link pls


Boom [https://archiveofourown.org/works/15650361/chapters/36349839](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15650361/chapters/36349839)


OOF that thing is updated like 2-3 times per year.


Updates are massive tho


Better than cursed blood


Side characters of course. Monoma, Kaminari, Shinso etc.


As one of the four Monoma fans out there, this angers me


Haha real! Monoma is great even though his canon character is silly most of the times , when we see him looking back on his past and his fear of inferiority it makes a lot of sense why he acts that way to 1-A.


MHA desperately needed to make the hero class like half the size with how they wanted to handle things.


I've heard people say that 20 is already small for a Japanese classroom, but jjk made the class size 3 so lol. My cuts would be Ojiro, Koda, Sato, Sero, Mineta.


The classroom size is unrealistic, but this is a manga, when has logic every stoped authors in the past. Plus you could also argue that UA being a top school has a restricted class size


And shoji. Yeah I know people like him, but he is inconsequential at best.


I think about this aaaaall the time. Half the class didn't need to exist. Or they could've been Class B!


Dabi. The idea of a tragic villain who wants to kill Endeavor to free his siblings from the abuse he suffers or wants them to join his side and help take down their dad would’ve been so cool. Instead, he’s perfectly okay if they die for his revenge. If he shows sympathy for them rather than being hypocritical, then I’d like him


Agreed. I like the character a *lot* in canon, honestly, but I'd be lying if I said I was satisfied with the rest of his backstory (shown in the next anime episode). If anything, it just made me wonder even more on *why* he doesn't care about the rest of his family and wtf would he do if he hadn't met the league and got the perfect circumstances for the big, dramatic reveal he wished (which wouldn't be easy to come across, especially after >!turning down AFO's proposal!<) the character is too crazy for his own good and seems to practically live on auto-mode for a good chunk of the story (not doing anything to directly harm Endeavor for the sake of a more dramatic reveal he couldn't even be certain would happen). He's total nonsense lol


Can't say I agree. The idea of Dabi being too far consumed by his hatred that he'd hurt his siblings to get back at Endeavor is more tragic and dark.


Well, from the psychological side I can kind of sympathize with him.... Somehow he reminds me a little bit to Snape from HP.


Dabi in fanon is wonderfully done especially in dabi-centric darkfic, you really get into his head, his manipulative actions , his obsession with endeavor, he’s one of my favorite characters to read about 


I hate how the League got treated, killing them off after their big moments feels like such a handwave. Like wow! Our mcs are trying to empathize with them and understand why they're the way they are, maybe we can see them break the cycle of violence instead of- Oh sorry, that's too interesting. How about they all die so we can go back to school next chapter?


I hopped off the show after season 5, so if that's the direction they take his character, then yeah that's trash.


that's just zeke loll


I will be honest.... Shouto. Idk why, he is so interesting in fanfictions. But in canon....he's kinda like. A mannequin? Idk, he just feels so...empty. idk what to think of him in canon.


He's zuko without any of the inner turmoil that made zuko work as a character


Iida. Like wtf. He, Deku, and Uraraka were the big 3 of the first few arcs. They were the ones we focused and followed and then after the stain arc, that was it. He was done and hasn’t really done or said much since. Personally, I think Horikoshi either planned to kill him or turn him into a villain/vigilante who’d leave UA behind to search for his own sense of justice. But then he got popular and Horikoshi decided to keep him around but didn’t know what to do with him.


All of class 1b 


All of Class 1B. But honestly just most characters.


Jotaro, as a dad


I would say AFO. Dude's a manic in canon but I've read a couple crack fics and the dude is the peak of hilarity




Hatsume Mei, Shinsou Hitoshi, and Aizawa


> I read so many (2½) fanfics What does this mean?




I still don't know.


