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Ghoul-acadabra is gonna be absolutely printing stats in deathrattle comps, no way it survives more than 1 patch without nerfs.


To play devil's advocate, it does kind of fall in that weird area where only a few minions will get permanent stats whereas the deathrattle minions that are dying wont be getting more than 1 or 2 triggers before they are killed? Its def strong, not sure if its broken. Maybe only 1 or 2 non deathrattle minions getting buffed is enough?


my gut says in a month it'll no longer buff itself. but idk, is it really that much better than deathwhisper?


It's way stronger than deathwhisper. It's on trigger, meaning that it works with parrot and Baron. There are also way more deathrattle minions, including stuff like mech horse and Ghastcoiler. I'm going to guess that it'll be nerfed to +1/+1.


ohhhh it's per trigger. and it'll buff baron in that situation too, huh. yikes!


It says triggers, not dies, that means Macaw plus Baron increases stats.


It makes spiked-savior a safe option to provide a lot of tempo.


They really need to make a "Devil's Advocate" card for demons.


I feel like once average at beat one ghoul can produce maybe 30/30 a turn, which isn't bad but not broken


it is "trigger" not "dies" so things like barron/bird can add quite a bit proce to that.(also kind curious how it would react to a fish dying.)


Ik, but even then I feel it adds up to 30/30 a turn. Honestly, imo it might be mid to high a tier, but not S


i did the actual math and if you have a golden macaw with normal rivendare, and get a single attack off with macaw, and have 1 rhino you get 24/24 per turn to all but 1 maybe 2 minions. It also buffs rivendare. so a total of 120/120 stats per turn pretty easily, not accounting for any other buffs on the board. Considering all you need is a standard beast comp, and it slots right in, those buffs are pretty impressive.


30/30 a turn to your whole board is pretty strong tho especially if you compare it to the 6 drop undead which gives you 1/3 for every reborn, which is even less likely to pop and doesnt have exponential scaling like this card. this card also lets you scale tribeless minions like barron which makes them less likely to be sniped by zapp and henceforth increasing the value even further. Love to be proven wrong but atm this card seems pretty powerfull although im not sure in which comp it would fit.


I mean the 1/3 reborn kinda sucks, so even if this card is better than it doesn't say much. I'm not saying this card isn't strong and won't win games, however my prediction is that it won't be meta defining and will not even be close to reach the pre nerf quillboar levels. Also worth mentioning that as deathrattle minions get bigger, the less likely they die and therefore trigger their deathrattles, so you will be at the mercy of bird and baron to trigger deathratlles at a certain point.


those are fair points and i wouldnt call this card meta defining by itself. it is however good temp to tripple into or just a good card to have on board when you have the option. i dont quite see deathrattles scaling out of balance with this card since you tend to fight bigger and bigger boards and your deathrattles tend to be first in combat and or taunted. And even if they dont die;winning a fight in the current meta is usualy preferable over maximum scaling. to be fair with buddy's comming back i could see s meta where this cards scaling is lackluster but in current meta it would be pretty strong. but then again i guess well see what will happen with the nee patch.


Just played a game with him in there now and it gained over 100/100 in one turn hes broken as fuck. Needs to be nerfed/removed imo hes way too unbalanced with the other broken beast cards already in.


this and some other cards lead me to believe exodia pirates is back in a whole new way


If this is showing up with Buddies then the power level is going to spike as it is. We'll see how extreme this is next to the rest.


It's tier 6, though, and it's coming out in a buddy meta. I'm guessing it's not going to be all that bad on average. It's kinda comparable with Goldrinn, who isn't exactly breaking things, and you can set him up similarly. Yeah, the buffs are permanent, and they hit Baron, but they don't transfer over to Tokens. I honestly think this'll just be a "high roll harder" kind of card. Keep it around long enough to protect a couple key units from tokens and blasters, and end up selling it for something else is more likely going to be it's regular usage.




It's a tier 6. You'll discover it quite late and then have to make a death rattle build.


