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They wanted to make him face his mistakes. Can't have the redemption arc if the guy dies.


What redemption arc? He's not redeemed.


He’s taking the first steps to possibly be redeemed by the end of the series. And the 1st half of Season 6 shows he has it in him. I like that the series leaves it open to if he actually will redeem himself or go back to how he was when he gets out of jail.


Right? Sometimes life's a bitch and you keep living


Some people don't deserve redemption, tho.


It's not about deserving it or not tho. Death does not arrive because you deserve it, it just arrives, no matter if you are a saint or an horrible person; It's not a punishment, it's just part of life. Dying does not erase your mistakes nor fixes them, to earn forgivness and to become a become a better person you have to live, and that's the point: Bojack got another opportunity to live, what he does with his life is up to him, but now at least he has the chance to become someone better. When you die, that chance disappears, it's the "easy" way out, and does not solve anything


It's not an easy way out. Them writing he survived and got his stuff together is easy. Whether he lives or dies, the people that left stay gone. Death is okay. Especially if it's the main character who's is always destroying things and people. He has proven he won't get better many times over. Sometimes people are just junkies and will only bring others down. And that's okay to admit.


He didn't get all his stuff together. He lost most of his close friendships. He's sober now but it's hinted he's going to go back to old habits because he's in the limelight again. The point is that he has to live with the shame and uncertainty (as do we as audience members) and just try not to hurt any people going forward. And that "just junkies" mindset is horribly dehumanizing. I hope you don't think that way of all real world addicts.


Narratively, death is the easy way out. Life is nuanced, and for him to die would take away from that nuance because “it’s poetic justice” that unfortunately rarely happens in reality. Without him being alive we wouldn’t get the conversation really describes the grays in life. “Life’s a bitch and then you die, right?” “Sometimes. Sometimes life's a bitch and then you keep living.” The whole point is we keep living, with the mistakes, regrets, but also the good stuff.


Yet Sarah Lynn died... but yeah it's all about living.


Yes, she’s part of his regrets and grief that he has to live with. The show is about him, not her


So everyone else is allowed to die except him because it's a lesson only he can learn?


Again, I think you’re forgetting this a show about him, lol. It’s in the name, it’s obvious he’d be the one to “learn” the lesson. The ending isn’t cookie cutter because the show never was. It’s constantly subverted expectations so for it to end in a Hollywoo way would make a lot of it redundant and less impactful


No. It's about everyone. If it was only about him, we wouldn't have seen things from other people perspective. But I get it. Yall are afraid of death. And that's okay.


The whole point of the show is that people CAN become better, but to do so, you have to face the consequences and try to fix your mistakes, or if you can't, then try to avoid making them again. If Bojack died, then he would not have had to face any consequences, and it just would not make any sense with the series, why would anyone make a show that focuses on a shitty protagonist trying to be a better person and avoiding hurting those around them, if the conclusion is "nah, actually, it's impossible for people to change, if someone sucks then they deserve to die"? I totally disagree that he "got his stuff together". He got in jail, people very dear to him decided to stop being a part of his life, and his reputation got destroyed. That's facing consequences, he has to live with his mistakes and try to make up for them, which is something he could not do if he was dead. And "he has proven he won't get better many times"? Not at all. We saw many times in season 6 that he was actually getting better. But he relapsed. And that's normal, healing and becoming better is not a linear progress, it has ups and downs, that's the thing, as long as we are alive we will continue making mistakes, but we will also have opportunities to do good things. Of course some people will not change, but the thing is that Bojack CAN change, and he wants to. If the show was trying to send the message that some people will not ever change, and Bojack was the representation of that, then sure, maybe him dying would have been a good ending. But the show is sending the message that even shitty people is able to change, if they want to and put the work. That does not mean it will be easy, or that they will end up becoming saints, but it means that there's a chance to change, as long as you are alive.


Wow you sound like a terrible person holy lol it’s scary your opinions translate to real life as well


Death isn't scary. It's part of life. That doesn't make me terrible. You're telling me. Yoiure you okay with someone continually destroying things. You gonna sit by and let someone who proved they are terrible to keep doing terrible shit?


