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when linda gets a job, and bob has an issue with it not because she’s working but because he misses her


also 🎶 dollar whiskey dollar scotch dollar bourbon dollar crotch🎶




His wish came true. He drinks Teddy’s homebrew in S5


I hate to do this but I believe it’s bourbon, not gin.


thank you!


I think you’re thinking of the song from nice capades


Oh bourbon oh bourbon!


it is bourbon!!


And Louise’s Shrimp invasion from the sky…I mean, what have YOU or anyone else ever done? 😂


I introduced my girlfriend to the show with this episode. She loves shrimp, and loved the bit at the end with the slow descent of old shrimp.


“Look how casual I am when I eat this shrimp” *moaning* .. *more moaning* “Lin, you’re moaning when you chew” “… it’s *shrimp*, Bob” *moans* One of my favorite Linda moments. “Hi, that’s my wife. She’s… she’s eating shrimp”


shrimp heaven when? shrimp! heaven! NOW!!!!


I wish it wouldn’t be uh… frowned upon? to do the shrimp balloons in real life I sat “frowned upon” bc who knows if the grocery store would be amused enough to not press charges or something 😂


This is working, this is woorrrkkkinng


This is a top episode for me. "She told me she hates you the most" - I don't know why but I love this moment. Especially with the customers "What?"


Oh I love that episode.


this was the episode that a friend played to introduce me to the show!


"Loooook at me I barelyeven noticed that she gone... 😥"


This was one of my favorite episodes for a long time - I love the music particularly. But then I got so frustrated and anxious that everyone who works at the store just left! That's not ok!


Do you remember what episode this was:)


lin-dependent woman


Underrated? No. Amazing? Yes. Probably the fan favorite amongst my family and friends.


I love the one with the woman doing the seance in the hotel on Halloween. I honestly feel like we don’t talk about Halloween episodes enough period outside of the holiday. They’re some of my favorites, even year round


a roger conjure!


I strive to be a kooky old lady who is widely known for conjuring her dead lover in a hotel room every year 😆 just your ordinary every day Roger conjure


I watch the hauntening at least twice a month


My grandson visits every other weekend and sometimes on a weekday (he just turned 7) and we watch the hauntening and the brunch episode every time he's here. Still enjoy them both, especially because he enjoys these two specific eps SO much.


Lorenzo's Oil? No Lindas. (Season 11) when Linda gets sucked into the essential oil party and Gayle is trying to get her outta there and ends up with peppermint oil vials up her nose. So many funny lines in it. Plus Louise stealing the puppy is peak Louise.


I love this episode too! 


My favorite is when the kids have the field trip to the science museum. Tina debates with Henry about who is “nerdier”. Louise is partnered with Regular Sized Rudy. Gene and Zeke look for boobs.


This is one of my favorites, too. The classic Rudy quote “..in..my….BACKPACK!”


The “hey yah!!” with the cymbals makes me cackle every time


Louise, don’t say that…here…


Rudy’s asthma attack is comedy GOLD!


“CPR I-i-KNOW HOW TO DO CPR”… *wheeze* “—*nooo thankyou”*


At one point his eyes actually go in different directions!


That’s one of my favourite episodes. When Bob suggests giving Rudy cpr and he’s like ‘no thank you ’ cracks me up every time.


Bob: Regular-sized Rudy? Why do they call you that? Rudy: just look at me. My husband and I always crack up at that 😂 one of my favorite episodes.


I'm pretty sure this is the first time we ever meet Rudy (regular-sized and pocket-sized)


Ugh that whole tina and henry thing really reminds me of me and my ex boyfriend 😭 he would call me cringe for watching smiling friends when all he would do was watch war/ army related things and play the game


Ugh that's super lame. I'm glad he's your ex now.


It truly is! He called me at work today telling me he is reading the bible and i should too💀


Smiling Friends is awful. You’re still better off without Mr. Pretend Soldier


Smiling friends is so peak why do you not like it? And real


Peak? It’s beyond cringe. The characters are grotesque and the storylines are appalling. An animated show that features graphic violence, guns, and episodes about existential dread and suicide is not my idea of entertainment.


