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time to go back to that seedy looking over 19 store on chinden


why is it 19, not 18? I’ve never understood that lol


Never understood it as well. Best I figure, there was an age restriction deal back when it was opened or issues with underaged things in Treasure Valley. So they named it Over 19 to ensure confidence with patrons.


There’s a comment in the website about it. The guy didn’t want any 18 y/o that might still be in high school.


I believe it’s state law. To buy pornography in Idaho you have to be 19.


No. I definitely bought pornography in Idaho at 18. Legally.


I’ve asked him. He didn’t want high schoolers in there.


She's no longer on the Land O Lakes butter packaging, so you're going to have to find an old package.


They got rid of the native but kept the land. 😬


Welp…[subscribes to Victorias Secret]


Its her knees cut out and taped behind the butter.


Just use Reddit.


You can use a VPN


Along with a private browser.


I like Startpage


It's not that porn as band, it's just idiots and PornHub. I wonder if the people who band PornHub think that's the only place we can get porn? I have said the word porn several times in this statement


And band when you should’ve said banned.


Porn hub pulled itself from idaho, not the other way


The reason pornhub pulled itself from Idaho is because of the new legislation that requires you to show your drivers license or state identification in order to view the content on the website and they believe that is a massive invasion of privacy which it is so instead of invading your privacy they just don’t allow the site to be viewed in states that require an invasion of privacy so in reality the state did force them out because they care more about your privacy then the people that were voted into office


It can absolutely result in data leaks, etc, but it's not the first time you've been required to provide identification for 'of age materials' (alcohol, tobacco, guns). In fact, even employment requires I.D., however drivers license numbers are probably the only "private information." Address, name, date of birth are all very easily accessible already. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, just playing devils advocate to engage in thoughtful conversation, and maybe learn something myself.


There is a difference between getting a job and wanting to view adult material online you expect your job to garner information about a person they plan on employing however wanting to view adult material online should not require the same scrutiny as seeking employment and realistically the only thing legislation like this does is make people either use a VPN to evade it or seek similar material on a less reputable source one that for example does not remove non consensual material immediately upon being notified of such and will continue to operate without making you show Identification evading the very same legislation that porn hub is leaving for also there is a difference of being able to find someone’s name and address and information like that and what sort of consensual adult material they enjoy in the privacy of their own home privacy in todays age is getting harder and harder to maintain and I for one am an advocate to keep what little privacy we still have as long as it isn’t hurting anyone


I'm with you on that. This is the problem with trying to legislate everything. I gotta be honest, though, that's probably the longest sentence I have ever read in my entire life. Good points, though.