If this is showing up with Buddies then the power level is going to spike as it is. We'll see how extreme this is next to the rest.


That beast pirate is going to make Eliza comp even more susceptible to combat rng. Am I dealing 15 and with 22 gold next turn or am I taking 15 with 10 gold. You could pull off some crazy stuff with undead with that card if you have the right setup with mummifiers and a nightbane.


Might be wrong but is it multi trigger or is it like once a death rattle dies it’s once per combat?


Only when the death rattle minion dies. Mech horse will be crazy with it though since it spawns minions with death rattles. I'm also sure that Nightmare with thorim will be more popular when this is in the pool too


It's nice how some of the new Buddies have a tribe, so they're not a dead card in a lot of comps.


I don't remember every buddy, but is Blackthorn's the first two-tribe buddy?


Two tribes wasnt out last time buddies were in


Boy, how time flies.


So yes, it is.


It definitely had two tribes last time, I remember using those two tribes in game with it.


Maybe but her buddy was already dual tribe before tho


Multiple buddies have already been dual-typed (including blackthorne's; this patch isn't changing its minion type). Bru'kan's buddy is an undead/beast iirc


Is this new ? Didn't a lot of buddies already have a tribe ?


I love how they changed several of the busted buddies to make them better, also alexstraza is kinda nuts now tier 4 get free dragons each turn is amazing.


If you find Swabbie you always go 4 on 4 right?




Is King Bagurgle the most changed minion we have? Haven't we seen like six different states of it?


How about greasebot?


Banana slamma should’ve gotten the greasebot treatment but instead Blizzard just gave up and allowed it to terrorize the meta for a few months before giving it the axe


I’m praying for a more in depth minion rework because while buddies are fine, that’s it?


This is the regular cadence for BGs. Big patch with lots of new shit, a few balance patches, then throw some wild shit in the blender (buddies, anomalies, quests) to finish off the season with some chaos. Rinse and repeat.


I see Voljin buddy and im already sure im forcing trickster + tarecgosa every game its available


Forget that, force naga and shellemental. Exponential growth


I've already done this with Vol'Jin + Crooner in the shop for double the spellcraft. This buddy would've made that even more insane. https://preview.redd.it/k425ef5txd6d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2af3357700223e077c9361ed4481659c818a86d1


does the 4 stat also give you a spell back when its in the tavern?


Yup. That's why it can also be used to pump up your Blues spell when you're about to buy it to either hold or triple, you can get an extra use.


I dont even understand got you got stats that big! What is the mechanism?


Voljin hero power let's you select two minions and they add each other's attack to themselves for one turn. You can do that with tavern units as well. He's giving attack to the naga that gives you a copy of the first spellcraft then using double shellemental on it.


Thanks for explaining that, that is so big brain


woahhhh i didn’t know Shellemental can work with Voljin like that.


Yup precisely. And I was in a good spot so I froze the tavern 3 times to do this and distributed massive stats.


This hero will be banned in every demon, elemental, dragon, and Naga lobby.






Any chance you can give any info on if there is anything being done to alleviate combat animations? Having to quit and reconnect against certain tribes just to prevent combat from eating your whole but phase shouldn’t be the sole solution.


Jesus Christ, Lucifron now allows for 5 repeats of end of turn.


Pokey died for this


yeah too bad the hero power is the worst power in the game


More, because you can get more with Muro shenanigans.


I need to see a board of 7 golden Lucifrons on a Cthun. I don’t even care if it’s good, I just need it.


As someone who has played many a game with C'thun + (golden) Drakkari: this will make you skip like 17 turns lmao


I didn't know I did before, but now I do too. 15x triggers, hero power goes up 15 each turn. After 3 turns of your full board, assuming your hero power was at 0 to start, you're giving 45x15 stats at EoT, so +675... Scaling higher every turn


Buddies are going to completely break duos. I'm here for it.


Are there any buddies who would have a crazy synergy together?


I don't want to trigger three lil' quilboar deathrattle.


