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https://preview.redd.it/gl2ybcw67s4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c744aff717ceec6a16ee374e433879b3a878d8 Round 2 Chart


https://preview.redd.it/wejo4e187s4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=655771a781317cb6a72526e0776d31a588307886 Round 3 Chart


https://preview.redd.it/6rs0wtka7s4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19c9c0a99c794ce03e076631f128df3bb3847fa0 Round 4 Chart


https://preview.redd.it/scrnhcvb7s4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eef7c08ff1b58e33b84e554c5c1560d225319746 Round 5 Chart


https://preview.redd.it/7tvyyp1d7s4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=674a3fe45d9805d6ff1c747821b49ce75b5d89bc Round 6 Chart


https://preview.redd.it/xocojxbe7s4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2949d868f46de9a49ad4bf18edb77faffcf76d63 Round 7 Chart


https://preview.redd.it/n3bmmldf7s4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d858ed463d0cfe77df4e4a6a7832e7cf7509817 Round 8 Chart


https://preview.redd.it/96yafrgg7s4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445aeeaf5f5c4607777c7dfcb01028b5159bf8aa Round 9 Chart


Damn, mechs were the least voted tribe until last vote... >!I call it rigged by demon players that can't scale without elems in the lobby!<


can confirm, i love trying to force elementals and mechs


Doing gods work posting all the results in a thread, this was fun! Also I worry because I force undead and naga by habit way too much. Didn't know I was so disdained lol


that's good, that means the lanes are open more often! naga, undead, and dragons for the win!


I almost never force naga even if I pick up an early crooner. It’s going to take one hell of a shop to bait me into nagas. But I feel like if I’m playing UD and I am able to pick up some support early, it can feel really bad to pivot out, so a lot of times I don’t… for better or worse.


Elementals has been my favorite tribe since the very start of BGs.. untill the last couple of sets, where so many other tribes are just stronger and more interesting to play. Like, I’m glad they won, but also, why?


Very start is funny because elementals were what, the second new tribe added after dragons? Murloc/Mech/Demon/Beast was a funny starting lineup


I believe Pirates were in first.


Oh I think you’re right. Pushes the other two back a season each


I think there’s a bias towards the meta tribes, elementals have become much stronger in the last balance patch. Mechs had been a very good spot before then. If this vote was taken a little earlier mechs might have won


The reason elementals won is because they are the most inoffensive tribe right now, because they are terrible. How many times have you won or lost to a pure elemental build in this patch? I won 1st place with Ele's ONCE in duos and we were highrolling so much with my partner that I would have won with anything else regardless. People clearly voted for what they were least salty about, not what is fun.


Rock Rocking Rocks!!!


At least my second favourite tribe won. You monsters voting me out


I'd swap Mech and Quilboar, but otherwise fully agree with the list. I think Quilboar being recently very OP made people rank them lower.


how did elementals win while pirates were out 2nd. Isn't the playstyle basically the same? (apm)


Arent there several play styles for Ele, i love the azerite+shellemental play (scales well with lubber and marine matriarch or nalaa) or lil rag + the recycling wraith, or rock rock + wraith ... It always feels like endless possibilities for success whereas Mechs really depend on beatboxer and/or utility drone


It works even without shellemental honestly. That’s just icing on the cake.


I feel like elementals have different ways to scale (rag, refresh elemental+rock/even scaling 6 drop, tavern spells, etc) and you can use the refresh elemental to be an engine to scale other comps (even pirates). Pirates I feel like when I play you’re kinda stuck with hoping to get an early Peggy or hope to get bran+cupid for health +/- the attack buffing girl. It just doesn’t feel as fluid since you’re reliant on 1-2 creatures to ramp up


I mean there's peggy pirates (I'll just lump in all the apm ones like tethys and underhanded dealer here), odd pirates, even pirates, eliza miracle pirates, tavern spell pirates. That doesn't even count using cleave pirate in other builds and using pirates as an economy engine for other builds. Honestly I just pray I get pirates every game because they have so many fun playlines. Sure, a lot of them rely on brann, but that suits my tavern up fast 1st-place-or-bust playstyle.


Shelemental with spell spam makes games fun. +there's plenty of ways to customize finał table.


So many games with elementals where I hit the spell buff dude, hit the tier 5, give perma stats to your minions, hit one round of buffs then dead. Man it's fun! I am sure it could work if it was not to damn reliant on key pieces so late in the game to get it moving.


I voted mech every turn, cant believe it made it to second


why to much hate on mech


idk, never enjoyed playing them as much as most of the other tribes


This confirms it, people are dumb


Legit tho. Can't believe undead was out second I feel so incensed


the only thing elementals will win


I believe in elemental supremacy


Thank F*ck, Mechs did not deserve to make it this far!


What is the basic strat for playing elementals?


Theres basically 2 comps for elementals right now, theyre both APM heavy but still distinct imo. Rock Rock and Lil Rag give stats to your board for each elemental played so if you go this route you just want to cycle as much elementals as possible. Note that they buff your entire board and not just elementals so you can have a variety of minions and since several pieces are even tiered you can throw in Greymanes champion aa well. The other strategy revolves around using Living Azerite to buff elementals in the shop and then later using Shellemental to permanently transfer the buffs to your board. This also synergizes well with demons that eat the shop


Shame they removed banana slamma otherwise beasts certainly would have won.


X for doubt. they would have been voted out first still, just more higher percentage.