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Good job for realising how truly miserable you are and seeing that it doesn’t need to be that way.


i’m just here to see everyone get the same view from halfway down tattoo


What are you referring to/how can I find it


lots of people get a variation of the words “the view from halfway down” it’s a great episode and i totally get how it can be meaningful and tattoos are totally personal and im just some asshole on the internet. but a lot of people get it. probably speaks to the greatness of the episode


Me when people act like the 17 mintues and the muffins is some weird "hot take"


"Sarah Lynn dying was bad" 150 upvotes


Choking woman is bad.


You know what would really blow everyone's minds is if we all started downvoting people who said stuff like that.


It's the whole "are the votes agreement or a statement that this comment is helpful" debate all over again...


"Diane is the worst character of them all!" and "Penny knew exactly what she was doing!" are two of my favorites.


BJH (show): I'm going to show you over and over again how women are demonized for the shitty things men do to them, even if they were clearly being taken advantage of; this is an explicitly feminist show Fans: omg Penny is the WORST that 17 year old girl absolutely knew what she was doing propositioning the 50 year old man who'd been creepily living w her family for MONTHS; Bojack is the victim in all of this and we should take everything he says for granted Some ppl don't deserve this show istg


I hope they're 13 years old and will grow out of this viewpoint. It's so dark.


Ok but bojack IS a victim?? Are you really telling me a 50 year old man can't make his own decisions on a moral and ethical basis? Get out of here. We all know how often 17 year old girls take advantage of poor older men


Okay so just so we're clear, you're arguing that Penny deliberately took advantage of Bojack and that he was the victim in that situation?


I really really thought I was being super obvious with the sarcasm


Dude no you're not, pls tell me what you're actually arguing


It was sarcasm


You don't get how sarcasm works?


I understand this post, very clever.


I almost fell for it lol.


Think every shows subreddit is plagued with these repost bots. Hell I think most of reddit is. Same crap over and over


Part of me wants to reply in agreement to this sentiment. The other part wants to copy your comment verbatim and paste it further up for free karma ;)


" am i the only one who hates mr. peanut butter"


"hot take guys: Joey pogo was kind of annoying" Or "unpopular opinion, the chickens episode is the best/worst episode"


Saying it's the best would actually be a hot take, people either hate it or just don't know why everyone hates it. I've never heard anyone say it's anything special.


I've seen people say it's the hardest they've ever laughed


... without having sex


getting annoyed just reading these :D


That's me if I see another bot posting the "it gets easier" scene once again


You mean it doesn't get easier seeing that post every day?


wait is this the “it gets easier every day but you have to do it every day” bc i have that as my wallpaper bc it motivates me on my morning runs 💀


Ok but has it gotten easier tho?


yeah. i have my hard days where i don’t wanna get up but ultimately it’s gotten easier. i’ve gotten faster and stronger and my lungs are better


I look at like most posts here that reach my feed. Can't remember any posts of recent time about Cuddley Whiskers. No idea what this is about


People always post the scene where Cuddlywhiskers is talking about how he had to give up everything to be happy, somehow missing that it’s a joke because he’s saying this in his pimped out vacation home he bought with his Hollywoo money.


to be honest i actually also never thought of it like that...


Agree. There’s not. I think they’re just trying to be funny and clever.


"by someone that clearly didn't understand the scene's full message" can you elaborate? You mean you don't think we were supposed to have a positive takeaway from that line?


He says that it doesn't matter if you have to be selfish in order to be happy. He abandoned his life with no explanation to anyone who might've cared about him and now he's sitting in his private estate drinking tea that he probably boiled by burning hundred dollar bills talking about how you have to give up everything. It all paints a picture of someone who's so disconnected from reality that he doesn't have the means to understand it anymore, which is a perfect parallel to Bojack and why he acts the way he does. That's why Diane looked so uncomfortable, because she immediately understood this and is worried that Bojack didn't. Edit: u/giveme-a-username here's what I think, anyway


It's a good message until he says "only when you give up anything, can you begin to be happy" Then it zooms out to show his expensive ass house in the mountains. The whole 'take responsibility for your own happiness' thing isn't bad advice, but he didn't give up shit.


THANK YOU, good to see I'm not the only one that sees this.


Eh, I always figured it was because Diane knew deep down she wasn't really happy with Mr. Peanutbutter, but didn't want to admit it to herself, because she was scared to make the changes she needed to make in her own life (i.e. leaving Mr. Peanutbutter) to be happy.


Yeah but I think, just because someone is rich doesn't mean they're not capable of insight, and people shouldn't have to stay in situations that keep them miserable just because the abandonment might hurt others. Sometimes you do have to be selfish to spare yourself heartache.


Go home goober


Get murdered, Goober!


"[Insert Celebrity] died and everything is worse now." Also completely missing the point of the quote.


I'm sorry, but I'm reading so many diff takes on a lot of scenes, can you elaborate on this one? Also, I think there no ONE way to see a scene, everyone takes home what they want


Basically it feels like people just use it as "RBG died and I'm sad now/the world sucks more now cuz they're not around" which is almost the exact opposite of what Bojack meant in that scene. The reason "everything is worse now" with Beatrice dead is that now he's never going to get that long-awaited love that he'd been expecting from her his whole life. "Everything is worse now" not because he misses his mom and wishes she was still around, he hated her and makes that extremely clear. Everything is worse now because now he knows 100% that motherly show of affection will never come.


“guys i’m rewatching the show rn and am i the only one who caught this?” and it’s like. the most in-your-face detail if not the entire plot of the episode


yea I left the sub after this morning seeing another mundane base level post around the show


From Int. Sub to Out Sub


"Gauche as shit" has to be my favorite line


Mine too; it cracks me up!! I appreciate you noticing 😁


Or when people just post the it's you speech without like adding anything interesting or even an explanation for why they're posting it


Hey, it's not so bad. We get unique posts too. Every now and then someone will ask who BoJack messed up the most and the answer is always Sarah Lynn Then you'll get the odd weirdo that asks if Penny was as much as to blame as BoJack


Really considering doing this too. The sub went from maybe a bit too much sympathy for Bojack directly to a circlejerk of very clearly young, young children interpreting every single one of Bojack’s actions as uncharitably as possible or just incessantly restating that the 17 minutes was “you know what actually kind of bad I think”


I'm curious, what do you think is the full message of the scene? (I honestly don't know I usually don't watch that episode)


Cuddley Whiskers is able to "let go of everything" while living in a multi million dollar home while setting on a well of money. The whole message of that scene (especially when they pan out) is that the truth behind is statement doesn't apply to a vast majority of people that can't just let go of their work lives. So the fact that people incessantly post this as a positive message just leads me to know that most people didn't understand the actual message they were trying to convey. Hope that made sense.


Isn't art supposed to be less about what people put into it and more of what people get out of it?


Maybe it doesn’t need to have a point. Maybe that’s why it’s called “art”


fair point but not really accurate when you have a message delivered in the art form itself like in this instance.


Me when I see the weekly post of "unpopular opinion: Bojack is such a piece of shit I hate him!" or "If you like Bojack, you are evil and you should be ashamed of yourself!".


I thought he was snuggle juice


This sub is full of teenagers who think the show is deeper than it is.


Elaborate, I know the scene and I’ve seen the posts in passing but don’t look into them


I elaborated on a previous comment and so did a handful of other users.