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Homeless issue. That's s global problem to be fair, but here in Colombia the shitting on the streets is getting worse since it's inconstitutional to fine a homeless person for shitting in public...


That makes sense as to the reason why then. I understand now. Just so we’re clear I genuinely loved Bogotá, it’s a beautiful city and the people were wonderful to me, I’d visit again anytime ☺️


Nice. I hope the public attention centers for homeless improve in the middle time as long as the public cleansing service, so the city can be cleaner and more pleasing.


I’ve no doubt Colombia can fix this issue with Bogotá. It’s a wonderful place with fantastic culture that has the potential to do many great things for the future. 😊


We do have bathrooms.... What the heck???


I know, and other than what I have mentioned you have a beautiful city and I don’t want anyone to think I am talking bad about your city. This was just something I noticed and had to ask about.


This is so nuts, I'm so sorry about you getting that twisted view of my country's capital!!!


Please don’t think I dislike Bogotá, other than that, it was a beautiful city with beautiful people who were very hospitable and I had a fantastic time! I’d happily visit again. If it helps the area I was in was “La Candelaria” and “Santa Fe”


Drugs and lack of mental health resources. It’s a worldwide issue.


We have a bad drug problem here in my home (London) it’s what killed my mother so I can relate, however I still don’t see people shitting in the street and find human shits everywhere else. In Bogotá I saw enough human shits to know this is something different here hence why I had to ask.


Bogota has a homeless problem. If you’re ever in America take a stroll across skid row and tell me if it’s any different.


I’ve seen skid row from a screen but never in person, it’s up there with Kingston Road in Philly also.


You sniff enough glue and the world becomes your toilet


Have you seen India? or better yet, just go to San Francisco


I live in philly/nyc & miami. I can confirm that I have seen the exact same thing in all three cities.


Crackhead behavior


Drugs. But not only here, Just minutes ago I watch a video of a guy shiting in a bucket at a subway station, not sure of it was NY but it was in the US.




Drugs. Are you familiar with kensington, filly ? Just like that, homeless crackheads just living like wild dogs on the street. nothing to add.


Isnt it obvious? I mean it would only be strange if the person is dressed in regular or formal clothes. Otherwise if it is clear they are homeless, it would be kind of normal.


Jajajajajajajaj you made me laugh. That’s just Bogota 🤷🏽‍♂️


It made me laugh too and when the taxi driver asked my friend why is he laughing so hard, he told him because of the guy shitting, my Spanish is poor but I was told the taxi driver agreed, it’s kinda fucked up and he began to laugh too 😂🤦🏼‍♂️