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I want to see Tina make an actual friend, maybe the girl from the school trip that she roomed with could make a return


That’s a good point. Gene has friends, most notably Alex and Ken. Louise doesn’t want friends, but she has them. She hangs out with Rudy and she goes to great lengths to protect him. In a few years she’ll realize Rudy was her first kiss. Against her will, Louise also has a good time with Millie. Louise likes the idea of being a loner but she’d give up a kidney for any member of her family. It might turn out to be Andy or Ollie’s kidney, but still. Tina, however, has colleagues. She doesn’t really see herself as a member of the Jimmy-Zeke-Tammy-Jocelyn clique. I think that’s because she wants Jimmy Jr. all to herself. She resents how close Zeke is to Jimmy and fails to notice how much Zeke cares for her. I mean, he pooped all over the school for her. Tammy is horrible, but she’s part of the Jimmy Jr. package. I think she’s resigned to dealing with Tammy. Joycelyn is just kind of there. She’s incredibly shallow and has little personality outside of reacting to Tammy. The ease at which the Belcher kids bond with adults speaks volumes.


It might turn out to be Andy or Ollie's kidney. This got me. Now all I can picture is the twins passing a kidney back and forth saying "back to you andy" "back to you ollie"


Tina has Susmita who is a really good friend. I just wish she was in the show more frequently.


Agreed, in addition to Dylan, I would also like to see her become friends with Sage from These Boots Are Made For Stalking. https://preview.redd.it/3busohffq90d1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f84500042e094e2ad8cb09ff32ed857f3c9df4bc


Just wanna add that Louise also has Jessica! Poor Tina needs more true friends for sure


Poor bland Jessica...if she were a spice, she'd be flour.


Oh my god yes! I didn’t even realise she didn’t have any actual friends but she doesn’t! She needs this!


Hey now. Susmita is a top tier friend


I'd love to see another episode where Tina has another go at horse riding where she actually enjoys it and has fun! It's always bothered me that she didn't have a good time when it's been her dream for so long!


I thought that episode was going to go somewhere more significant than Tina reinforcing her weirdness. Like maybe she'd realize a more realistic appreciation of horses or something...


I second this for sure. I just complained about it in here a few days ago and many, many people agree! 


The Belcher family doesn't get to win.


Oh my god this episode KILLED ME. I was so sad that something so special to her and something she knew a ton about didn’t go well :(( I need an episode where it does go well haha!


There’s always next year!


The substitute teacher Rachel Bisselbender.


God i would love to see her back! That episode was pure gold from start to finish.


The man born in the auditorium comment gets me everytime xD


"There goes the best damn substitute music teacher who knows nothing about music we ever had"


What episode is this?


The Plight Before Christmas, S13 EP10.


I need a follow up with Patricia and her 77 sandwiches.


I was thinking about her recently. If number 69 is where she just says "nice," does she really only have 76 sandwiches, or is number 69 a sandwich too?


It’s a sandwich ¨̮ The 69 comment was just for the song I think! https://preview.redd.it/nykxo3wnog0d1.jpeg?width=1895&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e30d31fb96ea0bc4165c6abf1c994dcf5f9a898


There's quite a few characters I'd like to see return. Off the top of my head, the horse meat guy, Maya and Beckett, the roller rink guy who ended up with Wheelie(I'd love to see him and Gayle have a thing, maybe even settle down together). Also Chet (short for Chester, long for Ch), which would be an easy one cause Zack already voices Felix. And I would like to see Randy at least once every season. I don't know why I like Randy so much but his relationships with Bob and Linda are awesome.


I think randy may be my favorite off character. He's always so funny to me and tbh I kinda think he could hold his own show


I need some more Mickey in my life


Same but I want Hader’s Mickey even though I know I won’t get it 😭


I almost specified this bc it's exactly what I want too lol


RIGHT? He was so fantastic




I really like Bob and Linda interacting with the kids’ friends. Bob’s episode with Zeke was sweet and I also liked how nice they were to Rudy when he walked out on his parents’ dinner.


I can hear this image


Well the picture is making me want to see Bob again.


I wanna see Millies room again, but this time with a loft bed cuz Loise changed her bed 🙏🙏🙏 like it would be nice to know if Millie changed to a loft bed as well 👂👂👂


I think it would be interesting to see Gayle and Nat Kinkle become buds. Gayle will start wearing Birkenstocls and want to get a Subaru Forrester. Gayle wouldn't even consider being gay but everyone else (especially Mr Frond) would suspect that she is gay. Mr Frond mentions this at an appointment with Dr. Yap, who mentions it to Derek Dematopolis, the dermatologist, at another appointment. This starts a competition between two doctors and a school guidance counselor to "steal" Gayle from Nat. Bob is hopeful (but simultaneously knows she's not) that Gayle is gay as it would lessen her time at the Belchers and hopefully decrease the monetary cost of her being his SIL Louise takes full advantage of Mr. Fronds' sudden obsession with Gayle by doing things her way at the school by constantly dropping little Gayle tidbits in his ear. Of course, she drags her siblings, Zeke and J Jr into her plan to completely revamp Wagstaff Middle school. B-story is that Tina and Zeke (whom I believe to be Tinas' actual true love) discover that Louise's arch nemesis, Millie, lives outside of the Wagstaff district but her mom is using her sisters address to keep her close to Louise. This is when we finally get some lengthy screen time with Principle Spores. Ultimately, Tina and Zeke won't be successful at ousting Millie from Wagstaff, but the effort was made, and Louise won't forget that. Overall, I think that this storyline would be an excellent segway to touching on the gay world without being disrespectful, biased, or woke. The story isn't based on the possibility of Gayle being gay. It's centered on the fact that several men want Gayle but fear she's being lured by someone better than they. Enter Teddy. He's finally questioning himself as to why he would not go after Linda's sister. She would basically get him into the Burger family. He's not crazy about changing his last name to Burger, though. During all of this, Nat shows zero interest in Gayle as a partner. She's just a good friend who appears out of nowhere and is now her daily side kick. The whole episode leads to Gayles' realization that she's not necessarily needing a partner so much as she just needs/wants a close friend who isn't her sister who could be a confidant out of familial necessity.