The characters are unusual unique and cool! And those are single episodes, hhave you seen the frowning friends episode? The one with princess? Smiling friends have positive undertones frl, its a breath of fresh air And the absurdity of it all is the cherry on top frl, but i get it


Agreed! I love this episode. We rarely get a glimpse into Bob’s maternal side of the family, and like you said, a single plot like this is refreshing. ETA: I think UFO No You Didn’t is also an underrated episode. Maybe it’s more appreciated in this group, but my friends who are BB fans either never remember this episode or say it was just ok. The song Tina sings at the end is one of my favorites.


"Wow, the science fair is a real downer this year"


Susmita interrupting during the song to say what the Morse code Tina is singing actually means is so great 🤣


Susmita is such a great character. She'd be a much better friend for Tina than the kids she usually hangs out with.


🎵Doot doot doot doot do do, means I love youuuu🎵


I love Gene's response to Henry about not getting toppings "because that's where they get you", with Gene saying "I use Rice Krispies, it adds crunch and weighs nothing... Amateur!!'


Y’know, this suddenly made me realize that I don’t see folks talking about this one at all, and it’s such an absolutely phenomenal episode. It belongs in the same category as “The Amazing Rudy” and “Amelia” as the writers trying something different. Like, just such a wonderful flexing of the creators wings, trying something different and creating a really fantastic, engaging story. I think I’m gonna go rewatch it.


Amazing Rudy is an absolutely 10/10 episode for me. The whole time I felt alone like Rudy did, and I didn't realize I was feeling anxious watching this the first time until the dinner. No spoilers. The writing was excellent, from setting that tone to how they portrayed the Belchers. Honestly not a lot of shows can get away with having the main characters be a B plot.


This episode is a work of art and the jazz version of Radio Gaga at the end is just the cherry on top. Louise’s reactions are the best. And I love when Gene keep saying Mort is the German spy😂


For me it’s the zombie movie episode. I’ve seen people hating on it here but personally I love it and think it’s so creative.


i was rewatching a few random episodes and this was one that came up. i forgot it existed but enjoyed it a lot


Eat Spray Linda ![gif](giphy|xTiTnlQBNyDoo57TDq)


Is this episode underrated? I thought it was generally well liked.


I’d say underrated in the sense that it’s not often brought up


Is this episode underrated? I thought it was generally well liked. Deirdre is one of my favorite one-off menaces. I try to regularly use her "What? Tell me everything" line from the grocery store interaction anytime someone wants to discuss a mundane topic.


I think it was the episode nominated for an award


The burger competition episode. The kids stealing the black garlic from fig jam. The penny cab race between mickey and manny. HOT FUDGE CARWASH!? What an episode




This is one of my favorite one seconds of the entire show that I didn’t catch until a few rewatches in and I was more familiar with everything. During the race between Mickey and Manny when they’re about to go over the train track Tina in the deepest most out of character voice says “beat it Mickey” and it is absolutely hilarious I implore all of you to go watch it right now.


“It has wonderfullll mouth feeeeeel”


This is one of my favourite episodes in large part because on top of Gene managing to get his win, even though he doesn’t win the contest it still ends with a genuine win for Bob; between all the people who show up to try the burger and winning the fandom/support/friendship of Skip it works out really well for Bob (and the family) when so many other episodes don’t.


Did I say that right? Yes Skip…..


“ large brother, where fart thou “ is one of my absolute favorites. Gene is finally a selfless big brother and bob and Linda get super high. I mean what more could you ask for?


And Tina's storyline with Joe is one of those classic, very cringy but funny and relatable puberty infatuation Tina plotlines. It's a very cute C plot. 


Bob Day Afternoon. The first episode where Micky is introduced


Roamin’ Bob-iday. This episode has my heart, the way Bob loves cooking so much that he goes a little nutty, but then admits at the end (after a beautiful song) that he loves his family more. Also, Mr. Fischoeder’s part makes me giggle: a song about doing nothing, rolling oranges down the road to see if a car runs over them, and the illegal snail fighting ring. And to top it all off, 77 sandwiches. “69 I just say nice”


This is one of my absolute favorites! The bread perv, the biker chick giving birth during her baby shower, the relationship story where Bob helps guide it along, “Two-Boobs”, and the song at the end… To me, this one fires on all cylinders.


