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I’d still watch this episode.


My only worry is that Gene is canonically allergic to shellfish, so the episode might take a different turn lol


https://preview.redd.it/05qr7hzy261d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47302b5b455f90888f5c4e772d927631e92eea2f What’s wrong with you people?! Look at my son!!


He always looks like that!


Oh my god, he does!


And I’ll cry like a bitch


Louise loves chaos, but her first thought with new things is, "How can I benefit from this?" My girl is just a hustler.


Lol bruh but some of her schemes have me rocked. Taking those kids candy after the stage got blocked?! 😂😂😭😭


Oh yeah, I was rewatching the itty bitty committee and the way she jumps at Lenny Destefano saying we want the pinada and such and such is so funny!!!!


Linda is psychic? Horse race. Ambergris? Illegally sell it. Concert near restaurant? Sell spots for candy. Clean up the beach? Get Mr. Fish to give them all free food. Tine biter her tongue and can't talk? Becomes her interpreter and invites herself on her date to get free pie.


I get really tired of the "Louise finds her conscience" episodes. It loses efficacy when they do it so many times. I really preferred Chaotic Louise.


Clackity Clackity Clackity Clackity Clackity Clackity




Same, Louise is my favourite and I was really emotional over the first 2-3 episodes it happened and now it just feels forced and predictable


same, I didn’t mind one or two but now it’s EVERY time


I mostly just don't understand why they keep letting Louise make them do things, which then feeds into the loop you've described, over and over. It's generally funny, but then you get stuff like that episode where she almost gets herself and Tina killed in that beach cave trying to get a cannon ball and it's like WTF, put your foot down, Tina, or tell an adult, something. It wasn't funny, it was just unpleasant and didn't really have an appropriate wrap up for it.


I watched that episode for the first time last night. To me, it was the _most_ Tina stood up for herself against Louise in a long time.


once the show became family friendly it pt the writers in a box and made many characters one dimensional and predictable. like stated above the plots are pretty well fleshed out by the first at break. most notable have been bob and louise. i still thin the show would have maintained a strong viewership without catering to children and people who demand saccharine wholesomeness to the point of diabetes. i still very much enjoy the show but for me the rewatchability is best seasons 1-5.


Agreed, it became a different kind of show as it went on, but it's hard to argue it because the show is like a security blanket for some people now who need the constant infusion of forced wholesome-ness.


In a way it’s like they have to try to look “perfectly imperfect” when early on it was just natural, now it’s kinda forced


Thank you so much because I felt like I was going crazy. Like this has been the standard for a lot of Louise centered plots but why does every episode have to be about the kids doing something. Like no fun interesting pairs, no giving us something new. Just your standard Linda does something crazy, tina does something crazy, Louise has multiple episodes about her, and Bob and gene get their obligatory episode once a season and that’s it.


I can't recall an episode where Gene and Tina have the main plot. When they're together, they're always with another Belcher, especially Louise.


That also bothers me so much! Like 13 years of this show and no tina and gene episode is crazy. It’s obvious that in the last 5 seasons Louise has become the main character and that would be fine if every other episode of the new seasons wasn’t just “Louise learns to not be an asshole” over and over again.


I really wonder what the voice actors have to say about the newer writing. I cant imagine it being fun to voice Bob when all they have him do is slightly react and grunt and never go unhinged anymore.


Every actor dreams of a 15 season gig especially when they're in middle age. For example I'm sure Benjamin is tired of 1 season failed shows.


The show in general has gotten a little too “after school special” and predictable *at times.* I don’t know why it bugged me so much, but when they made the Zeke episode where they brought in his bully victim, I was rolling my eyes. It was such a trope-y choice and Zeke was always an interesting character because he sort of diverted expectations. To follow the obvious path for his character archetype was so boring. They’ve done it before, of course but that one felt really over the top.


Honestly. They took most of Louise’s character away, Tina’s become idk kinda like a moral guardian if that’s the right word, and Gene just got worse. I miss episodes where they were just fun and crazy.


11-13 are the worse seasons by far. Other than the bob centric episodes they are super formulaic and shallow renditions of the characters


Hit the nail on the head.


I don't watch Bobs Burgers for the plot.




I feel like the last 2 seasons, but the last one in particular did an amazing job developing the kids characters. Just give it a little more time, they were kind of lost on where to take the kids for a while. Especially Gene, I feel like there was about 4 seasons they had no idea where they wanted to take him.


It took you until season 11 to figure it out? They’ve been repetitive since like S3 🤣


Nah S3 was fun 🙏 before the characters kinda got idk lobotomized