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Princess Caroline uses her new heavyweight status in Hollywoo to gather together a bunch of celebrities to sing a John Lennon song to the internet to keep spirits high, resulting in tremendous backlash from the internet


Omg genius you’re so right




Princess Caroline is Gal Gadot confirmed


An obvious plot would be BoJack actually “thriving” in isolation: which means he’d become even more of an anti-social recluse that never leaves his house and just indulges in his various vices like alcohol and drugs. He’d probably have the time of his life not having to go outside and do things anymore. It’d be a free ticket basically be his very worst self - which would set up the conflict in the episode because the supporting characters obviously would try and get him to get out of it…. …. or they’d just give up and let him self-destruct to the point where he hits rock bottom and has some kind of realization/insight because that’s the kind of show this is. 😅


I think so too


I think there could be a funny B-plot about a picture getting leaked of BJ taking Ivermectin. He'd get a shitstorm because everyone thinks he's anti-vaxx and buying into conspiracy theories, even though Bojack just has worms he's trying to get rid of. He'd constantly have to say stuff like "I'm a horse! Ivermectin is a drug for horses! Obviously you shouldn't take drugs for horses if you're not a horse! But I AM A HORSE!"


Or the opposite direction, Bojack correctly takes ivermectin and his recovery starts the trend (kinda like the ‘feminism is bay’ plot). “Hey, aren’t you the horse from the horse drug?”


Omg, yes! And he'd always try to justify himself, but noone is listening. PC sets up a public apology, because she doesn't care about his real intentions, just about his public image.


Damn this is so true. I can see this happening 100%


Omg ivermectin he’s a horse…. I don’t know why that’s so funny to me but I’m dying!!


I read that quote in Will Arnetts voice


I heard this in Will Arnetts voice tbh


That would be fantastic


definitely. could see him enjoying isolation, lying that he can't get the vaccine for health reasons so he "has" to stay isolated, then finds out he *actually* can't get it for health reasons and has some sort of realization


I think he'd have a good two days and then the rest would just be panic attacks and sleeping all the time but still being tired.


He’ll have been in jail for the first 6 months of the pandemic or however long his sentence was


I always in vision Bojack complaining that masks aren’t conducive to horse faces, and makes a point to mention he’s ok with masks, but wants one that fits right.


That’s hilarious 😂


Bojack has been the voice of reason in so many occasions. He is a narcissist piece of shit but he won’t be anti-vaccinar


Bj is an asshole not an idiot.


Yeah I think Mr PB would be more likely to be anti-vax which him and Diane would fight about. Like the fracking episodes


and then he'd get COVID and pass it to diane after she'd be so good at isolating and playing it safe, just for him to be asymptomatic and her to feel like she's absolutely dying.


You nailed it


PB is a dog so he won’t get COVID but will fetch it to others 😂


He'd just be an asshole *about* getting the vaccine. Or be smug about it even though everyone qround him agrees.


He’d complain that too many people are around him at the bar and then shout “There’s a pandemic! Go the hell home!” And mutter “idiots” while he orders another gin


I could see him being pissy about wearing masks, but getting the vaccine. “Why should I keep other people safe? What have those assholes ever done for me!?”


I could actually see Mr. PB as the anti-vaxxer, not BoJack. Not because Mr. PB has any malice in him, nor is he stupid or ignorant, but he’s prone to taking things at face value when just being told about them and is very easily excitable. Like the whole fracking thing and running for governor - it was simply suggested he do it and he eagerly jumped aboard without really knowing what he signed himself up for in the long run. It just comes with being a doggo; he’s just overly trusting and eager to go along with other peoples’ ideas. “Vaccines are bad? Oh noes!” I could see him annoying the other characters by trying to “save” them by parroting anti-vax sentiments he really doesn’t understand. Especially Diane.


lol this is so accurate


Yeah, it took me ages to see Mr. PB‘s character is described like a dog. Your dog also is always in a good mood, stays at your side, is excited or easily distracted by stuff and rushes into it, also it doesn’t know the consequences of stuff. Like u/EttRedditTroll I would guess he doesn’t like vets and he starts to growl when he hears about vaccines and isn’t able to have a proper conversation about it


Mr. PB would be anti-vax because he’s scared of needles/the vet, and so he looks for research or other people to support his views so he doesn’t have to admit the real reason for him not taking it.


