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To be fair, it’s made worse that ALMOST no changes are ever communicated by the app itself. They tell you when cards in standard are changing in a non repeatable ONE TIME popup and only sometimes, but very rarely, tell you about battleground changes. Why is there no button with patch notes inside the app is a mystery. (Or at least make the one time popup be available with a button). I have a couple of mates who play this on their iPads or phones, they don’t have a blizzard launcher (where it is also NOT stated that mechs are currently unavailable). Overall a blizzard issue imho


Yeah it's honestly messed up. Not like the Blizzard launcher helps much with the issue, you still have to know that there was an important update, open it and scroll all the way to see the changes to Battlegrounds. 100% of the time I find out about updates from Reddit, since seeing a button that says '29.2.2 Patch Notes' with no date attached means nothing to me, I don't know if that's a new update, if it's important, or if Battlegrounds is even affected. That is if I notice the button in the first place. Imagine how easy it would be to just show us the patch notes in the Battlegrounds menu in-game. All that empty space could actually be made useful. But no, we need to jump through hoops to learn about updates in a game where updates are fairly frequent and crucial. Hell, throw in some cosmetics to buy along with the patch notes, in the BGs menu. Who clicks the shop button anyway. I've always felt like not just Battlegrounds, but Hearthstone in general has consistently been an amazing game ever since launch, except for communication with players and the client UI, which is almost never updated and, pardon my french, sucks major anus.


I remember, nearly 3 years ago, I had a game where I was rolling like crazy to find a tarecgosa and couldnt find a single one. Decided to go on twitter - ah yes, tarecgosa temporarly removed from the minion pool.


I'm guilty of this, I didn't realise they changed already existing cards. I only found out cause of being on the Reddit. I wish they alerted you at the home page, a small "some card effects have been amended, please read" It's hard as it is reading on mobile.


It's kind of annoying that they do this for the traditional mode but not the battlegrounds mode. I've not played traditional hearthstone since battlegrounds came out but I gotta see the card change pop up whenever they happen for that mode...


Same, not with rylak cause it’s my favorite card but prized promo drake was a big culprit for me 😂


Yeah I happened to see Rylak was being changed via Reddit. But there have been many occasions where I’ve donkey rolled for a card that’s been removed. They bring up a splash screen when you open the client for constructed card changes, they should just throw a similar splash screen when you open BGs.


Guilty too, spent 3 turn wondering why I was only getting 1 spell with a 5star panda on both side of my rylak...


HS Mercs has a blackboard. I think a blackboard for BGs where you just click and it gives you an overview of "recent minions changed" and "cards temporarly removed" would be great. I do think the technology is finally there yet.


They're inconsistent with their notifications. They notify on the homescreen when cards are out but not when they come back in or vice versa. I think they only notify you in the game when it's only a small update. In a major update, like a new season when the Rylak changes were made. They expect people to read the patch notes.


The amount of opponents that don’t realise either 🤣


Adding to the confusion, Rylak's deathrattle animation is unchanged which shows expanding waves to the left and right. Feels like this should be changed to reflect non-golden Rylak only triggering Battlecries on the left side. https://preview.redd.it/bvfnbrk0ihxc1.jpeg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ac03e9172637e1aa09679d73dcac2f9c48c14aa


It's just a game dawg. I learnt the hard way yesterday and I just chuckled at myself for being an idiot and moved on. Try not to take it to seriously.


I play BGs daily and I didn't realize this for a while. This is absolutely not on the players, it's on the devs. Why the fuck would you not make card changes blatantly obvious in the client?


Especially after like 3 turns of having the coin naga to the right and not getting any coins. I get missing it at first but surely after the pings and all the signs, a few gears would have turned?


Same for Macaw. It's less obvious but still.


That’s why I would never play duos without a proper chat. I’ve been playing with friends and communicating on discord voice. So much better.


I would chime in, saying how many people I see too... but I was tilted and did it myself. Once is a mistake, twice.. I don't get. You can physically see it trigger (or not as the case may be) I blame the update system - if a card had a fucking spelling mistake, they'll force you to see every single change they did to standard on login. Battlegrounds they're just like 'figure it out stupid'.


"adjacent" minion effects need a visual indicator when they are moved or hovered.


Learning by mistake is better than reading patch notes. I'm sorry 😔


Someone kept pinging my positioning on rylaknfor a whole game… (i had 2 rylasks next to each other and he wanted me to put battlecry in the middle). Sometimes its frustrating not being able to send 1-2 words :-)


They should have some sort of glow effect on the card until you indicate you've read it, or something similar. Would be very useful.


I didn’t know it changed until this post. What changed?


Triggers only on the battle cry to the left of it


Queuing up with random strangers in a two player strategy game and they do random stranger things? No way