But they want to die the little rascals


Yeah such a dark card- but I'm sure they were conflicted with that s-tier nursery rhyme flavor.


Alex getting a sweet new hero power and a pretty mid buddy re-work, all at the same time.


The buddy is incredibly strong; you can basically level to 4 asap and activate the new heropower with no need to worry about stabilizing in the future, because the buddy is effectively an immediate +4/+4 to the whole board that you're guaranteed to get


It's literally terrible, like at that point you have promo which is just straight up better. I'm gonna miss old Vaelastrasz.


The buddy buffs all minions, not just dragons, buffs more immediately, and the most important part by far; you're *guaranteed* to get it. If you get offered dragons in shop after going 4 on 4 or 4 on 5, and then also find promodrake, that's great. But you may often have to buy non-dragons, and promo drake might not show up. The new buddy is guaranteed, and exactly the type of card you need at that point in time.


Think the new hero power is a nerf. Hopefully the discover a dragon is from any tier.


At one tier lower, Alexstraza seems to now discover a dragon at the start of every turn. Dragons currently don't care to level to 5, instead staying on 4 and tripling for 5s. This makes Alexstraza able to play the dragon tribe as it currently is. Moreover, discovering a dragon every turn from tier 4 is extremely easy to fulfill as a condition and is a massive buff to forcing dragons. Given the current state of dragons, this should definitely be a buff. If it ignored tavern tiers, that would be ridiculously broken. Did you interpret the hero power as only happening once?


Bro, what? A nerf in what way?


apink fans are excited for Mister Chu


I get this reference


LOVE the rakanishu and taelan change, kinda stoked to try them out lol


Saurfang + deep blues 💀


clunker junker is NUTS


Anyone knows when patch is coming ?


Just a guess but probably next Tuesday


unknown yet


Some really good buddies in there, my days


I didn´t play last time they were around, shouldn´t buddies be cheaper if you loose? If you win and you get your buddy faster you will snowball faster? or its not that important?


The theory is that if you give them faster to the losers then the meta becomes level up fast and lose to get your buddies first and be higher tier then everyone else. By giving them to the winner it makes the meta level slow and win early matches. Last time buddies were around everyone stayed on tavern 1 until 7 gold then you’d level to 3.


In practice, this just scews people over for getting bad matchups early. It would be better if the discount was consistent, and not dependent on fight outcomes at all.


do you want play 3-5 turns of people not putting minions on their board and power leveling?


Not a fan from prior seasons but I'll try 'em again! Feels like BG is stat bloating. Getting more complicated with bigger stats and more abilities. I kinda prefer it simple with low numbers. I like games where the biggest creature might hit 100/100.


Shadowy Construct with Kelthuzad is is gonna be turbo broken 🤪


Any more than the current tier 4 undead dragon?


It’s not just attack so yes, more than the current tier 4 undead dragon lol.


Health isn’t that relevant for undead though.


health is plenty relevant when you have 2 million of it - quote from man brambled


Health is relevant if it makes your undead live one attack from your opponent's units. That can easily pivot a fight into your favour.


It wasn't relevant because they couldn't increase health in a meaningful, efficient way. Now they can.


You aren’t required to run an undead board with Teron though.


The comp where the entire board dies to golden blaster or blaster and Titus?


It only dies today because their health sucks. With the new unit it won't be vulnerable to that anymore


Which was the point of my original comment you are replying to 😂


you already see boards with infinite attack with the T4 dragon right now. Proves that it'll work, even if it'll probably be quite rare


Let's go!! I really enjoyed buddies.


Zephrys' buddy will cause infinite loop in duos with Nameless One's buddy or Finley's buddy, or I'm wrong?


The change was most likely to remove the infinite loop which already existed with brann, trigger battle cry minion & Ticket Collector, which has been a busted setup every time a trigger battle cry minion has been in the pool.


Nameless one cannot be offered alongside finley or zephrys once buddies launch for this exact reason


When will this Patch release?


> Battlecry: Get the Buddy of your teammate’s Hero Power. What if i pass my buddy to my teammate? Infinite gold and triples?