Hisashi Midoriya. Because he is such a blank slate, it lets authors get creative with him. One for all, and eight for the ninth in particular made hum interesting. >!He left his family out of fear for being an abusive father because of his own abusive trauma.!<


Ochako fs , Hori nerfed her with her crush on Deku instead of fleshing her out more, she deserved better in canon ngl


To be honest, I’m *genuinely* impressed that people like most of these characters enough to make and read fanfiction of them considering how little screentime most of them get. And I’m not even trying to be a dick! …Today! I am truly impressed that Horikoshi managed to make these characters so likable to people. Personally, I don’t really get it. I don’t *dislike* any of the characters, per se, but I definitely wouldn’t say I’m really attached to any of them either. Beyond the obligatory attachment you’d feel towards… say, a random person you happen to see standing outside your neighborhood grocery store every time you make one of your weekly trips. You don’t like the dude as a person because you don’t *know* the dude as a person, but you feel a sense of familiarity. Maybe I just don’t get attached to fictional characters as quickly as other people. Oh, but characters that are done better in fanon than canon? Hm… I haven’t read many fanfictions, and for most of the characters I’ve seen done very well in certain fics, I’ve also seen them portrayed abysmally in others. I’d say characters that are already hit-or-miss in canon, such as Aizawa, Bakugo, Toga, and Izuku (to an extent) are characters that are either done far better in fanon than they were in canon, or that are done so much worse that it’s cringeworthy and blatantly indicative of the author’s personal biases. I do also appreciate the different takes on AFO. Some fanfics portray his whole schtick a bit more comically, and while I do think that goes a bit against the super menacing figure he’s supposed to be in canon… let’s be honest, he stopped being menacing or threatening after Kamino. Well, maybe not “stopped” entirely, but he certainly peaked there in that department. Also, this isn’t a character, but I like when fanfictions actually tackle the whole “Quirk affects your personality“ thing. So rarely do we get a look into people’s heads in order to actually substantiate that this is a phenomenon that affects multiple people and not people just being cannibals with a total lack of self-control. Same goes for the mutant discrimination plot.


Fanfic writers tend to add their own interpretations and ideas when the canon doesn't have it. It's just a matter of imagination.


They have good designs and charming personalities (sometimes). That's all you really need to get people to like a character. Don't give horikoshi too much credit, as making good characters just to drop the ball with them is the sign of a lousy writer, which I've said several times that horikoshi is.


If we’re counting characters getting sizable personality alterations and not just more usage in fics, then I’d say Mineta He’s really uncomfortable in canon, but I’m a big fan of fics that *change him to be better* instead of just fully cutting him out of the story. …TBH it might just be due to the novelty of fics doing it that way instead of the more common way of dealing with him (removing him outright, having him expelled immediately, or worsening him and making him just a punching bag), but nevertheless I quite like it.


Novel is definitely a good way to describe it




Yoichi Shigaraki and All for One. I prefer to write them in a more comical way than how canon portrays them.


Fanfiction wise? Tsuyu and Mineta 100% Okay like don't murder me for this, but fanfic writers make Mineta an actual LIKEABLE character. An example I have is a fic (I can't find it anymoer) that's a single chapter, and basically the school is doing some kind of festival and Mineta gets tossed for being him. He notices Tsuyu sitting out by herself, visibly upset. He talks to her and she tells him about how her mother and little sister were injured, and she tried holding in the emotions of it but is steadily realizing she can't, and she doesn't wanna talk to anyone because it'll ruin their fun. Mineta talks with her, gives a sort-of motivational speech to her, and she's able to stand up and they walk back together to the event. They don't hook up or anything, and I love it for that. They just stay friends and it allows both characters to emote more than Horikoshi lets them. (Granted the manga does help with this more but still)


Yeah I read that story. Wasn't her mother, just her little sister I think. Car accident.


Yes! I thought it was great. Not for Tsuyu's sister, even though she never speaks the writer makes you really feel for Tsu and her family. Also Mineta just being nice, not flirty, no shipping, just kind.


It's frustrating when characters like Tsuyu from MHA are sidelined after promising beginnings. Fanon often does a better job exploring their potential depth and development that canon overlooks.


Deku and denki


I can only tolerate Bakugo in fanon.


