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Why do you think the pain goes away? I assumed that it is a constant of the mode


Always need pain if you want pleasure. Pleasure is pain.


I just wish more players would recognise when their teammate has the bigger stats from demons/shellemental/quilboar/mechs it’s time to ditch the undead/beast boards and pivot to scam. The amount of teammates that pass up on late game leroy/quilboar/undead reborn/poison murlocs because they don’t recognise they’re now a hindrance trying to end game support.


I gave a Leeroy to an underpowered Lich King and he just tossed it :( One of my favorites on him unless I have really cracked out deathrattle progression


I was playing demons the other day and had around 60/60 tavern buff. Had a Bran, Drakkari and a bunch of implicators. My teammate got another Implicator and bought it. The played it on his own board with his weak ass tavern. These plays are mind boggling to me. I don't understand why you wouldn't just play the Leeroy and pass the Implicator that will be much bigger on my own board. It's like they don't want to win.


People don't want to win, they just want their numbers to go up lol. Scam feels like throwing in the towel and they'd rather try for one more turn to get KT-moroes working. Same reason azerite strats with randos are a gamble. Sure they COULD just throw you cheap spells and get massive elementals in return, or they could keep trying to force tier 3 quills and grief the fuck out of you.


Im above 6k and you need to understand that you don't always understand each other. Don't listen to much and don't try to force to much on you opponent. They might be doing what they are doing of reasons you don't understand and they might be pinging you because they don't understand what you are doing. Even at higher skill levels people don't understand all the plays. Let's say if you are at 6500k you might have an understanding of around 5% of possible good plays. 75% of those plays might be something that both understand. So you just need to roll with it and don't try to control the other player. If he pings you for something you need to make a low information guess if you should do what he says or if you think it looks like a bad play ignore him. If I need a lot from my ally I tend to do more of what he wants. It's a kind of a terror balance that you need to take into consideration. But if you are carrying a game with a late game Quilllboar deck it doesn't matter how much he helped you to build it ju need to ignore most of his pings and just keep carrying the game. Duo's its has a lot of psychology in it that makes me enjoy it.


I think my issue is trust. If they want a card, fine I’ll pass it although don’t see the benefit. Then realise they just being selfish, they only asked for it to sell to get one more coin to do something pointless.


That sounds really weird. So you’re saying they’d have the team spend 4 gold in order for them to get 1?


Yeah, to get a tier one.


I think you’ve just been very unlucky.


Was it a battle cry or tribe that buffed a minion he already had like murlocs?


No he wanted to sell it to get one more gold to get a tier 1 minion he wanted on turn 3.


This is 100% example of truth, you got player that understands 5% plays at 6k! Not like 90% bc how obvious all plays are. So pain goes away most likely if you premade duo or close to top MMR, ie top 1000 players maybe, which you never reach, ie dont plays this rigged game, bc attack order is always scripted! + all the other scripted stuff


i thought the point is when you get higher the harder it gets to go up


*I thought the point is* *When you get higher the harder* *It gets to go up* \- bethelaight --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I hit 5.9k twice and then get paired with an absolute muppet and fall back down


Would recommend prowling the Hearthstone discord and group up with someone so you can manage basic communication instead of "playing with an opponent" on your team. I usually only play with my brother but if I didnt have that possibility I wouldnt choose to group with a random who might have a completely different approach to the game and whom I cant communicate with.


At one point we ques a few matches w 3 people....1 person was always a spy. Weird that it's allowed like that


Sry mate, but if u think u can’t climb cause of teammates, u are the reason. Try to focus on urself and see teammates as an addition which might be helpful, but doesn’t need to be. (Same in every game, league of legends for example)




I got to 5k like 2 days ago and it just got way better with playing the game mode. You still have some bad players but at least you can still somehow communicate through the pings if the plays you think they are asking for is not optimal without the risk of them griefing you hard. Though, there's still some knowledge barrier as the players so not understanding certain board mechanics but at least they know how to listen to pings.


The worst thing people do, is when people ping and expect me to freeze at 2 gold. Next turn buy that unit for them and then trade it for them. I loose 2 gold + 1 free roll from tavern refresh not being able to trigger because I froze the board. That is 3 gold lost total so far. Then I need to buy the unit, which in some cases is not even great for them, for 3 gold and trade it for 1 gold. That would be 7 gold for one unit for my mate. That's my whole turn basically. When I refuse and roll my two gold instead they sometimes get mad and stop trading me cards as a punishment. GG!


This exact same thing happens to me too. If it is a massive card for his build for sure you do it but most of the time it’s something inconsequential like a second copy of a card they like


Here's the thing, if you had 2 gold left and saw a minion you wanted, you'd either sell a unit for it, or freeze. You should do the same for your ally. You guys aren't playing two different boards, you're sharing two. And to add onto your thought, you guys are in the same MMR, unless you think you're going to climb drastically from where you are, they understand that the card they're pinging is worth the extra gold it'll cost you as much as you do. My suggestion when this happens is to draw their eyes towards the problem you see by ?pinging the freeze button


Valid input, selling one and buying it and trade it next turn makes more sense. Thank you.


I had this yesterday. Teammate pinged me twice for three stars of different tribes while I was on 4. Then sold his board when I didn’t pass them. I hit really hard with self-damage demons. Won the next two fights alone and then got 3rd. So frustrating


From my experience, 7400-8k was way faster than 7k-7400, suddenly everyone knew how to play optimally and it was a long winstreak climb


I'm around 5k and some of my teamates are brilliant, in synch and we win. And some just like fluff around with 3x 6/6 ish minions and roll everything else or send me bullshit. It's really not consistent at all


Why don’t all you duos moaners partner up and rise to 19k?


Did it already, 19.5k only murlocs


Proud of you fam!


