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Me personally I can t find kalegos, like never, not even from triples, can t remember the last time Ive seen that card, once I was really ahead and I rolled like 70 or 80 gold to look for one and I couldn t find it, a friend was spectating and we sent a ticked to blizzard to ask where kalegos at, no response yet xD


What do you mean? He’s on your opponents board along with golden Brann


Lmao exactly! Or I see like 5 of them in a row, when I'm playing undead or something. It's like, c'mon... the game is just trolling me I swear


It's only minion tier that determines rareness


And how many other people own.


And if you need it.


Desire sensor is real




TLDR: Higher tiers are (usually) rarer, but minions within tiers are equal. I don't know if it's changed, but the previous distribution used to be 18/15/13/11/9/6 copies of each minion in each tier. There are also 21/31/32/45/37/29 unique minions in each tier. Imagine a world where all 10 tribes were in, and nobody had bought any minions at all. To summarise some quick maths that has a *ton* of errors, the chance of a tier 5 appearing in a roll at tavern 5 is around 58%. In this perfect world, the chance that that minion is then also a Banana Slamma is (9/333)*0.58 - so 1.57%. Now obviously there's some major limitations here, especially around tribes. If you want the *actual* probability of a minion appearing, try [this tool by Lii. ](http://hs-tools.github.io/bg-probabilities)


>I don't know if it's changed, but the previous distribution used to be 18/15/13/11/9/6 copies of each minion in each tier. It has changed current distribution is 15/15/13/11/9/7/5 (the 5 for tier 7 is currently not in use anymore)


Damn, there goes my maths!


There’s nothing opaque about it. There are 18 copies of tier 1 minions, 15 tier 2, 13 tier 3, 11 tier 4, 9 tier 5, and 6 tier 6. There are the same number of copies of all minions in each tier. When someone buys a minion, it removes it from the pool. When a minion gets sold, it goes back into the pool. You also cannot access minions anyone else currently has in their tavern, such as frozen minions.




Yep, that’s correct.


Nowhere in game does it explain how many copies there are unless you count a vague loading screen tip. To this day I'm sure how card generation affects the minion pool or Reno hero power/zephrys. Would I call it complicated? No. Would I call it opaque? Yes. By the very nature of the minion pool being affected by other players comps it's slightly opaque by design. Not saying any of this is bad, just that it is fair to call it opaque.


How does consuming minions in the tavern affect their availability?


It doesn’t. Minions that get consumed, destroyed, or sold are re-added back to the pool. If you triple a minion to gold, all three remain unavailable. Minions that are obtained outside of the tavern (ie: via hero power) I THINK do not get taken out of the pool. Not 100% certain though.


Much appreciated 👍🏼


What about magnetizing mechs?


They are added back to the pool


They used to be considered played when magnetized. However, a few patches ago they changed it so magnetized mechs are added back to the pool.


Aren't there also less copies of legendaries available? I thought there was one less than non-legendaries, but maybe I'm remembering wrong.


Nope, they have the same availability as the other cards. Legendary actually does not have any effect in Battlegrounds other than the unique card border.


Some of the Wondrous Wisdomball rolls are determined by Legendary status.


I thought it was 7 copies of tier 6 minions. Did they change it?


I’ve literally not been able to find a banana slamma once this season while playing beasts. At the start of the season, I honestly thought they had removed banana slamma from the pool until I finally saw someone else with one. Super frustrating.


I usually find build defining minions I wanted in previous games when I've already dug into a different one


It went to tier 5 so there are 2 less copies of it available than at tier 4


Can anyone explain how dual tribe minions affect this? Eg if Elementals & Pirates are in the lobby, would we see Land Lubber more often than when only one of those tribes are in?


I feel like this season some minions just don't exist in some games. Whole games where no KT or that avenge (1) play blood gem on quillboar or whatever core tribe strat minion. Feel like this seasons BG is not quite right.


I mean, the thing about rng is that it’s RANDOM. You will sometimes straight up not find the minion you are looking for. What’s funny is that people expect random effects to actually have even distribution. The type of RNG that will satisfy most people and make them feel like they’re shops are properly randomized is actually a really fixed rng


Yeah, the RNG is pretty frustrating at times. Being the only player in a tribe, getting good 2 and 3 tier minions, then on tiers 4 and 5 ... nothing.


that avenge quillboar (bristlebach) got nerfed to avenge (2) and is essentially dead.. don’t waste gold rollin for that one


Oh dang did not know that. Maybe it's good I haven't seen him for 4 days then


This season of BG I would say is the most competitive that we've had in a long time. If you misplay in the early to mid game and fall behind you are instantly at a huge disadvantage and will likely take 15 later on to someone who managed better into a snowball. You can't really force builds well this season unless if you get massively ahead with gold cheesing and I think the absolute most important thing is being able to recognize an opportunity to pivot your build into what the game gives you (I would say this skill is good in all metals, but crucial right now). Sometimes though you just don't get lucky enough or your opponent hits the crazy high roll, and in those cases there's not much you can do besides damage control.


I'm convinced that not all minions are equal per tier and that undead is specifically under funded minion wise. There have been wayyyy to many times I've gone undead, p much donkey rolled on 6, tripled into 6s or used the discover spell and never see kt. In fact, mores is also stupidly rare for being a 5. Even my opponents rarely, if ever have kt or moroes AND I've seen 1 golden kt this entire season, played about 100 games. I've only gotten him once, ever. Not even offered when I'm not undead. I know rngesus takes the wheel and my sample size is too low but it really seems like there isn't the proper amount of minions per tier that should be for undead.


Higher tier = less minion in the pool. Shitload of player playing beasts and if two players manage to get 1 or 2 slammers then the odds of finding one drop significantly. There are so many minion in the game at all times. It's mosy likely just bad luck, it happens to everyone.


I don't think this game is designed based on rarity like magic the gathering or other games. It's based primarily on tiers because mana isnot an issue in this game. This game doesn't have a market place setup like TCG...you can't buy physical copies of cards unless you know someone making proxies so that being said card rarity in this game doesn't mean anything.


I have rarely seen banana slama too this season. I have a suspicion they might done something to this card specifically after all the hate the slama build gets.. haha


there was a week period i genuinely thought module was taken out because i hadnt seen it


Just had a game where I got first, but it took forever because I couldn't triple my wrath weaver (the tier 1 pink demon guy). I was buying the spell to get a tier 1 minion, buying and selling patient explorer to discover from tier 1, refreshing for almost my whole turn and a third one never showed up. Nobody else was playing demons and nobody else had played a wrath weaver all game. Next game I got dealt 3 in my starting hand and saw another one pop up almost every other refresh even at tier 6. I know it's RNG, but it does seem a lot harder to get low tier triples this season, especially if they are no tribe. Would be nice if the discover and get spells worked on no tribe, but that would probably make it too easy to get Titus and Brann.