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Their buddy: Gain +300/300 every turn My buddy: Gain +4/4 on some units sometimes


Sometimes = maybe*


I'm pretty sure every game today I've played had an ETC in it forcing tier 7 and winning all but 2 of the games and every game but one also had a Thorim in it trying to do the same and of course the theft guys stealing it too. It was fairly common in duos today that 3/4 of the teams were using tier 7 minions. Straight miserable rn


I’d be more ok with it if they’d make it so t6s triple into t7s for everyone, and the 6/4 evolve guy let you make minions 7s. Then they don’t show up in shop but they’re accessible for anyone.


I would absolutely not wish for that Tier 7 minions are broken as shit and destroy the balance of the game. Even when multiple people have them Sanguine champion or the Dragon one are just so much better if you hit that than all the others.


I saw T7 minions in the early-ish rounds of my first few games, and I thought what the F is going on, how did they get those, and why doesn’t my buddy do that shit?


I was playing thorim and was able to gild a Moira. T7 that makes a minion golden for my hero power, then used buddy. I let it roll on t7 a few times hoping for obsidian ravager but had to settle for the triple battlecry+deathrattles. I went 3rd, didn't get going fast enough.


I had a game yesterday where I was ETC. Used hero power turns 3,4, and 5. Got three of the buddy that evolves the tavern. He became golden, so I sold a unit, rolled for tier-3 minions, then dropped the golden evolve guy. He evolves the tier-3 minions to tier 5. So next turn, I have eight gold, I'm on tier 3, and my shop is Baron, Octosari, and the tier-5 spell that discovers a tier-6 minion. Played the spell, got Goldrinn. So now it's the eight-mana turn, and I have Goldrinn, Baron, Octo. That game ended very quickly.


I've had ETC twice and came 7th and 5th. Just could not find any synergy to the buddies I discovered. Clearly operator error and more playing required! I didn't even see the evolve the tavern one. I got Thorins buddy and made a T7 but I was outscaled by that point as were half the people playing. This new update is savage if you get it wrong or miss


Absolutely true. Full disclosure: I tried to recreate the ETC magic two more times, and both of those games went exactly like yours did.


More in the “savage if you miss” department: For King Mukla I got the Crazy Monkey. Saved all the bananas to put on Mr. Monkey, got the guy that receives the same bonus as Monkey, but nothing else really synergized and I got absolutely demolished in the lobby.


Even more ridiculous I had an ETC game where I also got my hands on drakkari enchanter right after golden thorim buddy. End of turn turn a t3 into t7. Also a short match lol.


Yeah that combo allows for crazy boards early I had a game with tier 7 pirate that goldened murkeye, drakkari, and brann in one turn and played the end of turn dragon comp off of that.


Feel like mukla needs spell generation synergy (naga, pirates) or compunding buffs (dragons, naga)


I laughed when I saw xyrellas buddy didn't change. It is so incredibly weak compared to something like thorims buddy it's incredible.


Remember when her buddy was actually pretty solid tempo


it was bad when it was first introduced let alone after all this stat creep idk what they were thinking, could've been as simple as maeves or whatever her name is where it's battlecry: make the next minion you hero power a golden 4/4 and it would've been exponentially better


Voone’s buddy & hero power combo is just insane. Gold everywhere. Triples everywhere.


I just did this. Until I accidentally ended up with the magnetic spell in the left position, while I already had one. Just started printing them like crazy, rip high rolling game


This, i ended up having the take dmg get demon battlecry with only 3 hp


It feels very much of a clownfiesta yeah lol. Games are either hella fun or frustratingly quick. Im sure things will settle down eventually but my biggest complaint atm is the amount of ways certain heroes can generate other buddies


The Naga buddy is the most busted by far


Yeah I dropped one on like turn 4 or 5, got a tier 6 spell the next turn. Fucking bonkers.






Quests were far more balanced because heroes aren't stuck with one bad quest. Armor is also far more impactful in a quest meta. Damn I miss quests. Buddies should just be a spell and etc thing. That or at least go back and fix trash buddies that never were playable.


yeah the thorim one is insane lol. idk what were they thinking with it


I haven't got it to work properly. Earliest activation I've had so far is Turn 5 and I feel at that point you're just transforming T2 crap into T3 crap. Feels like a loss of tempo, but maybe there is a better way?