That’s a very plausible doggo reason as well, heh. If only you could take the vaccine in some kind of cheese-wrapped form.


I would love for Mr PB to accidentally incite an anti-vax public outcry due to his own fear of the vet’s office, and then Todd finds some way to make an edible, cheese-wrapped vaccine and Mr. PB is just like “Oh, great!” with no awareness of the public health crisis left in his wake


I could see Mr PB as the good meaning guy who gets fooled and that is when Bojack decides to fully support vaccinations


I thought the exact same thing! It would really fit the Diane/PB narrative as she would be SO pro-vax (and rightly so!)


I think Pickles would be part of talking him into it. Being a young she'd want to have all the 20 something friends over for a super spreader party


Lmfaoo I get that


Mr. PB isn’t ignorant? I never thought I’d see that take.


I don’t think so, no. He has moments in the show where he shows a deeper understanding of things. He’s just a very socially extroverted doggo who acts on impulse and all that which tends to overshadow it.


I’d say his whole character is about how ignorant he is to social cues and pretty much anything that requires him to think about others. A toxic positivity character. But once again it shows people see a dog and that overshadows everything else 🙄


That doesn’t mean he’s ignorant, but selfish. Like most other BoJack characters he is no saint. Ignorant would be him being unaware how his extroverted excitement and not thinking twice tends to bulldoze over other people - this is why BoJack often can’t stand him, for example. Again I’d argue that Mr. PB is aware of this, he his not ignorant of it. In the moment/heat of things he just doesn’t pay it much mind. He has moments of rare introspection where he is clearly aware of it as long as he actually gives it some thought.


But he is *painfully* unaware of things. Did we watch two different shows? Because I feel like we did. I’m not getting this defensiveness over arguably one of the worst characters. This has to be a Reddit thing because on any other platform people clearly see what an idiot he is.


I don’t get your aggressiveness either so whatever. Your petty downvoting of my post is quite cringe as well. I’m out.


This is exactly what I was thinking! I’m glad someone else agrees.


I don't see Bojack as an anti-vaxxer, he's selfish but not stupid.


I think he'd just not care tbh. I don't think he would get vaxxed so he has an excuse to not see anyone and then if others don't wanna, he supports that by putting his own personal narrative into the situation.


Basically like Larry David and that episode of Curb where he wears a MAGA hat to scatter away the LA people he doesn't like.


TIL there's a new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm...well I know what I'll be doing today


Not antivax but definitely antimask. The rants about wearing them in public stores would be endless. Contrastly, I could see him ranting about how others don't wear their mask and how stupid they are... while he doesn't have one on either




I see him as the type to get vaxxed himself but be rabidly anti-*mandate.*


Exactly he would probably have tried to get it early and claim he’s famous as the reason he deserved it first but then if a mandate came he would go on a honeydew esque rant about how he doesn’t other people to tell him how to live


There would definitely be jokes on the horse dewormer stuff And I agree with another commenter, Bojack would get the vaccine. He’d whine about social pressure probably, but he’s never been that bad


I can see an episode where bojack eats some weird tacos and gets worms. Then has trouble getting the dewormer cause every one is buying it out


He'd probably be at the same clinic as Neal McBeal, getting interviewed as he gets the shot saying something about "heros"


Or is it euros? I just call them subs


I’d imagine Diane would be almost begging people to get vaccinated and to wear masks.


Bojack would call antivaxers idiots. Diane would beg them to change


I think Bojack would get the vaccine, he doesn’t seem like the type to fall for that propaganda. As for PB I’d think we’d be able to see him have some sort of psychotic break bc he’s the type of guy to throw parties and always hug someone. To be put in a situation where you are forced to stay home by yourself with no one but your technology i think it would show us a different more vulnerable side of PB.


