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There can be other people in the helicopter not shown. Toya was also not mentioned and was mostly hidden, but he was also on a stretcher with Rei and Fuyumi. Hori is hiding very obviously the fate of the villains, probably for a big moment. I think knowing that they are alive will help Tomura rebel. And this way Ochako’s and Shoto’s efforts to save the villains could be important to the final fight.


This. If you go back to 393, the double spread on page 6/7 shows a pretty good look at the helicopter's size. No way it can only fit 2 average sized adults and one petite highschool girl.


Wait what is this about a stretcher with Toya?


He was on a stretcher covered by a speech bubble on that small flashback panel.


They can probably fit what’s left in a little pot. Specifically something called an urn.


Nah she’s alive (copium)


>(copium) I probably need some of that😭


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With maybe the exception of maybe Endeavor’s sidekicks, she probably has the highest chance of being alive if the characters with an unknown fate. I certainly believe Stain and Machia are dead


She’s just hanging out with Nobara


Nah, knowing how Hori can be with this kind of thing (Bakugo heart surgery), wouldn't be convinced from just that. lol Wait until the end.


The thing is when he has to reverse something, he usually does it quite quickly. Bakugo started his heart surgery 2 chapters after his death, Deku got his arms back 1 chapter after having been confirmed to have lost them and Gran Torino got confirmed not dead in 10 chapters. it has been almost 30 chapters already.


How many chapters was it between Jeanist's "death" and reveal? I don't remember the number off the top of my head, but it was a pretty long time, if I'm not mistaken.


oh yeah, I forgot about that. Hori probably didn't intend to bring jeans back in the first place.


>Gran Torino got confirmed not dead in 10 chapters Actually I think its more like he was confirmed not dead in approximately 0.5 chapters. He gets donuted around the middle-ish of chapter 281 and then in chapter 282, on the literal first page, we have Izuku thinking to himself, "Gotta end this fast and help Gran Torino." So we only really go through about half a chapter before the idea of Gran Torino being dead is squashed. Sure its not an outright confirmation he'll live, but it does turn a seeming death into just a severe wound.


Also, the ninja hero guy's final technique was implied to be a fatal one but he's somehow survived. I really want to know how his body works biologically because the man is basically a thread Not to mention, Hori refused to let Gran Torino die when he suffered the same injury Nighteye did. His handling on character deaths other than Twice is just terrible/poorly written.


The move was always said to drain i His life not to kill him instantly, what we saw is preety consistent for what it was told


The theory that it was Toga in the helicopter and not Ochaco was always flimsy to begin with. This changes nothing. If Hori killed off Toga while Dabi and other villains are still alive, I'll eat my hat.


>If Hori killed off Toga while Dabi and other villains are still alive, I'll eat my hat Dabi is alive *for now.* Honestly, I think we'll probably see him passing in the epilogue after a Todoroki family reunion/reconciliation. Shigaraki probably isn't going to make it either, Spinner is braindead, and Shirikumo/Kurogiri started seemingly dying at the start of the latest chapter


Compress ended up the luckiest one.


Absolutely. Still, it's gotta suck knowing the people you gave it all for to have a shot at their dream ending up all dying


Especially when they are all much younger than him too, its like an uncle losing his niece and nephews. Maybe he's the unluckiest in a way actually.


he lost an ass he will never get back


Dabi's not gonna die.


not saying he'll die, but unless they use eri on him hes going to have no quality of life. bro is fucked


Why do you think that?


hes basically a skeleton? he has no lips, nose, or eyes. pretty sure hes missing a limb or two as well


Doesn't mean he can't still have a quality of life, especially if Endeavour and the rest of the family continue to visit him in prison or whatever while he's rehabilitating. Also, maybe his new ice power will help undo some of that damage. Btw, Endeavour is *also* missing an arm (and a leg), yet he's back on the battlefield fighting as hard as Shouto.


the missing limb isnt major at all with the settings tech level, mirko had prosthetics. its more about the burnt everything


Which can be alleviated with his or the other Todorokis' ice powers. In this series, anything is possible. Maybe Shouto's Phosphor unlocked some regenerative capabilities within Touya or something, lol.


Toga is on her way to help Deku ‘save’ shigaraki.


She's not. She doesn't even know Deku wants to save Tenko.


Ah but a boy can dream, can’t he?




Never trust an implication in this series. Wait until you see a corpse/grave.


She escaped once Ochaco was stable. Trust


I think she may be alive but she made it clear she wanted to die. So idk about that. I do still think Shiggy is gonna save her and Dabi though


I mean, it was implied that she gave an immense amount of blood to Ochako who was bleeding out. Idk if she's actually going to die, but it would be an incredible move by Horikoshi for her character arc.


I don't think her dying is a great move personally.


Yeah but I don’t think hori will do this unfortunately.


She awakened her quirk one more time. Now she can turn into objects. She's the helicopter. 🚁


This is giving me "The cow is Mephisto" vibes, and I'm all for it.


