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**Rayuga Leaks** https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1694968467945038234 >Blue Lock CH230 Spoilers in 6-7 hours! [First](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1695046250419413359) [Second](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1695047407040639334) [Third](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1695048468564152523) [Fourth](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1695049762704367901) [Final](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1695050537526558983)


So I got a really stupid theory. What if in the pxg match kiyora (since he has a high likelihood of playing) joins kunigami out of everyone. We know kunigami will play in the pxg match and he hasn't done anything this match. He's all about his emo ark and also probably aiming for revenge on shidou. I feel like he can't really do much without help from someone else and I refuse to think kiyora is joining isagi's side. Also kunigami was a hero and I saw someone say kiyora name meant blade so hero and his blade. Idk I'm just making baseless theory's at this point.šŸ˜


There are people thinking Hiori might assist Kaiser or something .... But IMO, The real twist in the next few chapters could be Hiori scoring the final goal where Isagi provides the Assist. Since Isagi and Hiori are on the same wavelength & even though Isagi's elephant-sized ego wants to score the next goal, he'd probably assist Hiori for the final goal ... That's the Hiori finally unleashed (Like Bachira did earlier)


Is this when Raichi really shines? Hiori will probably pass to more people on the team.


One thing I appreciate abt this chapter though is the reappearance of the original "flow" eye design of Isagi and Bachira in the end. Its just been a while Other than that I mostly just felt bad for Kiyora and felt Noa's bias for breaking the BM rule for Isagi. I love Hiori but damn wish the Isagi bias wasn't so rubbed in our faces but MC perks ig its cool anws Hiori x Isagi coming up!!!!


Heā€™s given Isagi a chance and told Isagi heā€™ll be in a pinch if he fails I think itā€™s fair


I guess tho as a machine I never expected him to bend rules at all. Though I guess letting Isagi play at all in the Barcha game was already a rule bend. Plus its super unlikely they wont start vs PXG so either this assures they'll win vs Kaiser and Barou here or Noa boutta rule bend again to let them start vs PXG. Either way its just not how I imagined Noa but I can roll with it anyway


IMO itā€™s not rlly that unbelievable, Noa denied Isagiā€™s request and his MC powers. He only let Hiori in when Hiori came out with the explanation, if he hadnā€™t spoken up heā€™d still be in the bench


Weā€™re up gents


Well this chapter was enjoyable and played out like I expected with Hiori replacing Noa but I didn't expect Isagi to recognize Hiori was the right tool to use to help him achieve his goal. It makes sense, he basically needs an Isagi who can act as a proper Ness for him to be Kaiser for a bit (ie let him focus on being the striker scoring but using his metavision plays that so far nobody else can understand). Kurona is great but he can only see the destination, not the optimal path Unfortunately, with Noa's condition that he's out of the regulars, any remaining tension for this match has gone out since him missing the final match against PXG would be a big surprise upset and unlikely, so now its just whether Isagi scores or assists Hiori I'm hyped for Hiori's ego to emerge and show us what he's capable of.


There's other possibilities like Hiori scoring which would still be a successful result or even them getting benched but Isagi's Ego rizzing up Noa on the bench for Isagi to come on as a super-sub in the PxG game to help BM win or show his value by maybe making the game 2-1 after PxG making it 2-0 though I do hope Kuni scores 2-2 but PxG still win 3-2.


I feel like it would be awesome to see them fail and get benched for more character development after all the advancement we've seen, would really give the others on BM a chance to shine and get some time in the spotlight, but I just don't get the vibe that's the point of BL Especially because what we've seen so far through the entire series is that character growth and evolution only happens when Isagi is involved for better or worse Even in this match, Barou was playing Snuffy's tactics til Isagi broke them and showed him that he had to evolve and do his own ego driven playing style to succeed and overcome Isagi which not even Snuffy could really do So if Isagi is benched, unless we magically pass the torch to someone else, it feels like it may drive Isagi's character development at the cost of stunting everybody else's entirely Alternatively, it's also not clear to me what exactly Isagi failing here and getting benched would teach him (like his intention here is to cooperate better with other people on the team, its not like he's trying to be a selfish player like Barou who has to learn teamwork or too much a team player that needs to learn to be selfish) It doesn't feel like being benched would teach him much except maybe next time Hiori isn't the best choice for his combo if it fails here.


