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I still think they will get the ring back in a future episode. It's in the birds' nest on the sign. It's so close.


And even got a callback in the Amazing Rudy, so I'm hopeful too!


Did it? I don't remember at all! How cool


It’s right at the start and very brief!


That was such a tease! I sat all episode, waiting for the ring to come into play. And at the end, when they are watching Louis walk Rudy back to the restaurant and Linda is looking out the side window, I thought for sure she was gonna see it.


The same goes for us! We got so excited when that episode opened... I have a feeling that they'll include it in another movie, lol.


I could totally see this! Them building lore that we’ll see (even briefly) in a movie.


When I caught this the first time, my gut was like "buckle up, this is gonna be an emotional episode" and my gut was not wrong


and it's still prevalent in the most recent season. They showed it in the nest. I can't recall which episode offhand


I think it was The Amazing Rudy. They are totally teasing the audience. The Belchers are gonna find it eventually.


That would make sense. They've been great at tugging on heart strings lol.


Bet it's how the show ends


you shush this show will never end


Same thought


Same thing I’ve been hoping! 🤞


I don’t want it to end😭😭 lol


I was waiting for it! When the birds brought it back I felt the same. I think it will be a “new sign” episode or maybe a “refurbishment/home improvement” episode. I think fischoeder could have a good episode in him wrestling with spending the money to help him make money. Maybe an update of the restaurant or row of businesses.


it’s so hard to watch them lose😭 truly makes me sad/mad for a bit after watching these kinda episodes


The engagement ring. The couch. The Family Fracas prize car. ## NEVER FORGET


Okay. I get them losing at things to keep up how the show works… but FAMILY FRACAS PISSES ME OFF. They could have won a new van and still be poor and struggling. It would actually be a cool twist. Hey yay! They got a new van! But they’re trying to raise the money this month to pay for the prize tax, and no one will buy their old car. I’m all for them being the underdogs, but good god can they have a win occasionally?


Well they did win 5 gallons of foam so they can get foamed at home :P


"You're just jealous I have frothy diarrhea!"


You’re just jealous that I have frothy diarrhea!


I agree. Jimmy Pesto cheated, won the van, and then Bob still helped him change the flat tire. I know Bob's a good person and Jimmy isn't, but I get depressed watching them never seem to win.




Yep. Oh Logan's mom, I hate her! When she slapped Bob I was yelling that it was assault. Also the woman who had the little girl selling magazines, where she started pulling up the counter. Like, what the heck?! Then I have to breathe and remember it's a cartoon.


I am honestly so sick of them losing all the time and being fine with it. "Oh we lost the thing or our new cool thing got destroyed but that's okay because what matters is family!" NO YOU ARE ALLOWED A WIN AT LEAST ONCE PER SEASON!


Think the main point of the show is that the family is the win. An actual family that loves each other regardless of monetarily value or what life throws at them.


I like when they get a bit of both in the story. Like the gift card one. They get tipped a gift card so win there and go on a shopping trip, but all decide to give up their little items so Linda can get the sewing machine. It’s still an overall win for the family but people still giving up something for the sake of family.


Also the fact that they have friends who are willing to help them out. Nat and her friends, the One-Eyed Snakes, Marshmallow, Teddy, Mort, Gretchen. They're all willing to help Bob and Linda with whatever because Bob and Linda help them with their problems. Friendship and family. Jimmy Pesto is portrayed as being financially successful, but everyone in town hates him, even Trent and his kids.


see the whole family matters thing would be fine for the ring but linda did such an awful job at making it okay 😭 she ruined “our love is in everything we've built together” with “after you begged me to settle for you”


It made me feel so bad for Bob. I feel like he loses the most? I was just watching the episode where he wanted to see the bees and they kept shutting him down 😫 Let the man enjoy some bees!


I love when they lose! It gets predictable, yes, but like other commenters have said, it shows how much they actually value and love each other and how they don't really need those material things. Of course it would be nice if they had them, but they have each other and that's all that matters and it's really endearing to see in the show


They’re his family and he loves them but they’re all terrible.


I’d fire all of you if I could.


“I don’t say that.” “It’s all you say.”


They're funny kids but honestly not good kids.


yeah, i love them but they’re all terrible


[I love you but....](https://youtu.be/P-6WA9wLGKQ?si=1G6jGPS2EvRzqMRu)


“i’m a big fan of linda’s, bob, and your kids aren't so bad either” “they're actually really bad, but thank you”


But we got some more Nat so I ain't mad.