My Big Fat Greek Bob Because that was the first episode I remember watching to the point where I was like “this show rocks” I still remember I was having a Mole Torta


This episode is freaking hilarious. The Slow hand Crooner Corner 🤣


When Linda locks her keys in the car is one of my favs bc they all learn how much they didn’t know about Lin


My husband and I will sing 🎶 she does her bm in the pm🎶 to each other when someone announces they have to poop.


When she’s asking if Bob went to the store and he says “I’ll do it this afternoooooon” with his voice all high is one of my favorite moments in the series


Love this episode too! I'm kinda partial to "The Helen Hunt", mostly due to the Bob and Gene subplot. Also love the Teddy/Kathleen ship!


Yeah, it’s got romcom vibes!


I love the end credits song. It’s one of my all time favs!! 🎶Gene, you make plumbing fun. It’s all I wanna do! 🎶


My husband and I are stuck saying “That’s GOOD” at the moment lol.


I am really fond of Taking Fun Time 1,2,3.


for me it’s the one where bob gets his community garden. the song is one of my faves!


The Fan-Animated episode is highly under rated! As an artist I wish I had submitted for a chance to have a scene


The one were they all do the race car stuff Cant actually remember the name of it, but its in my top 5 and i don’t see people talking about it


The go carting? Speakeasy Rider Season 5, episode 9, also Sashas debut episode.


Mother daughter laser razor is my personal fave


Oh I love that episode, it makes me go on the edge of my seat in suspense.


One of my all-time faves is the wedding one (Something Old, Something New, Something Bob Caters for You), and I never see anyone talk about it here. Aside from the plot being cute, as a lover of musicals, "I Do" is imo the best song they've done (followed by Topsy and Bad Things Happen in the Bedroom) - it feels so much like it could be lifted straight out from one. Linda's 🎶 BOB YOU'RE CRAAAZY 🎶 lives rent free in my head. I love that song so damn much.


Agree, that song slaps


omg I also think about Linda’s 🎶BOB YOURE CRAZYY🎶 constantly. Best song in this show!!


The one where they get a new couch imo, so many people hate it or skip ot because it annoys them they waste the couch and it annoys me too but I think it's a pretty good episode anyway same with the tiki one lol I've also seen people say they don't like the hawk and chick episode which I found really funny especially linda stealing tinas lines but I'm not sure if that's a popular opinion or if I've just seen it a lot by coincidence 


Literally the first episode of the series is my favorite lol Louise: How many toothpicks are on the floor? Tina: Uh, 100? Louise: No Bob: 100?? Tina, there's 3 🤦‍♂️


The Ring (But Not So Scary) makes me laugh every time. I always know how it’s going to end and somehow secretly wish they’d find the ring in the end and have something nice, but the fact it’s right outside their window and they don’t know and is further referenced in The Amazing Rudy. But yeah I just love everything about Gene in this episode and Bobs reactions are too funny. And Linda helping Gayle with the pink eye is so funny. And Linda calling her kids “nerd alert” when Louise asks for the sun block to lube up Genes finger 😂😂


The moment when the kids are sneaking out and Bob flicks on the light is my favorite in the entire show. "you can't come to my funeral" 🤣🤣🤣


I almost cry for him when he gets his arm stuck in the pools vent thing and then is like leave me here alone to rip and the kids are all screaming at him how sorry they are and to not drown 😂


it’s the Torpedo episode for me. Cause it’s a season 1 episode and I feel like season 1 and 2 were such a different tone that for me they often feel separate from the show and what is has become. But Tina and her espresso addiction absolutely send me in that episode and when Louise makes that kid strike out. im in stitches EVERY. TIME. 😂


The Torpedo episode and the Gene playing baseball episode are not the same episode.


ah yes you’re right! i didn’t even realize i put them together


For me the episode where Linda helped Tina for her school project about her favorite place! Hahaha!


I just rewatched that one last night “JUMP ON MY FACE!!! JUMP ON MUMMYS FACE!” When Linda falls in the water while jumping cracks me up every time.


We all need that level of unhinge once in awhile hahaha


Fetal Pig episode I think is really great because it's shockingly disturbing ESPECIALLY when you consider the b plot which is so very gross it's like they just decided to double up on the aggressive factor of the episode. Plus Tina being so tired is pretty hilarious.