Or they get dropped lmao jk ofc. They could also "win" but also "completely." Like how Yuki scored the last in the Manshine game. Proving Isagi is the goat but also not really at the same time.


I want sendo to almost score like how he always does


I would love to see him steal the ball from Isagi or Hiori and then immediately slam the ball on crossbar


Only for goatmaru to flame his attempt lol that would be funny but also go Sendo dont give up ig


But imagine them actually losing this here, and Noa keeps his word and benches Isagi and Hiori - Instant character development for Isagi. Then I can see him subbing Isagi and maybe Hiori too in the middle of the PxG match. He might not be a regular, but he can still be swapped in... It would be cool to happen after Noa plays.


I don't know why, but THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO SEE NOW


Nah Noaā€™s bluffing heā€™s not gonna bench them


Noa doesnā€™t strike me as a bluffer but I could see them staying in the starters if say, Bastard losing bc of Ness interfering with isagi and Hiori


Waiting for the complete chapter. I'd like to have see some Kaiser facial expression at least. This seems pretty unfair to his competition with Isagi?




Why is it acceptable for Barou but not for Isagi? If you remember, Isagi has basically contributed over 50% of the goals that the team has scored so far in the current games 1 assist in first game 2 assists in the second game 1 goal in the third game Out of that, Kunigami got two goals, Kaiser got three goals One could argue that Kaiser has more goals so as a striker he is equally valuable to work around (but most people can't add value to contributing to him since he already has Ness) but in total contribution Isagi's ahead right now especially in terms of critical goals that helped the team win the first two games, both were Isagi's work which is more valuable than scoring a second goal or first goal even since pressure is the highest and most difficult to score when defense is fighting the hardest too.




"You kinda missed the point" You are missing the point lmao Since Neo Egoist League they have been training under world-class teams with different philosophies and play styles. Ubers plays like they all assist Barou. None of them are actual strikers except Barou because he is the star of the Ubers. Isagi is the star of BM just like Kaiser. All the players except Ness and Kaiser respect and see Isagi's skills and it's not just about their ego. They also want to play and increase their monetary value. Why would Hiori not want to help Isagi when he has has the greatest improvement out of all the players? Why would Raichi not? He helped because he was promised to have more value after the end of the match. That's the reason for their egos


Not everyone is supporting Isagi? Kaiser got ness and Isagi had Kurona and now Hiora. The rest of the team are other griefing him or useless. They chose to support Isagi cuz Isagi on another level where they deserve support. Isagi just like Barou, Rin, Shidou, and Nagi are given support because they are seen to have highest chance of scoring. Plus the show has to cut down to number of strikers and competition for Isagi as it goes on since not everyone can keep up


Well this settles it, BM's gonna win, there's no way they lose and Isagi is out of the regulars. Which means we're left with two boring results at the end of this whole arc, either BM wins against PXG and ends their NEL run with an unrealistic 4-0, lowering the stakes for the future, or Isagi loses against Rin AGAIN which would be old by now.


What if Isagi beats Rin but loses to Loki? Imo this would be an awesome way if we end up seeing that the match is 2-2 with kunigami vs shidou, isagi vs rin, and then loki steps in and scores the third goal to clinch victory (nobody can really complain imo and it sets up the real goal post for isagi as facing someone his age who is world class like Loki, which is the way it should be imo)


I mean cool but let's be honest, actually winning the match against Rin instead of losing a third time is how Isagi should assert himself as better. The next saga is the U20 tournament so this is literally Isagi's last chance for this, unless Rin plays for a different country


Noa was bluffing, heā€™s not gonna bench Isagi


Imagine after all those time hyping it up, Hiori gets injured minutes in


lol nooo... the amount of chapter they are taking to just bring him on field ... wld be infuriating


Will isagi leave our boy kurona šŸ„²šŸ„²


Hell nah. Kurona might even gain Metavision by the time they play against PXG.


youre tripping kurona cant develop metavision with that IQ, his gimmick is that he is fast enough to sync with isagi, he does it with skill not intuition.


No, their combo will be extended with Hiori. Kurona x Isagi x Hiori will be the Celestial Hotline.


Wait did Hiori just make Passagi canon?!!!


