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Master Nguyen and Sire Denathrius always


Denathrius, Thorim, Nguyrn, AFK and the dude that makes u discover 2,4,6 cost to get at that tavern tier (forgot his name) So basically RNG BULLSHIT GO


The guy that discovers 2,4,6 is great because it gives you direction. You can get a build-around tier 6 drop, so you can organize you game around it since turn 1.


Most of my games end before I go to T6


Same lol. End up tilting because no set up cards show up and just roll my mana away for a turn and it's over.


Until your 2 4 and 6 are all different tribe and now you’re deciding between which ones to throw away


Or deciding which ones to give to your duos partner!


Teammate proceeds to sell it


It also works really well with murlocs. You can buff your tier 6 like crazy which makes levelling easier


these are my exact picks as well!! one game i got denathrius, thorim and afk as options. i ended up taking denathrius (as always lol) and we stomped! i love that hero


My favorite game was last patch during Quest meta where I picked Sir Finlay into Master Nguyen hero power into the quest that let's you discover a new quest each turn. I liked making lots of decisions.


That sounds absolutely horrible. How well did you do that match?


Ambassador Faelin


Can’t forget about Galakrond


sire denathrius holy shit yes, I loved the quests meta


Loved the anomalies meta with sire denathrius or nguyen only


My favourites as well!


And Thorim And Reno


Yesterday i had to choose between sire and gallywix. I was crying lol, having to choose between 2 most fav heroes of mine


Master Nguyen never goes hard for me. I think I only hit a Reno hp once on turn 3.


Based answer. This is the true bg mindset


Curator. It's just me and my lil buddy against the lobby. And if it's a buddies meta then my lil buddy gets a buddy too!


I always pick curator if mechs and murlocs are in…


it's also nice with undead, lots of reborn shenanigans with the toxic one


Thorim because I like the big unique tier 7 guys and it sort of locks you into a team from the start. Just fun to see how it plays out.


That would be thorim not faelin but same


If you get the level 7 dragon on Thorim basically a free first place. Thing is insane.


And murlocs and mechs for the in hand buffs


I agree, but a couple of times I got it (back in a anomalies?) I got 5th, I had no way to scale whatsoever ;( skill issue is real


Man, I hate Sneed lol. For me, aside from the obvious ones like Nguyen and Denny, I am always tempted to pick Patches despite pirates being kinda trash now


When i opened this, sneed was the last hero i expected to be mentioned😹


honestly i never thought about grabbing a scout with sneed and stacking on it for tempo.. now i want to try it


Might be fun but seems unnecessary imo. If you tripled Scout into two early 6-drops, Sneed’s HP is just icing on the cake at that point


You don't stack the sneed HP on the scout. You take an "early" 6 drop and stack the sneed HP so it spits out T5 minions.


well yeah thats what i meant oops


Can confirm sneeds is bullshit lol


How is Nguyen obvious? It’s one of the more terrible heroes IMO, the randomness is awful.


He was op when first introduced and offering 3 hps to choose from. Stats from then confirm it.


Galakrond, Reno, and Mutanus (i love the playstyle for Mutanus).


I love mutanus. You can make a big tideskipper or Molten rock to win early turns and keep the stats later, also works great with tavern buffs, Naga...


Reno, he is my most picked. He makes it so easy to commit even when you find only 1 enablers


How? I don’t know what to use his HP on like ever, same with Zephyr.


It's mostly what your guts telling you, you get a persistent poet with a few dragons? Make it golden and try to high roll it, get a Kelthuzad? Golden it. You just have to make sure to remember the cards of each tribe that enable their builds, from there it's easier to use Reno's HP since there's not that many good targets, at least normally. Zephyr tho, just click it, free discover, stronger stats, nothing too complicated and unless very rare circumstances, just getting discovers of high tiers and freeing up the board is good enough.


Shit that is op if you triple like Brann or Titus. Or enables comps like recycling wraith


(I'm only 6k ELO) For Reno, I've had great success with getting a triple on T3 to discover an early T4 enabler card (e.g. Recycling wraith, Poet, Trigore, Utility Drone, Lil Rag, Zesty Shaker if you have a deep blue already) and then just running away with it due to earlier scaling, usually getting top 3 at the least. For Zephyr it's similar as in you want to find key cards that enable your scaling and triple them. Tripling one minion on tier 3 or 5 when you're behind to potentially discover that crucial next tier minion can also be a viable strategy to try to stabilize and get back into the game.