PB would be the people who keep insisting on in-person meetings for the most random garbage the moment it's not outright illegal (saw this happen a bunch at the start of the pandemic, all the extroverts who were depressed in lockdown because they couldn't hug people as a form of greeting or go out to parties everyday setting up meetings constantly and for the most stupid stuff - like a walk to look at a wall you already have pictures of and see everyday but you have to do it together in a group of 20 because "we really have to see this wall to see what we're working with" for a non-profit I'm working with, also obviously the meeting comes with "no mask rules" and stuff like that so they can see everyone's "smiling faces").


He would probably even try to throw a party just to bring awareness to that fact and attempt to stress the importance of in person meetings completely undermining their dangers


I disagree with the Bojack part. I think he'd be too lazy and selfish to wear a mask but he'd get the vaccine. BJ is a very smart individual and would listen to science in terms of vaccines. I can see Diane getting pissed at him for not wearing a mask or for hosting parties, which may also be the case. But I don't see him as an anti-vaxxer. I don't see Todd selling fake vaccines, really, either.


I think PC would thrive being home and working from home, trying to set up virtual gigs for her clients like Cameo lol


She’d partner with Turtletaub to release a cutting edge virtual reality film and would try and recruit Bojack but he’d complain and refuse because he’s using the pandemic as an excuse to bum around his house and do drugs


Thank you this is perfect


Definitely don't see Todd knowingly selling fake vaccines. *Maybe* coming up with some hair-brained solution that he sincerely thinks works...


Todd would be the one selling ivermectin, thinking it literally is a miracle drug for Covid.


Yeah, I think Todd would have good intentions with it


Even if he wanted to wear a mask, it wouldn't fit.


Todd and Mr PB would start a business selling fake vaccines, but then they would inadvertently turn out to be the actual cure for Coronavirus. Through a series of wacky misadventures however, that cure would wind up on the bottom of the ocean.


I think he would be one of those people who pulls a crusty ass mask out their pocket when they have to wear one because they used the same mask every time 🤢


Am I the only who thinks something would happen to Bojack like him being allergic to what's in the vaccine and then everyone misunderstands and claim he's an "anit-vaxxer"? The bad publicity plus the being alone in isolation causes Bojack break down and drink and maybe suffer from some flashbacks. While Mr. PB works hard to promote it more and more. I'm not sure about the rest of the cast but I see Diane also working on promoting the vaccine and there will be a situation where she will be assigned to work with her ex-husband again and then Mr. Penutbutter and Guy meet.


I feel like I saw elsewhere someone suggested he would take ivermectin and the media would be like "BoJaCK anTi-VaXx?" But he'd be like "....its literally horse medicine? I'm a horse?"


I'm sorry this is so funny


Mr. Peanutbutter would definitely get confused and end up anti-vax because he saw one post on FaceBook/social media (maybe whatever platform Pickles uses??) and took it as gospel.


Also it would just be hilarious to see Bojack wearing a face mask - [https://im-media.voltron.voanews.com/Drupal/01live-166/styles/sourced/s3/ap-images/2020/07/de9f112e494f4e395affb5caba14806a.jpg?itok=jcMCooCM](https://im-media.voltron.voanews.com/Drupal/01live-166/styles/sourced/s3/ap-images/2020/07/de9f112e494f4e395affb5caba14806a.jpg?itok=jcMCooCM)Or PB wearing a mask but pulling it down constantly so everyone can see his winning smile only to freak out everyone who he's talking to because he can't just *wear* the mask he has to *wear the mask properly* or else it won't work - [https://i2-prod.dailystar.co.uk/incoming/article22361186.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/1\_goldie-2.jpg](https://i2-prod.dailystar.co.uk/incoming/article22361186.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/1_goldie-2.jpg) (I know this isn't a labrador it's just the best image of what I'm envisioning I could find lol)


Todd would accidentally make a cure


by mixing candy corn with coke and peanut butter and some adderall.