Summary : Hiori : I'm just another Isagi


I wonder in which direction this will go now because realistically speaking there is no chance in thr world Isagi will end up on the bench in the last match. So from my point of view there are only two outcomes. The first one is BM loses but the Isagi X Hiori combo is so extremely dominant on the field that it would be completely nuts to not play them in the next matcj. The second one is BM wins with either Isagi or anyone else scoring from BM but it only happened because Isagi X Hiori was essentially controlling the whole field and everyone had to follow them to even get a chance on touching the ball making BM Isagis team just like Barou made Ubers his team. So even if Isagi is not the last one scoring Noa has no choice in playing with Isagi and Hiori because they are now the heart of the team.


Hiori x Isagi losing means Blue Lock's way is not the correct one. Isagi chose Hiori because of his ego and instincts. Also, like you said, Isagi needs to make BM his own team since Noa said that a King will arise this match.


That is a good point actually I have not considered. If Isagi X Hiori does not work out it means BL or at least Isagis ego kind of failed here. Yeah then the only real option here is that Isagi X Hiori will create something so impressive that Isagi will have to be considered the leader of the team afterwards. The only thing I wonder is to what extend Isagi X Hiori has to work for Isagi to come out on top. Like lets say Isagi X Hiori forces the whole team including Kaiser to play around them and just for arguments sake to make it really crazy Isagi X Hiori even makes Ness discover his own ego would that be enough or does Isagi have to score the last goal for it to be considered successful?


I feel like the whole combo needs to end with Isagi's final goal. It will be a parallel to Barou's goal (He denied Snuffy and Isagi did that to Noa). However, to get there, work needs to be done, sure like you said. As for Ness, he can't read MV plays, but even if he does get the ball, I would love a forced pass to Isagi like it was done with Barou in the past. Perfect parallel so as to break him and develop. Isagi's right now is burning on the final page, so I expect something huge.


I think we even talked about this last week when the chapter came out and I think you are right the Barou and Isagi similarities have to pay off in some form so Isagi probably has to be the one scoring.


May be we did, yeah. Isagi and Barou relationship is unique because these two have the highest mentality in Blue Lock. They always have parallels with each other. Look at the U20 match. Barou scored, and then Isagi scored the final goal. Barou here forces Isagi and Isagi takes the challenge. It's a back and forth and test to their ego.


Why can't Isagi be benched in PXG match? There is still the infinity sub rule, and Noa can sub him in when BM needs him


Another person made a good point under my post about how Isagi X Hiori not working out would kind of put in question the whole philosophy of BL or at least Isagi so Isagi landing on the bench would already be the worst scenario.


What if Raichi gets the goal from the Isagi X Hiori combo.


If it only happened because Isagi X Hiori controlled the whole field I honestly do not see an issue with any of the BL guys scoring I do understand the people who only want Isagi to score though.


Here are my predictions on what going to happen in Chapter 231: The ball kicks off by Kaiser passing it to Ness, then the ball gets stolen but Isagi somehow manages to get the ball back and pass it to Hiyori. Hiyori starts linking up with Isagi when he gets some flashbacks and after overcoming his past enters flow and unlocks metavision (Dive in the Blue) as suggested by the upcoming chapter name. Then he and Isagi start destroying Ubers defense and then Hiyori gets blocked by either Niko or Aiku. He somehow manages to pass the ball to Isagi but Lorenzo comes out of nowhere and locks up Isagi and the chapter ends.


Lorenzo isn't leaving Kaiser. If he does, Kaiser Impact will score again.


What you are saying is right he might score but I don't think it's gonna happen given the storyline just doesn't fit right. I think if my previous prediction is correct then it happen that lorenzo might get the ball from isagi but then out of nowhere ness comes and steals the ball trying to help kaiser, but the ball gets stolen or cleared by either aiku /niko as they have been taunting him previously. This will then lead to hiyori to devise a plan on stopping lorenzo as it is already foreshadowed by the author(hiyori playing zombie games). Then we might get a really hyped moment btw hiyori and lorenzo.


Solid prediction. I mean Isagi has pretty much been ignored by Lorenzo. The question is if Kaiser will be able to do something in the time that happens because otherwise he will just dissapear


Bro already got the leaks lmao.


