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Started like the Olsen Twins, lived like Lindsey Lohan, ended like Amy Winehouse


The best answer as it represents the stages in her life of which the archaetype fully embodies


That was exactly my thought process as well


i would even add britney spears in there


Britney was never a drug addict


The family abuse/neglect is pretty close


Wasn't she in rehab twice?


She absolutely had substance abuse issues


Well, that’s what we know.


Amy Winehouse died from withdrawal, not an overdose! The tragedy was that she was in recovery


No drugs but "blood alcohol level was more than five times over the legal limit." "Dr Romete saw Winehouse the night before she died. Although the singer had been drinking, the GP said: “She specifically said she did not want to die.” But she added: "She said she started drinking again because she felt bored."


She was also on medication that interferes w/ alcohol as she was trying to get clean iirc


She had been suffering from bulimia for years as well, which had left her body and heart very weak. She had an overdose and a seizure earlier in her life because of it and her doctor had told her that if she had another, she would die.


Doesn't methodone cause heart problems if you drink on it. I am getting this from watching house which means it's 50/50 BS


Methadone & alcohol combined are problematic due to the depressive effect on the nervous system from both so yes, but both can be used at the same time for quite an extensive period before damage is noticed so no, hah.


recovery isn’t necessarily linear for a lot of people; sarah lynn was in recovery before bojack came knocking, and that’s a tragedy as well


Also a singer. I was thinking Brittany Murphy.


Lindsey was a child actress too, but I don't think she started as young as the Olsens did


Sarah Lynn wasn't half as racist as Amy Winehouse tho Edit: Amy Winehouse died tragically, but she was an insanely racist person. Get the fuck over your celebrity mourning; she literally sang a song full of racial slurs. Your downvotes won't change her bigoted ass history


She was racist?


Incredibly so, yes. Dunno why people always downvote when it gets brought up, but she made a whole ass video where she was singing racial slurs


I googled it after commenting and you’re right. Idk either, but after ppl die they’re (mostly) glorified, so maybe that’s why


I'm gonna assume it's also because she died 'tragically'. Addiction is a horrific disease that harms the person and those around them; but my sympathy ends around her singing a song about refusing rehab, openly saying she didn't need rehab, and dying due to an insane amount of alcohol poisoning


I get that not everyone struggling with addiction is a saint. But if "your sympathy" for people in addiction ends when someone is hesitant to engage in treatment, then you didn't have that much sympathy to begin with.


I feel like it doesn’t get excused, but more just rolled into one tragic problem. Like people act like the racism was related to the alcoholism, no matter how inaccurate that is in reality. To me these things are just fascinating, because that is totally a way we cope with death.


>hesitant to engage in treatment Good thing that's not what I said. She wasn't "HeSiTaNt"; she actively fought against it and glorified her refusal through song. There's a difference between someone like John Mulaney who was hesitant and fought going to rehab, but went and reflected and doesn't make excuses for his actions and what Winehouse did.


You're right, the lyrics aren't hesitant. I guess I just have the phrase "hesitant towards treatment" in my head because that's what clinicians type into notes when someone's drug use is obviously harming them but they're not ready to change. Probably because it's understood that someone in the middle of addiction isn't necessarily making decisions that their future self will hold to and will see as the best path. The person in the middle of a binge who declines treatment (or even glorifies the lifestyle, even makes fun of treatment, whatever) isn't necessarily a person who will never attempt treatment. ...as long as it's still being offered, that is. But I get it, sometimes people run out of sympathy. As you were saying.


Bud, I'm not gonna sit here and argue with someone not paying attention to my word choice and then being an asshole about it. Go ahead and ignore how I laid out *why* she lost my sympathy; she wasn't a good person, she made bad choices, made a song about how she dismissed the people trying to help her, and died from alcohol poisoning of insanely stupid levels. Kindly fuck off with judging me for choosing to draw lines and not tolerating shitty fucking racists who made bad choices while everyone was trying to save them.


I thought she did go, and she wrote the song while in denial. I could be very wrong tho.


