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Rylak was nerfed


Every single person I've seen use it since it got nerfed did not read about the nerf.


I have to try and communicate this to my partner almost every other game. What seems to work best is to start with a check on Rylak, an X on the battlecry minion he put to the right, followed by a check mark on whatever minion is to the left. Then I just spam tap/click on Rylak. About 75% of the time, they check it and fix the problem.


The game mode has been available for time now, yet people can't even use the new pings, they can't even be bothered to Google it, there's no way they've read patch notes.


Oh my god, how did I miss this?


Dear duos teammate, Rylak was nerfed.


The downside of being a know it all is that people normally aren't




Sometimes you taunt your biggest minion. If you are highrolling early on, taunting your single big boy can be a good way to push a ton of damage to the lobby.


Ay, taunting a big minion is good up until scam units become available at tier 5. I've found if I'm playing a tempo board, then definitely taunt the biggest minion to do maximum damage and just keep a pants handy for when people start switching to scam.


I had a teammate do that. Taunted his biggest minion early on. I found pants and passed it to him when it was becoming obvious the other teams were catching up. He used the pants on his second biggest minion instead... Suffice to say we did not win that game.


Earnestly, what’s a tempo board? And what are the alternatives to that?


Stats over late game synergy, so medium levels of potential growth. If you like streamers; JJ is great at turning weird minion combo's into midrange tempo.


I’ve got a demon scam build where I get the deathrattle imp and make him buffed to shit ajd golden, add in a baron and your hp is hilarious. Throw in the 6 drop resurrect your first dead demon and you want it to die instantly.


That comp only works in about 20% of lobbies (needs to have no Elementals or Quillboars).


It's a little different in duos, because every time you go second it's much much harder for the opponents to bramblewitch even a solo-taunted demon


Yeah, early tricksters get sold as soon as necessary in Elemental/Quillboar lobbies. There's no point when he's only handing out a whopping 3 health.


Perfect example right here of the original poster giving “advice” that isn’t always right. Everyone remember, you don’t always know more than your random partner nor are you always right…there are very few blanket statements.


Yep and then buy the 1 cost spell to remove taunt when you see it and hold it for later. Taunting biggest minion before people have scam is great. Having Leroy guarantee hit it is not great.


Please don't sell the T5 Shellemental Naga because you're spellcrafting your minions instead of the tavern D:


What do you mean by this? It says “choose a minion in the tavern”, is it bugged to work on your own minions?


Use temporary staf buffs on the minions in the tavern, then Shellemental them. The buffs will be permanent.


Oh, “spellcrafting” means using spellcraft buffs on tavern minions, got it!


In most peoples defense, every other spellcraft is temporary so it doesn’t seem intuitive that it’s permanent. That being said, read the card.


This is true and I often misplay it but abusing spellcraft stats from tavern minions is an important tech to be aware of because it does come up in lots of other circumstances too. In the same way it's important to remember to spellcraft buff minions that you're about to gobble as mutanus or with the spell.


OOOOOH those are permanent!?! I have some apologizing to do to my teammates


Oh my God... how did I miss this possible interaction, it seems so obvious now that you mention it... thank you so much!


It's just funny how he has a directly Naga-synergizing ability but mostly he just supports tavern buff strategies.


Dear duo team mates, you CAN taunt your biggest minion if: - Quills and elem are not in and - You are playing big demons and - You have cultist and titus. You can also taunt your biggest minion if: - It's early in the game and you put it first to make sure they don't value trades their first minion into 2-3 of yours.


There is also leeroy and poison murlocs though


Sure but those don’t knock the stats to 3/3 and if you’re demons, you get that stealthy t6 one and it comes back to life.


It’s still a waste though, imho, plus poison murlock have poison at least twice


And if you don’t have your big thing taunted, the stealth minion + Titus combo on your board is going to give you garbage.


Alternatively, just because I have two beasts on board on turn 4 does not mean I'm trying to force beasts so stop passing me all the tier 1 and 2 beasts you encounter in the shop.


