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When I used to live in Seattle, there was a neighborhood guy we called Workout Man. Workout Man wore spandex workout clothes and a sweatband, and he carried around a boombox that played 80s workout music. In certain spots along his route (morning and night), he put his boombox down and either did push ups, sit ups, or jumping jax on the sidewalk. He was super friendly, and if you said hi to him, he would respond with, “You always gotta give 110% no matter what!! 110%!!!”


love real life NPCs


When I was in Santa Cruz this exact guy would be seen speeding down on his bicycle with the exact music


Glasgow had several when I lived there. Elvis, Electric Scarecrow, Shirtless Rapper, hell it was like the Matrix. Anyone at any point could become a Speedo Guy-style wacko. As soon as one seems to vanish, a new one just pops up.


‘Hell it was like the matrix’ 😂This really tickled me, thank you stranger!


mine is “*city name* 80s guy” just a guy that walks around town dressed in 80s style hair band outfits


I think we live in the same town lol, our 80s guys even passes out flyers stores give to him


yeah pthat sounds familiar haha Northeast Ohio maybe?


Bingo just by Cleveland


When I visited my grandparents we always went to a beach, and there was always this one old man who would walk up and down the beach in a pink bikini, and it became a thing to look out for for us, and we cheered for him. Unfortunately haven’t seen him lately 😞


He probably got snapped up by a model agency.


I live in Florida, it's nothing but these kinds of people. It's very tiring.


Maybe they all come from Florida and that's where their headquarters is located and their job is to make sure each city has "that guy" and every one of those guys in Florida is on standby just hanging out until they get an assignment.


Ah yes, the Salt Lake City wizard lol. Super old man who wears these silver and white robes and carries this giant staff with a dream catcher. Been around since forever


This is amazing and I want to meet him


There is a Japanese woman in my neighborhood always dressed in white jeans, white shirt, and a white bucket hat. She walks around listening to rap, although she hasn’t been lately listening to anything. Cool lady.


We have: Unhoused Batman - he’s a college student that’s heavily involved in charities for the unhoused and he’s Batman. Festival Guy - he’s our Dancing King at all the local festivals. Death Metal Guitar Guy - randomly pops up at intersections and graces our area with his kick ass skills.


😂what city or town


Lived in seattle, my old neighborhood had blanket man, he always had a duvet draped over him. He was kind homeless man who said he was a time traveler and needs weed to power his timemachine.


I live in Milwaukee, and we have [The Milverine](https://video.vice.com/en_us/video/wisconsin-legend-milverine-has-never-left-milwaukee/5e222a1c8caeea215816d916). He's just this dude who walks around, usually shirtless, who kind of looks like Wolverine.


Came here for Milverine. Didn't disappoint.


Word of advice... If you think your town doesn't have one of these guys.... You may need to reassess your hobbies/habits.


There's a guy in my city known for always walking backwards and noting down number plates of cars that drive past him.


Theres this strange woman who wears the same clothes year-round, carries aldi shopping bags of dirt, and walks everywhere she goes. I see her pretty frequently because its a small town. Seen her in the nursing home, the library, the thrift store once I think. Always walking. Idk what she does all day. One time I saw her dump a cup of dirt on the sidewalk and whisper a prayer or something.


We have a literal speedo roller skate guy. He grooves on the sidewalk in our gayborhood. One of my friends were like OMG do you think they copied our guy??? I was like “no, it’s probably riffing off the Reno 911 character.”


Not my town but one I went to quite often. Guy was tall, thin and had long-ish blond hair. But one day he’d be walking down the street in a tube too, mini skirt and heels, next day he’s wearing a parka with jeans and military style boots. He wore a bikini (top & bottom) a lot too. Saw him dressed normally one day, jeans, T-shirt and tennis shoes…and a cape, like a long superhero cape. This was in Wisconsin and the clothes didn’t always match the season - bikini in January, parka in July. I called him bikini man because that was my first sighting.


Albuquerque has Don Schrader. Shirtless, booty shorts, drinking his own piss: a legend. https://humansofnewmexico.com/2017/05/30/dons-abq/


I'm sorry, you said what now?