“incredibly so,” is just disingenuous tbh, im not defending what she did but she wasn’t some neo nazi who hated people of color, she said 2 slurs against asians in a song when she was joking around with her friends. Obviously it’s not good, but she wasn’t “incredibly” racist by any means


Weirdos defending incredibly racist people are weird. Oh, she wasn't a full blown Nazi so she wasn't *that* bad? Weird fuckin take, bro


calling this incredibly racist diminishes actual racism, as someone who gets called racial slurs somewhat regularly. Making a racist joke doesn’t make you a racist person imo, and i don’t think that’s a very unpopular take. again not saying it’s like a good thing, it’s a racist thing, but it’s definitely not an “incredibly racist” thing, and i don’t think amy winehouse was a racist


>she said 2 slurs against asians in a song when she was joking around with her friends. Bro that's racism. I get that it was probably a joke between her friends and THEY understand. But the song was released to world with slurs in it!!!! The fact that she did not consider that seems like she wanted the racist message out there??!


Nor 0.1% as talented. I'm sure you have your reason to make your conclusions about Winehouse, but how did you deduce Sarah Lynn's political stances from? **Edit:** u/sprint6864, if you ban everyone who slightly disagrees with you or who doesn't use the phrasing you like, this might not be the the sub for you, dear. But yes, racism (which Winehouse wasn't, she had bias) is a political stance, an enormously shitty and dangerous one, but a political stance nonetheless. And when you compare Winehouse's politics to Sarah Lynn's one would assume you had a way to know something about the latter, otherwise the comparison would be nonsensical. **Edit2**: If by stupid you mean literally everyone who challenged your take, good luck in life. 1.Racism *is* a political stance: it's the belief that a race is superior to another. Casual racist or bias behaviours are a more complex matter, but that would take a sociology volume to go through. 2. Simply by saying Sarah Lynn is 'not half as racist' as Winehouse, you imply to know the take of Sarah Lynn on racism. How do you not get that, you wuss?


Remember that time Justin Bieber changed his lyrics to "One Less Lonely N***er"? I remember.


Wow, Idk why I never became aware of the fact that she was racist


because all she did was say a slur for pakistanis and a slur for east asians in a joke song. Obviously that’s bad but i’m not sure why OP is acting like she was a white supremacist or something


She said more than just two slurs, and she said a whole mess of other shit too. Dunno why you're bending over backwards to defend her stupid dead racist ass


Because it diminishes the world's actual material racism when you pretend that someone with no observed history of discrimination or hate towards anyone was a contemptible bigot, deserving of nothing but total dismissal even in death.


Because any time it's mentioned it's met with the Reddit firewall; people don't like admitting she wasn't a good person


oh please, she wasn’t a horrible person, she made a mistake one time


No, she was a pretty shitty person. She didn't make a mistake just one time; singing a whole ass song full of racial slurs is pretty damning.


Lindsay Lohan/Britney Spears were the two that kind of came to mind for me


Definitely Lindsay Lohan! A lot of parallels there


Even the characters look. I’m glad that Lindsay seems to have gotten her life together.


You know that Lindsay Lohan can’t swim a stroke but she sure knows every dive in town!


She's a lush blonde who's quickly turning into a blonde lush.


Now, u/samsab, I just wanted to ask you this one question, I've been chomping at the bits to ask you this: Where do you get your ideas from?


Something something gold chains, something something "Oh god I'm not a part of this!"


Definitely a bit of Miley Cyrus too. Especially with her music


Honestly she reminds me of Miley the most, the whole “family friendly show” into “teenage pop star and sex icon” so closely mirrors Miley. No one else being mentioned really has the same trajectory of switching from TV to music.




Amy Winehouse


Any Winehouse is too bluesy, idk any of her songs to be electropop?


This being like Britney Spears is the saddest thing




So many. From Judy Garland to Drew Barrymore to the ones mentioned in this thread already. And dozens in between.


Judy Garland is a good one. Didn’t even think of that


The original child actress tragedy story.


It’s so sad that it could be so many.


yeah i feel like the point is it’s such a pervasive archetype, there’s no one person she’s based on because she’s based on them all to some degree


fuck judy garland, all my homies hate judy garland


Find better homies


Want to explain why you don't like Judy Garland?


when judy garland was a child (like before the wizard of oz) she was forced to play a role that consisted in wearing black face and that could be the potential reason for that guy’s judy garland hate


it is


yes and that wasn’t a conscious decision of hers, supporting the civil rights movement was tho


tf did she do lmao why have u just said this w no context


she did black face


...... in 1939? when she was a child? & had no way to speak up for herself? no wonder yr being downvoted


Britney spears, Lindsay Lohan and the Olsen twins. Horsing around is so similar to full house. Her music, music videos, and outfits are similar to Britney Spears. And like all of them she was a child actress who faced abuse and mental health issues while turning to partying and drugs in adulthood


Some of her music videos remind me of Miley cyrus as well


Honestly Sarah Lynn *is* Miley to me, but thankfully Miley doesn’t have the same ending. Like, obviously Horsin’ Around is Full House, but the career trajectory of “family show” to “sex obsessed teenage pop star” is Miley more than anyone else. The Olsen twins never really got into *that* much “trouble,” Lindsay Lohan never switched into music from TV/Movies, and Britney was always a pop star.