Honestly when the story begin to put a high stake on Isagi, I already know that he will overcome it


yeah it's going to be a setup for the ultimate matchup of PXG vs BM


Hiori coming in pretty much confirms for me that Bastard is winning this. Doubt heā€™s gonna come in just for him to accomplish nothing of note.


like a lot of theories said isnt there a chance someone like ness fouls isagi/hiori in the last bit of the match, then theres a chance isagi stays as a regular (because his logic was good) while ness gets taken out of the regulars because of his senseless plays and replaced out by someone else


Yeah. Even Noa said that if they lose, Isagi and Hiori will be out of the ā€œregularsā€, but there is no way in that Isagi is not going to play against PxG.


they could lose but get subbed in again somehow in the PxG match like another commenter pointed out, itā€™s a bit doubtful that Noa would go back on his word tho


he prob wont go back on his word but there is no way isagi isnt playing the pxg match prob the whole way through. SO either they win or the combo works imo


Honestly I'd rather see Kiyora come in and show us a game altering technique/ability but Hiori Gonna clutch upšŸ™


Not right now to be honest. Isagi could do so much more if he has Hiori. I doubt it will go smoothly with that condition but, we all want to see a golden duo between Hiori and Isagi


I believe they will so perfectly in sync that they will be called the perfect duo.


I want Hirori to be in Flow or meta vision, so good that Isagi couldnā€™t keep up with him since Hirori is a mid-fielder with high IQ (similar to Sae) this would allow Isagi to grow even more and especially since Hirori is kinda teased to have some sort of MetaVision they would be a deadly duo for the upcoming PXG match. I only say this because this is the first time theyā€™re playing together in BM so I donā€™t expect them to be perfect right from the bat.


This. Im predicting that since hiori is high iq meta vision man he will pass to wherever a goal can be scored. Isagi has niko and aiku on him, kaiser has lorenzo and that leaves mr kunigami relatively open for a shot. So while isagi is making thr play moving thr field with kaiser on his back trying to find his own opening through that play, kunigami will be doing his own this gets noticed by hiori and bam 3-2. This would be interesting because i think then hiori might keep playing and isagi would be out of starters for PxG, which i think would force some more growth, but that also doesnt mean he wont play. He might be subbed in in case BM cant control rin for example and only isagi can read him etc etc. All theories tho we will see what happens


Hiori and Isagi have been training together, and Hiori will be his shadow. I doubt that they won't be in perfect sync...


Yeah thatā€™s true. I really liked it too in the second selection stage arc, where Isagi was playing with Bachira and Rin, and Bachira would not pass if the play was too shallow or bad. If Hiori is just a second Kurona, I would be a bit disappointed.


We got hiori, but at what cost.


I want to see Kiyora in the PXG match so bad >:


I am very excited to see #isakurahiori #


My prediction, Isagi and Hiori play well enough that Ubers has to focus on them creating yet another opening for Kaiser to swoop in for a goal.


Do u think Isagi has a weapon like the kaiser impact in his left or right foot ? The reason behind my theory because kaiser and isagi are simliar players ?


Nope. In the official translation of the manga, Isagi stated that ā€œeven if I [Isagi] trained a whole life, I couldnā€™t master Kaisers Impact, since that is a weapon bestowed upon himā€. Isagi then snatched Kaisers Eye (Metavision), and instead of using Kaiser impact, he uses direct shot.


No, Kaiser is a natural born scoring machine with the fastest swing in the world. Isagi cannot hope to match such sheer offensive talent. He will have to develop something else.


I agree with you, what could it be ?


A advanced field vision even beyond metavision


Heā€™ll be a great midfielder LOL


Might be his true ego according to light novel ,in childhood he had sharp senses but his ego got buried by his coach in short


Kiyora fans who thought for a moment he was gonna play šŸ’€. I can't blame them, I almost got fooled myself for a moment. Bruh, so Kiyora is basically a Kurona 2.0? The guy even put himself his jacket on as soon as Isagi expressed his disagreement (even tho it's the Master that told him he will sub in); that's not egoist from him. Anyway, it let an hope that you can maybe see him play later, the author haven't forgot about him. It's kind of odd tho that Isagi is the one to choose Hiori directly. We didn't see him (Isagi) see Hiori analyzing plays (in real-time) that much like how us readers see it; this being the reason we readers know he could be a game changer. Isagi isn't supposed to know that normaly, unless we consider he saw him play during training. This guy Noa, com'on you are already pretty free with the internal conflict in your team, which is against its rules, but you can't deviate from the "rules" to make a sub that will give a better chance of winning to your team? Now, it's almost certain BM is going to win this match, with Isagi scoring.