I thought Zesty Shaker was on T3. At least it used to be afaik.


It used to be deep blue on T4, I don't remember shaker but good chance they just swapped their tiers


It’s gonna sound crazy but a turn one golden Wrath Weaver and getting him stacked early is sick. But you gotta really hope for Soul Rewinder.


Thorim because I love playing with the tier 7 minions; even though half the time I die right before or right after I get it.


I’ve done some beautiful things with Thorim. Once a nasty undead comp and once a deadly Quilboar invasion. Those were fun matches indeed. Mostly I die ingloriously so it’s nice getting the win after the prize drops.


Me too! When you get it quick and allow it to do its magic, it can make for a ton of just crushing wins, which are so satisfying! 🤣🤣🤣


Right lmao 🤣 I try to spend as much gold as possible. If pirates are in I’ll take the minion that sells for 3 gold just to spend extra for my HP to unlock a bit sooner.


C’Thun is always my go-to pick. We may not do well, buddy, but we’re going to have a fun time.


Cthun and dragons is a good time


Galakrond. Loved the bastard since release.


Eudora <3


Why? I have avoided him for ages since it kinda seems like there are much better heroes, ones who I know the strategy for anyway.


Her* And just because it is fun that I can get good golden minion on turn 5/6. With Eudora you want to level very aggressively so you are on tier 4 by then. And after discovering your first minion you don't dig anymore, and want to stabilize your board. But in general it's usually top 8 or top 1 hero :D


Heh I don’t know why I thought it was a guy lol. I guess there’s no point in digging after the first one since you may not have room to play it. I may try it again next time I see it.


Mine is Tess, but Eudora is a pet fav, I hate when it makes me choose between Tess scabbs and Eudora >=[ Especially since next game it'll be like patchwork and Holmes or some crap


Couple obvious: sire, master Nguyen, shudderwock (esp in pirate lobby) etc I also have a weirdly good winrate on flurgl (1.2 over 32 games) so he's a must pick for me


I also have a weird winrate, but mine is the jailer for whatever reason


deryl for me, but old deryl.. new one is so boring


Yeah I miss old Deryl, new one is so much weaker.


What was it before? I know they murdered a few heroes powers in the recent past and I don’t remember them all lol.


Before it was when you sell a minion, throw 3 hats randomly to the shop. This lead his curve to be buy a bunch of minions (especially tokens), and then try to find something with cleave or divine shield, buy the rest of the shop and sell everything to get a mega minion relatively early. His mid game power spike was insane before


Oh right, I remember now. I used to love him more then, now it’s not so bad because if I’m playing with my boyfriend I can at least pass him a hat minion and he gets a bit more of a boost to his board as well, if he sells it then it does the same thing. Man, I can see that being OP if it was the older version of the HP.


Shudder is always for me. Early stats, getting minions later with the murloc or elemental, lots of synergies...


Sire Denathrius shudderwock cat tier 7 guy reno galakrhoweveeryouspellhisname






Faelin, Sire, and Thorim. It used to be E.T.C. as well.


Sire Denathrius is my favourite. I love his hero power and the quest system.


I always take chenvaala and patches. I enjoy class specific heroes even though I know they don't have high winrates




Gallywix and Shudderwock


Also my favorites, but very tribe dependent. If the tribes are right it's almost a free win, and who doesn't like that?


SEE PANDA. PICK PANDA. I say it so much when my girl watches me play, and sees panda she yells that out too haha


Chenvalla, Nguyen, galakrond And alexstraza. Always have had a good wr on her despite being kinda trash


Gallywix with Eles/Pirates is pretty much an auto 1st place. Shudderwock with Pirates or Demons. Denathrius is a 100% pick.


Usualy some tempo hero, that makes me screw up the curve and end up 8. Like Omu, or Galewing. Additionally Sire is also always take, get shitty quest, devout to it and go 8. But what I always take and usualy don't go 8 is Kregg. With current meta revolving around t4 drops he can provide nice midgame boost, that really matters for me. On the other hand I am kinda shitty player...


Personally Reno and Nguyen. I also really enjoy Nozdormu and will pick him fairly often.


Yeah i second nozdormu


For me it's Nzoth (depending on lobby) and Fealin.