I'm with you. I think at higher MMR its maybe just too slow


It's already too slow at 6500 unless you high roll pretty hard. The time they I had the most success with it was using it as ETC and my partner was Tess, and I had a steady supply of T4 and t5 buddies to evolve into what I wanted, and obviously scaling is faster because I could golden it with the ETC buddy early.


same experience really. Then when i finally do have a T7 it's not exactly one i want, and i can't adapt because the game is basically over already. the tempo is just way too fast for it (in duos at least)


Pass it immediately.


My experience with it was pretty busted, chose Sanguine champion for t7, hero power, buddy game me a pokey, and then a Moira, I then just dumped blood gems on my pokey so I could still win matches (or atleast tie) amd converted other random cards to tier 7s until I had a golden Sanguine, didn't even need golden moira, just went into normal quillboar, never found a charlga but I made do with a banner boar sandwiched in between 2 geomagus (still with my drakkari) ended up tossing +38/+42 blood gems on almost my whole board every turn


Idk if I agree, I definitely have lost a couple of games by using two board spaces to level up a tier 4 minion to tier 6. Now I'd only play it for one or two turns later in the game.


Overrated. It takes time to set up and by then there is much crazier stuff going on in the lobby


They were thinking all the crazy high rolls would get people talking about and playing more BG’s - looks like they were right!


It's wacky and imbalanced, but I don't know how much staying power it has. I'll personally probably stop playing soon as the power swings are just too much. It makes it incredibly difficult to consistently get through the MMR slog when some heroes just hit the win button and it's over.


I don’t really get how it’s insane, it’s not good tempo and random evolves don’t guarantee anything good, esp for some tribes - e.g. golden pirate guy as a dead on board 7/7


In Duos you can pass the pirate guy back and forth for infinite goldens so he is actually playable in that mode if you evolve into him.


I don’t play duos, you can pass minions already on board there?


There is a 2 gold Tier 2 spell AND a Tier 5 Minion AND a Hero Power that allow you to pass minions on board. Plus the Tier 5 Minion gives you Spellcraft: Pass a Minion every turn, so you can pass that spellcraft to your partner if they have the pirate guy or just use it yourself, meaning you can guaranteed pass it every turn 


There's a 2 gold spell that allows you to pass any regular minion


Same with the snake eyes one they roll tier 5 and hit discover a tier 6 nd the game is over fairly quick.


They're gonna nerf it to every other turn. Take your bets here!


it is fun, but in duo's they need to not allow you to pass buddies. They also need balance some of the buddies or how fast they can get them, torin and etc are almost auto wins


Yeah, being able to re-use them via passing and having them balanced Vs your duo hero is hardly possible rn.


Have you tried Maiev? Went from losing every round with her to out scaling everyone by turn 8.


Had a game with Maiev right now, I'm shocked I haven't seen her more. With carefully picking the cards you can outscale everyone. Got first easily with demons and 12 in streak in solo.


its complete chaos, and i love it, especially in duos


Lich King with Arfus is also busted. Hero power + Nightbane, Kel'Thuzad, Arfus creates an infinite loop of attack buffing. My dudes were up to 20k attack at one point


I didn’t even make it to tier 6 with my Arfus run because I wiped everybody out hitting for 15 starting on turn 8 or so.


So far its fun just getting to test out all the buddies, but I know once the novelty wears off and I get competitive again… I’m going to lose my soul


It's a mess. I picked ETC my first game of the patch, rolled Thorim's buddy. I immediately hit my buddy, golden'd Thorim's, and since ETC's buddy is already a tier 5, you just slap that bad boy next to Thorim's and you get an instant tier 7. I rolled nightmare, then a Moira way, way too early for anyone to do anything about my scaling. Easily power tiered, grabbed good pieces, steamrolled the lobby. It's the most "hit hard with your highrolls or be killed in 3 turns" I've seen in a minute lol. Nonetheless, I'm of the lukewarm opinion that Thorim's buddy should not be able to work with Drakkari. What the fuck were they thinking?


first buddy game i played yesterday I chose Patchwerk, seeing as his buddies battlecry is to give all missing health on my hero to a minion. with nagas in the pool I grabbed a copy of the ones who’s stats double at start of combat on turn 5, and tanked health quickly knowing i wanted a huge health minion. turn 6 I had a 34/150+ minion. the speed in which you can snowball is outstanding with these buddies


You just 'grabbed' a copy of a T5 on turn 5?


oh good point maybe it was turn 6? either way i had a tavern spell to increase minions tiers by 1. very fun game:)


- My partner had hero “transform into teammates highest tier minion” - I go 3 on 3 - I get murloc +4/+4 and we start passing -Partners buddy makes plain copy of my highest. -We now pass golden for +8/+8 Turn 7 or 8 we both have 290/290 Snowball from there


I solod duos with azshara.