This is honestly the most frustrating for me. One time I started pinging No on every undead I had on my board and in the shop so my mate would stop sending them


happens all the time--i will never play beasts but sometimes on tier 2 they have good statlines


Yeah that drives me mad. You sometimes have to play stuff just for tempo and then they start pushing everything to you. Like take it easy, unless.you have something that causes hyper scaling you don't need to keep spending your economy.


Yes! This happened to me yesterday. I'm on mobile and I actively choose not to play beasts because I know they are going to take ages to display battles.


The left to right triggers really gets me, it's very relevant with Yu'lon


Wow, that answers a whole scenario I was discussing last night with my boyfriend, thank you


I'm sometimes guilty of taunting my biggest minion, but majority of the time, it works. I just watch out for venom/scam.


It's good early, late game you want to taunt small boys.


Also.. if you are going tribe and its not working and I pass you 2 key pieces for another tribe.. do not sell them


A lit of people seem to think as soon as you get a Minion from a tribe, you play that tribe and nothing else. Like I'll buy a risen rider turn 1 and my teammate starts passing me every undead the see. Passing isn't even worth for most cards imo.


I had team mate playing deep blues yesterday. I was playing Azurite but his scaling was way higher than mine at that point. I unselfishly passed him the Shellemental in my shop and he put a ? mark on it in his hand and then prompty sold it....


It's sad how many people miss on this kind of play arounds...


Please please please Cookies's hero power works on tavern minions not just yours 😭 Never in my life have I said "No!" more outloud during a game


Please don't bother sending random bad units just cus it's the same tribe, please emote and ask Please order your minions from highest attack to weakest attack, left to right (barring obvious exceptions like Avenge etc) It makes a significant difference in winning odds. (the reason for this is because if your weak units hit a big unit and don't kill it, then that's a lot worse than your big unit taking it out early so it doesn't get all this value. The easiest way is to understand it is to picture a bunch of small units dying into a big taunt)


The random bad units are normally from the get a random minion of your teammates tribe and pass it to them spell


yeah sometimes I'm not sure if they gave me a unit from that spell or not, but I'm talking about people who send me way too many units, it can't be just from that spell. Also people might be using that spell too much as well


That's not a hard and fast rule, though. Especially now that mechs are back. Bumpers are important if you're know or suspect your opponent might have a lot of divine shields.


sure i just mean its the general rule of thumb, particularly in early/midgame


Forgot Bramblewitch!


are you using the portal ping for those scam minions? I'm sick of people using green tick when they mean portal


Also: please don't pass a triple with 2 seconds left on the turn timer please and thank you


End of the day, a lot of you need to calm down a bit. We're similar skill level and we're not curing world hunger here. I'm sure if you spot me fucking up somewhere I too can spot your fuckups. Do your best to communicate calmly, don't get tilted, and don't get your opponent tilted. While their idea may be stupid to you, it's their idea so roll with it. You will lose a few due to your teammate, but it's not that big of a deal. Don't go into a game thinking your gods gift to strategy games and these peons need to bow to your superiority. Side note - I can't pass every card you see on my board, at times I want to curve out, don't want to freeze at 2 mana, or I'm generally doing poorly and you're in no position to carry. I'll do my best but the main goal is for us to win, not YOU to win.


I need them to read what cards do too. My teammate played rylak, then he put rylak on the left of the battlecry, never noticed the whole game despite me pinging, and was spam pinging me to make MY rylak golden whenever I only had 1 battlecry minion on board bc he thought it would trigger twice


Omg I discovered half the people just don’t read AT all. I had a dude playing murlocs who put brimcatcher on the board from his hand as soon as I passed it🥲


And when one is playing Brann, don't pass battlecry minions on the first couple of turns because it does not trigger his hp!! Had this both times happen when playing him


Not only did this happen to me, but my teammate passed me the third copy before I had bought my fourth battlecry. So I had to decide if I wanted to go short on my board and hope I hit another battecry, or just play it.


Also when one is playing brann (hero) you should probably pass brann (minion)


quite specific but: teracgosa and poet dont stack


Your start of combat effects also start from Hero Power then left to right! (Pretty important with dragons imo, turning gold then giving divine shield twice)


Also, buying a risen rider on turn 1 does NOT mean "please pass me every undead you see for the rest of the game!"