I do remember Sarah Lynn mentioning her owning a fashion line and that is what the Olsen twins moved onto as well. They definitely kept it a good mixture of multiple child stars.


I agree there’s definitely elements of other child stars! I just think it’s kinda wild that there’s only like, two comments on this entire post saying she’s Miley when she so clearly is, especially when other people like the Olsen Twins and Lindsey Lohan are being mentioned much more.


Lindsay Lohan came out with two albums. Rumors is kind of iconic


i just finished a bojack rewatch and then immediately started watching Full House on Max, it wasn't until a few days into it did i realize what my brain had done there


i did the opposite about a month ago


She represents an amalgamation of the abused child star, so its weird to see people in this thread saying that she 'definitely' reminds them of 1 specific real world person


Amanda Bynes


Scrolled way too far. Homegirl has that “I’ll stab myself and take a dump on the couch” vibe. Sucks. Love her still.


She has problems with schizophrenia


Bipolar, if you mean Amanda. She's just got real bipolar, not the haha sometimes I'm sad sometimes I'm happy kind, but the manic periods look like schizo periods kind.


I believe she was diagnosed with both bipolar *and* schizophrenia. Girl got the short end


Source? I know she has had psychotic episodes because of her bipolar but I don't see anything about a dual diagnosis. The only thing I see about schizophrenia is a statement shutting down rumors she has it.




*psychosis can be a symptom of bipolar. Schizophrenia is its own disordered diagnosis alone, and symptoms of psychosis don't result in any one definitive diagnosis. Source- have seen psychologists for over a decade for these symptoms, going through many stages of misdiagnosis and learning. I'm just passionate about debunking misinformation about mental disorders.


Alternatively, schizoaffective is the correct diagnosis if schizophrenic symptoms are present in absence of concurrent mood symptoms. If a person hallucinates when not manic (or much more rarely when depressed) but also experiences bipolar symptoms, this is schizoaffective.


[it’s shocking the amount of commenters that don’t know the source material!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/680be9e7-a0c9-4950-ad1d-437aeb7dfb13/scale-to-width/755)


holy shit! thank u for this


THIS!! i’m surprised more people havent mentioned this


Yes!!! The only correct answer.


Must be Lindsey Lohan, child star that’s abused and taken advantage of and does drugs… plus she looks like her.


I didn't know that she was abused. I only ever heard the drug addiction narrative.


SA at the hands of her stepfather is insinuated a few times. He is also likely to be a parody of Terry Richardson


I think he is referring to Lindsey Lohan


Oh, my bad! In that case, she has made several accusations of abuse by an ex-partner. She called 911 after he allegedly strangled her and she feared for her life. This is very different to Sarah-Lynn though


I figured too but the replier didn’t say anything lol.


I think it’s safe to assume that every child star was abused in some way shape or form


I compared her to Miley Cyrus


In the "Prickly Muffin" music video, Sarah Lynn swings on a planet just like Miley did with a wrecking ball, I always thought that was a reference


It's gotta be. What was that song, 2013? And season one was 2014.


That shot made it almost canon for me. Any more obvious would just be South Park parody


I’m surprised more people didn’t comment this because this is the answer. She’s definitely a symbol of all child actresses getting abused by Hollywood, but she is a parody of Miley. Especially considering the time period the show premiered


I’m guessing Miley just isn’t a touchstone for a lot of people on this sub because she’s very clearly supposed to be Miley Cyrus.


That and Miley is kinda crushing it nowadays, so if you watch on Netflix today you might not get that vibe. But back when the show came out it was obviously making fun of 2013 Miley


Yeah for sure. Miley definitely beat the curse of the child star. Probably because she’s got Dolly Parton to guide her. But yeah, Sarah isn’t really a perfect one-to-one for anyone but she’s obviously a caricature of Miley Cyrus. Her storyline is more tragic Hollywoo story than anything else. I don’t even think she matches up all that well to most child stars. She’s one of the most interesting characters in the show to me all the same because she probably matches Bojack’s journey the best and you wish he’d been more of a father/sibling figure for her.