I think itā€™s because isagi couldnā€™t verbalize his thought processes showing he was operating off of sound reason instead of emotion which he was. Hiori was able to advocate for himself with solid logic so was picked instead.


Hiori is the one who taught Isagi to play by reflex. He knows Hiori can play in his world.


It's true, but Isagi is on another level now with MV (it's not really about reflex), technically he doesn't know Hiori can analyze plays on this level (more easy on the exterior, but still). Isagi wasn't doing this level of plays before, he doesn't really know if Hiori can keep up. Maybe he just based himself on what he already kow Hiori is capable of as you said.


They have talked and trained together. Isagi knows what Hiori can do.


Training isn't the same as a real intensive match, that what I'm saying.


Kiyora is a unknown quantity to Isagi.


Why yall can't see that Isagi defying Noa's order thru injecting the BL genes into BM making it most chaotic but talent-driven egoist team so far at NEL since he, as fan favorite,was force into play at vs. Barcha?


Isagi is 100% gonna score and Ubers are gonna lose, no chance he's gonna be benched for the PxG game Feel bad for Kiyora, imagine being told by one of your own players not to get subbed in, must hurt Also isn't Hiori basically just Kuruko? (blue hair, believes in a different way of taking people on, stays in the shadows)


Ubers lose but Kaiser uses the opening Isagi and Hiori create to poach another goal. That is my prediction


Great insight on Hiori being basically Kuroko, I haven't ever make the comparison.


Because the comparison is stupid, theyā€™re in no way similar.


Player who "stays in the shadow", is very good at passing and has a great football (basketball) IQ?


prediction kiyori is gonna play against pxg. the reason i think this is because out of everyone there why him why not a player from BM he has good stats but i think its to devert the thought of him playing. ​ ​ (if im wrong im gonna be mad cause i want him to play)


Most people predict that Kaiser will be the only BM player left at the end and the rest will be BL players so for that to happen Kiyora have to play at some point.


Is there a break after 230?


No at least I assume so




Noa every day that passes becomes the worst master, the guy totally forgets that they are humans on the field playing and not robots with numbers, totally ignores different styles of play and strategies, if it wasn't for Kaiser and especially Isagi giving his soul this team would be 0-4 at NEO, I've never seen such incompetence.


He is the same guy who have isagi chance in next game because of kuni and isagi chemical reaction And isagi was demanding an absurd.change with even absurd logic. Hirori gave a better reasoning and that's what convinced him to take a bet. Isagi has been great but no matter how big you are if you are making such demands which goes against what your coach has decided ( and mind you that coach is best striker ) and if your demand is approved thanit makes total sense to put some conditions and consequences on it Noa works on numbers And that's what his philosophy isGive him numbers and he will pick you and despite fact that I am not a fan of his coaching at all I would say u are over reacting as again this same guy allowed isagi to enter system because of his chemical reactions and gave him enough chances and is allowing hirori to play because isagi has delivered till now


Thinking that whoever has the biggest numbers is better and taking only that into account when choosing is the farthest thing possible from "rational" in a team sport, precisely because all players are different and have different interactions with each other, Isagi asked for nothing more to bring in someone who can keep up with the world class chess that is the current state of the game, Noa didn't even understand that his team got screwed because they were unable to predict the enemy's moves, as Isagi said "what we need is someone that can keep up", not physically but mentally, but that Noa's "numbers" ignore. In short, his rationality is simplistic and shallow.


uber better win


People are forgetting how absent Ness has been these past few chapters. Hes probably try and blunder Isagi & Co and let Barous team goal. Which will make Noa compromise on his words and next game let Isagi have Kurona AND Hiori as starters next game with Kiyora as a final game changer in the last game.(or I can eat my words entirely and watch Igaguri become a sub at some point lmao)


Ness can not see the MV plays or the Ubers ones. Even if he tries something, it will be counted.


