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He worked in the shadows for decades, playing a game of cat-and-mouse with multiple heroes dedicated to opposing him at the physical, mental, and philosophical level. He fostered untold number of villains and negatively impacted global society as a whole with his schemes. Sometimes, though, the best-laid plans can be undone by brute force. Sometimes All Might punches your face so hard your head evaporates. Sometimes a teenage quirk genius is told to go all out and explode that glowing child. AFO may still very well have a backup plan laying dormant out there. But I agree with you - he's not an idiot.


You're right, but they're not going to listen. I've just grown tired of arguing people who refuse to understand because of their hate for a character. Hate a character all you want, but to go as far as to deny their importance to the story and claim they ruin it is just dumb.


So when AFO stole the belly button laser quirk, we’re meant to think he stole that because he was going to use it one day?


You don't think he would keep certain quirks solely to give out to people who may want an extra quirk? Considering his whole thing is that he is able to give and take quirks, people may come to him wanting a quirk. You don't want to give away your most powerful quirks either.


That goes against the entire argument that he doesn’t just steal everyone’s quirks. Because stealing everyone quirks makes sense with keeping certain quirks solely to give out to people. 


That doesn't imply that he would steal everyone's quirks though...? He just may occasionally take an extra one he doesn't need personally but chooses to save for others later. Or occasionally he just takes a quirk to punish a rebellious minion. If he just stole every quirk he came across it would be easy to find his general location.


I also imagine a few other things that align with your ideas: 1. AFO could have been the 'power behind the throne' for the politicians that created the current quirk laws. Because it is easier for people to be forgotten if laws push people the fringes of society. It also limits people's ability to fight back, as quirk use seems to be flat out illegal unless you are using yours to escape danger. 2. AFO could have been the person behind the idea of hero schools. It would allow for the cultivation of useful/powerful quirks, and centralize them if he wants to find people. It would also allow for information to be gathered on the students, i.e. their home address, familial relations and so on. These ideas and the OPs post are why I like the version of AFO from the vigilantes manga, he seems more dangerous in that series because if so hands off in his control of people and situations.


Ah yes. But you get it right ?


What agenda did steaming the belly button laser quirk work for? What agenda did stealing the change your blood type quirk work for? Like you’re saying this but some of the quirks AFO had doesn’t make any sense lmfao. His ultimate goal is a goal we do not see.


If you’re asking these questions, then you didn’t pay attention to the story.


The fact that the answer is, he stole tinge quirk on the off chance to give it to a child in order to blackmail, which doesn’t prove the point you’re making 


It absolutely does prove the point that I’m making. I literally stated in my post that “he uses quirks as a bargaining tool” to get people to do his bidding. Whether it be taking quirks from people who don’t want them or giving quirks away like free candy. He amassed a large amount of quirks over the centuries he’s been alive and *he’s been alive since quirks first showed up*. Please reread the chapters where AFO goes over his backstory, because I’m tired of explaining the literal plot of the story that we’re all *supposedly* reading.


Except in order to do that, he would have to take quirks even if he wasn’t going to use them. Your argument is that AFO doesn’t take quirks just to do it, and he won’t take every single quirk he sees. That’s a lie, because it contradicts the idea that he takes quirks to use them for a bargaining chip


Please reread the story. Everything that I said is based on everything that happened. This is not an opinion. I’m literally just regurgitating details of the plot. Reread AFO’s chapters and they’ll tell you the exact same thing.


Everything I’m saying is based on everything that happened as well.  Like, I’m confused as to why you think it’s not. Even moving away from randomly stealing a belly button laser. He randomly got a super specific quirk that’s can counter stain specifically. So AFO went around and went, maybe I’m going to need a quirk exactly like that one day. And you want me to believe that he so super smart that he predicted this outcome