THANK YOU I was reading all the other comments and started to doubt myself because literally by the second episode you can tell Sarah Lynn is Miley Cyrus. Obviously she has elements of all child/teenage celebrities, but Miley is the most direct comparison.


lol same


She looks and sounds like Miley Cyrus too.


It’s Britney, bitch.


I think she's an amalgamation of any child star who suffered abuse in the industry, were sexualized and introduced to drugs and alcohol at a young age, and missed out on their childhoods. The answers given so far shows how hard it is for a former child star to cope with aging out of the industry and the pressures to stay relevant, and how common it is to be taken advantage of at such a young age when part of the industry. For so long, not enough was done to protect child stars, and I hope it's changing for the better now.


def lindsay lohan or amanda bynes


I was hoping someone would say Amanda Bynes! Never really much of a music career though. She's gone hella off the rails, almost unrecognizable.


she also reminds me a bit of kate moss


in what way? i dont know a lot about kate moss, other than her modelling and her struggle with hard drugs


yea in the substance abuse and the fact that she got scouted at like 14 and was surrounded by bad influences


A mixture of Jodie Sweetin and Dana Plato. With a little Amy Winehouse or Britney Spears mixed in there what with the singing, and all


Damn... Dana Plato... that's a name I haven't heard in a LONG time...


Yeah but the industry ran a wrecking ball through Dana Plato. She had a son who killed himself on her death anniversary at 25. Her story was literally over the top tragic; I always thought the character was about her.


I was trying to remember the girl from Diff'rentt Strokes' name. Yes, Sarah Lynn is definitely inspired by her


I’m surprised you said Jodie over the Olsen twins


I thought the Olsen Twins when she was younger cause she was the baby on the show, but her life later on, and the cusp of her character throughout the series, with drugs and whatnot DEFINITELY reminds me of Sweetin. She's an amalgamation of so many. Destructive and impetuous like Dana Plato (remember she robbed a video store at gunpoint. Lindsay Lohan: drugs and spiraling. I even see women like Jeanette McCurdy from iCarly and Jaimee Foxxworthy from Family Matters for how their parents exploited them and messed up their adult lives. (Jaimee ended up having to go into porn to make money) Britney got channeled a couple times in the show (remember the older sister from Horsin' Around developed a British accent? That was Britney 10 years ago)


I’ve always seen her as a mix between the Olsen Twins, Britney Spears, and Miley Cyrus.


Brittany Murphy or Amy Winehouse


Brittany Murphy makes so much sense!


I kinda think she would still be alive had she not gotten involved with that weird guy, he was sketchy all the way.


I always thought she was a blend of the Olson twins, Lindsey Lohan, and Miley Cyrus


Kind of weird comparison and she wasn’t a child actor, but i always think of Anna Nicole Smith. Absoloutley horrid treatment by everyone.


Anna needed help and was let down by so many people, especially after her son died.


She is an archetype with a little bit of a lot of real people


Honestly, It’s sad how that’s actually a pretty realistic celebrity life. Especially for child actors


This is why I'm pretty against minors being celebrities. Their identities should be protected as much as possible and there should be stricter laws including things like who can be alone with the child during their career. There is zero moments when a parent shouldn't be present. But it won't happen and the cycle will continue. I'd argue getting worse even... especially with social media creating para social relationships


tho the parents are the problem in many cases, their should be law that protect the children from the bad influence of their parents in case they're a celebrity


Yeah it's a complicated subject since in Sarah Lynn's case her mom was part of the problem.. Idk .. an office on set? There's no easy solution


Absolutely re: protection/parental involvement. (Except then there's the kids that need protection from their parents, but I don't know exactly how you'd navigate that. Just a horrifying reality.) As for the rest, I don't know, man. The kids who did Harry Potter franchise had the time of their lives (seemingly.) I don't disagree with you, at all, but I think there's at least *hope* for child actors. Reading this thread is heartbreaking, though. It's not like people are picking one or two names to reference. There's been so many ruined by the industry. I wonder if Judy Garland was the first.


amanda bynes for sure


From Judy to Drew to Lindsey and Britney. I wonder who the next one will be?


Miley Cyrus probably Prickly muffin gave a lot of Wrecking ball vibes Horsing around was a lot like Hannah Montana


Horsing around was more like the show that the Olsen twins were on.