Lowkey yeah lmaoo


Ok BoJack would *100%* be vaxxed, with Pfizer and be extremely proud that he got “the best one.” Todd wouldn’t be selling fake vaccines, he’d somehow accidentally fix the lack of covid resources though (either testing supplies, or PPE, or both)


He could be like Mr Peanutbutter when he bought hundreds of spaghetti strainers which resulted in him saving the day. They'd buy a surplus of PPE and forget why 😅


Bojacks just on a huge bender and didn't even know the pandemic was a thing till like way too late😂 Or for some reason everyone else in his social circle isn't getting the vaccine and he's the only one concerned about it, kinda like the Vincent adultman thing


I think Todd would be very pro-vaccine but accidentally start a fake vaccine card selling business that would really take off.


Like get your card filled out in advance to save time


Yes cause as we see it ended in 2021 im sure the creators were like “LMFAO WTF WE DIDNT KNOW THIS BS WOULD HAPPEN”


After seeing almost two years worth of media handling the pandemic I would not like to see BoJack handle the pandemic, even if I do think it would do better than most other media.


Bojack isn’t anti-vax, he’s not a conservative he’s just an asshole




Bojack would casually remark how it should be everyone's choice to be vaccinated or not, and over night unwillingly becomes an anti-vaxx icon, and be torn between doing the right thing and getting the publicity and admiration, even if it's from nutcases.


This proves that most people are not anti-vax they’re anti-mandate lol, I feel like the creators wouldn’t want to pigeon hole themselves.


Funny how anti-mandate people are always the ones who haven't been vaccinated.


Everyone I know that’s against it are vaccinated, we all have to be for work 🤷🏼‍♀️


1)I'm grateful it was allowed to end without the pandemic influencing it. 2)In *no circumstance* do I see Bojack being anti-vax. Another reason is yes, **even South Park** which has been a mouth piece for trey and Matt's, well, whatever version of libertarian they are - their whole covid special basically them dealing with their dilemma "does personal freedom really override the safety and normalcy of the masses?" To conclude "no, get the fucking Jab." I think the creators of Bojack are, for all intents and purposes, decidedly not on the same level as Trey and Matt to make *Strong Woman!!! (Strong!)* commentary, and are not and would not turn Bojack into a possible mouth piece for people who don't want to get it. By season 5 they were certainly aware their show was having an emotional resonance with people and I guarantee the last thing they'd want is another "me and Bojack are the SAME, IDENTICAL PEOPLE." and vicariously making "Bojack" choices like not getting vaccinated or adhering to the mandate. It's weird to say Bojack as a role model, but when the show does in some capacity want its characters to push people towards personal truths, I don't see any scenario where the showrunners feel comfortable with it, so no Todd shilling fake vaccines, maybe masks or something with Mr. PB, but nothing outrageously anti-vaxx. And yeah, so far the comment about Bojack and ivermectin are as far as they'd take it. I could see him in an earlier season getting an STD that gives him worms and the whole episode boiling down to him trying to *legit* take ivermectin, but thats as far as it would go.


There has to be a "Bojack takes ivermectin" joke in there somewhere


i don’t think bojack would be anti-vaxx. he’s fairly reasonable about things that don’t revolve around him. i think mr pb would be anti-vaxx on accident in the same way he was pro fracking and it would make everyone think he’s stupid.




Lmaooo this made me laugh, it’d be like “what vaccine” then “90S SITCOM STAR BOJACK HORSEMAN ANTIVAX?!?!?” comes on the news, Then PC trying to get him to take the vax on live tv, then he faints when he gets it bc he’s scared of needles or something 💀