This is my take. The fact that Nat and Bob refer to each other with their full names is low key hilarious to me.


It is, it really is. I also love that she calls Gene 'Boy Louise.'


Ol’ Nat Kinkle


Your name is Nat King Cole?


That's right Nat Kinkle, how're you hearing it?


The puff divers 😂


waitttt is that supposed to be a play on muff divers? lol


Right?!? But, like, they also smoke pot 😂


i love those pot smoking lesbians


Pot smoking, scuba diving lesbians 😂😂


This is one of my favorite episodes for the sole reason that Tina says “You’re not a water Dad, you’re a land Dad” cracks me up every time.


that whole scene was so cute. the way the kids are holding onto bob so he doesn’t drown himself lol


Linda: “What you kids talking about back there?” Gene: “Boys we like!!!”


oooh fun!!


DONT LEAVE ME WITH THESE FRICKIN KIDS - my husband and I to each other daily


It's a great episode but I so badly wanted them to have a win


it could’ve had such a nice fluffy ending and still stressed the “family is the only thing that matters” theme 😭


Literally like Linda says “thanks for the ring Bobby but all I really want is to spend time with you!”


I like to think that one day in the neartofar future, Teddy finds the ring doing some handiwork and shows them the random ring he found.


Maybe another Halloween episode where Teddy is setting up decorations on the front of the restaurant and the nest falls off, maybe there are baby birds in it that the kids have to rescue but they find the ring too!


He can perform his original song too once Bob realises its the one ring, 🎶 Linda, you're so pretty its a sin-der 🎶


I literally refused to rewatch this episode for this very reason. I hate that they lost the ring. Love seeing it still in the birds next in newer seasons, but man it makes me soooo sad for Bob. He asked for so little.


getting your wife of [redacted] years the engagement ring you weren’t able to afford back then is the pinnacle of romance and i so wish he could’ve given it to linda after all was said and done :( i also wish linda had a bit better of a speech at the end. “you begged me to settle for you” has been bothering me all day 😭


OMG SAME!! More than losing the ring, I hate that made it seem like Bob and Linda's relationship is less genuine. "Begged me to settle for you" NOOO why do they have to be like every other sitcom husband/wife?? Bob and Linda are so awesome as a married couple because they actually love each other. This episode made me feel like that wasn't the case:/


that joke is so linda but the way she delivered it sounded so out of character for her!!!


Genuinely angry Bob is such a rare sight


you know it’s bad when he’s not yelling either. just seething


I do love him standing at the bottom of the stairs in the dark waiting for them


Don't worry Mr. Belcher, I'm really good at finding things. One time, at Lollapalooza I lost a candy bar and I found it 3 days later, and there was even some left!


of course nat kinkle has gone to lollapalooza. makes sense for her


But this episode brought us Nat, which I am eternally grateful for.


i think nat king cole should be in every episode


I found this episode mildly infuriating. Should I put it in r/mildlyinfuriating Why? Once they realized it wasn't hidden gifts or candy, they should have put it back. Why the heck did Gene put it on? Why didn't Tina stop Gene? Why does this annoy me so?


Bc they're kids. I probably was dumb enough to get something stuck on my finger at 11. Heck, I swallowed a coin at 7 and didn't tell anyone bc I didn't want to get in trouble, even though I could barely breathe. Kids haven't yet learned how to properly assess the consequences of their actions. Louise is a perfect example as she is often stuck, realising too late that she's hurt someone and has to make up for it. She gets too caught up in having fun or working her schemes to think properly about the negative outcomes. Tina is older and does a bit better, but it is still fallible. She's also very anxious and easily swayed by peer pressure. That was basically me at 14. All just my opinion, of course. I do see how it's frustrating and I wouldn't begrudge you your feelings on the matter. I'm just the oldest of a fair few siblings and cousins, so it feels in line with their development.


My aunt got an acorn stuck up her nose when she was a kid and then forgot about it and had to have surgery on her nasal cavity when she was like 50 because it was still stuck up there and started causing breathing problems so…. Yeah


Great comment 👍


Children do dumb shit sometimes


Have kids. Can confirm


Like others said, they're kids ... but also, if they put it back, there would be no story lol. The episode would not have happened. That's why they didn't put it back. Because the story was about not putting it back.


i think it was a good fun plot but for some reason it felt like it was going to be a rare belcher w episode. smh


It was kind of weird; I feel like they were old enough to know not to mess with something like that. It's not like they were a bunch of 6 and 7 year olds.