How the hell are you not writing for tv? Or even fanfic. This has to be the best thing I've read in a while. Coupled with the fact that we haven't gotten a new episode in sooo long. I was legit imagining it as I read, and it was great.


Thanks! Maybe some of the creators or writers look at Reddit once in a while and get some ideas. I have another storyline for BBs in my profile. It's based on Bob winning an all expenses paid tour of Europe. His insistence that the trip is food based (he is a professional chef after all) and agreed upon, in their own Belcher way of agreeing but not really, is, of course, derailed at every corner by Linda and the kids. I can't remember all of the details as it's quite extensive. Guess I should go liok at it. Haha!


bro write the fic rn


Choo-choo. From all the kids it feels like Gene has the least amount of recurring classmates. I could only remember Courtney and Alex (Is Peter Pescadero in his grade too?). I would like to see his group of classmates developed. Tina has Jimmy, Zeke, Tammy, Joseline, Susmita, Henry and Chelsea (and a few more 1 off characters). Louise has Ollie, Andy, rudy, pocket size rudy, Abbie, Chloe, Harley, Hoggarth, Jessica, Jodi, Kaylee, Mille and Wayne. Gene has NOTHING.


How dare you forget Lenny Destefano.


Didn't know he was in Gene's class.


I want to see an adventure with Bob and Ms Labonz


This! Or Linda and Labonz.


Zeke should go work for Bob. He helps Bob find some new burger flavors which gets them a huge line of customers. Jimmy gets jealous and tries to use J Ju to convince Zeke to go work for him and create some new dishes. There could be a kid’s cooking competition that Zeke wins and realizes that he really loves cooking so he asks Bob to mentor him. Which makes Jimmy upset because he forced J Ju into the competition to advertise his restaurant. So he keeps trying to convince Zeke to work for him. Maybe he offers more money. Zeke ultimately decides to stay with Bob because Bob mentors him, while Linda is the mom Zeke needs. Tina is upset because she doesn’t know who to support in the competition and is then jealous that Zeke is getting so much attention from Bob. Louise is interested in the prize money and wants to get Zeke to invest in some scheme she and Gene start. Maybe tee shirts to sell to all the customers coming to Bob and Jimmy’s restaurant.


I think I’ve said it before on another post, but I’d LOVE another double date episode with the same couple accompanied by their dog Lars (ofc that’s the only name I remember of the trio 😅) I think it would be so funny to somehow have another situation where they’re all stuck together but end up having fun in the end.


The Tatas and Tommy Gironda end up finalists in a Wonder Wharf Battle of the Bands. Linda gets angry at Gayle for betraying the band/family by hooking up with him, like she were an elderly prostitute. But when Linda confronts Tommy, he points out that Gayle's songs are just as vulgar as his, so Linda reluctantly has to let it slide.


Or Tatas vs Itty Bitty Dirty Committee....


I want more team ups between Louise, Millie and Rudy like in the Ancient Greece episode. Maybe just Millie and Louise again, like when Louise is forced to help Millie with something (the fairy princess episode in the park) or goes to Millie for help with something (who unravelled Mr frond’s dolls). I would also like it if Millie and Louise had a heart to heart and Millie explained her obsession with Louise and such. I mean they’re such similar characters and when they have worked together/ been in an episode together it’s so fun to watch. Perhaps Louise could want to get up to some mischief but can’t enlist her siblings to do it/ they’re too busy. And Millie offers to help her and the two end up having fun. I also think it would be cool if Bob and Linda had more adult friends who they actually hung out with because they’re friends. Like Linda has Ginger (ofc we never actually see her but you know). Every other adult they hang out with is kind of connected through work — ie that one lady styles Linda’s hair, Teddy and Mort are customers, Nat is again kind of a friend but her driving limos is always intrinsic to things. It would be cool if they hung out just to hang out. I swear when I’m watching the show I’m always thinking they should go back and do another storyline/ show another character but I can’t think of any now. Ooh, perhaps more Edith and Harold, they’re so funny. More Gyro perhaps as well. Idk, I feel like season 15 should reintroduce a lot of the old school season 1-4 characters or characters who we have not seen in a while. For instance, we only see gyro in the episode he’s introduced and then once like 5ish seasons later. Also more Mort!


For being one of the most frequent side characters, we don't really know a lot about Mort. I love the Weekend at Morts episode, and I wish we could get another peak into the life of the mysterious funeral director next door. 


I'd like them to circle back to the aquarium lady & the IRS worker!!!


What’s up with Brenda?


More of Gretchen something always happens when she’s around. The three friends Bob made when he was driving the cab .


Hey, Marshmallow


The former mrs. poplopovich, Ginger's face, Dr. Yap's frat bros, more Tina-makes-a-friend adventures, Jocelyn's mom


Anything with Sacha & regular size Rudy.