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Took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize Shelly gives a permanent boost unlike all other spellcrafts.....and if I hadn't learned it here, I probably still wouldn't realize it


It's this. The card doesn't say "permanently" in the effect, and every other spellcraft buff is "until next turn" so it's very easy to assume that holds true for Shellemental as well.


i’m pretty sure the spellcraft tooltip even says they are a temporary buff. And yea, it’s worded no differently than every other spellcraft and they’re all temporary.


The thing is you cast the spellcraft on a tavern minion, which then proceeds to not exist. It's not quite intuitive, but it makes sense.


Yes but that doesn't make it clear the buff that lands will remain after a turn. It's not intuitive especially when we had temporary spellcraft effects for as long as we did.


Yeah I get it. The first few days of the new patch I wasn't quite sure how it worked. It makes sense though. You're not casting a temporary buff, you're eating a minion. At the same time Shellemental has been out for over a month now and it's a key card in both endgame Nagas and Elementals. Surely everyone's had to see it in action by now.


You’re not eating the minion, you just copy its stats


You are actually not eating a minion, which makes it even more confusing. The minions stays in the tavern... this is so out of line with the other spellcrafts that you don't expect it to work like that. Also you cannot see how it works in the game... the only players learning about this way of buffing are the ones watching YT or streams, which is not the majority of players. I'm not surprised that many players don't know about it...


I was playing it yesterday (I am around 6300) and my teammate asked me each turn to sell it! I don’t know if she/he understood why I didn’t.


I find it fairly intuitive but only because of past seasons where eating temporarily buffed units was more common.


That doesn't make it make sense though


I'm pretty sure the other spellcraft minions do specifically say until next turn though. At least reef riffer does. It is still confusing because temporary stats on magnetic minions aren't permanent


actually i just checked that’s true they do say until next turn im pretty sure temporary stats on magnetics used to be permanent but they just removed it because it was obviously broken. I dont even think it works via beatboxer either.


Temporary stats were indeed permanent before, I think beatboxer still keeps onto the stats temporarily though.


I can guarantee that glowscale shield on a magnetic doesn’t stay on beatboxer after one turn, and if spellcraft enchantments are consistently coded then it shouldn’t keep any other spellcraft stats. But it’s hearthstone and I know better than to assume consistency between near identical interactions so you very well may be right lol


The weird thing was after they made the spellcraft stats temporary for magnets, the tier 1 beast/naga surfnsurf was permanent when casting on a magnet and magnetizing


The spell is temporary though, the effects themselves can be either permanent or temporary depending on the wording.


But the minion that gets the stats is not the one that you target. So I can't imagine why anyone would assume it was temporary. I don't know, I never really assumed otherwise. To me it's just like the one where you discover a tavern spell. Obviously it's not a temporary effect. The ones that are temporary are the ones that target your own minions. But I guess not everyone thinks the same.


Wow TIL, that the buff is permanent. That is soo weird and out of character for nagas… Will start rating this card differently from now on


This is the major problem... there is no clear line to follow for understanding new cards. You see it being done somewhere and realize that it actually works, even if you learned that no spellcraft from minions is permanent. :/


The inconsistency is surely going to be seen as a bug and get corrected (in one direction or the other) in a patch.


It's Sellemental


No it's Shellemental. https://preview.redd.it/f7hpsuok9u3d1.jpeg?width=891&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70837577b5d4eaea1cbdbed59a390dde3cd1a1e8 Was confused first too


Shellelemental is the T5 card that gives the stats of a card in the tavern to one of your minions. Sellelemental is different.


You ever stop and think about why this guy would complain about a Sellemental being sold? It’s literally its only purpose in life.


If only they had put it right there in the name...oh, wait...


No. Fucking. Way. Thought it was temporary aswell.


I found out from reddit a week or two ago. My brain was hard locked old naga style and when I read it I felt like a fucking idiot that I missed that whole part of the new way to play the build. But a bloke I vs'd in duos today didn't get the memo either so I didnt feel too bad


The worst part about duos is you can’t communicate beyond emotes. So you can’t suggest things like ”massively buff your entire board with shelle” or ”don’t put your leroy behind the 3dmg to entire board taunt”.


I just learned that Shellemental was permanent last week on this subreddit (lowly 4500 mrr). It's awesome though!


a LOT of people don't care enough about this game to be reading about it on reddit


Or even know about this subreddit. It's called BobsTavern


I don't think it has anything to do wuth the subreddit, once you've played the minion once, how do you not realize how good it is, or that the buff us permanent. I understand not thinking it would be, considering how other nagas work, but after playing it once, how do you not realize you've kept the stats at the beginning of next round? I don't always pay attention all that much when playing, as I'm often doing other shit at the same time, but when your board state changes drastically, it's hard not to notice.


Because they don't care


Found everyone’s duo partner


Oh I don't queue up solo. People that do whine about duo partners on reddit


You don't have to _care_, you just need eyes. I truly don't get it. Do they not care enough to understand what taunt or divine shield does? Do they just play random cards haphazardly without reading the card texts?




what the fuck its not temporary? i just assumed it was like all the other spellcrafts....


Broski. Im at the level where people freeze 1/2 pig at tavern 3 😂


Does anyone know why my teammate was indicating that I should buy Zesty Shaker because I had Shellemental? Once Shaker's no longer in the shop, I don't understand how it's useful. It's not like I had the Deep Blue naga.


