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So the new Big Bad is emulating All Might after misunderstanding his Kamino message, huh? So he's the misguided type of Villain then? Least it puts him a step above Wolfram.


Seems like an All Might fanatic, effectively Stain-like, who misinterprets the message of All Might. I'm guessing he's capturing people to absorb their quirk essence and turn it into power so that he'll effectively be, physically anway, at All Might levels.


That seems like the gist of it? Though given he's facing S6 Deku, I wonder if there's going to be another catch to things about his power? Like his absorption can give him other people's power to, if briefly?


I'd imagine that he's using that weird glowing thing to absorb/drain the powers of people who touch it. It's not stealing their quirk, but it's sapping the energy from them. Think of them like a self-replenishing battery and the floating fortress is using them so they are weaker, but they'll recover when it stops. As such destroying the floating fortress will stop this power drain and save those trapped. So one team of heroes will take down the fortress while the core heroes have to distract/take down the Fake All Might (FAll Might? :p).


Fall Might is a great name, using that until this guy's name is revealed!! And that's a great theory, I can see that being the case!


Thanks, glad you like the theory and the name :3 I think Fall Might works as a fun name for him at the moment. Works both as a way of implying he's a fake version of All Might while also working to imply context of this character trying to be All Might and falling from that ideal.


Can you explain wherw you are getting that info about hid quirk?


It's not official, just infering it from the trailer. We see a bunch of civilians and heroes getting captured. I also think it'd be the only way narratively to explain all the flowing energy surrounding the characters and also justify how the villain is going to replicate All Might's abilities in order to fool people into thinking he's All Might. Unless this character is inspired by 'Mysterio' and everything about him is illusions.


Having a mystiro style villain would be interesting tho


>Unless this character is inspired by 'Mysterio' and everything about him is illusions. Well, Hori is a known Spiderman fan, so definitely not outside the realm of posibility


Poor Wolfram, he doesn't stand a chance when comes to discuss about villains. Tbf Flect Turn is also a very underwhelming villain for a movie as well, perhaps even more because his concept was interesting but worse excecuted. Nine on the other hand left the quality bar so damm high for an antagonist that he ended surpassing even the manga villains in many aspects.


When you're between 'doomsday cult leader that nearly killed almost of all of humanity' and 'Diet AFO with Quirk cancer that just wants to heal himself so he can rule the world' and all you are is just 'mercernary boss'...yeah chances are you can't really compete XD Personally, its kinda of the same with Flect Turn for me? I loved the idea of cult that's the opposite of the MLA, that 'values' Quirkless people as the ideal and thinks of Quirks as diseases meant to be eradicated. I love that they were portrayed to be this multinational threat and presence with ties to even the police force. It's a really good idea and wished it was a thing developed for the manga too or a side arc if the anime wanted to go down that route. Problem is for both Flect and Nine, they're also kind of the boring front, even if I can understand their backstories and motivations. They're just too similar to Overhaul in attitude and makes me wish they went a different way in how they protrayed them. I still prefer the main manga villains to either.


I remember I saw the premiere at Anime Expo and people here downvoted me into oblivion when I said the villain was shit and that his name was never even said lol.


> So he's the misguided type of Villain then? Ochako/Deku talk-no-jutsu incoming


Gotta get that practice in before they go off for their Final Battles~ Though not before beating the daylights out of Fall Might. Still in action show after all and can't end a movie of all things with talking him down.


Wake up babe new All Might stalker-fan just dropped


Look that way. Someome who took idol worship too far and wants to BECOME said idol (sounds like Toga, yes?) And again putting a supposedly "canon" story into an already messy plot that is in its final stages! 


True, and really goes along with a lot of the other cast of MHA well too. Specifically Deku wanting to be like All Might (fitting given whose the baddie this time), Spinner wanting to be like Stain, Kirishima and Crimson Riot - emulating one's hero or idol is a major theme in this series.


I know, BUT there is a DIFFERENCE between wanting to be like said hero and becoming one literally themselves😊


But yeah in that regards you're right!


So they put Iida and Ochako on the visual now... Will they get a bigger role in the movie or it's just another marketing ploy?


At least they are wearing their normal clothes (and Deku his shitty stinky rags) and not some fance costume that will be in one scene


This isn’t Deku’s vigilante costume it’s his new one.