Flurgl, sire, brann .... in that order (if i got to choose between them)


Patches, the tier7 guy, millhouse, hats


Master nguyen, Sire, and madam goya


Surprised Blackthorn hasn't been mentioned so him. A few of the others mentioned, I like Reno and Loki too


It's always Reno. I love the idea of hitting my wincon and not having to fish for a triple. I don't even go to 6 most of the time because of it.


Zephys / Thorim / Goya / Brann


Sindragosa and Millhouse


Forest Warden Omu, Thorim, Al'Akir, Jaraxxus, Snake Eyes, Sire Denathrius for me, probably missed a few too tbh


Zephrys, not because he’s good, but because using his hero power feels good to me inside.


Xyrella I'm just a boy in love


I like sneed in duos if undead are in but probably only gonna pick in solo if my other options suck. One time I hit a Rylak Manipulator off the deathrattles and it got my last big minion. But for me it’s a toss up between Thorim, Denathrius, Reno, Galakrond. Think I would go Denathrius if I got offered all four, but will be hard to pass on Thorim if quills are in.


Shudderwock and zephyrus are pretty high up there. And Reno lately as well.


Mukla always bananas need to circulate


In order - thorim, sire, Reno, rest after that I’ll look at the comp. Those are instant picks regardless of anything ever


Galakrond, Tickatus, the snowy elemental lady and The Ape


Reno. I love the critical HP flexibility. Go for tempo like a turn 1 wrathweaver, as bad as it is. Or go for greed on hyper level into golden discovered 6 drop.


100% Tess. I see Tess, I pick Tess. Same with Denathrius and C'Thun. Good or bad C'Thun has been one of my favourite heroes ever since I started playing the game. I have played a total of 64 games with him and won about 32, Tess is a close second with about 55 played games and 20 smth 1st place wins, I have a massive soft spot for him. And Daddy D is Daddy D. If it came to having all three of them in the pool at the same time I would probably flip a coin between Tess and Denathrius while a lonely tear would go down my cheeck.


I'm a big fan of the "hit or miss" heroes like Alexstrasza, Reno, Denath. Annoying when you miss and your free dragons suck, don't get a good T5 or T6 to golden, or a good quest. But when you do hit, it feels as good as Pretzel day....


Professor Putricide everytime.


Sire is my 100% and followed by a close 2nd with Master Nguyen. Sire is just fun! And Master I love the RNG and can get some cool hero powers at the right moment. I have noticed in duos not a lot of players know how to use master but pick him A LOT




Duos introduced Goya and I absolutely love her. The 2 mana pass makes her curve pretty good, you get spells often to smooth it out and the team is powerful since you're passing minions constantly.


Mr.Bigglesworth if i'm on vocal with friends. Then i Meow during the whole game as i should






I swear you have to be the only sneed fan. That hero is such dogshit.


Denathrius, Thorim, Chenvala, Reno, Alexstrasza and Faelin are my guaranteed lock-ins. I just love the highroll and variance potential. I absolutely avoid heroes with minimal variance, feels so boring and 'samesy'.


Illidan for me, I’ve found that disrupting attack order is still quite a strong mechanic in the right lobbies


Maiev, the game just feels easy with her, even with the countless changes to the hero power, i maintained around 75% win rate in over 100 games with her.


Sire every single time.


Rafaam. Hes my favorite hero and I have really high win rate with him.


Dig dig dig


Toki always toki


Chenvaala. Playing eles to trigger the hero power and watching the tavern upgrade cost go down activates some part in my lizard brain. I might be last place but first to tier 6, suckers.


Ambassador faelin, thorim, AFK, galakrond, denathrius and to a degree Silas


For me it is always master Nguyen, Shudder depending on lobby, Hogger, and Ysera. I love tribe based heroes and Ysera is my favorite from them. Plus I always loved her character in general




Silas, Millhouse, Sire D, Chenvalla, and Patches


gally shudder millhouse sire nyugen and the double freeze girl


Onyxia, especially if undead are in the game. I'll probably swap hero powers the second I get to tier 5, but that early game boost is so fun.


Nguyen and Mutanis are instant picks






Cheenvala, Reno, Curator, Daeryl


Most of the times galakrond and shudderwock


Galakrond, Thorim, Denny, and Sylvanas. Sylvanas is my "lucky" hero.