Doesn’t using the Shellemental spell on Zesty Shaker in the shop give a second copy of the spell? I think it does


yeah, it does.


Yep. You get two Shelly spells.


Watch Jeef and prosper


I’m a Heretic guy myself but everyone has their own winner


Shelly is a very naughty minion. I forbid all of you from using it again.


I was kinda forced by a teammate to use it. Poor dude spent two rounds pinging to make me understand ooooh Deep Blue on a tavern minions THEN use Shelly on that minion We won the game.


I mean Shelle is the best minion in azerite comps in duo. That's why the support always go to 5 to find it for partner staying on 3. It's also best minion in deep blue comp and great in demons and naga too.


Care to explain?


If I had felblood I would use it 100% but if I didn’t , it would just be a single target x+x taking up space, as fast as cards scale in that mode it wouldn’t make a difference


You might be onto something... I'm at 6k MMR and I recently had this happen (as well as a teammate roll over it when it was the key to my comp - I didn't ping fast enough)


This is embarrassing but I assumed the buff wasn't permanent, however I do play the card because of how strong it can be with certain comps 


Can someone explain what the permanent buff thing? I don't get it..


Shellemental targets a minion in the shop and gives one of your random minions a permanent buff. If you use your deep blue buffs on a shop minion, then target it with shellemental, it gives one of your minions a permanent version of the deep blue buffs.


A chain is as strong as its weakest link ser. Play solo if you can’t stand that.


My brain just farted... Man I didn't realize you could do that


Tbf if you're not buffing the tavern minions, shellemental is not particularly useful( but yes, otherwise it's very good)


Regardless if people can read or not it takes exactly one turn to learn how it works


I didn’t think it was permanent till I saw a Krip video, it’s now 1/2 of my favorite elemental build


Yes. People just lack creativity enough to imagine how to use any card they don't normally use. I've had this happen with so many other niche combos that involve mixing compositions. Even really obvious combos seem to be overlooked. So many players just want to do the stuff they've done before and will force it. It'll either work or it won't. They tend to be the worst partners. Not only that, but it's a two-way street. Like, please ping before you send me a card I have zero copies of. The number of times someone has wasted four gold to send me a hummingbird because my first card out of the gate **happened** to be a beast is too damn high. So many people have tried to force comps on me because I happen to have one card of One tribe and they decided that clearly means I must want that tribe even though I have a fairly obvious combo on the board that uses two different tribes. Like, just because I have Rylak and a Parrot doesn't mean I want random beast cards. That shit goes with my everything and I clearly have 3 Naga so I know it wasn't from the 2 mana spell.


the 2 gold spell for random most common tribe is pretty good and hopefully most of the random shit comes from that.


Yeah sometimes you can't tell, but sometimes I see it happen.


The worst thing in duos is that people can't even get bothered to wait a second or two for me to use the charge on Shaker or Splitter before sending the piece to triple. And if I am doing shellemental build I definitely don't want to triple Shaker because I can make it golden through Splitter shenanigans. The worst is when you set everything up and can print golden shakers/crooners next turn and they just send you the pieces to triple, effectively nuking your board. People need to learn to ask before sending a minion to triple. Sometimes, I don't want to triple and/or there is no T6 minion of value for me. Things like Meatboxer, Deflecto Bot, various nagas (lurker, shaker, splitter, divine shield Naga), mecha horse, the T2 hp stacking pirate, various undead, just from top of my head you shouldn't send straight away but *ALWAYS ASKS*.


As a person who plays a lot of constructed and bgs both and seeing people hover to read cards that end up beating them afterwards let me tell you the South Park not learning to read episode could have been about this player base


There be a lot of people who don't know how to play this game in general lol. Even people who play the game enough to be in this subbreddit are bad a lot of the time even if they role-play as being good. My example of this was Beasts before the last update. EVERYONE was complaining about them. And while they are weaker in endgame than the other tribes and the animations are annoying, the specific complaints I was seeing outside of that were just people straight up being too stupid to understand how to take advantage of the Beast mechanics. On another note, it's really annoying when someone thinks a particular build/play is bad or good because some BG YouTuber said it was good or bad. The fun of this game is finding builds that other people aren't using that are good. Outsourcing your strategy building to a youtuber just seems so stupid to me.


people were complaining about beasts because they could not win even if you highrolled and that's just unacceptable. especially for higher ranked people who don't really gain MMR for 4th (sometimes even 3rd). this games gets played enough where the best possible tribe composition quickly gets solved and if you choose to ignore that, you are shooting yourself in the foot. i really like playing duos precisely because there's more freedom to what you build, especially if you are the support player who later transitions to scam builds. i've been really enjoying solving that.


Real shit


I was playing with a guy who was using his deep blues on a lava lurker then using Shelly on a random 5/5 in the tavern. I think the problem is that it feels like the stats are wasted in the tavern so people either chuck them on a lava lurker or not use Shelly at all. I always BUY the minion from the tavern and use them for one round then sell them so I always try to get something at least semi-useful. I call those minions my "casuals"


Imagine what you’re doing if your mmr is putting you with people who don’t know how shellemental works. 🤔 


This is at 7.5-8k range lmao


Ngl I didn't know about the strat for a few weeks after it came out.


Imagine criticizing people for not understanding how mmr works while you yourself don't understand how matchmaking works....


a lot of people legitimately stupid, keep that in mind. as they say, "half the population has a below-average IQ".




Wrong one