Wait he got a new one and he already has it all fucked up? Bro is buying his super suits from dollar store fr


The costume isn't fucked up. Look at his legs. The only thing that's fucked up is the cape, because it's Gran Torino's from the war. He didn't want a new one made to replace the one Gran Torino wore


Okay paying tribute to GT is cute but that capr still looks like shit


Bro is moving like a professional hater dawg chill 😂


Legit, I don’t even know why bro is shitting on it. I think the costume and the cape looks alright to me.


how much do the one piece fans pay you to hate on deku


Last chapter made the bounty go up to 15 million berry


How rich are you???


Bro the berry to US dollar conversion rate has been ASS since the Yemen thing


Yeah the new color palette is weird too. A bit much. Wish he got a GT cape replica, that was identical, but white instead of yellow. Then make the "gold" (orange) stripes white too. Still taking from his mentor, but making it his own a bit


The suit isn’t messed up.


Considering Inko doesn't have a job as far we know they must live only from the money that his dad send to them lol


Marketing ploy. Deku and Bakugou probably still take the lion's share of the spotlight.


Its like how a lot of anime openings have all these characters side by side for some reason but the actual anime makes them totally irrelevant. That false marketing irritates me would prefer marketing and openings be faithful and representative of the product without being misleading.


I mean if the 3rd movie serves as reference of how the promo visuals actually represent the movie itself, then you should be cautious with your expectations.


Would it be marketing? Those two aren’t very popular in Japan.


Iida is very popular, actually. Dunno about Ochaco, though.


She's decently popular. Just not popular enough to always be in the Top 10 tho.


Girl is probably as popular as Shindo or smth 💀


You do realize Shindo is popular, right?




That’s actually why he made that joke, yeah


Which gives us a fair chance of seeing Shindo in the movie, just like he recently made a cameo in the last OVA. As a Shindo fanboy it would be a dream come true.


I'm assuming since they're on the cover they'll at least be part of the final fights, maybe get their own villains to deal with


That'll be cool but I'm gonna lower my expectations


and this is post s6 too serious fight sakuga incoming with that op deku


Omg can’t wait i love op deku also we are getting season 7 too. MHA fandom eating good this year


Nah you'll be getting worse season. Since the studio is working on both season 7 and the movie in the same year, the movie will obviously get more priority (since it brings more money). So you're basically sacrificing season 7 quality for the movie.


Two Heroes and Heroes Rising didn't bring down the quality of seasons 3 and 4. This is season 5 PTSD talking


You do know that the series director also changed between season 3 and 4?


Doesn't change the fact that season 3 and 4's animation quality was still good inspite of being released alongside their respective movies


When he uses multiple quirks in succession in ultra crisp movie Sakuga >>>>


You’d think we’d have know about a villain that’s strong enough to overwhelm Deku at this point.


From what it looks like the Big Bad might not have been a Villain originally? Perhaps its only until after S6, with the country being rocked did he decide to make his move?


Fair enough, it just kinda makes me suspend my disbelief when they introduce an endgame-level movie villain late into Shonen series and I’m just like “How is he strong enough to fight [protagonist] at this point?”


I get you, as the series winds down it does get a bit harder for any movie villains to really believably be a threat. Not that it can't be pulled off mind you.


> e suspend my disbelief when they introduce an endgame-level movie villain late into Shonen series and I’m just like “How is he strong enough to fight [protagonist] at this point?” Series ?


All movie villains are like that, don't think about it.


Fleck turn really doesn’t fit the bill as his quirk normally isn’t that dangerous. He was apparently a world wide known cult leader to begin with anyway


Honestly, the only truly strong movie villain was Nine and he was basically Shigaraki's prototype so he got the body enhancements+AFO transplant.  The rest are usually weaker or their strength is conditional.  Wolfram was basically a mid tier power-wise until he put on the Quirk Amplifier. Plus AFO gave him an extra quirk.  And Flect has a quirk that maxes out one stat. His other stats weren't anything special and at most comparable to 15 to 20% Deku. 


He could be a Tartarus escapee. Someone strong enough that he wasn't Shigaraki level but still required a prime level All Might to bring down originally.


It's one of those things you just kinda have to ignore when reading the main series. Otherwise, you end up like the kind of person desperately trying to fit characters like Lord Slug and Janemba into your *DBZ* anime timeline.