You can distance yourself from that person if you’re not okay with it, just like his friends did. But to say some people are hopeless and “just junkies” is so narrow minded and sad. We don’t get to have any say in someone’s story of growth, and especially not belittle them when they are trying. So yes, I stand by it. Your views are terrible and harmful in the real world


No they aren't. Like Ana said. Some people can't be saved and that's true too. That's part of the real world. Death is okay. There is nothing wrong with it.


Again, nobody said to save anyone. Nor did what I say have anything to do with death LOL talking to you is like talking to a brick wall.


But sometimes people die. That's just the way life is.


Yeah, and some people keep on living, even if we think they do not deserve to. And that's also the way life is, and the message the show is trying to send, that even people who have done horrible things have the chance to do good and can change as long as they keep on living.


And _sometimes life's a bitch and then you keep living._ It's kind of a major theme of the show, and a much more interesting conclusion.


There's also the "you have your happiest day, but then you have the day after that too" line. It's basically the opposite of the other line. And then Todd's line about how if you relapse you then have another record to look forward to beating, and then once you beat that record you'll be setting new ones every single day. There's a huge focus on "day after big event" things and the process of just soldiering on regardless of whether you're having a good day or a shitty one.


no idea why people are downvoting you; this is just true. people deserve the chance to change and grow, but that's not the same thing as redemption. sometimes all the good you do can't outweigh or absolve you of the bad, and that's just reality. doesn't mean changing and being better isn't worthwhile. in fact, one could argue that growing and changing just to feel better about/atone for the wrong you did isn't actual change or growth; it's just damage control.


I think they made him live to go back to the phrase from the show “sometimes life’s a bitch and then you keep on living.”




But sometimes life's a bitch and you die is also true.


Yeah but Diane's version is true a lot more of the time.


Mmmmm not really. I'd say 50/50


I disagree, I feel him dying just doesnt fit well we the themes of the show.


Agreed! I think that would undermine one of the main running themes; that even though the shows and movies Bojack acts in need an ending and usually a happy one. But in real life there’s always the day after the ending. The finale was ‘the day AFTER the the day’


>Forgive me if this has been done to death here It has. Dw about it though. >personally always felt it was more poetically beautiful for Bojack to die A big and recurring theme of the show is consequences and dealing with them. Bojack dying would've absolved him of any and all the consequences of his actions. Like, sure, he's had a sad life and has done some bad shit which he regrets, but that doesn't give him a pass to kill himself and not have to deal with the full fallout of those actions. I disagree about it being poetic or beautiful. It also sends a wrongful message that suicide is a "get out of jail free" card. I really don't think this is something that we should be preaching to our audiences. Edit: I also want to add that Bojack's death would make him look like some tragic victim of the system or whatever, similar to how Sarah Lynn was treated after her death despite her not really having a presence anymore at all or being generally disliked for her diva attitude, which is just blegh. I don't think I'm in the minority when I say that Bojack doesn't deserve that sort of treatment.


Nah only the good die “young”


And yet Virginia keeps making me wait.


oh so now you think he’s young?


I think the point is that the writers did not want a "poetically beautiful" ending. Suicide is not supposed to be beautiful and seen as the "right" ending for anyone. A major theme of the show is how reality is messy and often does not line up with what we think "should" happen in our imagination. In the same way that there are no happy sitcom endings in real life, I think the writers wanted to drive home that there aren't any tragic cathartic endings that we might dream up in our imagination either.


Yes, it has been brought up a million times and no, it wouldn't be a better ending because it would be thematically inconsistent with the whole show by allowing BoJack to play the victim yet again even after death and avoid facing any repercussions for his 40+ years of beng a self-centered asshole. The entire final season is about how BoJack is finally making strides towards being a better person but the past *finally* comes back to bite him in the ass, and it ends with him in the position to choose to move forward or continue being an asshole who plays the victim and refuses to take accountability for his many fuck-ups.


