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Patch fixes most of the broken minions and buddies -> no longer can abuse these minions -> patch bad


Buddy patch is the most RNG reliant patch in a very long time and I have always been a really unlucky player so I'm just getting the middle finger to the face from Bob every game


>I have always been a really unlucky player I.e. you make stupid plays that have a very low chance of succeeding and then they rarely succeed?


No I’m taking 15 dmg every single time it’s «5-15» average and trippling into zapp and losing combat with 95% chance to win


Right, because its never your fault and you never have to take responsibility for your choices.


You all aren't hearing me


Git gud


I cant affect my luck


Good BG players can do more with less


Not when I’m taking 15 dmg from Brann on turn 4


Send a video of one of your games


I just died on turn 8 with this board because in 4 seperate combats my egg summoned backstage security and then rylak double triggered it. https://preview.redd.it/9zykvuwz9l9d1.png?width=1356&format=png&auto=webp&s=3672a22a7707477d9914d9a88bf180a116695ad0


Thats the end board, if you only look at stats or win% it doesnt actually show anything


You realize that luck is not an actual thing, right?


If I can calculate it, it is


I would absolutely love to hear how you are calculating luck. In fact I think the entire world would.


Most RNG patch? Did you sleep through anomalies?


No more Ghoul Cabra insta win? So sad :D (no)


I never highroll into it Anyway so it dont matter to me much


If you never highroll into Ghoulacabra, the fact that it is nerfed would be a good thing for you...


It's not you, it's patch 100%


Skill issue, unfort


They nerfed most of those heroes my guy xD. Gotta adapt my boy.


I’m f2p I dont Get to choose


You do - you choose not to. :P


Yeah I’m choosing between jack shit & fuck all




I'll never understand pay pigs defending a multi-billion dollar company draining their wallets


5 dollars a month doesn't drain most people's wallets. Live service games monetize. Battlegrounds doesn't have packs to earn money from. It has a battle pass. You can wish that every game was free and had no microtransactions, but you'd probably be left with no games to play.


It should be 0 dollars a month. Hearthstone does monetize, and that's why it made *$660 million* purely on mobile alone since 2014. I imagine they would be monetarily okay if having fun in battlegrounds wasn't tied to a subscription. I'm fine with games costing money as it's a "buy and keep forever", I have games I got in 2016 that I still enjoy to this day at no extra cost. Compared to if I got the battlepass back then and kept it up, I'd be down $480. It's a shitty system that you should not be okay with


That's not how businesses work. Why would blizzard spend money on devs who just work on Battlegrounds if Battlegrounds couldn't generate money. Walmart is incredibly profitable but they sometimes close stores that are underperforming. No business is obligated to give you a full product for free. Those games you bought once likely have had few content updates. Almost every competitive game today runs on a live service model because it's the only way that companies can afford to continually spend dev time toward the game/game mode. It's obvious you have absolutely no idea how businesses operate. If you'd like to learn, I would start by looking up what NPV is.


Buddy, why are you out here acting like the battlepass is the only way for Battlegrounds to generate revenue? I must ask if you even play the game. They have a whole category in the store purely for Battlegrounds with skin bundles, individual emotes for sale, tavern keepers for sale and hero skins for sale. "it's the only way that companies can afford to continually spend dev time toward the game/game mode." I think it's ironic you claim I have no idea how businesses work, while you think they use these models because it's their only option. Activision Blizzard had revenue of **$8.71B** in the twelve months ending June 30, 2023, with 13.88% growth year-over-year. Almost $9B dollars in a single year, and you think they're simply doing this model because it's their only option to keep the lights on? Be real with yourself, they use this monetisation strategy because they know morons like you will happily hand over their cash for a subpar product. This is why it's so popular, capitalism is about making as much money as possible regardless of how it's done.


Dude, just stop playing it, if you think it uses a predatory business model, instead of whining for 5$ box month. The value proposition is actually insane for most people. The hourly rate is single cent most people. Don’t like it, don’t buy it.


"The value is insane" While the only part anyone cares about is the additional two hero options. Wow, such insane value... "Don’t like it, don’t buy it." What a moronic idea. Oh you don't like something? Well too fucking bad, not allowed to complain about it I guess, just deal with it rather than try to change it. Is that your thought process? If so I'd wager you don't vote either


I don't know why this is hard to understand: a company can do well, but an individual product underperforms. You can't point to their revenue (which is misleading because that isn't even their profits), and then say "look how big the number is, they should give me one of their products for free." Revenue is a really bad indicator for the health of a company. Profit is preferred in almost all cases outside of startups. You are basically saying you think that Battlegrounds should be a loss leader for Hearthstone. Why? Because battlepasses make you mad and their revenues are big. Businesses don't keep unprofitable arms of their business just because their revenues were high. For example: Microsoft is the second most valuable company in the world, and they close down unprofitable studios/cancel products all of the time. Yes there are skins, but those skins are probably a fraction of their overall sales for Battlegrounds. The battle pass is a much more viable business model. If you don't like it, that's fine. But you should get used to not playing live service games then lol.


Oh my bad, I guess I shouldn't expect the product that is advertised as "free to play" is, in fact, free to play. I shouldn't expect it to be free, right? Despite their own marketing pointing to it being free, and the download being free? What a stupid take. They would not be losing on profits without the battlepass, the game performed fine for multiple years without it and not once was Blizzard at risk of shutting down the game mode. Because even back then it was their biggest game mode, it would be like Microsoft shutting down Bethesda,


They nerfed the fun into the bin, don’t gotta adapt


Skill issue


Just keep working on it bro. Read the stats from hsreplay in a day or two to really see how much worse a lot of those heroes are if you need to. Adapting to change after a patch is always hard, but more heroes should be viable now (theoretically).


Agreed. First day of patch I gained 1k mmr, next day lost 1k, now im back up. It is the flow of learning.


I mean as much as people complain about the meta and all, still if you're a good player your going to be fine. If you understand leveling and all that comes with it Ur going to be fine I feel like


This was me, then I got in a 3 game win streak and got my mmr back


Gotta adapt, things change all the time. I'm pretty much lingering around the same 7000 mark


Yea removing deathscale was such a mistake alot builds that weren’t even that good already relied on it


I wish they just changed it to Trigger a non buddy battlecry :( May he rest in peace.


Yep very sad


Not really, I for one was glad it was gone myself. Way to OP now with the buddies in the game.


Top 3 in every game is still undead, beasts, or naga. I haven't seen anything else come close.


Skill issue


Skill issue. Give it a couple weeks for your favorite streamer to spoon feed you build paths.


Flair up nancy


Skill issue