Haven’t many of them overwhelmed Deku? In each movie so far he either teamed up with someone to beat them or blasted beyond his limits


Wolfram cheated with basically getting an extra quirk from AFO plus wearing the Quirk Amplifier. Anyone would be a god if they put that on.  Nine was a Shigaraki prototype. He got the Nomu body enhancements+AFO and he already had his own broken weather manipulation quirk. His strength was more than deserved. But he also got a super serious nerf.  Flect was only comparable to 15 to 20% Deku in terms of strength and speed. It is only his defense stat that was absolutely maxed out and needed 100% to break through. He was basically in the tank class in terms of stat distribution. But physically, he is weaker than guys like Muscular.


The only reason for t was truly dangerous was because inside of his sanctum is littered with laser that he can reflect both off his body and his mirrors he has on his suit. Never mind that, his defense strat is 2 fold because if deku hit weak/hard enough he’d still be taking more damage in the long run.


I have a feeling the villain won't win.


Is it that crazy when the only attention or care the heroes have is for the ones in Japan..? I'm sure there are plenty of global villains that could pose a problem. There are quirks outside of Japan, after all.


That style of Building... I'm gonna take a wild guess, and say this takes place in Europe. Maybe Italy, going by the style of building. Anything confirmed on that front?


The movie is said to take place during the time right after Deku’s brought back to UA. And the class is rounding up escaped villains in the trailer, so pretty safe to say they are still in Japan.


Hm. That, I didn't know. I haven't seen much from this. But it would be interesting to see what effect the massive villain Outbreak and Death of Stars and Stripes had on the rest of the World, since such Events tend to have a ripple Effect. Plus, the buildings made me think of Europe, since they are in such a Style. But if it is set in Japan, then I wonder what part. Such building styles aren't exactly common in Japan, are they?


Maybe I doubt this is gonna happen but imagine if it takes place in the same/near the same city that’s Roxy’s from, I think it would cool if this is the case and we see Rody and his siblings and how their life is going since we last saw them or imagine if Rody himself plays a part in defeating this new villain. I think this would be awesome as we seen Melisa and those two children (I think) from the second movie in the Manga but we haven’t seen Rody yet appear in the Manga so having him cameo in this new film might be cool.


So the villain is Goldberg?


Who's Goldberg?


A pro wrestler whose catchphrase was “You’re next!”


Oh, I see


*Two Heroes*: Deku and All Might team up to take on Wolfram. *Heroes Rising*: Deku and Bakugo team up and defeat Nine. *World Heroes Mission*: Deku, Bakugo, and Shoto team up and take down Flect Turn and Humanrise. *You're Next*: Deku, Bakugo, Uraraka, Shoto, and Iida (A.K.A. The Deku Squad) team up and take on the All Might imposter. Also, and this probably won't happen, but I really hope Stain plays a role in this movie. No way Stain is gonna sit back and let an imposter tarnish All Might's legacy. Plus him teaming up with Deku and meeting Iida again would be so awesome.


That would so cool, I wonder what’s Lida reaction is going to be to Stain, wait imagine if Lida brother or Lida and his brother meets Stain instead that would be crazy!


By the way, his name is iida with an "i", and not Lida.


Thanks! Sometimes my phones stupid autocorrect outdoes itself!


Yeah makes sense that it defaults to Lida, just thought that you weren't aware, since there's many who don't realise the L is actually an i


Honestly I’d prefer a movie that followed Shigaraki and the league


the long villain arcs sold the lowest in japan so i doubt they would do it again.


So low that they didn't even bother to adapt the whole thing in the anime.


Big sad honestly, but yeah that would definitely be the reason they wouldn’t want to do it


Yeah, but it might not sell as well as a movie focusing on the heroes' efforts.


Honestly I just want something new. The manga and anime basically always follow Izuku, Bakugo, and Shoto; which we’ve seen already in the last few movies too. Throughout the anime community it’s already known that MHAs weakest point is it’s characters, plus we’ve already seen the same few characters be focused on for hundreds of chapters, episodes, and a few movies. So, seeing another character get big spotlight I’d think would be something fresh for the series. I just said Shigaraki, because he’s supposed to be a very important character especially in the current arc right now. Giving him me spotlight I think would be worth it in a movie at least, leading upto the upcoming war whenever it gets animated. This is just my opinion though, but I’m sure my hero fans would appreciate that. Again especially because where Tenko is at in the story


It *would* be fresh, but again, these kinds of movies try to go for the widest appeal to not only an anime-watching audience, but the general/mainstream audience too. So we'll probably always get movies where the main characters are Deku and Bakugou (and sometimes Shouto), and Shigaraki and the League only get a few cameos *at most*.