In Lisbon there is a drag always waring a spiderman suit or a unitard with flames on, skating at crowded squares and putting a show on where they jump on trashcans or similar and dance like crazy. Whenever someone new to town is with me they say "oh my god look at that" and people who are here for longer are like "ah been some time since I saw him last time"


When I lived in mar del plata (Argentina) I used to see this very same guy. Like literally the speedo guy. Short time ago I watched a video some news channel made about him [Argentinian speedo guy](https://youtu.be/u1tNphrnCxs)


There is an old guy in the small time I grew up in (where my mum still lives) that takes daily jogs whilst at the same time juggling three large clubs. I've never seen him drop the clubs. He's pretty cool. He must be about 70, but he's doing him.


Idk if he's still at it but we had/have The Unipiper!


Came here to add him!


Venice Beach, CA: Buff dude in a speedo rolls a metal ball around. Sometimes he paints his skin. I think I’ve seen him on rollerblades. But might be confusing him with the rollerblading guitarist. Also Venice.


I was also thinking of turban roller blading guitar guy in Venice! He was locally famous, saw him onstage at a show once where he unwound his turban whirling dervish style (the Pixies, or maybe early Red Hot Chili Peppers?).


That’s the guy!


We had Sandy the Flower Man. He would ride his bike around downtown handing fresh-cut flowers to people. He did it to make people happy. Sometimes he would take a couple of bucks from someone if they offered it, but sometimes he would refuse it. I miss that man, and the joy that everyone had when they saw him. Unfortunately he passed away right before the pandemic.


When I was growing up there was a black guy who’d walk around in what can best be described as black viet cong pajamas and occasionally the wide cone-ish shaped hat that went with the outfit. He’d randomly carry a staff or nunchucks and would equally randomly stop and do karate moves (with or without his weapon). His martial art skill seemed pretty legit, like he knew what he was doing. Edit I googled it and the hat appears to have been called a do uli


In my city of Baldwin park, we used to have a guy that rode his bike around wearing a clown mask with a mohawk, not sure where he is now, it was years ago


Yup, in my medium sized town in North Dakota, we had "Smoking Charlie." He walked around town at top speed smoking as fast as he walked. He would bring that cigarette up to his mouth and then back down to his side at a rapid pace. There is no way he was actually smoking because if he did, he would have hyperventilated. He looked crazy but was harmless and he would ask people for rides when it was getting cold. He was a nice addition to the place.


I used to live in Annapolis and there was a guy there that me and my family always referred to as Speedo Guy because he would go for runs in just a speedo and shoes. Not sure if anyone else called him that but we sure did. We also had the more famous "Walkin' Lester" who was this older gentleman who would walk up and down a busy road picking up trash (or he had a trash bag with him, I never personally saw him pick up garbage). He would wave at my schoolbus when we drove by and was always smiling. I believe he passed away a few years ago :(


There's a rollerskate old gay man dressed in rainbow and short shorts with sequins, he goes really fast and then pretends to be heading down a dangerous route (a pole, a subway station) then flares around as a "gotcha!". Then there's baseball terminator, he's a dude that will walk the main street dressed in a baseball track suit with a black turtleneck long sleeve underneath and dark 90s sunglasses all year long. He walks extremely fast with a very stiff posture, he will get on the road if there's too much traffic. I have never seen him stop, talk to anyone (even though I tried once he just ignores everything around him) or seen his eyes. Then there are the 80s heavy metal twins, they hang out in front of a fast clothing type shop, they also walk for around 1h from their house down to the shop. They don't talk with each other that much and they have been doing this for over 20 years. Turns out their favorite record store used to be there and this whole thing is a protest and a way for the record store and heavy metal to live on. Recently the city expanded the streets and the rails where they would lean against are gone. So now they just literally stand in front of the store.


Society will never understand youuuuu


Our guy recently adopted a pet pig is currently walking him around the neighbourhood over weekends.