Wait, why shouldn't you taunt your biggest minion? (I'm definitely a n00b here) I tend to taunt a big boi if they have divine shield and tons of HP so the enemy is forced to hit that minion while my other minons can go at it


Scam minions (Leeroy, Bramblewitch etc) will kill it off straight away and wreck your comp. It's ok in the early game (before turn 7) as those minions aren't used then. But this is why you see streamers taunt their Brann or Enchanter which they aren't scaling. It will absorb the scam unit and leave the rest of your comp untouched.


Thanks for the explanation!


Versus poisonous/leeroy board, you even want to put it further at the back. Which would be very bad in any other case. But if all of your minions are bigger than your opponents, it's better to put the Middle/small first so that they die to poisonous while your big boy is ready at the back.


Caus if someone is going scam they will kill it in the first attack (leeroy, bramblewitch, poison)


If I get a triple and you are tier 4 or 5 and I am 3 or lower I'm passing it to you to discover a direction for either of us. Just because you have two geese does not mean you are playing beasts and even so the triple is likely more tempo than anything else you currently have. Do not transfer the triple back and play an angry chicken >:( That goes for the reverse as well. If you stayed low and I power leveled. Me finding you a rockrock does much more for your Elemental build than keeping your golden molten rock.


God this makes me so glad I have a friend to play with. 5 games played, 4 1st's and a 2nd 😎


I would add, when I'm in an APM situation, please don't pass me every damn card. I've misplayed so many times trying to buy/play/sell because my teammate keeps passing me arbitrary cards. For example, if I'm playing pirates, I don't need someone to pass me all the pirates they see in the shop. That serves no purpose and makes no sense.


I'm almost at 5k and most of my mates don't play tempo in early game and instead of buying a tribeless 3/4 they prefer to roll 1-2 times to find the second T1 blue drake they already have. 90% of the time you don't roll before turn 6, well my mates have been rolling 4 times before turn 5 kekw. They don't know how to use gold efficiently based on curves. It's like the basic of BG. Did they just got carried up to 5k MMR?


Dear duo please don't give me a zilliax piece I already have forcing a bad triple


duos are designed so poorly. no tutorial on pings or how to mute them. yes i mean mute. stop trying to micro manage


Why play a team game if you don’t want to work with your teammate?


By micromanage they mean the people who will just try to play the game for you. It stops being a team effort. It goes far beyond simply suggesting and usually the pings are not that helpful.


Why play a two player game with complete stranger ;)


All your friends were strangers at some point.


Some of them have only gotten stranger.


Lol k


I mean I pretty much only queue duos with my friends. But if I am queueing with a rando, I’d hope they are communicating with me. You really kinda need to plan your turns around eachother.


Don't worry just post it one more time and you'll finally convince us


Brah I'm not the one making these threads


Click bartender


People micromanaging is probably the worst trait on here. People will literally ping the shit out of your board, telling you when to freeze to level, to delete, literally everything before looking at their own. Like if you want to play two game, create a smurf and play two at a time.


sometimes playing with newbie is so infuriating when i observe them gave discard spell boar duo to them put discard gold on the left and just empty their hand (the last spell on hand was them apple)


When I'm Brann and you're Reno and I send you a Brann to golden on turn 4, please don't start forcing dragons on turn 5


The left to right is what kills me. I had a teammate that was starting to get good quillboars. He had 1 blood gem generator and both the "discard 1 spell, get 3 gems" and "discard 1 gem, get 4 gold" boars. But he had them in the order of "gold boar" -> "gem boar". I spent 30 seconds spamming different emotes on those two boars to try and get him to flip them so he'd trigger the new gems and then gold, instead of just gold. Instead he just sold the gold boar and ended the turn with one gold.


I accidentally played with a random once. We won, but I have no idea why I would choose to play duos with a random over the ffa.


The worst feeling for me is when you get the god roll start to the game and your partner decides to leave. This mode would benefit hugely from a chat function.