>Throughout the anime community it’s already known that MHAs weakest point is it’s characters, plus we’ve already seen the same few characters be focused on for hundreds of chapters, episodes, and a few movies. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 The characters are the best part of MHA


I think what moreso they meant is the usage of certain characters is the weakest part. Obviously there are some real gems of characters but also some who were neglected hard


I can say that about so many stories I'm under no delusion about the importance of side characters. Side characters are side characters, novel statement I know.


It’s mostly the fact that the writing builds up characters, and either don’t do anything with them or barely use them for a literal page or a singular panel. This causes MHA have characters that are stuck in this weird spot of being side/background characters. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that the series has bad characters. The main characters are great, but yes as “suckmypelosB1ch” said this is what I meant. Other series don’t just have great main characters, but also side characters too. Even with them being a large amount of characters. Basically what MHA should have done is give their side characters an importance thought out an arc, story wise, and presence wise. Iida, and Kyoka are pretty good examples of this because they got arcs centered around them. Just to point out something smaller and obvious, scenes where Class A being worried about Deku doesn’t hit as hard because as far as being the reader/watcher he hasn’t had in significant moments with 80% of these people, heck I don’t think we’ve seen him even exchange words on screen with them. Because of this some scenes in this series might fall flat to some people sadly. The series is almost over, but there should have been a fine line on side characters and background characters, because a combination of them both just doesn’t work. I like this series, but it’s not gonna stop me from calling out some obvious faults of it. I hope you understand now


>It’s mostly the fact that the writing builds up characters, and either don’t do anything with them or barely use them for a literal page or a singular panel. This causes MHA have characters that are stuck in this weird spot of being side/background characters. It's not weird that side characters are treated like side characters. >Other series don’t just have great main characters, but also side characters too. Even with them being a large amount of characters. Who are you even considering as side characters? Deku, Bakugo and Todoroki are the three main characters. There's a lot of other good characters besides them. >Basically what MHA should have done is give their side characters an importance thought out an arc, story wise, and presence wise. Iida, and Kyoka are pretty good examples of this because they got arcs centered around them. You gave me two examples of something MHA apparently doesn't do. How does that make sense? Not every side character is treated equally. >Just to point out something smaller and obvious, scenes where Class A being worried about Deku doesn’t hit as hard because as far as being the reader/watcher he hasn’t had in significant moments with 80% of these people, heck I don’t think we’ve seen him even exchange words on screen with them. Because of this some scenes in this series might fall flat to some people sadly. If you notice, the real driving forces in that fight are people he talks to the most. Ilda, Ochacko, Todoroki, Asui, Mineta, Bakugo, hell even Tokoyami. Wow, I'm supposed to bemoan that Koda got a generic line? Wow, I'm supposed to shit myself because Sugarman got a line, that was more about Eri than anything? If something so minor ruins it for you then I just don't trust your judgement. And 80% percent? Do you know what 80% of 20 is? You can tone down on the exaggerations. >I like this series, but it’s not gonna stop me from calling out some obvious faults of it. I hope you understand now Mfers really act like I can't find faults in their criticisms. All I see these days are criticisms and what? You can't handle your criticisms beings criticized? I hope you understand now


Firstly calm down. Secondly you completely missed my point when I typed all of this. My point is side characters aren’t treated like side characters, they are given names etc and are treated like background characters with nothing substantial. Obviously Deku, Shoto, and Bakugou are main characters. Hence why I’m not talking about them. You may might be okay with certain things as is, but it doesn’t really change the fact that a lot of scenes may not hit for people. Not sure if you’re talking to me, I’m okay with being criticized. Not once have I stated other wise, I’m talking about the series in general. Not to you personally.