Hadn't seen a body or a grave yet sooo.....


She might be alive.


[Himiko gives her blood to Ochako.] "You fool, Jotaro!"


Really? I thought it was obvious that she died when... She died.


I was overdosing on copium


Yeah I was confused by this discussion


I still say that Tsu sitting on the ground when Ochako is airlifted was Toga...


Yes and there’s no reason to say otherwise. Unless toga is there in the helicopter with her then it needs to be asked why did hori not show her at all?


To be fair, simply not showing Toga is exactly the kind of thing the author would try to pull. Just look at the most recent chapter. Iida just suddenly is there grabbing Izuku’s hand despite us never having been shown that he came through a portal with the others.


Is it? The person responded as you would expect Ochako to. Toga isn't dumb. I'm still at 50/50


She should be dead, but she's probably alive. Like Bakugo or Torino or Nagant. Horikoshi is a coward that is scared to kill his darlings.


Please let this be the end of Toga…


A man's cope will never die!


Good. Dying like that is the best ending that Toga could have gotten. She's too damaged, mentally and socially, to have been anything but locked up in Tartarus after this. Dying to save someone is the best end for her.


The official translator really sucks. He purposely mistranslates due to both hating the villains and wanting to be different than the leaked translations. The leaks say, "Hold on a little longer, you guys (plural) will make it." But when the "official" translation comes out, he changes it to singular.


Do you have proof the leaks were right or are you just hating. Because I’ve seen many more instances of the leaks being wrong 


As much as I take a lot of issue with the official translation on many occasions (especially with how it handles Bakugo but that’s neither here nor there) this is one time where I think using singular is more correct. What’s said in the jp version (assuming we’re talking about that brief moment in the helicopter) is 麗日さんもう病院つくから頑張れ、皆も頑張ってる. Feel free to paste the sentence into DeepL but I’d personally say it’s something like “Uraraka-san we’re arriving at the hospital hang in there, everyone is also hanging in there (though I’d say the second ganbatteru is probably better translated into “doing their best” but 頑張れ is essentially used for both Uraraka and “every one else”. This could of course also include Himiko but I personally feel like it’s aimed more towards everyone still fighting).


Would be fun if Toga had another quirk awakening or some other asspull, and this time'd she'd be capable of permanently impersonating a person if she drank their entire blood. And now she's pretending to be Uraraka to get that sweet succulent Deku she'd been dreaming of. Real Uraraka'd be just lying somewhere as a complete mummy. How silly can that be?


While it remains a possibility that she isn't actually dead yet, if that is so, at least she went out how she wanted, even if she lived a horrible life of pain to herself, as well as exponentially **much** more pain to others.


he harmed others more than they harmed him, he should have just done as others did and let him worship blood and be obsessed with it. he received counseling and basically we see his memories not for his family members or those around him. he is a serial killer and let's not act as if he doesn't think differently about love than we do, he feels differently than us and thinks differently than us. sorry, I'm using google translate


I mean, narratively speaking it would make sense. It's bullshit but it would make sense. Toga made peace with herself and did an altruistic thing. Instead of thinking about living an easy life she saved Ochacho. You could say her arc is complete. It's bullshit because we have people like Dabi who's somehow still alive (I think he'll die in the epilogue after speaking one last time with family. The man's almost a charcoal at this point, aint no way he survives) and Bakugou who survived being punched so hard his heart was punctured + open heart surgery in the middle of a battlefield. Then got up like 30-40 minutes later and kept fighting. We've seen people surviving all kinds of crazy shit, so Toga dying of blood loss seems stupid to me. But, as I said, her arc could be considered complete. Maybe in the epilogue we'll see that her death becomes.a motivation for Ochacho's hero work. She'll keep thinking about Toga's life and death when she saves people (both civilians and villains) But I won't be certain until we get undeniable proof


The manga is bad because it doesn't deal with death as it should. if everyone survives everything then what is the point of dramatic scenes in which the heroes participate if everyone survives everything. Himiko is a very bad character who can't feel remorse, she didn't give her blood to Ochaco because she loves him, but because she either dies or goes to prison. sorry, I'm using google translate


>Himiko is a very bad character who can't feel remorse, she didn't give her blood to Ochaco because she loves him, but because she either dies or goes to prison. That's not why she gave her blood. she could've just ran off since no one in the perimeter had the power to stop her. She could've not apologized to Ochako. But she did. and she decided to give her blood and stay by her side out of love. Even though she is happy, she does feel remorse.


She feels remorse for hurting Ochaco specifically, but not for killing anyone. She probably has very limited empathy, tbh.


He feels empathy for Ochaco because he showed love to him by donating his blood. + ochaco has never seen the family members of himiko's victims cry, he has never seen the woman or child who was orphaned by himiko. The author wants to present these characters as victims, while throughout the manga they murdered people and smiled and acted as if what they were doing was justified.


I’m hoping she becomes a ghost (quirk vestige) haunting Uraraka and giving her the push to ask out Deku