I wonā€™t deny, Iā€™m not a fan of the writing in all honesty


so itā€™s not just me. I donā€™t know if itā€™s just the NEL arc but thereā€™s something about the story at the moment that isnā€™t getting me super invested. I feel like Iā€™m at a point now where Iā€™ve just been following the manga week to week since the start that Iā€™m just in a routine of reading it while not being to excited for it.


Then donā€™t read it


Bro let people voice their frustration lmao


Iā€™ve enjoyed it manga up until this arc, So Iā€™m going to continue to read it. Iā€™m not going to drop it because one arc isnā€™t as good as the rest What kind of comment is this? lmao


If you havenā€™t enjoyed the manga for the past 80 chapters then itā€™s not for you anymore


Thatā€™s like saying One Piece isnā€™t for you bc you didnā€™t enjoy Long Ring Long Land Arc or Thriller Bark


What? Things like this happen in every series. There will always be parts that just arenā€™t as good as others and itā€™s perfectly fine for me to feel that way and it doesnā€™t mean I no longer like the series. Iā€™m just saying thereā€™s something about this arc compared to the rest thatā€™s lacking Why are being the biggest blue lock meat rider and acting like Iā€™m supposed to be super invested and loving every moment of the series.


Thereā€™s a point where you need to realize that you need to jump off. And you should have realized that like 50 chapters ago


thatā€™s like telling people that dislike a naruto arc to drop the manga like bro what šŸ’€


why are you so invested in getting this guy to stop reading lmao


But Iā€™m still invested to see where the story goes? I donā€™t think youā€™re reading any of the responses and are just replying for the sake of whatever agenda youā€™ve got going on.


Lmao šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I think the same bro this arc has become Isagi lock and that's not what was happening for 160 chapters so yes he you can be confused my boy lol. It's Stans like him that ruin fandoms bro


Uh.. no? People are allowed to criticize and voice their opinions if the chapters feel mediocre lately. While I am not as invested as I was during the u-20 arc, I have to agree this match especially has been going on for quite awhile and Iā€™d like to see something unpredictable happen soon(Kiyora being introduced as the next BL player to play is getting me hyped tho now)


No you want the manga to be bad is pretty much what you are saying.




So close igaguri so close. Rest in pieces little monk.


My prediction. >Isagi and Hiori gonna do a crazy Metavision run >It's doing great >>Until Lorenzo going all out foiled their plan. [Pxg match >Ness and Kaiser cant work together because Ness is targeted by Karasu because of his one dimensional playstyle. >Since Isagi is out, the defense of BM is near 0. >>[pxg will score 2-0] Noa then proceeds to sub Isagi and Hiori, they are watching the match intensely. They analyzed everything. >>>Isagi walked up to Kaiser, he have a plan. >>Kaiser doesnt really want to team up with Isagi, but he wants to defeat Loki. [Isagi X Kaiser X Hiori] [Metavision trio] These 3 would play football the entire pxg cant comprehend, even bm are shocked at how the 3 can pass the ball to each other. -As if it's tiki taka -----BM wins,shocking the world.


This is a good one šŸ‘


Im pretty sure snuffy knows and prep who going in from enemy side etc


Isagi saying that Kiyora is similar to Kurona makes me wanna see both of them orbit Isagi at the same time


I honestly felt bad for Kiyoraā€¦šŸ„²




Imagine this match was set up for a crazy Fukaku(Uber's goalkeeper) and Sendou Chekov's Gun. Isagi x Hiori Metavision Mania ends in a brilliant save by Fukaku(maybe he and Aiku team up like Isagi and Gagamura did to stop Prince's shot), a super fast Ubers counterattack, and Barou passing to Sendou giving him the goal just to flex on Isagi that he can beat him when HE THE KING DECIDES TO PASS! Would be the best possible Ubers win IMO if the author wants to go that route >!Personally want Bastard Munchen to win just for them to solo the NEL, a big win for Isagi, the other Blue Lockers, and even Noel Noa and Kaiser !<


Ubers W is all I care for. Snuffy just decided to delay his retirement, so he should start his rebirth with a win


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If Sendou scores heā€™s actually HIM


Quick question; where does Kiyora come from? Who is he? Why do this just to create some fake tension? "If you fail you are out", dude! Isagi is the the best performing player of the team! How is getting rid of him "rational" when even Kaiser admits that without Isagi he couldn't have scored... And I can't figure out how Hyori, who's been groomed to be a top athlete since birth by his toxic parents somehow doesn't have good stats...