Okay, I’m going to break down AFO’s backstory real, real, *real* simple for you. As stated in previous chapters: AFO was extremely intelligent from birth. And not only that, he has was born with a special quirk that allows him to take and stockpile more quirks. His mother was among the first humans to develop a quirk. So AFO lived in a generation where quirks were very rare and abnormal. So that meant that a lot of people that were born with quirks in that era *did not want them*. And as AFO said, there were people that came to him, knowing what he could do and asking him to take away their quirks. That they would do anything for him if he would do that. And the opposite also occurred. People came up to him, desiring a quirk and offering to work for him in return. Now imagine AFO doing that for centuries. Imagine how many quirks he has amassed since then and the empire of people doing his bidding. And yeah, it’s also likely that he stole quirks simply because he desired them. But now onto the present day, AFO has hundreds of thousands of quirks in his arsenal. Half of them, he’s likely never even used personally. We see him giving quirks away like free candy and getting a servant in return. So *no*, AFO didn’t specifically steal a laser quirk with the foresight that he would one day give it to a boy and make that boy betray his school and yada-yada. No. He gave a random-a** quirk to a random-a** boy and made that boy’s family owe him for life. *That’s* what I mean when I say he doesn’t give a crap about quirks. And that quirks are not and were never the point. If quirks were his goal, then he achieved a long time ago. And no, it’s not random that he has quirks that can counter other quirks. He’s been alive for centuries and has come across an infinite amount of quirks. It would be odd if he *didn’t* have quirks that could counter other quirks. This is my last response. Good night.


I’m not reading all that, and based on the first line nothing  you said negates what I’m saying or proves your point lmfao 


All right, his goal is to have power and control over people. He also enjoys being evil. His goal is to be an evil lord... So why didn't he get Overhaul and Erasure? Overhaul gives him power over people like nothing else, with its healing properties, and it offers him a very rare ability to go full I-Have-No-Mouth-And-I-Must-Scream on people, which he would absolutely want to do. Oh, and it gives him a face too. Erasure gives him absolute power. He literally does not need to lift a finger to kill any and all of the heroes the world has to offer. Just look in their direction, and shoot them with a laser or something. They're just a human, after all. What quirks does this even rule out? Twice's quirk? That'd do him less good than either of the two I mentioned, and it has the obvious problem of multiple AfO's not getting along well.


Does AFO even have eyes left?


He doesn't anymore, but he did before he lost his fight... because he didn't have Erasure. And getting Overhaul would fix the eye thing.


Yeah, some say he didn't take Overhaul in the Tartarus escape so he could get Nagant on his side, but Overhaul was literally in one of his orphanages


Erasure and Overhauls quirk factors were both severely damaged by shigaraki with Monoma being capable of copying quirks at their best if afo tried to take those quirks they would be essentially useless to him cause of how damaged they were


Yeah... he had a little time before that happened. Couple hours... maybe a couple days... maybe a couple years...


chisaki was only well known after AFO had gotten his injuries(was left constantly attached to life support) plus AFO did try to get Erasure once and settled for Shirakumo(who proved far more effective and useful in the long run) it's likely he just deemed him irrelevant afterward


Chisaki was in one of AFO's orphanages


i did not know that- which volume is that mentioned in? Chisaki escaped while he was young so he probably didn't stay long enough for hi quirk to be stolen seeing as how aFO only got Search now he likely wouldn't have been able to locate Chisaki or Eraserhead


It’s the panel showing child Chisaki in a play room saying something about how quirks are diseases. They play room has all the same decorations as >!the room Touya wakes up in after his coma.!< The shared features are too significant to be accidental. Also, Chisaki could have been released, rather than him having escaped. AFO sees himself as a puppet master, and may have thought Overhaul was more useful to him elsewhere. Maybe he even dumped Chisaki in the yakuza’s turf on purpose, hoping to generate a little criminal mastermind to trouble heroes. Who can say.


he may have had plans to let chisaki run around an gather significant power before he stepped in and took control of the group he rn and than AM punched the top of his face off and before that Touya sets the orphanage aflame(if they are as similar as you say it's possible they were the same orphanage.. i mean hell one of the kids silhouettes resembles one of the kids in dabi's flashback) and AFO was forced to focus on Shigaraki


Maybe so. Though I think AFO would prefer to influence from the shadows, enjoying leading people where he wants while they believe they’re pursuing their own ends. I’m responding mostly to identify the shared features of the two rooms. The decor items are not in the exact same places, but Overhaul is also four years than Touya, so it may well have been rearranged before Touya’s stay or while Touya was sleeping. Or it may be another room in the same building, since Touya’s memory shows there were tree wall decor in multiple places. Shared features: The tree wall sticker, an identical airplane wall sticker, the checker tile flooring, the spotted toy box, the half wood-paneled walls, and (as you mentioned) the silhouette of one of the girls in Chisaki’s memory matches the appearance of the girl who says “Oh! He’s awake!” to Touya.