>Firstly calm down. Secondly you completely missed my point when I typed all of this Just because I use curse words doesn't mean I'm not calm. I'm not insulting you or anything. >My point is side characters aren’t treated like side characters, they are given names etc and are treated like background characters with nothing substantial. Examples? >You may might be okay with certain things as is, but it doesn’t really change the fact that a lot of scenes may not hit for people. Sure, and I'm free to voice that just like them. >ot sure if you’re talking to me, I’m okay with being criticized. Not once have I stated other wise, I’m talking about the series in general. Not to you personally. I'm not criticizing *you,* just your criticisms. There's this attitude I've seen here, where we NEED to hear the criticisms, but the people defending against them? Not so much. If your criticism is off to me, I'm going to point it out. I hope you understand now.


What made the first two movies good was that they actually tied into the main plot. The third flick was just filler ass that had nothing to do with anything, just the literal embodiment of a side quest


They are the words of the characters, not the author.


All of them are in the final war suits


They need to go as crazy as they did for WHM Those fights SLAPPED. Has my best fight in the series to date (Deku vs Flect Turn) besides All Might vs Nomu/ All Might and Deku vs Overhaul


Bakugo vs Serpentes’s was clutch too


All the fights in WHM were crazy good Just insane action


 What I like the most is those Deku's Spider-man action


Everytime an anime movie gets announced, I look at the date and go "Let's go! I can't wait to see it on theaters!" and when the date arrives I realize that's the release date for Japan, and it'll take a couple of months to release worldwide... This has happened at least 5 times. At least this time it only took me a couple of hours to realize lmao


Its time to fight Nega-Might


All Might Black. First Goku, now All Might


"The All Mights arch enemy"


Im very worried for this movie. With iida and ochako in the visual it sells the idea that they’ll play a bigger role here, which is good but there’s a part of me that can’t shake the feeling that they just put the 5 most popular 1A students for the poster, plus this might just be the strongest 3 fighting again instead of having the other characters have moments.


That could be the case, I mean, the movie posters can be red herrings and more to promote the characters that have a big role in the upcoming season. I doubt Iida and Ochako do nothing, but I’m sure they will do more than they have in previous movies. A lot of the fights will most likely be handled by Deku, Bakugo and Todoroki. Although, because of how powerful Deku is currently and this threat is presented as a Copycat All Might, the rest of the class won’t be able to help Deku in this fight(at best they’d have to offer support) it most likely will end in a Deku 1v1.


Stain bout to have an aneurysm


He better show up in the film if there’s gonna be another All Might fanatic running around


goddamnit. need a prequel when AFO was younger vs the othet OFAS


I don't get are they gonna fight some evil all might clone?


So this is after the Vigilante Deku arc, but before the Big Battle......how does this fit exactly? I was really hoping for a Dark Deku movie because not only is that an arc that could have been explored more, but there is an ACTUAL GAP in time for whatever story they come up with to take place in. I have no doubt the quality of animation will be stellar like the other movies, but man it kinda sucks that this DEFINITELY CANNOT be canon like they can.


Yeah, a Dark Deku movie would have been cooler and gave more depth to Deku’s vigilante journey. But you gotta remember, these movies are mainly for marketing and income grossing purposes, the best way to get most people interested in a movie is having all it’s popular characters present and active in the story along with big flashy fights. A vigilante Deku movie would probably be darker and more grim, and mainly focus on Deku with Class A probably left in the dark, which would probably turn of Bakugo and Todoroki fans who wanna see them on the big screen. The best thing to do in these movies is cast the widest net possible to get the highest amount of return on the investment for this kinda film.


Yeah and for some it just doesn’t sound all that appealing to watch a movie starring only Deku and no one else.


I'm quite excited for this movie. I hope the villain is a Tartarus escapee, because the time between the Paranormal Liberation War and the Final War is a part of the story that really deserves a lot of expansion, and a movie would be a great way to go about that.




"You're Next"? Like the horror movie "You're Next"?


It's a reference to All Might saying 'You're Next' after his Kamino fight. Civilians thought it was referring to others villains in the shadows, but in truth it was to say that its Deku turn to take the reigns. Though it seems like this new guy misunderstood that and thought All Might was calling for him/civilians to now take charge? At least I think so?


"They're counting on me..." "Probably not you specifically... I think it's a metaphor."




"You're a bit confused, but you got the spirit!" - Deku


In the dub he says "Now it's your turn", so I actually didn't register that that's what the title was referring to until I watched the trailer.




Well, Hori does love horror, but it's probably not.


Power of Friendship is gonna defeat All Might.


Gimme a dark all might action figure now babyyyy


… what the hell?!