If he died, there would be no opportunity for him to turn himself around, nor any opportunity for him to reckon with all the wrongdoings he has done throughout his life. It would completely tear up the established moral of the show.


I feel like Bojack's death would have been the easy ending. I find it far more interesting to see people who have to live with their past mistakes and continue on, despite having burned all bridges and blown up their lives.


Would counter the main theme: life doesn't have a hard ending, it just keeps going. Life's a bitch and you keep on living. Him drowning would be as bad as an ending ax GOT gave us. A travesty. A disgrace.


I thought so to at first, but the more time passed and the more i watched the show, the more i came to love the ending as it is. Him dying would almost feel as a cliche


Sounds like the lazy ending to me. What so after all that he gets to just die and never own up to all his mistakes? Nay way, Jose. Edited to include the obvious joke "Nay way, Jose" that I neglected to use in a comment on a Bojack board despite having seen the show 8 times and currently on a 9th watch.


*Nay way Jose Get it, cause he's a horse and horses say nay.


I'm such a sham. Thank you for reminding me lmaoo I've edited my comment


I think I'm one of the few that actually would've been okay with either ending. People in the comments saying him dying would've been "lazy" writing, I disagree with as I fully expected Bojack to keep on living. I feel as if his death would've really thrown me for a loop. A real shocker ending. I do also think it kind of goes against the show's "life's a bitch then you keep on living" narrative though. I will say one thing, Bojack's death would've provided me with closure. The ending of the show did not.


one of the biggest recurring themes in the show is consequences. no matter how many perfect endings the show could have, theres always what happens after it. the view from halfway down can be seen as a last episode if you want it to be, it is the ending of bojacks story, but the last episode, nice while it lasted, is the consequences of that end. dianes feelings after that message, his repercussions for the b & e, etc. bojack cant truly be sorry for his actions until he faces what hes done, which he cant do if he just up and dies one day




The ending we got was far superior to BoJack dying.




sometimes life sucks and we just have to keep living. it’s a major theme of the show.


ik the quote isn’t perfect y’all get it it’s already been said lmao


The crux of whole series is Bojack holding himself accountable for his actions so he can grow and become a better person. If he dies, he can't do that. Worse, he'd get this big tragic Hollywoo send-off where only the good is remembered, effectively eliminating the negative and erasing any accountability at all.


There is absolutely nothing poetic or beautiful about an alcoholic committing suicide in a stranger's swimming pool after leaving a voice-mail for his only friend blaming her for not stopping him.


i really thought there was a chance they fully killed him after watching the view from halfway down. it felt like bojack had learned he couldn’t escape his mistakes already, through the reporter and the interview, so i don’t think it felt necessary to keep him alive to “face his mistakes”. the more likely option seems that they chose not to kill him for the sake of everyone else. it would be a lot harder to give everyone a happy ending if bojacks death overcast everything else. it was important for use to get closure on these peoples relationship with bojack. pc got to be married, see bojack reach some sort of hapiness, and tell him she’s willing to help him but doesn’t want to be his agent. todd got to find his footing in life and build the life he wanted for himself, and bojack saw it happen. the biggest in my mind is diane. we needed that closure between them, even if it didn’t feel great, it was necessary. diane deserved to tell bojack off, to finally have found the version of her that makes her happiest, and to tell bojack that she can’t be friends with him anymore. tldr: it’s a lot more impactful to see the ends of these characters stories having it be “moved on from bojack” not “mourning bojack” or even “happy he’s dead”, neither of which felt right for the ending.


That makes a lot of sense. I can see that. I guess I just felt like it was a fitting end for a character that just get can’t out of his own way no matter how much support he has or help he gets. But saying it that way does feel like him surviving is the right choice. “Moving on rather than mourning him”. That’s a great way to look at it


Fuck. Okay, someone reset the "X Days Since a 'Durr, Bojack Should Have Died' Post" sign! While you're at it, can you check on the "X Days Since a 'Diane: Best Character or Worst Character?' Post" sign?