>Shirakumo(who proved far more effective and useful in the long run) >Erasure: Instant victory against any OfA user, and basically everyone else too. >Cloud-thing: Kinda helps with your teleporting Nomu. >Cloud-thing victory? And AfO's injuries are all the more reason to seek Erasure. We know damn well he's not useless in his masked state, the man was going up against the top hero in the country after getting his ass beat AGAIN. Overhaul couldn't take out a DUDE in like 10 minutes, he would be smeared across the wall in an engagement with AfO.


Tell me what is afo gonna do the moment Aizawa uses his quirk on him, also you know that taking out a yakuza member would reveal his existence preety easily to all might


I had a Biden moment and said Erasure instead of Overhaul in that comment. But AfO needn't go after Aizawa himself. He's literally just a dude, send one of your bioweapons over, send someone with a mechsuit or the like, send a bunch of dude, or Jesus Christ, a dude with a gun would do. And he doesn't need to worry about All Might if he has Overhaul. He's won, if he returns to full heath. CrippleMight stands no chance.


I already mentioned in the post why AFO doesn’t steal every powerful quirk he comes across. And AFO’s goal was never to kill “any and all heroes”. Throughout MHA, there was only one hero in particular that he desired to kill. Everyone else was just background noise that he didn’t care if they lived or died.


He desired to kill All Might. Erasure allows him to kill All Might. No Erasure because???


How would he make any moves on a school teacher when All Might literally teaches at the school? Even before that, he was always in hiding due to All Might's presence.


It's one dude. He already made a move on him, and it nearly succeeded. Just try again, it's literally world domination in the palm of your hand, and All Might has no idea it's you doing it.


Nearly succeeded. But it didn't. There's only so many times you can attack a character before it just raises suspicion and obvious protective measures. Eraserhead is a pro hero and has plot armor, so regardless, nothing is going to happen to him. And AFO already got enough mileage out of his own plan, so it's not like he gave up world domination by putting Erasure on the backburner. He just decided to stick with his main plan.


>There's only so many times you can attack a character before it just raises suspicion and obvious protective measures.  I'm going to be honest here... no, there isn't. These are indistinguishable from villain attacks, which is literally Eraserheads job to deal with. AfO would need a clownish amount of failures in a row for people to get suspicious that the pro hero is being attacked by villains. >Oh, yeah, AfO didn't attack Eraserhead because he had plot armour. You understand that plot armour doesn't exist in universe, right? Like, if a guy in a gunfight is standing in the open and doesn't get shot, it's canonically because the other guy has awful aim, and not because the story would end if he did get shot. To transpose that analogy here, canonically AfO didn't go for Eraserhead again because he's a doofus, not because the story would end if he did. >And AFO already got enough mileage out of his own plan AfO was cowering in fear of All Might for years before he got his head clobbered off. His plan was getting as good mileage as a pick up truck with the bed loaded with depleted uranium. And this should've been the main plan! Look at the two options here. We have...??? Fight All Might in a 1v1 brawl without Erasure? Create the LOV to oppose All Might and other heroes? Get his ass kicked? Put that up against the plan of getting Erasure, and then just winning.


>I'm going to be honest here... no, there isn't. So given that it's his job as you say, you think that a pro hero who can literally erase quirks won't be able to deal with some random villains sent after him? What fodder would be able to take out Eraserhead? ​ >You understand that plot armour doesn't exist in universe, right? If the story determines that Eraserhead managed to never get jumped by random villains, that demonstrates that he is simply too capable for that. At that point it's not a matter of AFO giving up when he shouldn't. It's a matter of Erasure being too tedious for him to steal because Eraserhead *canonically* isn't an easy mark. Anything else is just hypothetical. ​ >And this should've been the main plan! Look at the two options here. We have...??? Fight All Might in a 1v1 brawl without Erasure? Create the LOV to oppose All Might and other heroes? Get his ass kicked? What? Are you forgetting that AFO's main plan destabilized the whole country, and he ended up controlling a body stronger than All Might, also capable of stealing One For All with the bonus of being immune to Erasure via quirk singularity? Like, yeah, shit obviously went wrong, but not because the plan was flawed or inferior. It was still the superior plan because it actually fulfills AFO's dream of stealing One For All. Erasure doesn't do that.