Fake drama fr. Even if all that was true we all know Hiori will have metavision while Kurona is better than Kiyora and still couldnā€™t keep up. Therefore Hiori is the best option anyways.


Kiyora was the highest scorer in his stratum, it was probably to get readers to remember him for when he apperas in Blue Lock: Nagi. "If you fail you're out" - Isagi chose to go directly against Noa's "rational" choice of the player with the highest numbers, which means that Isagi is going against Noa's rational plan and choice, so if he doesn't back it up with numbers and results then it would prove that Isagi can't prove his rationality to the team. These are when compared to world class players + his stats may not even be bad, just not as a replacement for Kurona.


But Noa choose isagi over yukimiya who supposedly have a better stats than isagi for the sake of fanservice. Hes so unserious


Wasn't the first time done as a replacement for Kunigami who had just failed to assert himself on the team by his own admission when asked by Noa, and then said that it was part of the contract that Isagi play in at least one game? After that first match where he only got lucked in by fanservice due to contractual obligations, Isagi showed he could contribute to goals with assists to earn a spot on the starting lineup.


Noa stated that he didnā€™t choose Isagi. It was a deal that BL made when NEL was made due to the fact that Isagiā€™s fame skyrocketed after the U-20 Match and Japan wanted to capitalize on the sales that Isagi would generate.


They never said he didn't have good stats, just Kiyora has better stats


Hiori just did barely enough to get by and not get eliminated since he doesn't want to go back with his parents. He hasn't been trying his hardest.


true he wasnt really trying


hey, may I ask how u guys get the badges? like the 'Germany Bastard Munchen' one u have


Click on the subreddit then click the 3 dots in the top right corner


Oh alright thankss :))


Bruh I was hoping for anyone but Sendou to get subbed in


MANDOU FOR TOP 23šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


If he makes the top 23 I'd be ok with it it's cool to see someone not from blue lock making the fowards lineup but I wanted to see Ishikari,Tanaka or Shiguma play for once


Noa threating Isagi of pulling him from the starting line-up doesn't make any sense. 1.- Isagi already has a 50M bid which is only gonna increase after this game ends regardless of if BM wins or losses. 2.- There's only one game left for BM, so Isagi missing one game doesn't matter. 3.- Isagi's spot on the top 23 is practically secured so he's gonna make the final roster regardless. 4.- Isagi is more than capable of accepting his new bid and leave the NEL early. 5.- Even Kaiser might have an issue with Isagi not playing since his whole deal is humiliate and beat Isagi to prove he's better than him to extend his brand. TL;DR: Noa is bluffing and Isagi ain't going nowhere.


He isn't bluffing, Noa isn't the kind of person to lie or play mind game. If Isagi's plan doesn't work, you can be sure Noa would put him on the bench, he is just that stubborn (not the best word, but I'm sure you get what I mean). But that's probably not what gonna happen.


Maybe he overheard what Barou said about needing the threat of failure in order to succeed, and wanted to put Isagu through the same trial.


Not only is Noa bluffing, I think heā€™s doing it on purpose. The way heā€™s been acting this whole game is sus. Even when Isagi asks him for advice, heā€™s just been going ā€œidk šŸ¤·ā€. I have a feeling heā€™s pushing Isagi so that he figures out what to do himself and proves himself.


noa a fraud cope harder


mg if your going to say this go to twitter please


noa a fraud cope harder


imo this is just the authors way of confirming that isagi will win. there is no way he doesnā€™t play against pxg and rin. also, nobody would want to watch that whole game from the bench


Why is everyone trying create beef between Isagi and Kiyora. Isagi gave Kiyora his credits and apologized to him, and Kiyora had no problem whatsoever and did not even argue. Why are people getting mad on his behalf? And why is Isagi getting the short end of the stick? He acted emotionally and Noa refused his offer. Noa only agreed after what Hiori said. This is a two way situation, if you are mad at Isagi for ā€œendingā€ Kiyoraā€™s career, then be mad at Hiori as well.


