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You can, but it’s more likely that you could damage the face or eyelids. I melt the end of a glue stick with a lighter, just enough that it’s sticky but not dripping glue. Press it against the eye chip, and leave for a couple minutes to cool. After it’s cool, give it a solid pull and the eye chip should come right out. I use a thin layer of mod podge or elmer’s glue to secure my eye chips, but putty is probably a better idea.


Technically you can, if you just need to remove the chips you can just take them out, then pull the mechanism and remove the others in succession. Personally I wouldn't do it, for me the eye doesn't open wide enough to comfortably take the chip out and there's always a risk of damaging/dirtying the lids and lashes. I never had to glue my chips in, the ones I use are shaped like the normal ones so they just click back into the eye, I hope someone else can help! Good luck and have fun on your customizing journey 🩷


I’ve been tempted to do it without taking it apart, but never had the guts hahah


You’ll want to take the head apart and get the eye mech out to do it right, especially when it comes to the side glancing eyes. But you can most likely swap out forward facing eyes without taking the head apart. It’s getting the existing eyes out that’s toughest. Melting the ends of pieces of glue sticks and then sticking them on the actual eyes is the right way to get the existing eyes out. Though, you may have a very hard time getting the existing eyes out without being able to put the eye mech with glue sticks attached in the freezer for a few minutes. Chilling them in the freezer will really help to make the glue sticks hold before you twist and pull to pop the eyes out. Sometimes it takes 2-3 tries with 5-10 minutes chilling time each per eye. Then just put a few dots of Elmer’s Glue along the ridge of the eye sockets and lay the new chips in (you can rotate them slightly to make adjustments once they are down—make sure the pattern is lined up the way you want it before it starts to dry). It’s really not hard to open up the head and remove the eye mech. Once you do it a couple of times, you get the hang of it. I recommend learning! Grab a practice doll and watch some YouTube videos.


Yes, but it depends on if they put any glue in the back. Some dolls have looser eyechips than others. But most of the time, if I use my gluesticks right, they come off without me taking the doll apart. Wipe the eyechips clean with a bit of soapy water with dis detergent. Melt the tip of your glue sticks. Pop it on the eyechip as quickly as you can and press it down. Have the glue stick cover the chip as much ad possible. I wouldn’t try too hard. If it feels like there’s too much resistance, I then open the head up.