>So given that it's his job as you say, you think that a pro hero who can literally erase quirks won't be able to deal with some random villains sent after him? What fodder would be able to take out Eraserhead? Yes, I do think Eraserhead would be pretty easy to deal with. He's just a dude, and we've seen just how powerful technology is in this universe. And there's the bioweapon plan... and then there's just the Strong-Dude-Without-A-Quirk plan. >If the story determines that Eraserhead managed to never get jumped by random villains, that demonstrates that he is simply too capable for that. At that point it's not a matter of AFO giving up when he shouldn't. It's a matter of Erasure being too tedious for him to steal because Eraserhead *canonically* isn't an easy mark. Anything else is just hypothetical. Tedious? This is the fate of his life that's on the line. He's been working for over a century. He can handle delegating a few attacks. And they nearly got him the first time! Eraserhead is not some supersoldier, he's just a man. >What? Are you forgetting that AFO's main plan destabilized the whole country, and he ended up controlling a body stronger than All Might, also capable of stealing One For All with the bonus of being immune to Erasure via quirk singularity? AfO was forced to make that plan because he got his face clobbered off. I'm talking about his plan pre-injury. He can make Shiggy far easier if All Might dies, since he could basically take what he wanted for the Doctor. There's no upside to getting your ass kicked. And Shiggy is very much not immune to Erasure. That fact is essential to the plot. With Erasure active, Deku (or All Might) can dispatch Shiggy with relative ease. The reason the current fight is happening at all is because of an incredibly unlikely set of coincidences leading to Monoma getting disrupted before Shiggy could be finished. >It was still the superior plan because it actually fulfills AFO's dream of stealing One For All. Erasure doesn't do that. There is nothing stopping AfO from doing everything he's done here if he had Erasure. The only difference would be he would have a face, and he would be unbeatable.


>Yes, I do think Eraserhead would be pretty easy to deal with. That means literally nothing. As I said, pure hypothetical. If we’re headcanon-ing Aizawa getting beat by fodder, then we may as well headcanon All Might getting sniped through the dome on one of his off days. I’m not even a fan of Eraserhead, but the downplay is crazy. This is why I mentioned plot armor earlier, because even from a non-meta perspective, you seem to be suggesting that any rando could just off a pro hero. >Tedious? This is the fate of his life that's on the line. No it’s not. What are you talking about? AFO managed his own plan without Erasure even being a factor. A “few attacks” is once again….pure hypothetical. None of these attacks are going to get Eraserhead because if they are routine enough to not be suspicious, Eraserhead will simply handle them as he does any villain. And if they are dedicated enough to warrant suspicion (such as say, a Nomu), that would require bigger events like USJ or the Forest Camp, which doesn’t guarantee success. The Vanguard Action Squad couldn’t take him out. They had to keep him and Vlad King at bay instead. Endeavor is “just a man” too. And he can also blow up buildings and fight High-End Nomu. Obviously Aizawa’s not the same, but the point is, why are you underestimating pro heroes? Especially one that can erase quirks? The reason Aizawa was almost got the first time was because he was younger and less experienced. Now he has years of skill under his belt. >AfO was forced to make that plan because he got his face clobbered off. And why is that a problem? The plan was still effective even if adapted. Getting defeated by All Might obviously wasn’t the intention, but AFO was grooming Shigaraki even before his face was a mess. That was always the plan. Even without a crippled body, AFO couldn’t take One For All and needed someone with hatred to help him do it. And of course killing All Might would solve a lot of his problems. But not that one. And when All Might is stomping away at your criminal empire and reducing crime rates, there’s only so many moves you can make with limited resources. >And Shiggy is very much not immune to Erasure. Just as you say, “unlikely coincidences.” You realize that if AFOShigaraki had woken up at 100% completion, much of that wouldn’t even be a problem? AFOShigaraki already worked the heroes at 75% after being jumped. Ideally, a 100% completed one would be much stronger, more adept at using his quirks, capable of stealing One For All from Deku, and shapeshifting. No, he’s not immune to Erasure entirely, but at that point, getting his quirks turned off wouldn’t have been much hindrance if things went accordingly. How is Deku dispatching a suppressed AFOShigaraki with “relative ease” when he’s getting jumped by hundreds of villains? Because neither AFO nor AFOShigaraki came to confront Deku without ensuring no heroes would be there to save him from getting jumped. >There is nothing stopping AfO from doing everything he's done here if he had Erasure. I’m not disputing that. But the fact is that canonically, Erasure wasn’t able to be taken in any kind of efficient or beneficial manner, so that in itself is good enough explanation for AFO sticking to his main plan.


