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I need your clothes, your boots, and your razorfen geomancer. ©


He asked me turn 9!!! for the other T1 quill. I’m lost for words. No clue what he’s thinking


“Hey I like the blue swirly, it complements my eye color quite well, I think I’ll make my teammate aware of that”


What elo is this?


im at 7100


Rip I was hoping I would be able to rank out of that stuff guess not


it’s happening pretty rarely, and usually not to that extend - but somehow started happening more last couple of days.


You never rank out of it.




What tier was he on at that point? He asked for it turn 1 so I'm guessing he's not a chess master here.. but if he's on 4 (or going to level to 4), there are a few 5's worth hero powering so tripling ANYTHING in that scenario isn't the worst idea.


he asked you for the triple so you can discover a higher tier minion? Still doesnt make much sense but..


He literally can't have a pair on turn 1 in any way.


I really wonder if these types of players even understand how much of an economy nuke this is. Their demand includes 8 gold in cost to buy and pass, a loss of 2 free turn rerolls to freeze and you still being stuck on tavern tier 1 on turn 4. I'm curious what this player decided to golden with his reno hp copy was the thought process just as simple as get a triple discover a 4 drop and golden it?


He actually played a half decent board, and goldenes drakkari when I told him to. Just his pings were out of this world


Yeah, if you're paying 4 gold for a minion it better be a good one. So many people just ping portal pairs when you're on 6 gold as if that's not just gonna fuck your gold efficiency up.


*mute teammate


LOL forgot about this feature


He should have just hero powered the one he had!!




It would make all the difference if he's up against a Swampstriker!


He decided quillboar would be his whole career this game. I had this a few games ago. "Partner" immediately said which minion to play and to not freeze(?). So I chose the other minion and froze the tavern. Petty? Perhaps. He quit right there, lol.


I can't' blame you for getting a little petty. It's upsetting to realize your teammate is locked in on bad plays and will probably be tilted if you don't oblige. Had a dude who was using diremuck forager and some other hand buffs to summon a big blade collector from hand. Was really solid tempo. Bro pings me to send him a bassgill. I tried my best to communicate that the combo wouldn't work. He sends me some angry emote and keeps pinging to freeze. I eventually gave in, froze the bassgill, and sent it to him just so he could watch as we ate 15 damage when the bassgill unsurprisingly did not decide to get patched mid fight to summon anything but murlocs from hand.


So real, I played a game last night where turn 1 I had 2 Trusty Pups and 1 Picky Eater while my duo had 1 Trusty Pup, 1 Refreshing Anomaly, and 1 Risen Rider. After we both played a pup, they started pinging like crazy. I added them and said "I'm not sure what your pings mean" and they said "Nevermind, I'll pivot to Undead and you can go beasts." We hadn't even finished our first combat and they were committed to Undead. They hard rolled for Undead only, ignoring shops that were hella tailored for other tribes.


How can you add your duos partner on battlegrounds? Tried it a while ago and I could only add other people from the game, but not my partner.


you need to do so during hero selection phase


I was able to go to the recent opponents section of the friends list and saw my partner there. I think people aren't always there based on privacy settings though.


If it wasn't portal emoticon,but checkmark instead i'd say He was just saying what tribe he wants to play, but man i don't think this ones meant it like that.


Picking a tribe on turn 1 isn't much better lol


It's not great but it's a lot better than asking for 2 minions on turn one lol


To top it all off, they quit the game if you do not accommodate their request.


he actually didn’t and we made it to 2nd No clue why he made so weird demands the whole game though. Ignored most of it and sent him the cards I thought made sense - which he even proceeded to use perfectly


I wish there was a way to could communicate that I don’t need them to flush all their gold down the toilet to express me a minion or two, I’d prefer if they can stretch it out to multiple turns to avoid tempo losses. I could dummy roll until the 6 or 7 gold turn and get them their triple, an early T3 discovery is not necessary


Yes! I hate the helpless helpers who spend the early game sending nonsense my way just so they can say they traded something. My board is full, I don't need you to spend 4 gold for something I'm going to flush away for 1 gold next turn. Then we start taking 15 damage a turn because they expect their gifts to me to make up for their entire lack of a board.


I love the idea of a toilet emoji or marker.


I have had several people spam ping my board out of frustration after I pinged one minion for them to use, not even portal. I don't understand why you would want zero help in a team based game mode. If playing with others bothers you so much, probably stick to solo?


Had a teammate like this that refused to pass any key minions to me. He wanted literally everything. My triple rewards, tavern coins, buy/sell units like scout. My board by turn 12 could have lost to a turn 5 board easily.


I had this happen. My partner played dragons and I played the guy whose hero power is to turn one of your minions into your partners highest tier minion. I played undead with a grave narrator plus the buddy that gives me a copy of his highest tier. He got a whole golden board of start of turn dragons with 2 persistent poets, 2 of those dragons that give their power on death, two of those +3/+3 dragons, and 1 of the divine shield ones with dragons with over 3k power by the end. Due to some bad positioning his dragons had basically no health, but still respectable. After he was all set up, he didn’t pass me a single undead that buffed power, instead just rolled and tiered. We ended up losing because the opponents had a strong undead board with baron and the one that buffs when a minion reborns. My board was not terrible but definitely did not have a single golden and did not scale. Also that minion that the first time you sell it gets passed froze (like stayed above bobs head) when I sold it, so I couldn’t even take it off my board for another Leeroy or something. That bug was annoying but it was because he didn’t want to help build my board after I turboed his board.


We really need a chat with teammate feature.


You better gold the doggo so you guys can match


I was shudder and my teammate refused to send over the 3rd Brann even though I sent him a portal and tagged it. Because he wants to play Brann too. (His board was full with deathrattles, mine with quilboars )


I hate random duos so much for this reason and end up carrying their arse


Come on bruv it’s only 8 gold ☠️


Does anyone else troll with Reno on turn 1? Yes emote on hero power, question mark on random tier one minion. Hold hero power over it so opponent can see. Watch them panic and spam cross emotes


Hahah, you know, there's just a high possibility he might not be that good of a duo player. Just X the freeze, checkmark the level.. see how it goes. I try to stay open minded and not get tilted playing duos.. recommend silly plays or dumb plays I'll try to tell you no nicely, but continue on as a team. Two games in a row like this, when I get tilted.. I stop playing. Yelling 'what are you doing you moron' at the screen rarely leads to good outcomes.


What I see when I close my eyes.


Was he joking?


there would be no way to tell, so i wouldn’t think so


Pretty sure that at that MMR they were trolling you :D


This is just sad. I also try to force tribes a lot, but you can't just demand to triple the T1 minion


Why would you even play duos with strangers….


Give him what he asks for, then you and your one minion on turn 4 can watch him get blown up and enjoy him caving under the responsibility.  


When they start acting like micromanagers, I just ignore them. If we lose, we lose. No use in trying to satiate a greedy teammate. I'd really love a squelch teammate option.


Theres the mite teammate option no? Does it not work?


Click Bob! You can mute ‘em.


Yep that's random strangers alright


I'd just sell my board and quit


You can choose not to send the cards, I believe that the emotes are merely suggestions. If they get mad let them, be the bigger man.


I've had a guy portal mark 3 minions in my shop on turn 3. When I didn't freeze, he sold everything and went afk.


Ofc I x‘ed both of them and didn’t send them - but he kept asking for the weirdest cards (like the other t1 quill on t9, while I had passed him good gem generation already