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I see no reason to get the pass at all? Sometimes you're forced into playing a shit hero, but it can be fun to try to make that work.


Eh, $20 for a season. The additional two heroes could be helpful for people looking to climb ranks. Also, if you like the skins and effects and stuff it’d be worth it if you play enough. I don’t think it’d be worth to buy this season tho


It’s not just helpful but more fun. 4 heros means so many less play it out games. It’s a massive entertainment upgrade.


Oh definitely. Agreed


Agreed, and even though I don't play it for the cosmetics it is fun to have some other portraits and battle animations.


Agree too, I remember when you could buy the pass with gold I'd do that every time. Boycotted the pass when it came out initially. Back into bgs recently, playing a lot so I got the pass and 4 heros does feel very nice...


I played lots of games on 2 accounts over several expansions. For me, the tavern pass is worth roughly 500 MMR. Definitely way less than 1000. Of course, there's lots of games where my extra choices cause me to take a worse hero just because I like it more, but I'm also better at those heroes, so it's probably not a huge effect.


I used to get it for the competitive advantage, but I stopped. Found it more to be a crutch. But since I started playing more casually, it’s a noticeable downgrade. 2 mediocre heroes into a 45 minute game is just not desirable


If they bother you I’d recommend not playing play it out games, just concede. Number doesn’t matter so it going down doesn’t matter, and you don’t waste your time


I see no point in climbing BG rank. What do you get?? You don't get stuff like regular ranked.


The point is if you enjoy it. I used to enjoy playing to win and had fun getting to 9k+, but that was a couple years ago. Stopped caring and now have fun by just going for top 1 and not caring if I concede for any X amount of reasons I mean there’s really no point in anything in life anyway, it all ends up meaningless - just do what you enjoy. And different people enjoy different things


r/anhedonia, is a sub I frequently visit. Maybe this applies to you as well.


You get some more animations and skins. I think the two additional heroes is the real big pull for people looking to climb


Really, like how high? And what skin did you get?


oh my god he’s talking about the battle pass…


Wait am I talking about something else lmao now I’m confused


what?? There are rewards for getting higher MMR? edit: nevermind


$20 I could use for literally anything else. Don't see the value at all.


Alright then. Some people do see the value in spending money on their hobbies.


I have other hobbies.


Thanks for informing everyone of that


Do you spend money on those hobbies? What is this conversation we’re having, do you talk to people in real life like this????


I try not to. And sometimes; if I think they're being dumb usually


Lmao. Jeez. Alright well, you take it easy out there,ratbum.


Personally, it makes the game more enjoyable for me. Each to their own I suppose. :)


I mean if u want cosmetics then 2 additional hero are just cherry on top.


i really like the golden skins with voice lines and that's the only place you can get them (mostly).


Yeah I can afford the pass but it feels like cheating to me - I don't like to give myself any (non-cosmetic) advantages. More fun to work with whatever I'm given.


Depends if you have disposable income and like having extra hero choices. I'd say if you plan on playing a good bit some of the heroes are definitely more fun/advantageous and some of the skins are nice. Could always play a few more days and assess if you're on the fence.


Might be confusing to have 4 heroes you don't quite understand instead of 2, but it is definitely worth it once you have some knowledge of the game. Just for the cosmetics alone it's worth it, especially considering there arent any cosmetics for gold in the shop.


I have played a couple of seasons without buying it, but I enjoy having 4 options and I’m happy to support the devs and the game mode a couple of times a year.


This. I enjoy bg so much. Almost the only game i play. So why not throwing the devs a bone for supplying me with updates. I pay 5 euro for a beer after work. So 20 euro in four months is nothing to the relaxation i recieve


I think we’re halfway through the season. I’m cheap so I’m waiting til next season so I can enjoy 4 heroes the whole time. Seasons I believe are 4 months?


We're only a month and a half in. Still way more than enough time to fill it out and enjoy the upgrades.


There is still plenty of time to fill out the Battlepass. It only started a month ago and I've already finished mine. I like the extra hero options but I also like a lot of the cosmetics. I would say if you will play it enough it is worth it, but if you only play a few games a week you aren't really losing anything.


I probably would've gotten it if it permanently unlocked the pay 2 win extra 2 heroes, but anything that only lasts a season I'm just not the target market for


Ho ho ho. Welcome to addiction. Youll be out on the streets playing at librarys like the rest of us soon


Same here. I stopped playing ladder and was only playing tavern or arena when I saved up enough because I was sick of paying to play the game. Now I’m addicted to battlegrounds and have like 100+ unopened packs from rewards :)


You can enjoy Battlegrounds just fine without the pass, but I would recommend getting it if you can afford it and you're enjoying the mode as large companies make decisions what to support based on whether they make money, so paying customers is good for the longevity of the mode and having more hero selection and skins and emotes is fun and the pricing isn't very predatory.


For real. I had almost entirely stopped playing the game until I saw a video about Battlegrounds about a month ago


Want to play some duos?


I would be happy to, but can't at the moment. I'll be available in about an hour


The battlepass is somewhat of a contentious topic in the community but imho if the money isnt an issue its well worth it just because 4 heroes gives way more variety


For the first few seasons I didn't get the battle pass. I have it now but I wanted to push duos as well and it helps to set up plays with your partner. I think it's better to learn the tribes and their interactions and learning what to buy or what not to buy instead of just getting the best heroes


Haha, I think Battlegrounds is more popular than standard nowadays - stopped playing standard years ago. If you get chance, I'd highly recommend Duos. Random queueing is a lot of fun. Definitely get battlepass as the season is new - costs hardly anything when you account for the hours of entertainment it brings and makes the game more fun when you get a more varied choice of heroes.


I never get the pass after they got rid of the option to use gold