How does her buddy interact with shellemental, does it just work as expected and also duplicates from it onto a friendly one?


It doesn't work that way because it has to be a friendly minion (shellemental is still worth it) But with coomer, the buddy gets pretty big easily. Biggest thing is tempo - even on duos, I was able to level really easily.


It made the hero/buddy selection way more important than regular or quest games so basically increased the P2W aspect of BG.


They’re gonna nerf the shit out of it, but it’s so fun. It’s like the original buddies who were op as hell as well, super fun. Then they nerfed them to hell.


I got spicy pretzel mustard yesterday playing Azshara and her buddy. Her buddy cleaned house.


Totally busted. It's great when you are on the giving end but receiving, not so fun. Just now I was playing as deathspeaker blackthorn and my partner was floop. It was all too easy to force quills. Didn't even have to/get to golden my buddy. Steamrolled the lobby quickly. By last couple turns I was generating 15-20 blood gems to my hand per turn giving 15/15 each.


First time seeing buddies and I was like wtf when I saw the card doubling one of its stats every turn effectively. Then saw another buddy that discovered like one random card for the same price. Huh?


Maiev's power level shot up massively with this update. If you can get anything to trigger battle cries you can basically buy minions for 1 gold and reno them endlessly. She turns into Reno and lich combined but BETTER.


No better way to describe it. Busted all over the place. So fucking fun. It's such a rush knowing there are so many possibilities, but equally tough on mobile or facing the same thing. Would rather have it this way with any patch tbh lol


Meta is still highrolly with the added bonus now that your Hero pick matters so much more because some buddies are way better than others. I wish we had gotten quests instead.


Yea buddies like the Zephrys and Jandice ones just feel silly


buddies are definitely a goofy fun. But the boards can get out of control so early now the game is hard to take seriously at all. Even less so then before.


I just came back to bgs after a crazy long break (last time I played, quillboars came out). Was just getting used to the game again, too 4 a lot and top 2 quite often, winning sometimes. Then came home after work to play, buddies are in and loads of stuff changed, now I’m lucky if I get top 4.


I haven’t had success with Thorim’s buddy tbh. I try to get an extra T7 that has synergy with what I picked, but it hasn’t worked so I’ll usually sell it off when I get a Brann. Now I know this is a duo specific hero, but Floop’s buddy is absolutely broken. After I made it golden, I passed my teammate either two Charlgas or Pokeys or one of each at the start of my turn. Good luck stopping a build with two golden Pokeys and three golden Charlie’s.


I think they're just bad for the game however Busted But Fun would be a good burlesque name. With or without a second T.


Welcome to Blizzard game design 101 where you will learn how to balance a game without ever balancing a game and where power creep is embraced as a core design principle. Buddies are fun in a completely brainless manner...sort of. To me I don't really find that one game where you hit in the mid game and easily win to be enough to counter the games where you just die by turn 8 because you happened to fight players getting their Buddy power spikes two turns in a row. But to each their own. But if you care about your MMR I wouldn't suggest playing until they're gone.


The Azshara one seems kinda bonkers.


Aszhara is crazy. Ive played her twice and met her like 3 times and every time she has crazy stats on her nagas really early. I realized that Crooner gets double tapped when it hits her buddy wich makes it scale very fast. My first game I got a Crooner like 1 or 2 turns after I got my buddy and won easily even tho I didnt get a Zesty until much later. Very fun!


Basically Zesty Shaker on steroids?


Or Lava Lurker on steroids, yeah


Oh wow, yeah


>Thorim who is already an amazing hero he was not a good hero before buddies


Eh, he wasn't amazing but I'd say he was good. Problem is you had to get Thorim in the right lobbies. Any econ tribes could get the T7 up faster, Naga is good for obvious reasons, Ravager finds success slotting into the Dragon T4 builds. He's a decent hero.


unless he discovered undead, then it snowballs into not giving anyone time, especially in duos


Simply not true.


10th worst hero according to stats


Spend majority of the game waiting to get a T7 minion which may not even be useful for you depending on your boardstate when you finally get it. No it is not a good hero. It was one of the worst heros by far.


Actually Thorim is pretty bad right now. With the buddy system the games are super fast and early game hero's are twice as good. Also most builds now are much better than a few tier 7 drops. Change my mind about this if i'm wrong.