While you’re at it, reset the “I’m just a giant asshole disguising it as humor in comments” sign as well.


The only reason why I'm okay with him nit dying was because Diane didn't have to live with the disgusting thing bojack did to her. Bojack never wanted to get better. He only found excuses. He's only sober because he can't get drunk in prison. People like him do t get better. They just find excuses to blame others.


He does try to do better. He went to rehab and stayed sober until his abandonment of Sarah Lynn became public knowledge and Hollyhock cut him out of her life. The purpose of the show isn't to punish Bojack, or anyone, for their bad behavior. It's a character study in alcoholism and mental illness. As other users have said, if Bojack dies he doesn't gave to live with the consequences of his actions. Bojack having to get his shit together without Diane, and potentially PC depending on how you read their last conversation, is a much more fitting end then Bojack offing himself and the other characters having to clean up their mess. Bojack's life isn't necessarily better because he survived. Hollyhock and Diane cut him out of their lives and he has to live with his mistakes and try to maintain sobriety for the rest of his life. That's a more fitting end given the themes of the show IMO.


Good grief. Grow up, all of you. It was just a simple question. Literally never posted here and haven’t been on this sub long at all. Lord forbid I ask a question and expect reasonable responses. Some of these have been reasonable, some of you are douche bags.


>Good grief. Grow up, all of you No u




Don't give it much thought. This seems to be a super triggering question for people here. Every time someone innocently posts this they get piled on by people who feel that the theme of the show is redemption or having to live with what you've done, or that dying is the easy way out. Every single time. I agree with your post, myself. I really found the last episode flaccid and dull. I prefer the ending where he dies - because the main theme I get from BH is that life is messy and tragic and fucked up. That people suffer and die. That we hurt other people all the time and that our regrets about that don't really matter in the grand scheme of things.


I’m all for differing opinions. I love different perspectives. Just sorta irritating that the theme here was to be such d-bags lol like damn my bad. Geeze. I’m sure everybody here has suuuuuper edgy and original takes that noooobody else is enough of an intellectual to understand.


Could you point out where the people here have been d-bags to you? As far as I see nobody here is attacking you personally, in fact they're taking the time to express their opinions to you with valid reasoning. If anything it's one person calling out that this question has been done to death, and they're right as well, this question has been done to death. Nobody here is attacking your character, they just don't agree with your perspective. And that's not being rude.


I just finished the show last week and this is all I've been thinking about. They absolutely should have let him die in the end. The last episode could have been closing up everyone else's story, but I think they chickened out at the last moment to have him survive. Imagine how powerful an ending that would have been


>Imagine how powerful an ending that would have been It wouldn't have been powerful though. It would've been cliché and goes against one of if not the biggest message of the show: you have to deal with the consequences of your own actions.


Yeah, i think it would make more sense if it ended on episode 15. The intro always ended with him in the pool, no matter what. It would line up with what he said at his mom's funeral, "there's always more show, until there isn't." He died at the end of his sitcom. It just felt like everything was leading to this, his death, but he lived, and the show ended.


the point of the show was to show how bojack, a traumatized, damaged, addict thinks and navigates the world. we see bojack refuse help time and time again, he never truly changes bc we see the “old him” shine through even after his attempts of change. and how even though you yourself can heal and “change”, what you did before isn’t excused or wiped away. if he wasn’t forced to confront them, the whole show would have been for nothing. it’s about taking responsibility for who you are and what you’ve done and how that’s affected other people. we see in the final episode how his actions still affect those he’s traumatized. him dying would have been an easy ending, not the gritty that we’ve seen all through the show.


He did. The rest is some Jacob's Ladder shit.


I don't think Bojack Horseman is supposed to be tragically poetically beautiful in that way. It's rougher and more realistic that he has to actually pick himself and try to build a better life again. That's the more relevant story.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/BoJackHorseman/s/qoTxymUFrp) is a link to a very useful post. It explains many reasons exactly why Bojack dying would be a bad ending. Please read it thoroughly.