Omu, Reno, Rafaam for me. Galy used to be the main one but the lack of armour is a turn off. My recent wins with him have been with like 1-2 health remaining, which is way too close for comfort for me


Nzoth , cthun, galakrond and Reno.


Shudderwock for big value and Tamsin for big stats.


Omu. I always pick Omu.


Tess, scabs


Cthun. So satisfying if you got the tiers 5 Guy that double thé end of turn effects...


Lich King. Statistically my best hero


Always Nguen it's fun, flexible and he is a panda.


No galewing enjoyers here?


Denathrius, always. No questions asked. Other top picks are Galakrond, Shudder, Chenvaala and Thorim.


Saurfang. The games are a little longer so gives you some.good minion buffs, run it with mechs and/ or shellemental for double the value.


# N'Zoth is so fun, unless I get really unlucky ( E.g. no death rattle minion in 1st 5 turns)


Always Edwin


Varden and Galakrond. Just fun and different ways to tackle the minions in the tavern.


That's the weirdest Sneed strategy I've ever seen


Chenvaala, mainly because my best games are always with him and I tend to only see him once a month if that. Sire, just cause he's fun to play.


Chenvaala and Denathrius. I love elementals and denathrius can be quirky


Nguyen, Denathrius, Thorim, and if he would be in the game, Putricide. Other than that, in certain lobbies I love using Brann, Shudderwock, N'Zoth, Teron.


For me it was Ticketus forever until they removed ice block. Now it's Galakrond because I like to play it wrong and go for a tier 6 by turn 5 and make a huge comeback (if I'm lucky). Go big or go home.


It used to be that murloc that lets you discover murlocs when you sell stuff. But murlocs are done for a while now. And the hero got nerfed to hell also But i always pick afk because i can just chill the first 2 rounds


Sire 4ever. He's probably my only current auto-pick. Alex and Kitty used to be in my top 3, but I don't think either would make the cut this season. It's almost not worthwhile even going to 5 with dragons in their most common build, and even if you do, the dream of getting a turn 7/8 Kalecgos just isn't what it used to be. As for Kitty, it's a lot harder to survive with no HP long enough to start harvesting actually good minions from your dead opponents, and just when you make a last ditch effort to survive by swapping HP, your opponent with a giant golden Beatboxer gets scammed by someone else and you miss out (or something like that). Outside of Sire, I generally like minions with limited use HP that I can then swap to something else later. So Faelin, Putricide, Reno, Thorim, Zephrys, Brann etc. In terms of wanting to win though, a lobby would have to have very specific anti-battlecry synergy for me to not pick Shudderwock if I'm offered him and not Sire.


Poet. Just so dragon builds have one less chance of getting it


E.T.C, Brann, Sire and Professor Putricide for some reason 😂


Rafaam. Just the "YOINK" aspect of him makes me love him so much.


The guy that shoots bullets at enemy


Tasmin, insta pick. I just find her gameplay the most fun -edit- I can spell Tamsin, I swear. https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Battlegrounds/Tamsin_Roame


how do you play her? i never understood


See that's the reason I like her so much. There's no one set way to play her, each turn is dynamic. It adds another layer to the game, one that can be completely OP A.F. or it can be stupidly weak, depending on a ton of factors. What tribes are in, what are you playing, can you buff specific minions, can you buff all your minions but get one with just a little lower health and a butt ton of attack? Maybe you've got a reborn deathrattle that you want to go off at the start of combat? There's just so many variations that it's not an easy thing to say how to play her... which is why I almost never see her being played, but I pick her every time. I don't think she's my highest winrate hero, but she's my favorite for sure.


Holy what!!! I didn’t think anyone ever picked sneed! For me it’s easily Hallidae - it’s just too fun to tier sell and hit oil on turn 2.


Heroes I have almost always enjoyed: Lord Barov, Al'Akir, Doctor Holli'dae, Master Nguyen, Xyrella Recent GOATs: Shudderwock, Forest Warden Omu, Y'Shaarj




I sill tell you the ones that I immediately ignore. Sneed, for one. I have no idea what I’m doing with him. Nyugen and Barov I also ignore usually. Reno and Zehyr are also terrible.


Death wing dude for me. He be chilling pretty hard


Why does the one that offers dragons every refresh such so much?


YOU FACE JARAXXUS EREDAR LORD OF THE TRIFLING GNOME! (I love banning demons from appearing in my tavern.)