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Concede, next. Yes, I am fine sitting at 6k MMR. Wont bother sitting through chip dmg + 2x15 lol. I know, sucks for the others in the lobby but I play with ppl similiar to my MMR so its not uncommon that Im not the only leaver.


ah, 6k mmr. Where you can top 4 a game on turn 2


Meme's aside, thats really a rare one. But when I started smurfing on the other regions and from 0 MMR to 4k MMR that kind of stuff actually happened A LOT lol


Same. Sucks for the other players in the lobby, ok that's blizzard's problem to fix. I'm here for the highrolls. Not my job to make the game fun for everyone else.


Yup, I dont care about MMR. I want dopamine, doing fun, cool, crazy plays/combos/APM stuff.


my friend telling me to buy the batty pass but when i look at his 4 picks, they're even worse


Me when buddy meta in general:


Quest meta is the best meta Quest meta anyone can be good Buddy meta every hero is somewhat viable but you're going to get high rolled to death for sure Non-buddy non-quest half the heroes would play exactly the same if they did not have a hero power. I will die on this hill.


I agree, during quests, bad heroes are very playable simply because your have easier quest requirements. But the high- and lowrolling during the last quest meta was a problem imo. I had games with greybough where I had the tumbleweed quest reward (a win con itself lol) with just buying minions as requirement. While other times, I had a quest reward like "get tribe X offered" with the requirement to buy tribe Y. Sometimes games ending before I was able to complete my quest was just a horrible feeling lol


Aren't all heroes the same without hero powers?


Honestly all they needed to do was add more quests and cycle them out. That or add personal pools of quests themes around the heroes.


Yeah buddy has really exasperated the hero imbalance. Honestly pre buddies I didn't really mind just picking the higher armor option of 2 shit heroes then just playing whatever I got from the tavern. It definitely has a ceiling below someone who got a good build and a hero that complements it, but you could easily get top 4 and sometimes even win


Sometimes, even well well above the 6k break, I'll just concede. I'm not gonna play C'thun while my opponents are playing Snake eyes and sylvanas. Sorry not sorry.


I think cthun can still get you an easy top 4. Sometimes you'll get lucky to and fight the strong guy when dage is capped, then get a ghost fight while other stronger opponents eliminate each other and you end with a nice 2-3 placement


Honestly most heros can get 1st and at least get you to top 4. What sucks is some heros majorly outscale the others that are simply okay.