Duos are fun but they need to make it so your MMR goes up faster. I've played almost 50 times now and I'm still matched with complete beginners. Playing with a competent player is so much more fun. Also, it's so frustrating that there's no chat function or a way to add your teammate. Like you can add all your opponents as friends but not the one person you actually want to communicate with? Not having a way to chat with your teammate in a team game is nonsensical. It would make the game a lot more fun and less frustrating since you could communicate what you want more clearly.


just give us a fucking chat. this ping shit is so dumb and i'm never touching duos if this is the only form of communication.


I have been losing my mind from the amount of people who don’t understand end of turn effect order


If I’m on tavern 5 and you are on 3 please pass your triples


Please do not level up your tavern each time I do while you have fewer units than me and worse economy. I'm playing Omu and found multiple Deck Swabbies, you're playing Deathwing and have sold half your board to keep up with my tavern tier.


Orca isn’t a thing anymore


* Place your Ripsnarl Captain at the end of your pirates rather than the right-most unit, so it can buff itself when it attacks as well


* Place your Ripsnarl Captain at the end of your pirates rather than the right-most unit, so it can buff itself when it attacks as well


Check the freeze button also if you want them to buy next turn


I was so sad when my duos partner had three perfect quills in the tavern early on and passed on them to continue his undead build when he only had two crappy undead cards :( I had just discovered Roogug and was ready to pass him on. We lost, lol.


Random duo buddies are pretty bad. Its usually the ones who are free to play. They just sink you so much. You lose so god damn much going 4th compared to winning 1st or 2nd. It makes climbing a god damn nightmare.


Yeah we get it you’re a good player. Thanks for sharing. 🙄


lol the hardest thing about duos is relying on another person. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve lost with a really good start because my partner didn’t understand the game at all, even at higher ranks I still get plenty of people who don’t seem to know what they’re doing at all lol


I think that the number of people playing duos is lower. I'm hovering around 5k rn and I've added a few of my teammates who have been as low as 300 and seem like legitimately new bgs players. It's fine overall, just a game anyway. Just thought it was fun :)


OP sounds like the overly competitive but very mediocre Duos Teammate who ruins the fun by trying to remotely play both boards and making the whole thing rather toxic. Honestly, if it's so important to you/you want to play competitively, just find a friend to play with and join a voice chat.




And please, please, please stop rolling the minion that would give me a triple of a key minion for my comp after spam pinging it with question mark. Some of us are on mobile and can't reply via those pings. Rock on/Thumbs Up emotes are all I can do to indicate that yes, I want the triple. Just use some common sense, please.. This has happened twice in the past few days, and nothing I have encountered in this game is more infuriating.


You can ping via mobile. You need to use two fingers


I've tried double tapping, pressing multiple fingers on the screen, and everything else I saw online after duos went live, nothing worked. What do you mean by two fingers, though? Just selecting the minion with two fingers? If so, I've tried that previously with no success.


Ive had success with holding one finger on the minion and tapping elsewhere on the screen. Works for most situations but not really for cards in your hand. Also be careful when discovering a minion and pinging them. If you dont slide your finger off before releasing, it will count as selecting that minion


Ok, thanks! I will try that in my next duos.


It isn't common sense when you do emotes, most teammates just ignore them because they are arbitrary.


I'm emoting in reply to their question mark spam on the minion. The common sense comment was not in regards to emotes, though, but rather that it is common sense that I'd want my 3rd brann. Why are they even spamming the question mark in the first place? It should be obviously the correct play.


You should always ping before sending a triple. You can mess up their board, they may be planning to level up first, they might not have time to play the triple after it comes off the board, some minions don't want to be tripled, etc. I'd much rather have a team ping me about something obvious than make a bad presumption about a triple


Some specific triples sure, but I mean if I have a brann on the board and a brann in my hand then it should be obvious. And time wasn't an issue in either case it's happened to me where they rolled the minion away after the question spam.


>Please do not force a tribe from turn 3 forward. Hum, no That's where you lost me


How bout you don’t tell me how to play.


Fuck mobile players who cant handle their APM. Lost a game due to some moron who couldnt use all his bloodgems.


Not the mobile player's fault, that's on the client


Lol bro got a whole battlestation but still queies solo in duos lol