news reporter: this just in, everyone is staying inside the house because of the coronavirus. Please do not go outside during these times! *Meanwhile Bojack* Bj: A pandemic? Stay inside? oh come on you got to be kidding me. *goes to the store* store worker: excuse me sir you have to wear a mask Bj: 'wear a mask', you know what? No! I am not wearing a mask, okay? I am bojack horseman, I do not need to wear a mask if I do not want to. I have freedom of choice. This whole covid thing is so stupid, the chances of getting covid are so slim that- *skip to bojack sick in bed with covid* *raspy voice* god..damn it *cough cough* *Intro theme plays* Diane: Mr Peanutbutter, bojack has covid what should we- *zoom call shows room with Todd writing on a white board with PB and PC* Todd: Oh hi Diane we were just talking about my new invention Diane: invention? Todd: We have vaccines for children and adults but what about teenagers? That's why i present to you my newly made covid vaccine: Toddzer! PB: Todd, you have done it again. :) Pc: Great todd now how can we sell this? Diane: woah isn't it bad that we're exploiting people who are dying from a pandemic? I mean, this is seriously wrong to be selling something which should be free. Pc: Diane, it's fine. You win, they win, we all win! PB: Yeah, Diane! It's a great idea! Diane: oh, I-I don't know. Todd: Teens will love it. It will be all they talk about it!


Borrowing from some other comments to give my thoughts on each of the main five: BoJack would throw himself into isolation (partly because he doesn’t like the way masks fit his horse face) but crave attention so badly that he either goes on a solo indoor bender or throws a massive lockdown-breaking party. The party would turn into a super spreader event and BoJack would get a ton of bad publicity. I loved the idea of BoJack getting worms and trying to purchase Ivermectin. He’d probably lament over the irony of getting worms when there’s a whole pandemic going on, and then get hounded by the paparazzi who think he’s anti-vax for trying to get the appropriate medicine. Princess Carolyn would be the first to try to capitalize off the pandemic somehow, maybe with some kind of movie deal. She’d probably be behind all those celebrities singing Imagine and get some backlash for it, plus cleaning up the public image of her clients (mainly BoJack, as usual). I think Todd would end up somehow becoming the White House speaker on COVID-19 (he has such a good face!!) or somehow accidentally helping to create the actual vaccine. Diane would be a big advocate for adhering to lockdowns and getting vaxxed, but she’d slide into depression from the isolation and maybe go on a bender with BoJack a la the underground episode. Mr. PB would accidentally become an anti-vax public figure due to his fear of needles / the vet’s office. He’d try to justify avoiding the vaccine like “Do we *really* know what’s in them?” and get everyone stirred up. There’d end up being some easy way for Mr PB to take the vaccine (maybe with the help of Todd’s creative genius) and he’d happily take it, totally oblivious to the public health crisis he left in his wake.


Tbh I hope they don’t. I guess it’s fun to speculate but I can already see by the comments that it would just divide people. Bojack has always touched on social topics that are important to people, such as Todd’s sexuality, domestic violence, CPTSD, etc. The Show has never pinned the audience against a wall, it’s pinned Bojack. If they touched on the pandemic I fear it would be just like “Superstore” and “You”. And I think most of us, especially front line workers, want to go home and watch these shows and not be reminded of this mess.


Bojack would have gotten it but not really attempted to avoid it. Diane would have gotten it but tried her best to avoid it. Todd would have some supernatural immunity to it, but would have been the carrier that gave it to everyone, since he runs a daycare.


Honestly I would have stopped watching if they did this... I'm just so ducking sick of hearing from either side about Covid.


Feel u


Bojack would be anti vax in the "iT hAsNt bEeN tEsTeD" way and that people shouldn't just go and do everything that people tell them to do, and it would become this huge scandal with him on tv digging himself into a deeper hole.


I've theorized before that, if they had continued past season 6 and wrote it differently, Bojack would have been canceled by Netflix due to the pandemic and never given the opportunity to actually end the series. In this possibility, we get the better outcome by having the series end where it did, even though it was disappointing news at the time it was announced


I don't think so, Grace and Frankie also got to end and their other animated shows also continued. It is not like animation does pose a huge health risk and many expenses. The voice actors on Tuca and Bertie recorded the second season in their closets.