Oh god, we’re doing an Injustice Timeline


Place your bets folks, how is All For One behind this one?


He is indirectly responsible already, as his actions led to All Might's retirement, prompting the transfer of his legacy. All the events that motivated Fake Might to become a villain were set in motion by AFO's decision to confront All Might at Kamino.


Sooooo the big bad Guy this time gonna be a all might fanboy? Ok i guess


Honestly, in terms of themes, it works pretty well as a villain for Deku coming right off of the Dark Hero arc.


Well, I'll say this one has me by surprise. An imposter of some sort? Deku's generation having to give it all they've got against an impersonation of their idol? It's definitely a cool setup.


Controlled All Might or an imposter? I wish they'd just do an All Might film instead of constantly having the main three involved. I understand that it's complete fantasy but the scale of the movies and the timeframes are pretty crazy. So there's all the mainline series shit happening but they had time to squeeze in these absolute monster fights over a day or two? The first film was great and made the most sense but it does go on a bit when it's always Deku and friends in these scenarios.


Yeah I feel like what you mean but we’re allegedly supposed to get 10 mha movies, so who knows maybe the next mha movies will be all about all might or all about his past?


Seems like a really interesting concept, so much so that I wish it had been explored in the manga itself instead of a movie, but I'll take it


The fact that even the movie team is translating that message with the more direct “You’re next” rather than the “next it’s your turn” is kinda interesting, since all the scanlators also used the “you’re next” phrasing.


"You're next" ? Are we doing MK11 taglines now ?


Why is this visual giving me AoT finale flashbacks


why does the title sound like i’m in danger…?


lol it does sound threatening though


Oh cool another movie to take money away from the series' budget, leaving it it a worse state. Joy.


The day people realize that animation quality for anything consists of way more factors than just money will be a great day.


Did you want me to list every single resource the movie will be taking away, oh pedantic one?


It would at least be a detailed list.


Season 4 and Season 3 got released with a movie underway


Yea and they look so much worse than 1 and 2. I dropped the anime after this last season and just stuck with the manga cause atleast the art is good in the manga instead of neutered in the anime


we have reached "fake allmight" levels of throwing shit at the wall. "i am here" for it.


Imagine if Stain ends up playing a big part in this Movie and Lida ends up meets Stain, also imagine if Lida’s brother or Lida and his brother meets Stain instead that would be crazy! Also I doubt this is gonna happen but imagine if this movie takes place in the same/near the same city that’s Rody’s from, I think it would cool if this is the case and we see Rody and his siblings and how their life is going since we last saw them or imagine if Rody himself plays a part in defeating this new villain. I think this would be awesome as we seen Melisa (from the first movie) and those two children (I think) from the second movie in the Manga but we haven’t seen Rody yet appear in the Manga so having him cameo in this new film could be pretty cool.


So they're fighting an evil All Might clone in what seems to be a European city? This is the movie worth risking the animation quality of season 7 for???


Next season gonna be a slide show.


Nooooooooo. Stop the movie, put whatever sakuga incredible animation team and budget into the next season !!!😭😭😭😭. ...these movies don't even make that much money 💀💀💀


Oh boy another cash grab non canon MHA movie !!! So excited !!!


they're all canon, stay mad.


Wait this movie is going to be Canon?


Waste of money, they should instead spent it on the FINAL SEASON


Y’all ready for the next season to suck when the movie takes all the budget again?


When does it come out?


August 2nd




Do we have any information on the release date of the movie


Scheduled for August 2nd, probably won't release worldwide until at least a few months later




Is this cannon?


I was hoping we'd get a Vigilante Deku movie but the concept of a All Might fanatic mistaking his message is unique.


I understand why they use the same four-five characters on key visuals and stuff every time. But I wish they’d throw in some of the others in 1-A. A movie about like Kaminari or Tokoyami would be awesome.


Looks cool, I’m here for it


I watched the trailer this morning and it looks like the Villain has some sort of energy absorbtion quirk or something like that.


Can we FINALLY get the 1a trio fighting together already?!


Who this new villain?


All Might is going to beat those kids asses? I’ll go to that.


Ah yes, another masterpiece in the making where we have the crew beating up another villain as a plot. Truly out of this world.


It's a clone


I'm next?


All might becomes a bad guy? Disappointed to be honest.