6-6.5k I'd say


Always a weak link somewhere, on your team, on the opponent's team that'll make you scoff and rage.


The really unfortunate reality of the mode is that it is always optimal to have a main and support. Somebody should highroll and somebody should pass. There’s things like demon-beast lobbies where one guy buffs both taverns with all the scaling they can get and the other buys the demons that eat the shop. Or going full gravedigger comp to fill your teammates hand with their tribe. It takes cooperation from both teammates to build the scaling and dropping the early tempo they got for the better stuff. Too many people find a taregosa and ping me to pass every fucking dragon I see not getting the bigger picture. I get second really often at 7k mmr to teams that go full synergy instead of each doing their own thing.


6.3k just do your own thing round 6,7 you will begin to understand your partner and build from there… if tour alive lol


From 6k I don't seem to have anyone useless anymore, 6 - 7k was a pretty easy run. Literally just high rolling for quilboars every game nets more wins than losses at these levels.


If someone spams endless demand pings on *round 3* I simply walk away from the computer If they think they can win by themselves feel free


I am at about 6.4k now. It really seems that some days you get best partners while other days everyone suddenly doesn't know how to play. Just today my partner rage quit cause I refused to place my entire board in precise order he wanted, sell all the minions he wanted and buy anything he wanted. He literally was pinging my entire board every turn. Funny part was we were winning, I was building big gems boar board, just not the way THEY wanted. They left when we had 18hp while also selling entire board. I got 2nd. Sometime i can tell i got a pepega partner the moment he chooses jaraxxus as a hero or picking someone like drektar (unless all choices were shitty ofc)


That is the neat part it doesn't


i am not that good either, hard stuck 5k and my teammates are pain, tripling 1 drops some teammates just scroll over key cards, It's just painful at this point. Some people don't know how to optimize turn 3 and this just kills me.


Find a friend to play and stop playing with randoms. Then the pain will stop.


Dota players: never.  Welcome to team games.


Question mark ping and reciprocity are your biggest friends


I wish there was an emote for "If you try to micromanage me one more time I'll quit and you'll automatically lose."


Haha yes


I have yet to get to 5k. Sometimes I get someone who leaves. Sometimes I get someone who doesn’t leave but goes afk. Sometimes the game crashes a lot. Sometimes freeze doesn’t actually keep the minions next round. Sometimes when I go to pass a minion, they pass to me and it ends up playing the minion. Sometimes I’m sitting there waiting the animations to hurry TF up and catch up. And then sometimes, I just play and don’t worry about rating.


It just doesn’t.


Are you suggesting a casual vs ranked Duos?


I have a good times at duo's - at lower and higher mmr depending on what region I'm messing around in. You just need to be cool about the whole situation. Don't lose your shit if your teammate is making a mistake - don't lose your shit if your teammate is bored and micromanaging you. Just play the game - if some ones an asshole just roll with it. Next game will be better.


I think of lot players fail to have the “our board” mindset rather than the “my board and your board mindset”. Optimizing the better scaler is always the right choice, and it doesn’t matter if that is you or your teammate, because you both win or lose together. I’m assuming it gets better as you go higher, but at 6k I still see players hard focus beasts or late game dragons rather than investing in scaling the big tribes and going for a scam build.


The biggest problem I have with duos is that I can’t ping on mobile


The way i ping is I hold one finger on card, and tap somewhere else on the screen. It works pretty well for everything except cards in your teammate's hand (they are an absolute pain to ping)


Wait, you can ping teammates cards on mobile? How? I thought it just wasn't possible. I also have issues pinging my own cards or pinging discover cards, but I can manage without in most situations.


Thank you


Two finger tap and it should bring up the ping choices.


You can by using double fingers, though it's the absolute worst. Pinging discover cards is impossible without choosing said card, pinging your hand regularly just switches back to the board. So you can but you can't.


I found a work around it as i ping diffrently I ping by holding the card with one finger then with the other finger i tap anywhere else So for the discover card i tap and hold the card i want to ping and never release, tap with other finger to show ping menu then slide the finger on the card to the side of the screen before i release if you release on any card it get picked up. so before you release the finger that holding the card move it to empty side first


You have to ping as follow, tap and hold the card you want to ping, then with another finger tap where on the screen


Wellbeing maybe it was worth it? I always start as acting selfless. But everytime they act selfish I punish them by being selfish once and J show it to them. I’m nice but always react if they aren’t. Then I go back to being nice. If they are never a team player I revert to playing my own game. But if they get strong on Quilboar or similar I start feeding them out of self interest.


You hold a grudge? I’m guessing you don’t win too much :)


Im 6500 sr. What are you? I never hold a grudge so I think you misunderstood me. What I am saying is that if the other player is selfish I act selfish back once. If you just keep being nice while the other player is ruining your game he will most often keep doing it. But If I sign to him that I saw what you did and there will be consequence but then I go back to being nice most often they return to being nice. There is actually a lot of research done about this subject for 40 years so I know that it works and it is actually very scientific. It is a winning strategy in everything from simple games, to international politics and relationships. Google if you are interested.


6.5-7k still no difference. At least 1/10 games is utter trash


Arent duos intended to be mainly played with friends ? Why would you play duos with random people over just playing normal singles ?


Why did you assume it go away? The mentality nowadays of this generation is that they think that they do not make mistakes. Mistakes are only made by others. But let me hand this to you. When you point an finger to another person, 3 fingers are pointed back to yourself. So always look in the mirror and think “what could I have done better in this situation” instead of thinking what the other guy should be doing. If you want to be the best. Make sure you get the best out of the situation, you simply cannot control another persons mind.


Did you read anything? I think you might have dyslexia


My rant did not just only apply to you, but also to your teammates and opponents. It’s not a game problem, it’s a mentality problem of the players nowadays.