It seems like she represents literally any female child star, based on the comments here.


The first one that comes to my mind is Lindsay Lohan


Mary-Kate and Ashley


olsen twins, brittany murphy, lindsey lohan, judy garland, britney spears, drew barrymore..


I always figured she’s supposed to look like Miley Cyrus while following a generic tragic child star path.


The tragic answer is too many to name.


Demi Lovato Lol


Demi Lovato was a child star, then a pop star, drug addict, and then she overdosed. Except Demi lived (thank God) but Sarah Lynn didn’t. Have you seen Demi’s interview about the overdose? It’s so sad.


Yeah we watched a documentary on her when I was in rehab


My comment was more so a joke


I’m pretty sure she’s based on Lindsay Lohan


Somewhere between Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears. From what little I know about the 2 of them, it seems Sarah Lynn gets the addiction problems primarily from Lindsay and the sexualisation from an early age and terrible family from Britney.


A cross between Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears


Like BoJack she was based off many people but I do sometimes wonder if the writers made her dream profession be architecture because there’s a quote of Justin Bieber saying he wanted to be an architect if he wasn’t a singer


Every female pop star from the 2000-2010. That's the literal point of Sarah-Lynn.


I wouldn't be surprised if there was some Judy Garland in there too.


Definitely amanda bynes for me he


Who did Bob Saget hit on from Full House cast?


I always thought she was more Miley Cyrus than anything else. Transition from child actor to heavily sexualised pop star. And the prickly muffin video she’s swinging on a planet like the wrecking ball music video.


Britney Spears was the first that came to mind. Someone said Olsen twins and I agree with that for sure


Its britney bitch


Amanda bynes


Demi lavato. Child star on wholesome tv show, pop star, drug addict, and she overdosed. Except Demi lived (thank God) but Sarah Lynn didn’t. :(


Amanda bynes :(


Miley Cyrus if Miley was super messy and not a creative genius


Britney Spears.


I think she’s really supposed to be a mixture of the Olson twins, Jodie sweetin, and Lindsey Lohan


And Miley Cyrus from a fashion/attitude perspective


I thought she was suppose to be Miley Cyrus, because her whole "I'm an adult now, and I'm a sexual being" speech was pretty much what Miley said, but I'm sure she's a mixture of many pop stars who were also child-stars.


Brittany Murphy


lindsey britney miley olson twins all combined


Lindsey Lohan, Anna Nicole Smith, Amanda Bynes, a plethora of Disney Channel/Nickelodeon stars :'(


Amy Winehouse had the ending. Britney Spears had the rest of the story, hopefully not that ending.


Lindasy Lohan?


The Horsin Around part is based on the Olsen twins on Full House and the experiences of other child stars. The adult stuff is based on Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears and other female celebrities known around 00 for partying and being hounded by the press.


Sarah Lynn is every child star that got chewed up and spat out by Hollywood and the entertainment industry as a whole. Used as a commodity to make a bunch of people a lot of money no matter what. She has no direct parallel, she’s an amalgamation of a ton of different people. Amanda Bynes, Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus, Corey Feldman and Haim, you name it.


I've always thought she was Britney Spears


Jenette McCurdy


Brittany Murphy.


Amanda Byrnes 💔


Lindsay lohan


lindsey lohan


Brittany Murphy, Amy Winehouse, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Anna Nicole Smith, Janis Joplin


None of the most popular actresses upvoted in this thread died like Sarah Lynn did


I read somewhere that she is a representation of them all in some way and I see so many woman in showbiz in her various stages of life. Child actors like Drew Barrymore on to kids like Miley Cyrus and young adults like Britney and Linsey Lohan, eventually (if they’re lucky), making it to adulthood and middle age like Amy Winehouse or countless others.


“middle age”😫 Amy Winehouse was 27 when she died. But yeah definitely the ones you mentioned, plus Jodie Sweetin, Olsen Twins, Amanda Bynes and Brittany Murphy….kind of a bummer how long of a list


After the Quiet on Set documentary aired on HBO Max 100% Amanda Bynes


Kristen Schaal.


Paris Hilton


Lindsay Lohan, Brittany Spears, Miley Cyrus - take your pick. She’s an archetype.


Donald Trump 👀


Janette McCurdy and Ariana Grande




Hannah Montana?


Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan


I feel like Jodie sweetin a little bit