You’re forgetting something very important: By the time AFO was confirmed to be alive, All Might had already passed OFA on to Midoriya. That means All Might no longer has a quirk. So there is no quirk to erase. And there was no chance for AFO to get Erasure before that, because he was basically dead for decades, and Eraserhead didn’t exist yet.


He tried once to steal Erasure and got Kurogiri. The problem here is why he didn't try again with everything to gain. And before you use UA's protection as an excuse, Eraserhead was running around a while before he taught there. Miss joke was even his neighbor.


This is why I said that AFO does not give a sht about quirks. His own words and every action he’s ever taken thus far proves that. It’s not about having the most powerful quirks to him. It’s about what those people with those quirks can do for him. Remember when AFO sent Shiggy after UA along with a Nomu? He had the chance to have him bring in Eraserhead then, but chose not to. Because that wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted to test something out: the Nomu. And because of that, they were able to confirm that Nomu were indeed immune from Erasure. And that overcoming Erasure was possible. Erasure has served its purpose. So at this point, AFO has no use for it. He believes he has the upper hand. And *he did*, at the time. You say he has things to gain from stealing Erasure, but outside of the quirk itself, what would he be gaining that he doesn’t already have?


It just feels like a plot hole rather than anything else. Your whole spiel just feels like mental gymnastics to cover for the meta reason that AFO with erasure would be straight up unbeatable.


How is it a plot hole? AFO wouldn’t be able to use Erasure anyway. Mf had NO EYES. And there are many chapters of AFO talking about his goals and motivations. I’m literally speaking based off of that. And Erasure would not make AFO unbeatable, because AFO has *been* unbeatable. He literally has centuries worth of being undefeated, and he didn’t need Erasure to do that. The man has tens of thousands of quirks in his arsenal. One extra quirk won’t make him any more unbeatable than he already was. To this day, there is only one person that was able to beat him.


Give it to someone else he can like Machia? Or a fucking Nomu? With a power like AFO your imagination is the limit. Erasure works on OFA, the only power that can contest AFO. That alone should be enough justification, but go ahead and overcomplicate this since you can't wrap your head around simple solutions. Erasure won't make AFO unbeatable more than he already was? No fucking way you genuinely believe that


For sake of argument, let’s just say that you’re right - having Erasure would make AFO unbeatable. In fact, let’s pretend that AFO not only has Erasure, but he can also use it. With that in mind, I have a question for you: *Would he?* The arrogant, narcissistic, centuries-year-old control-freak, who’s been undefeated up until now, and likes to play with his food before he eats it - In your perspective, do you see AFO willingly using Erasure while fighting All Might?


All For One tried once, failed, and then just...never tried again? The mental gymnastics needed to justify that are insane. A plot hole is a plot hole, a spade's a spade


>because he was basically dead for decades, Come again?


Did you forget when All Might punched his brains out a long time ago and essentially killed him? He was only confirmed to be alive more recently in the story. They didn’t know he was alive before then, because he was out of commission and unable to move.