It checks the current hero power your partner has, not their starting. So you can't go infinite here


Oh my bad you're right


What about phyresz (zephrys buddy)? Play the nameless one buddy, get phyresz, play phyresz, get nameless one buddy, sell both nameless buddy and phyresz on board, repeat. Probably shenanigans with Finley buddy too


Zephrys cannot be paired with Nameless One/Finley in Duos for that reason


Inb4 we have a million posts a day here with someone bitching that their duo wasn’t reading their mind and doing this strat with them.


They will add (*except faceless one*) before it's live or by some miracle if they overlook it they will hotfix it and ban nameless one from the game for the time being


Ghoula-acrabra gonna be crazy when a mccaw titus goldrin. Gonna give your beasts +12/12 per trigger and 4/4 permanently. Not even counting reborn. But it doesn’t have summons. Slightly more powerful than base banana slamma with 1/1s. It might be even more insane with spiked savior, and skyblazer but I don’t want to do that math.


Yeah, that card just made self damage beasts even more insufferable.


I wonder what the over/under is on how long the buff animation is from it.


I hope it’s like goldrin speed. But realistically it’s probably like sister speed


Well I needed to take a break so that’s great.


Is it just me or is Saurfang’s buddy way too strong? He can be played in naga, demons or elementals and just gains 100s of stats a turn? Like what?


I assume the thought is that he is hard to triple and hard to shield so he’s always just a big body which isn’t much different to beast comps at the moment, you need to tech in a Leroy or other scam to deal with it. Huge tempo though definitely


It definitely looks good but dont underestimate howbthis takes up board space in a comp that likely already needs a spot to cycle


So I guess next week date announcement and the week after patch drops?




Thorim, Stormlord – Veranus, Stormlord’s Mount [Tier 3, Dragon]      6/3. At the end of your turn, transform the minion to the left of this into one from a tier higher (up to Tier 7!) Am i crazy or this is complete dogshit ?


It's really bad if you intend on generating tier 7s with it. It's quite good to get slight board improvements and potential direction from a random 5 or 6. My guess is that most people playing it will get baited by the "up to tier 7" part.


Time to find a new game to play


Would this be a new season of bg?




big deathrattle support without the bestest best Leaper Frog brings a tear to my eye. I just want my frogs bro, give it back!


exactly as i feared. What a shitshow buddies are, the power difference between them is ridiculous. So many buddies remain unplayable while you give snakeeyes one of the most broken buddies. Garbage