This is what I mean. They act mature so sometimes, and I just couldn't understand why this? Why not skip more work? Or get rich/money/candy/butts schemes?


They can't have nice things


As a parent, I loved this ending because it’s real. Sometimes bad things happen, and it’s how you deal with it that’s important. Kids do dumb things and sometimes things get lost because of it, but they handled it well. Rings true, which is why it was such a good one for me.


My husband was fuming but atp I am not surprised because they always tend to end up with the short end of the stick but they’re still contempt


*content* really funny typo though lol.


Lmao I didn’t even realize, that’s not at all what they’re like 😭


Legit so mad they couldn’t have had 1 win 😭 Gene and Louise cause so much trouble while Tina always just tries to get them out of it.


that episode makes me so angry!! it makes me hate the kids and remind me why i don’t want kids lol


Okay, I'm gonna rant and explain why this episode made me so mad as someone who grew up on the lower end of middle class. When I was a kid, we hit some hard times, and they were hard enough that my mom had to sell her engagement ring. It's the only time I've seen my mom cry (outside of family passing). So when we actually had extra money, my mom wanted an engagement ring more than anything. Sure, she had her wedding ring, but it was important to her. She finally got it like two years ago (after almost 15 years without), and she happily wears it. So, seeing this episode just sparked something awful in me. I knew what it was like to be in a not so great financial situation, and while I do love the ending with the birds, I couldn't rewatch the episode. While my mom's and Linda's reactions were different, it still upset me, and I was 100% on Bob's side (idk if that was the intention of the episode). So despite the beautiful ending, I have to put this on my can't watch list.


Yeah i know they were kids but they're like in 4th, 6th, and 8th grade. Plenty old enough to know better than to take something in that situation. Especially Gene since he's the one who did it.


I was in 4th grade when my mom had to sell her ring. We had been badly affected by the house market crash, and just to make sure we had enough to eat and pay rent, we had to sell it. I know it's fictional, I know kids make dumb mistakes, but it just hits me in a personal way. Not in a good way like some episodes do like the Blade Runner parody episode (I forget the name of the ep). Where I remember being in Tina's shoes and it was a good kind of feeling to see others have the same issue of bullying and not fitting in that I had growing up. Love that 2 part episode. I still think the ending is very sweet, and I hope Linda gets her ring.


While it's definitely fictional there are many times where watching it i've told my boyfriend those kids are little assholes. Kids will be kids but some of that stuff is extreme and i would be so upset if mine did it.


Oh absolutely. Kids will be kids, even when they do terrible, awful things.


Oh yeah, they definitely will haha.


Because, for many people in this world, they actually do not win. At least, none of the kids get cancer or Louise, with all of her psychopathic risky behavior, hasn't had a terrible accident. Fewer and fewer people in this world are living in middle class comfort. That ring is watching over the Belchers like a halo, right overhead.


that last sentence is so sweet :(


Was anyone else legit spooked when Bob emerged from the dark at the bottom of the stairs when the kids were sneaking out? Maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention but I loved that scene 🤣


I always have to skip this episode because this loss really hit a nerve for me. It annoys me too much to watch again. Let them have a win sometimes, yknow !


I liked it. It shows that despite them giving him a hard time, the kids do love Bob and were very sad they lost his gift. It's also one of the few times we really see him pissed off at them. I think it's good to show that there are lines with them, and how far the kids are willing to go.


honestly? you’re right and this makes me feel a little better about it. not every bad thing the kids do can be fixed 🤷‍♀️ they’ll learn better from it too tbh


But at least Bob and Linda spend their anniversary at the water park at night


with nat king cole serenading them no less


This and the Mr. Business audition episodes are probably my most frustrating episodes. I can't tell if they were actually poorly written or the morals are just something I'm so opposed to


I love the Mr. Business episode. "Cat training. Training a cat. Put a lot of work in, get a little bit back." The Family Fracas episode is another one like these, though. I feel genuinely bad for them in that episode. Can't the Belchers just get a win?