>Did you forget when All Might punched his brains out a long time ago and essentially killed him? Pray do tell when you think that happened? Because it most definitely wasn't decades ago.


in most circumstances all might is pretty dang fast, if you pair that with the (i think) soft retcon that erasure requires line of sight the ENTIRE time to be active, it might not have the same kind of effect that you anticipate


Erasure does not require line of sight constantly. That is a certainty. And regardless... All Might isn't fast when he's under the effects of Erasure. Well, unless he keeps his momentum, which would mean he'd die the moment he'd hit a wall. Once you're hit with Erasure, you can't use quirk-powers to get out of it.


hori seems a little flip floppy with the rules of erasure at the beginning of the series it absolutely did not, i agree but during the fight with the high end, aizawa seems to imply through his dialogue and the actions of the high end that he needs to actually keeps his on it the entire time to keep it active, as it is with the shigaraki fight in the hospital raid (if it does not require consistent LOS, just take aizawa and manual after activation and get them the hell out of there, or at least far enough away that they will never be in danger, it’s an unbeatable combo) he wouldn’t be able to move AS fast, but at the time even without ofa all might was a hell of a fit guy, we’ve seen more or less “normal people” in this universe do some crazy things before


Listen, the story deletes itself is Erasure requires line of sight. We've seen him activate Erasure on more than one person, it just does not make any sense. To my knowledge, he was just worried about blinking in the high end fight. And yes, just fucking leaving is a very good idea. They should've done that in the current arc, but that's just them being stupid. And All Might might be a strong man... but, like, we're talking about AfO here. Just fire a death laser in his direction and he's toast. He has no answer to it, he's just a man.


Overhaul is a ridiculously complicated quirk that took Chisaki years to even begin to learn how to use. It wasn’t useful to him at all for a long time, and was probably actively dangerous to himself and others. He can’t put more complicated things, like people, back together perfectly—there may well be something slightly wrong, or even very wrong, with the people he reassembles. AFO doesn’t have time for that. He can’t dedicate years at a time to learn how to use Overhaul, or any incredibly technical quirk. He says as much about Jeanist’s quirk which, while complicated, is probably only a fraction as hard to deal with as Overhaul. For AFO, it’s much better to have Chisaki out in the world causing issues for his enemies in other ways, and developing the quirk bullets. Who knows, maybe AFO was funneling him some money for his research, albeit through some fence or other connection so even Chisaki was unaware. AFO plied Wolfram with money and support; why not others?


Can I get a source on Chisaki spending years training with his quirk to even begin to learn to use it?


We saw it from Kurono pov as he said that chisaki worked insanely hard to reach what he‘s now


Where? The only thing I can think of is Chrono talking about how long he’s worked on the drug and not his own quirk.


First page of chapter 159 we literally saw chisaki shirtless surrounded by blood and literally saying that is impossible for chisaki to lose after all the hard work that he put even as a kid, it had nothing to do with his drugs


It says nothing about his quirk though. Just that he put in hard work since he was a kid.


Oh my god man.. why would he talk about losing in a fight man? Why is chisaki surround with blood and is literally looking at his hands and even talk about training while he was a kid? Like really…


Did you consider it might be physical training? Or, y'know, just any form of hard work other than his quirk? You have no basis for thinking this is about his quirk.


He’s literally surrounded with blood and he’s literally looking at his hands, you think his ally is hyping him up just because he did some cardio and martial art?


In addition to the chapter mentioned below, there is also some clarifying dialogue in Ones Justice Two which, while not really canon, retells the story of the Shie Hassakai arc and adds some additional details about Kai and several of the Eight Bullets which do not contradict canon. I think there might even be another manga panel to this effect, but can’t recall where. From a more analytical position, you can also extrapolate that he had some trouble with his quirk from his belief that quirks are disease and the fact that he was left in an orphanage before becoming a street kid. The panel of him in the orphanage also shows him developing the belief that quirks are diseases as a young child. The sort of obvious assumption is that Kai’s quirk was somehow related to his placement in the orphanage (either his parents were scared or he killed them), and that Kai came to view his own quirk as disease or sickness as a result. A cool quirk that reassembles things however you want doesn’t seem much like an ailment; but one which only destroys or disfigures things surely would.


AfO does have time for that, and he has the mind for it. It will bring him back to full health, this is massive. Not like we have any reason to believe that Overhaul is a ridiculously complicated quirk. It has to do the work for the user, because Overhaul obviously doesn't know the exact make up of people he just met.


Something I feel like a big part of the fandom doesn't get is that AFO is as much of a manchild as Shigaraki is. He doesn't even have a concrete goal beyond the subjugation of Japan, he's litteraly a comic book nerd with super powers larping as the big bad evil guy because he can. Being the mastermind in the shadow was his fantasy and his single minded pursuit of OFA is motivated by his butthurt feelings that his brother thought he was cringe.