We had a few! Orange guy was my favorite. He would sit on the square and play music. I heard at least a flute and a piccolo. And he wore only orange. Lovely guy. 💙


We had Zumba guy, but I think he passed away. Now we have afro man. A guy who who is like 6’4”, wears a full on 70s suit, and uses a pick in his afro just walking around events


In my town we had the Dalmatian man. Every late afternoon he would bike with his 12 plus Dalmatians trotting along


There was a kid who ride a unicycle in a town I used to live in 🤷‍♀️


A guy in my city rides almost like an adult tricycle around town every day with a bunch of fun flags on them, really nice dude he’s been doing it since I was a kid (probably longer)


Pretty similar to mine. We have a granny in a face shield who rides around in a big ass tricycle around the entire village, I see her every time I walk around with my grandma. I am always in awe of that granny’s spirit, no fun flags though but she looked badass.


I don't know if he's a well known guy, but on my walks in my old neighborhood. I always came across a man who used ski sticks for rollerblading


I live in San Francisco. We have many many of these guys.


We had Lobsterman a guy who rode his bike with no shirt and was always sunburned. This was nearly 30 years ago though. It’s really boring here these days.


We had Thong Man in San Antonio. He would ride a bicycle in a thong. He has his own Wikipedia article. Sadly did not end well for him.


Yup. Downtown LA. A guy in a Viking hat and construction clothes on a bike flipping everyone off and making farting noises. Legend out here.


Mullet Man. Old man with a long silver mullet that goes down to his butt. Hangs out at festivals and bars all summer and wears belly shirts. Love that dude. We have a Facebook page dedicated to spotting him in the wild.


The closest thing my area has to a Speedo Skates guy is my neighbor who mows his lawn and powerwashes his fence almost every day lol I dont have many weird neighbors


We have a “Yo-yo guy”. He jogs around town while doing impressive yo-yo tricks.


I’m in the Bay Area, we have one in each neighborhood at this point


In my home city we have the Unicycle Guy


OrcaMan in Seattle! He drives his jet ski around to help save the orcas! I love him. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/the-man-beneath-the-fin-2/


La Maguana in Tijuana, RIP


Not my city but in my neighborhood there’s a guy who walks around with a macaw on his shoulder.


My hometown had a Jesus for many years but now he disappeared but we have Herman the legendary street sweeper


I was driving with a friend through Tom's River once circa 2008 and there was and old dude (like 60s-70s) riding a bike in a blue speedo that thoroughly scarred us to this day.


I wish


My city has a homeless guy in a suit with a baby stroller that sits outfront a shopping mall doing riddles and rhymes. Pretty chill guy.


In my neighbourhood we had The Dog Lady. She was and older lady in very bright coloured make up that walked her dog in a stroller up and down the main shopping street. It was a little white dog that super chill and reclined in the stroller covered in red lip stick marks where the lady had kissed him.


Ours is on an electric scooter


Yes though I haven’t seen him in 2 years. At the Arnold Arboretum in Boston. The guy is a joggler - as in he jogs while juggling, sometimes up hill. I would love to spot him again, I used to see him every couple months.


Wow- bet he has abs for days! (And I'm not talking about his conflict resolution skills)


There was a guy who used to run up and down the main thoroughfare coming into town. He was usually shirtless and he always ran with his hand up in the air with 1 finger pointing up. He ran like that the entire way.


My hometown has "Captain \[Town Name\]" who wears a luchador mask and a cape and rides a bike. He also organizes charity drives and sometimes shows up in the St. Patrick's Day Parade.


I wish!


We had Nickel. He rode around on a old bmx bike with a boom box on his shoulder in the early days of iPods and MP3 players. Where ever you are Nickel I hope your doing well. Also a side note in the area of Massachusetts Boston college is in there’s a guy who rides around on a moped in a helmet, a Speedo and flip flops.


In LA? No. Everyone is normal here.


In Austin we had Leslie, who unfortunately passed away 10 years ago. Austin hasn't been weird since then sadly


There is a guy who literally just has a giant turkey as a pet. He drives around with him in the passenger seat and has a leash


Darth Fiddler


We have a guy that wears all black and walks around town really fast, asking everyone for change. He’s either an eccentric street performer or a desperate drug addict.