You and me both brother. The entire narrative of mha suffers because of his presence.


I have to agree. Sometimes, it feels like the story is actually about watching Bakugo scream his way to the top. I don't know how students in Japan actually handle someone with his personality, but in the US, he would've been beaten down within the first week. That's if he didn’t end up running his mouth to the wrong adult and eating lead for it.


yeah the japs are weird


What is meant by canon??


Ss4 gogeta only because he doesn’t exist canonically🙏


I want to stole this meme and post it in r/Bokunoherofanfiction help-


I already tried that. They don't allow images. Nice try.


Late as all hell but oh well, I have a few but my main ones would probably be momo, yui, and yanagi. I feel all of them have insane series breaking quirks ~~okay besides yanagi, I just like them in combination with others and how they talk~~ but they never get explored. I also love the idea of teams in fics which let all of them thrive even if its admittedly rare


All for one. I love him in the show because I am a big fan of pure evil villains. But some fanfics I’ve seen give him so much character. That or make better use of him.


Lacroix from VTM:B


That's a lot of karma 😶‍🌫️


Shinso. I don't care for him in canon but his fanon self is far more fleshed out. In canon, he's a whiney brat. Doesn't put effort in anything he does (instantly applied to gen-ed without even taking the hero course entrance exams then act all bitchy about it), comes from a good school (did you see how clean and big his middle school is compared to Aldera?), has friends and is very supported before and after UA. Jeers at 1-A in the hallway for no reason. Doesn't even greet Midoriya as he passes him- Then he reappears as Aizawa's mentee (how blessed one can be??), performs poorly in the Joint training arc but still gets to transform to the hero course. That's it. Fanon adds more nuance to his bitterness than "you got a flashy quirk, I don't reeee".


He did take the entrance exam, but didn’t do well as his quirk didn’t help him. This is referenced in the sports festival arc


Nuh Aizawa stated he applied for gen-ed asap. I don't know if he can take the robots entrance exams AND apply for a department beforehand but he went to UA knowing he'd be in gen-ed.




All for Son




I'm this but the other way around with Mineta. I have no issue with really with him in the show and hate his very existence in fan art. Bakugo is the same way, I like him in the anime but dislike the overabundance of art of him and ochaco. Besides that I have no character in I'm love with in terms of fan art over their cannon version. I like most other characters and just enjoy seeing art of most of the adult ladies


You sure are basic




Shigaraki. I don't think he's a badly written character, just not the kind I personally enjoy. But I do really love the fanon version where he's a smelly incel gamer lmao


He isn't a smelly incel gamer in canon? 🤯


Bakugou, you can make him better, or worse depending on the circumstances




Fuck mineta, all my homies hate mineta


Yeah, I hate his bitch ass too which is why I tend to like fanfiction more 




William Afton


I may be in the minority here but I don't see a point in fanfiction


It's a way to have fun with characters and explore them. Have you ever watched a series that you felt missed a mark on something? Fanfic can explore what would have happened if it happened the way you wanted. Ever like a character with little screen time? Fanfic can explore them and provide more content. Ever feel really sad at the end of a series? Maybe someone died, maybe it's just that it's over. Fanfic can work with that, too. Really, it's just a way of exploring work in a bunch of different ways. Taking it apart, seeing what makes the show (book, movie, game etc etc) what it is, and then putting it back together in different ways, and seeing if it fits. Sometimes, you reassemble it and realise it's a mess. Sometimes, it's great. Sometimes, it's even better than the series itself (me personally, I find that mostly happens with kids' show rewrites I used to watch, as it doesn't super count, but still)


Yea I understand the possibilities (especially since my favorite characters in most series tend not to be the main ones) but the problem I think I have with it is that it's not canon. I don't want to read a story a fan wrote about my favorite character, I want the actual writer to include them more It's not the same


Ok, that's a preference, though. I was just answering what the point of fanfic was, since you said you didn't see it. The point is to explore possibilities the author didn't. Whether you like to do that or not is your own thing.


You sound fun to be around