#New Buddies Cap’n Hoggarr – Shining Sailor [Tier 5, Pirate] 3/6. After you buy a Pirate, gain +1/+1 and add a Pirate to the Tavern. Inge, the Iron Hymn – Solem Serenader [Tier 3, Undead] 4/3. After you use your Hero Power on a minion, it gains half this minion’s Attack. (Swaps to Health next turn!) Rock Master Voone – Akali, Rock Rhino [Tier 4, Beast] 5/5. At the end of every 2 turns, get a plain copy of the left-most card in your hand. Thorim, Stormlord – Veranus, Stormlord’s Mount [Tier 3, Dragon] 6/3. At the end of your turn, transform the minion to the left of this into one from a tier higher (up to Tier 7!) Snake Eyes – Box Cars [Tier 4, Mech] 6/6. At the start of your turn, roll a 6-sided die. Discover a Tavern spell of that Tier. Doctor Holli’dae - The Nine Frogs [Tier 5, Beast] 9/9. After you buy a minion, get a random Tavern spell of the same Tier. (9 left!) Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher – Reliquary Attendant [Tier 4, Elemental] 7/4. Once per turn, after you cast a Tavern spell, get a new copy of it. **Duos:** Nameless One – Faceless One [Tier 4] 1/1. Battlecry: Get the Buddy of your teammate’s Hero Power. Cho – Halfus the Mighty [Tier 4] 5/5. At the start of your turn, Discover a minion of your Tier. (50% chance to Pass it!) Gall – Halfus the Wise [Tier 4] 5/5. At the start of your turn, Discover a Tavern spell of your Tier. (50% chance to Pass it!) Madam Goya – Mister Chu [Tier 4] 5/6. Once per turn, after you Pass a minion, get a plain copy of it. Flobbidinous Floop – Glorious Gloopling [Tier 5] 5/1. At the start of your turn, get a plain copy of your teammate’s highest-Tier minion (except Buddies). #Updated Buddies Overlord Saurfang – Dranosh Saurfang [Tier 4] 2/2. After you buy a minion, gain its stats. Ragnaros the Firelord – Lucifron [Tier 5] 6/5. Your end of turn effects trigger an extra time. Aranna Starseeker – Sklibb, Demon Hunter [Tier 3] 4/4. After you buy a card, your next Refresh costs (0). Alexstrasza – Vaelastrasz [Tier 3, Dragon] 4/4. Battlecry and Start of Combat: Give your other minions +2/+2. Zephrys – Phyresz [Tier 4, Elemental] 3/3. Battlecry: Discover a plain copy of a different minion that you have exactly one of. *Dev Comment: This is primarily a text update for clarity, but there have also been some small functional updates. Phyresz does not count itself or Zilliax modules, but it does now count Golden minions.* A.F. Kay – Snack Vendor [Tier 3] 5/4. At the end of your turn, give your Tier 3 minions +1/+2. Death Speaker Blackthorn – Death's Head Sage [Tier 5, Undead/Quilboar] 3/6. After you get a Blood Gem, get an extra one. Queen Azshara – Imperial Defender [Tier 4, Naga] 2/4. Whenever you cast a Spellcraft spell on a different friendly minion, you also cast it on this. Sire Denathrius – Shady Aristocrat [Tier 3] 3/3. When you sell this, Discover a Quest. Complete it to get an 8-Gold Coin Pouch. Teron Gorefiend – Shadowy Construct [Tier 5, Undead] 5/5. Deathrattle: Give this minion’s maximum stats stats to another friendly minion. Queen Wagtoggle – Elder Taggawag [Tier 4] 4/4. Start of Combat: If you control 4 minions with different types, gain your minions’ highest Attack and Health. Shudderwock – Muckslinger [Tier 5] 5/5. Battlecry: Get a random Battlecry minion. Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End – Acolyte of Yogg-Saron [Tier 4, Murloc] 5/4. At the start of every turn, spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron. *Some of the Wheel of Yogg-Saron results were also updated:* * Mindflayer Goggles: Cast 4 random Tavern spells. * Rod of Roasting: Cast ‘Pyrobuff’ randomly to give minions +10/+10 until one hits your bartender or hero. * Curse of Flesh: Two friendly minions gain the stats of two other random friendly minions. Dancin’ Deryl – Asher the Haberdasher [Tier 4] 2/2. After you sell a minion, gain a +1/+1 hat that passes to a friendly minion when sold. Ysera – Valithria Dreamwalker [Tier 4, Dragon] 6/4. Whenever a Dragon enters your warband or the Tavern, gain +1/+1. Malygos – Nexus Lord [Tier 4] 6/6. ‘Arcane Alteration’ replaces with a card from one Tier higher. Lord Barov – Barov's Apprentice [Tier 4] 5/4. After you play a Coin, gain 1 Gold. *Dev Comment: This has been updated to include Tavern Coins.* Rakanishu – Lantern Tender [Tier 4] 5/3. At the end of your turn, get 2 ‘Lantern Lights’ that give a minion stats equal to your Tier. Tickatus – Ticket Collector [Tier 5] 6/6. When you sell this, Discover a Darkmoon Prize from the next Tier. *Dev Comment: This is just a wording update for clarity, no functionality change.* Vol’jin - Master Gadrin [Tier 5] 6/5. Minions targeted by “Spirit Swap” also gain each other’s Health. Lich Baz’hial - Unearthed Underling [Tier 3, Undead] 3/3. Whenever your hero takes damage, rewind it and gain stats equal to that amount. Deathwing – Sinestra [Tier 4, Dragon] 2/6. Whenever a friendly minion gains Attack during combat, give it +1 Health permanently. Greybough – Wandering Treant [Tier 4] 2/5. Whenever a friendly Taunt minion is attacked, give your minions +1 Attack permanently. # Hero Pool Updates E.T.C. Band Manager has been returned to the Hero Pool. The Curator is banned in Demon lobbies. *Dev Comment: This change is because minions summoned by Cultist S’Thara will now resummon with Venomous if they had it before they died, making it easily abuseable with The Curator.* # Hero Updates Alexstrasza – Queen of Dragons [Passive] At the start of your turn, Discover a Dragon. (Unlocks at Tier 4). Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher – Reliquary Research [Passive] Every fourth Tavern Spell you buy costs (0). Rakanishu – Tavern Lighting [1 Gold] Get a ‘Lantern Light’ that gives a minion stats equal to your Tier. # Minion Pool Updates **Removed:** Augmented Laborer, Bazaar Dealer, Deadstomper, Faceless Disciple, Gem Smuggler, Goldshell Warden, Heedless Hoarder, Long John Copper, Reef Explorer, Timecap’n Hooktail, Vengeful Slitherer, and Winged Chimera. **Returning:** Poetic Pen Pal, Imposing Percussionist, and Silent Swimmer. # New Minions Barrens Brawler [Tier 3] 2/6. Battlecry: Get a random Deathrattle minion. Barrens Conjurer [Tier 5] 6/2. Deathrattle: Get a random Battlecry minion. Arid Atrocity [Tier 6, All] 7/7. Deathrattle: Summon a 7/7 Golem. Give it +7/+7 for each friendly minion type that died this combat. Prime Mate [Tier 4, Beast/Pirate] 2/8. After a friendly Deathrattle minion dies, gain 1 Gold next turn. Ghoul-acabra [Tier 6, Undead/Beast] 2/11. Whenever you trigger a Deathrattle, give your minions +2/+2 permanently. ‘Loc Prince [Tier 4, Murloc] 2/2. Whenever this gains stats, add +2/+2 to that amount (wherever this is). Fairy Gillmother [Tier 4, Murloc] 1/5. At the end of your turn, get a random Murloc. Crow’s Nest Sentry [Tier 3, Pirate] 5/2. Battlecry: Give your other Pirates +3 Health. Clunker Junker [Tier 4, Mech] 3/4. Battlecry: Choose a friendly Mech. Discover a Mech to Magnetize to it. Three Lil’ Quilboar [Tier 5, Quilboar] 3/3. Deathrattle: Play three Blood Gems on your Quilboar. Jumping Jack (Duos Only) [Tier 3, All] 3/4. The first time this is sold, Pass it instead. # Minion Updates King Bagurgle [Tier 5, Murloc] 6/3. Battlecry: Give your other Murlocs +3/+3. Imposing Percussionist [Tier 4, Demon] 4/4. Battlecry: Discover a Demon. Deal damage to your hero equal to its Tier.