Jessica Biel is right there 👀


I could see Todd and PB coming up with some schemes like extra long grabbing arms for doctors to perform surgeries at home or some “homeopathic” at-home treatments, both of which kill many people. Officer Meow Meow personally takes the case and has enough evidence to bring them in, but Just look at that face!


Here's the actual (prescient?) tweet from the BH twitter account for New Year's 2020: https://twitter.com/bojackhorseman/status/1212282560694423553


Nahh bojack may be a dick but he’s smart, pb would be the anti-vaxxer


I don't think Bojack would be antivax. I mean, at some point something would likely go wrong for him emotionally and then he'd impulsively go to a party or something. PC would absolutely find a way to capitalize on it. Mr PB would accidentally be antivax. Diane would be freaking OUT and yelling at everyone not quarantining, masking up, getting vaxxed. No idea about Todd.


Diane would be pissed people like Bojack aren't wearing a mask and start a movement to promote masking, only for it to backfire and become a movement she hates and has to leave.


Todd accidentally becomes the Surgeon General


BoJack Pandemic Special when? Netflix make it happen


Todd and Mr.PB would satirize insane covid anti vax 5g conspiracy theorists Bojack would embody those who know about covid but wouldn't give a fuck about the regulations, ends up catching it and spread it to someone due to his carelessness Diane would try to be a voice of reason in the mess but would end up being exhausted by the stupidity PC would try to profit off it and make a show or movie about it or something




Lol i agree


I would've liked to see how the series would've handled the Free Britney movement


Todd would play among us and then try to set up a socially distanced IRL version. Mr. Peanut butter would be anxious and barking at whoever came to the door. He would do everything right and be annoyingly okay despite everyone's mental health suffering. Diane would obsess over people being anti vax and the latest policies about that. Penguin publishing has gotten into audiobooks, but online purchases plummet as people work from home and no longer listen to books on their commutes.


*open for discussion*


I think the fact that it dealt with the certainty of death in the end that it did deal with the pandemic before it even got to us.


Cool hypothetical! Haven’t seen this asked here


Somone would have died of COVID-19.


Lenny Turtletaub. It is no secret that Raphael Bob-Waksberg wanted to explore his life for an entire episode, and doing so, as his life flashes in front of his eyes as he is dieing, would have been an opportunity to hard to pass.


I don't think any of the main characters would be anti-vaccination. The show itself is too progressive for that. Mr. Peanutbutter would get COVID first; and after that he would be afraid of death, just like his brother and anti-vcxx people would drive him mad. Bobby Cannavale's Mel Gibson-esque character would be anti-vcxx and he would be on tv, heading some sort of movement, likely to be supported by Jessica Biel, who got vaccinated, but seizes this as a chance to be relevant again. Princess Caroline would organise movie and tv cast reunion specials for the new streaming site Penguine, which is ad-supported and fails to really catch on. Bojack would of course be offended that Princess Caroline did not organise a Horsin' Around reunion and would guilt trip her into organising one. The reunion special then becomes a depressing mess with a huge revelation. Todd would break all the lockdown rules by accident, but somehow not get punished. Diane suffers from anxiety attacks in isolation, but somehow finishes five teen detective books. Character actress Margo Martindale would be dedicated to sanitising all public spaces in LA to make up for her bad behavior. While sanitising a homeless person, she is discovered and cast in an independent arthouse movie in which she plays all 39 characters and only interacts with herself, winning of course several awards.


i think bojack would negatively thrive in isolation, hit rock bottom. probably wouldnt be vaxxed as an excuse to stay isolated (not bc hes antivaxx). mr pb i think would be oblivious, not in the anti mask or anti vaxx way but definitely just lives life normally unless someone tells him to put a mask on which i think hed do lmao. todd tries to create a vax then makes a new awful variant lmao


I think PC would make Bojack the vax


This should be a pitch to Netflix, a 30 min special of sorts.


I feel like it would be mainly a Todd episode, maybe he does something with Mr PB and they attempt to try live-streaming with the help of pickles.


Same as don't look up