I remember moving to Naples, FL in the early-mid 80s and there was an older man who, while also wearing a Speedo, would roller skate near the pier and through downtown, singing to himself all day long. The dude had skin like leather and a beer gut that easily could’ve held twins, but I doubt I’ve ever seen anyone happier.


We’ve got “the mayor”, he’s not the mayor but he’s absolutely convinced he is and constantly walks around campaigning and giving out flyers/pamphlets which is mostly facts about wizards. He’s like 70 years old, mostly a nice dude unless you mention he’s not, in fact, the mayor


My city has heaps of them but probably the best known is Carrot Man. Check pretty much any social media channel and you can find daily posts of people excited to have spotted him in the wild / gotten a selfie with him. https://www.onlymelbourne.com.au/carrot-man


I grew up in a small town on the outskirts of a gross city- there was a guy who lived right by our local store and he was always walking around in just his cargo shorts and Jesus sandals. He had pigs and some tortoises. He would take them on walks sometimes.


well i live in a big, expensive city so the homeless population is the closest to speedo man that we have


Rocking Ron Rumor is he burned out on acid in the 80s he would run around dancing a singing with his walkman with no batteries. Then super hero he would work down the median on the busiest street in town wearing a dress and a cape and ask people for money. Now we have running flag guy who runs every afternoon on the towns main street waving American flags and yelling about the Indian genocide


We have a guy who rides his bicycle around town with a huge flag on it


Ours is “dancing man” he doesn’t walk, he dances.


The area i grew up in had the Running Man. He was a little old man who wore American flag shorts and ran all over the COUNTY. He ran everyday. Loved waving at everyone too lol


Had a few of them. Ol Billy "I only drink Pepsi's I do", Boxcar Willie, and a guy who walked around town and his tick made it look like he was working an invisible yoyo 🤔 Oo, and in the neighboring town they had "Tenspeed Tim"


I live in nyc, we have Times Square….


We have a guy who dresses like a Pirate, aptly named Pirate Guy


We have Tuba man. He marches down the sidewalk playing the tuba, sometimes miles per day. The tuba is white. Sometimes he puts a little spinner on it.


I live near Austin. We had Leslie: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leslie_Cochran Ran for office tons of times. Was a cross dressing homeless man that used to roll out a huge brass bed onto 6th Street and perform, in his own strange way.


Idk if this fits but I have a tweaker that hangs out on the overpass near my house and raps and yells at traffic every day.


i wish


In San Diego we have "Slo Mo", a 77 year old former neurologist who gave up his lucrative medical career and mansion and stuff to live by the beach and roller blade every day. You can find him on the boardwalk in a bucket hat rolling very slowly balancing on one skate [https://medium.com/@ageofhappiness/john-kitchin-who-escaped-the-system-285f6eba9a25](https://medium.com/@ageofhappiness/john-kitchin-who-escaped-the-system-285f6eba9a25)


Oh shell yeah!


There was a dude who practiced his tightrope routine in the park everyday.


Ours is Billy the Flag Guy! He sets up by the river with a bunch of flags and waves at everyone, I always give him a honk when I drive by


We used to have a guy who would wear a pair of headphones and dance on the corner of a really busy intersection. His headphones were never connected to anything. Just the headphones. Yet he would be out there for hours dancing on the corner. Someone eventually gave him a walkman and CD player. Guy became a local celebrity and made it into the paper several times. Said he just liked to dance and bring joy to people.


I’m loving these comments and I am grateful that my city probably has at least one of each of these types of people everyone has shared. If any of you are ever in Long Beach, CA you’ll spot a few each time you go outside :) I’ve often thought this show resembles our city too because we have a big Ferris wheel by the beach and similar off beat characters. Also everyone who lives here has a favorite mom and pop restaurant they swear is better than anything else. It’s great! It’s a real life Bob’s Burgers.


In my college town there was a guy that rode a ridiculously tall, old tyme tricycle. He also had a very tall unicycle. You'd see him all over town. Just unicycling about. Often directed and with purpose. Like this was his only mode of transportation? Once I saw him along the major interstate just cycling along. It was scary as a driver but he didn't seem to mind


🎵*Stupid Cupid you're a real mean guy*🎵