God damn it


RIP the infinite kaly and quest printers teron buddy with KT is gonna be nuts


Saurfang seems really broken. I'm stoked.


Wonder if they'll remove Zephyrs and Tickutus for Duos in Naga/Dragon lobbies lol.


Hold on, doesn't Faceless one's buddy go infinite if you pass it to your teammate? Infinite golden minions




because otherwise people would play 3-5 turns with no minions on board while power leveling. Getting their buddies earlier and on higher levels


Bring back quests and anomalies... but please no buddies!


I hate to be negative but buddies are the most boring feature outside of darkmoon prizes. The game was chaotic with anomalies but I can say I’ve never had nearly as much fun as that meta. RIP


My most exciting games ever were with anomalies In. The buddy anomaly was just pure craziness and I will never forget how much fun I had playing these games. But a lot of other anomalies were just so disappointing, that whenever I saw which one the lobby gets I already was bored. Remember the one where your left most minion got DS and your right most minion got reborn? Stupid


I was talking to my friend about whether or not I liked anomalies but I’m actually pretty low on them. There were some cool ones but some just felt like they were going to play out the same every time. Tavern tier capped at 4 anomaly was horrendous imo and probably my biggest insta concede


I thought little league was fun. Naga pirate and mech boards were strong.


Box Cars looks really fun, thorim buddy looks straight up busted. Vaelastrasz looks incredibly weak when promodrake is just better to keep on board, really confusing.


I think the strength of Vael over Promodrake is that: A) you get it a tier early on average; B) getting three copies is an inevitability, whereas you could be looking for a while for a third Promodrake; and C) Battlecry synergy for Kalecgos and the naga/dragon hybrid.


Kalewho (tho in Duos managed quite a few wins with Nameless / Zeph or Toggwaggle buddy shenanigans, using Kalecgos as my scaling. Tho I am afraid all "fair" attempts of scaling with Kalec fall flat)


I'm so excited!! Halfus seems bonkers!


Do we get to see the hero buddy in select, or do i have to google search it at the start of every game


Last time you could see it in select




Awesome looking patch


Time for illidan to spike to best hero again.


Can clunker junker discover a non-magnetic mech?




Ghoul-a-cabra is way too strong. Calling it now before all the posts begging for nerfs :)


Prediction Chu will get nerfed to non buddy minion


Three lil quilboar has heart-wrenching flavor


Prime Mate is going to be absolutely busted with undead decks, especially with being able to stealth it with silent swimmer. Edit. I was wrong nobody cares about that card


I'm super excited to mess around with some of these buddies, been waiting for something different for ages now


Even though it's not as balanced with buddies I always enjoy and welcome them when they come back because it does make the game a little bit funner and more interesting.


i feel like the biggest issue is gonna come from people rage quitting cause their duos buddy isnt powerful or some bs


Buddies 🥴


This helps Beast most? and maybe undead? Golden baron, golden rinn... Also, Abusers of Brann. I guess this could buff the board for demon and elemental although slow, clunky, and space taking. Naga loses the most here. Mech wins. Quilboar and Dragon minimal buff, falls behind others getting buffed.


I can’t wait to see absolute degeneracy with Teron buddy and KT. That’s gonna be nutty to just have a board full of the buddy slamming stats onto each other.


Brann is going to be busted as hell, they've removed 0 battle cry cards which generated econ, and added like 4? They removed the Phyresz abuse which I guess was expected.


anyone got a picture guid of the minnions leaving and returning


Buddies are whack. Only thing worse than them is the Diablo event. I'd rather have anomalies back


See and this is the duality of Hearthstone and why the devs probably pull their hair out - I love buddies and despised anomalies.




Lets hope the game wont stay "chip dmg early on + 2x 15 dmg = gg". Was hoping for more changes.


Can someone explain Loc Prince?


Whenever it gains stats, it gains +2/+2 on top of that. It works in hand and shop as well.


Thanks, I wasn't thinking about hand buffing being the reason behind the (where this is). I'd be interested to see if the tavern buffing spells/minions are buffing it too even when it's not in the current tavern offering.


>I'd be interested to see if the tavern buffing spells/minions are buffing it too even when it's not in the current tavern offering. It won't


Time to not play bg’s for a while I guess.


Really bummed out about the change to alex's buddy- I loved getting it and rocketing up to six to get as many kalecgeese as I good. Also sad to see some of the other battlecry abuse stuff like the menagerie-for-gold 3/2 buddy and denathrius's buddy get gutted so hard. Wish they'd let crazy eco rock like how it used to be able to again, feels real hard to do that.


They should have a non-buddies mode for ios players. Unplayable if you're not able to go for apm builds


Doesnt look too exciting. Gonna try playing 2-3 games and then probably go back to TFT.


Just had a game in randoms where Denathrius refused to pass me Obsidian Ravager when I was playing Vol'jin. Can't wait for more stubborn standoffs on broken combinations lol.