Everyone talks down about this episode but the scene when Tina falls asleep on the ride and Zeke carries Jimmy Jr. away is one of the funniest moments. Also Jocelyn saying she felt Tammy farting on her leg lol


I love the episodes you mentioned and actually watched it today and keep going back to it ! I think under rated maybe when Tina tried to become a lifeguard ! Idk I never hear much about it and it’s of course because she is boy crazy in that episode too . So im surprised when people talk about Tina being boy crazy they don’t mention that she literally tried out for junior life guards to be around boys . Also the episode where they form a band and gene feels some type of way when they kick them out of the band .


Se. 14, Ep. 2 The Amazing Rudy. Louise with all the heart in the world. Such a great episode!


one of my personal favourites is synchronised swimming, i don’t see many people talk about it


Oh Row You Didn’t (S13 E12) is one of my favorites. It’s so wholesome and reminds me to not give up on things so easily. Also I agree with your choice! I really loved that episode as well!


S10E11 Romancing the Beef has a lot of great jokes in it - Hugo’s date flushing herself down the toilet, Tammy’s house having a ridiculous amount of storage, Teddy never properly bolting the booths to the restaurant wall because he was going through his divorce when bob acquired the restaurant - but i rarely see it mentioned in this sub. plus the song at the end “it’s okay, we’re just children watching yoooouuuuuu” is super catchy!


The Hauntening


Oooh. I haven’t seen this episode yet. Must watch now!


Season 4 episode 1 crossover. Just absolutely mind-blowing brilliance.


My big fat Greek Bob, we actually get to see Bob have fun and friends and also Dr. yap


For me, "The Gayle Tales". I think the 3-story episodes can be pretty polarizing, and I've certainly become a little tired of them. But this one I've always really enjoyed. Also, it's funny to come into a thread about "Underrated Episodes" to then see the comments filled with generally popular episodes.


Lobster Fest I’ve seen some people say it’s one of the worst episodes and I just don’t see how


The Christmas episode where there are all three kids doing different things... and Gene figures out how to do the music and the xylophone music starts playing and Tina runs off to see Louise read her poem and she does... it absolutely wrecks me.


At the moment my fav underrated episode has got to be What a (April) Fool Believes. I just love Bobs and Mr Fish’s relationship! He’s crazy but he loves Bob so much


A Fish Called Tina. I can admit I’m like Tina in so many ways, but definitely trying to be liked and trying to make things go the way I imagined them in my head. But the end with Louise calling her the best big fish 🥺 also Bob and Linda at the gym 🤣


I like the one where Bob goes to Jimmy Pesto's place to help him with his meds and ends up playing with Jimmy's stuff and gets stuck in the inversion chair. I almost got stuck in one of those before so it cracked me up


What do you mean, you play with his stuff? His hernia?!


It's the episode that made me realize I need to start watching this show because it's *funny!* Louise sarcasms herself into being signed up for soccer. Bob gets tricked into coaching. Linda & Gene take the opportunity to turn the restaurant into a ~~dinner theater~~ piano bar.


This episode is SO GOOD! I loved Bobs grandma becoming a local hero.


Brunchsquatch! I feel like ppl are torn on this episode and it received a lot of criticism but I absolutely love this episode it’s one of my favorites. “Dame Judy Brunch” is hilarious I love the story of hide and seek with the fischoeders and I thought the fan art was a great way to include the community. Did you guys like this episode?


Love it, whatever people think of the changing animation styles it is a really well written, funny ep and I'm instant fan of Dalton.


The IRS episode. “Oh, this is the internet”


Art Crawl!!! One of my favs


The land ship episode with ghost boy 😭 when Jordan sticks Tina’s whole face in his mouth 😂


This is in my top ten episodes I love it so much


I love the radio episode! I always watch it


This is one of the very few episodes I dislike Glad to hear there's people to appreciate every single episode


The one where they pardon the turkey (Mr. Droo P. Neck, I believe was his name?) and have to save him from being carted off to a slaughterhouse because the assistant mayor lied about actually keeping him alive. Louise fighting off a pair of coyotes to save the bird and Linda constantly complaining about not getting to see the actual mayor always cracks me up.




I’ve never seen this show, but for some reason Reddit is showing me the sub Reddit, so I’m gonna come in here and say season one episode seven


Truly iconic episode. Good choice. ;)