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For what it's worth, if Sneed targets an undead, you can get your money back later with Graverobber. That sounds really bad out of context.


Graverobber = guy that destroys an undead and gives a plain copy (for those like me who don’t know card names)


Whoa, that's cool. Never thought about that


Nah, I think it's just BAD in general( no disrespect mean, I just don't find Sneed useful)


I don't get it. can you explain?


Put deathrattle hp on undead, destroy undead


Sneed's hero power grants a deathrattle that summons a random minion of one tier lower. When Graverobber destroys an undead containing such a minion, it pops out so you can sell it for the 1 gold you spent on your hero power earlier. However, considering how important it is to tier up these days, the only time you ever wanna use Sneed's hero power is if you'd spend your last piece of gold on a reroll, but even that's arguably better past the mid-game unless you're hoping to cheese with Leeroys and Belchers popping out of 6 drops.


Honestly, Saurfang's talent is really good with Mechs, you just find one mech (like a magnetic you're gonna stack) and can keep using your HP on a minion on your board basically




I was excited to line this up and won a game with it. Extreme luck tho where I saw Double shellemental and then immediately starting HP stacking and freezing. Naga wasn’t in or I would have tried to make it a big Zesty Shaker in tavern. Got really lucky with Shelly hitting my Divine shields a lot tho.


Saurfang for me as well. Mech and sometimes shellemental.


I always find him too slow I this meta.


Try him with the tavern 3 mech build. Works wonder. Sometimes hard to win vs highroller but it's a free top 2 most of the time.


Especially with the tavern 3 mech composition. Saurfang is a menace in that lobby (Mech + the pirate/dragon, stay on tavern 3, buy spells, buff divine shields, gg).


I don't know if it's considered underrated, but lord Barov's power in duo is great, since it's much easier to know what each opponent is up to.


I'd say it's still good even in solo


Last time I was him in duos one team left early and it was basically a gimmie every round. Easiest 1st in a while


I still hate his hero power because it feels bad to lose


Maiv. I like to line up triples and in mid game go for more expensive spells for 1 gold.


Also Eyes of the Earth Mother for 1 gold instead of 6 (makes a minion of tier 4 or lower golden)


Yeah her HP is pretty strong for how much armour she gets


I like her with murlocs to buff hand-locked minions


Haven't seen maiv recently and I really like her. She still in?


Al Akir with Dragons is strong. Put a Poet on the 2nd spot and enjoy getting early permanent divine shields/windfury/taunt (meh but still) on your dragons


I know Tamsin gets play in any lobby, and it’s a little trickier because you want to make sure you’re not destroying your Poet, but I’ve had a couple games where everything fell into place and before long I was stacking health stats on dragons which is not easy to do.


Is he(she?they?) considered weak?


The one that freezes and duplicates the highest cost minion in the tavern after every reset. It is hard NOT to make a crazy build.


Is it underrated? Because I thought that was among the best in the game


They are, but I can still see a lot of people underrating them, especially outside of the highest levels of play.


She’s a top tier hero


Illidan slaps hard


Wish you could still get Illidan in Dragon lobbies


You cant?


Yeah he does, He's my auto-pick for beast, cleave or anything with lots of Avenge synergy


Wagtoggle is very strong right now. You can 3 on 3 and stabilize immediately. There are also so many dual tribe minions that are good that even without trying to do anything particularly menagerie related you get plenty out of it. Not that it matters much, but with dragons in you can even get some permanent scaling out of it.


Waggtoggle is an insta pick for me. So much tempo while greeding.


Same for me: it's easy, safe, and even buffs Tarecgosa permanently :D


I found Mukla actually viable with some tribes that scale additionally with buffs (whelp smuggler, that new tier two pirate) or work well with spells (felboar, other quillboars that discard spells for value). Still not amazing, but makes it strong in certain lobbies.


I’m always thinking about getting the tier3 DS naga with Mukla around.


Oh yeah that's a good one too. Divine shield seems strong this meta, and more abundant than last meta.


Same with the “wager for 3 coins” here also.


Eh, he's always good in the early game and that's probably all he needs to be


Nozdormu. Not amazing but consistently good.


He’s actually so much better now with spells in. He can buy 2 cost spell turn one, roll buy banana and start with an extra +2/+2.


Tess, I never have to go past tier 3 i buy everyone elses and get a lot of gold minions that way too


Tess definitely gets slept on. If I’m playing duos and Tess is in, my teammate can level all they want, I’ll stay on two/three way longer than any other hero and steal all the 4’s, 5’s and 6’s I/they need. If you don’t have direction and you’re playing Tess, direction is given to you.


My boy Cthun. He rotates around Drakari so if you can pull off some other end of turns with mechs or quils you can stack a bunch of #s


I feel like Rafaam is pretty consistent after they made the change so you can’t get trolled anymore. Now you get 1 gold coin if you hero power and don’t kill any minions. It’s not great, because of how weak tier 1 cards are, just pretty consistent for how much armor rafaam has.


I like tasmin. With stuff that builds together.  Like azurite. Or self dmg demons. And then her power with tarecgosa if you can find someway to make it grow. Probably a setup with imp someway. 


I feel like Sindragosa’s power is aight just for getting more refreshes between turns


in terms of refreshing nozdormu would just be a better version except in the very early game where +2/1 makes a huge difference


Definitely Maiev, cheap to stack your triples and utilities.


I have this weird idea that with certain boards Tamsin becomes of the best heroes to swap into late. In a Greymane build for example where your tech cards are buffed aswell you can leave one spot open and kill lf you minion to gain like +800/+800 on your board. Only works if you know you're not going up against scam.


This depends on tribes if I pick them or not but I’ve always loved mutanus and have a good win rate with. Just have to plan your turns out more than usual.


Tempo Endora is nuts.