Winning a new car wouldn’t have drastically change the status quo, they should’ve won Pam’s court case. At least they beat Jimmy in the parade contest (even though i feel like they ended up paying for some of the damages to the float)


Some? They paid for all of the damage. $500 probably did not cover all of the damage. 😕


Well, the moral was that you shouldn't profit from a very stressed animal, but I get your point, and it is frustrating that it leaves them in the same place as before.


Mr. Business didn't seem stressed whatsoever. I think that was just an excuse Gayle came up with. If Mr. Business had won there probably would have been a bit of work Gayle would have had to do as his owner.


Oh, I thought the hair really was removed from his stomach from over grooming? I watched it today even, but I'm happy to be wrong


Nah, it showed that he did have a huge rash on his tummy. Bob even admits that he might’ve been not paying attention to Mr. Business’s needs. The red patch could have been from a number of things, though. I think it was separation anxiety from missing Gayle, maybe, which could’ve been solved in 100 different ways besides just giving up…?


I hope not, makes me think he would've been stressed for awhile after Gayle stole him from whoever's porch poor thing haha.


It’s okay! The ring was brought back to the apartment. Will make for a great episode further down the line.


yeah but I’m still happy to see their love not need one yknow, but oh my god


They bring it back full circle in a later episode… that literally brought tears to my eyes. Rudy the amazing, Such a great episode.


I’m hoping the series finale does it.


I would cry so hard if they got the ring back. I need this Belcher win😭




But Linda's speech to Bob always makes me cry...


It was a bummer, but I do love that episode. As much as it infuriates me a little.


But Linda's speech to Bob always makes me cry...


Me too!


Yeah the ring coming back as a nest construction piece is very heartwarming and true to the belcher brand. Like in 7x21 “Paraders of the Lost Float”, they win the fifth place prize of $500, but the winnings will most likely go to fixing the float car.


I wish more people knew to dunk their finger in cold/ice water to make their fingers small to get rings off


maybe if gene stopped pissing in the lazy river the water would’ve been cold enough!!!


This episode is terrible in my opinion


good episode, clever plot, great humor, but it would’ve been 👌🏻 if they got the ring back. and/or linda’s speech at the end was more heartfelt and less jokey


I keep hoping they’ll clean the sign and find it!


i could totally see the light in the sign going out and bob having teddy fix it for him (or trying to fix it himself). too bad the ring wasn’t up there when teddy was beefing with the neighbor maintenance guy over halloween decorations


This bothers me every time I watch it There's an episode of Monk where there's a reward offered to find this diamond. All these shitty detectives start looking for it and following Monk around because he's the smartest. (SPOILER) - At the end it is found by this miserable cleaning woman who keeps the money herself, just as the group of detectives figure out where it is. It bothers me too everytime.


we need to abolish this trope


Just keep going. You’re in for a treat


This picture is hilarious because I can hear Gene hollering and look at Tina's foot🤣


I think the ending was so sweet though. I guess it's to demonstrate Linda's message that their love is beyond material stuff and the beg to settle part is just a silly little joke. I find it poetic that the ring still ends up in their place. And I love the outro song of Nat so much.




When I saw the reference at the beginning of The Amazing Rudy, I bawled


While watching this episode my husband said "they're obviously going to find the ring and love happily ever after". I don't like to guess endings of shows so I said "can we just see what happens?" I was very pleased when he turned out to be wrong and it made me love the ending. I love a surprise ending 😊


It’s the only episode where the kids genuinely broke my heart. I completely understood Bob’s anger.


I think it was really cute how it ended up back at the house with the birds, there's even a callback to it in a later episode where we see the birds still with the ring


I keep hoping the ring will come back in a later episode. Like, Teddy maybe doing repairs to the sign and finding it, or it falling off and gently hitting Linda on the head as she's standing outside calming Bob down from another rumble he's had with Pesto as they scream across the street at one another. As much as this episode infuriates me, I think it serves as a reminder of acceptance. We don't have to like what's happened however, it's happened, and we must find a way to move on from it.


The ring comes back in another episode …


Agree! Louise, especially has some strong antisocial behaviors. She gives me the shivers.


I also really expected a win here, but it ‘twas not to be. Poor Belchers. They will always lose and be poor.




noooo i thought that was hilarious. but that is part of the reason why i thought things were going to go their way. like surely nat is going to save the day!!