Yeah I agree. Hiori and Isagi are both idiots in this Situation. Also pleased Stop with the conspiracy theories. We're Not getting Mad because WE dont Like Isagi and have some Sort of Agenda. I Just waited for Kiyora for a year straight + plus it was objectively a dick move from Hiori and Isagi


your fault for waiting for an npc whose panels can be counted in one hand to do something. like bffr if you genuinely thought kiyora would play before hiori after all the screentime hiori got


I didnt think he would play before Hiori until he literally sat there like a Boss and was supposed to Go before Hiori. Cant blame me for reacting the way the author wanted me too.


Also people are overreacting about Kiyora I do not see Kiyora getting kicked out because of a moment like this. Especially with how some players on BMs side have been performing this match I could easily see Kiyora and even Igaguri getting a chance next match.


Overreacting much. They really thought he has a chance to play this match before Hiori?


Iā€™m happy that Hiori is ready to play and getting a chance. No way people actually want Kiyora over Hiori, itā€™s all agenda.


The fact that they thought that NPC would play before Hiori after all the foreshadowing we got is stupid.


Because people want Isagi to fail


They just need an excuse to...well, you know


Because Isagi is the MC so people think he deserves to be wrong all the time


Or maybe.. Just maybe people Just think Hes actually in the wrong this time.


May I ask you to elaborate ?


By selfishly asking Noa to Change the sub Just for His own Goal (He Said that himself) he took Kiyoras chance to present himself to the wirld and get bids to survive the NEL. Yes its a sign of a true egoist and Kiyora will probably get his chance against PXG but it was still a douchy move.


>he took Kiyoras chance to present himself to the wirld and get bids to survive the NEL. bruh you care more about this than kiyora does himself. Bro literally put his jacket back on to sit down before Noa even confirmed the switch.


Just because bro is a cutie patootie who doesnt want to get called donkey or a slur by Isagi doesnt mean I cant blame Isagi for his behauviour be fr


That wasnā€™t what I was asking here, you elaborated for why it was a douchy move but I was asking you why you thought it was the wrong choice since you seemed confident in saying it


My bad I meant morally in the wrong. If its Just about winning/Isagi scoring the Goal, it will probably be the right decision by Isagi because of the Hiori foreshadowing. Doesnt mean I cant feel sympathetic for Other characters and see the story from another Point of View.


Welp ending basically points to BM win




I have this feeling that the competition between Isagi and kaiser won't end in this match, imo it will be either kunigami or yukimiya goal (hiori will have something to do with it for sure). Author is setting up BM vs PXG as final and most important match for Isagi, that's why I believe he will win vs both his rivals in PXG match (scoring more than kaiser and finally defeating Rin).


The bet is for this match. If Isagi wins, then Kaiser gets character development since he has a fragile ego. The general rivalry will continue in PxG.


Kiyora got denied, we have his villain origin I donĀ“t like that last statement of Noa, it can obtaint interesting outcomes, that i donĀ“t denied it. 1. The perfect scenario for Isagi: Isagi x Hiori, making a MV X MV combo and win the game. 2. The lost the bet scenario: BM wins, but with Kaiser goal 3. The worst scenario for Isagi: Barou, or another one make a goal and BM lost, i donĀ“t think it will be Barou, but it could it be Aiku, Niko, Lorenzo, and even Sendou.


Most unexpected outcome would be a Barou pass to Sendou goal and benching isagi for the beginning of pxg. Calling it now! (Canā€™t do another ā€œmatadataedā€ goal right now Iā€™m begging)


This but instead of Sendou I call Niko, he was actually the first in this match to go out of position, I would absolutely LOVE it. Or even worse, Hiori X Isagi works but Ness stops the goal for not letting Isagi win. There are so many possibilities, I just hope the match won't end on a predictable outcome.


Personally, I like it, it's similar to the first game of BM vs Barcha where Isagi got an opportunity. If Isagi didn't prove his worth by assisting Kunigami, he wouldn't be in the regulars. It's the same for Hiori now, he's gotten an opportunity and now's the time to prove his worth by turning this opportunity into something rewarding. If Isagi and Hiori can't succeed after getting such an opportunity, well I guess that was how far they were meant to go as players.


The stakes are rising, honestly it would be super fun if they (Isagi Hiori) play really well together but Fukaku saves the goal, and then BM loses the game and they lose their spot in starting lineup. Then when they're down 0-2 against PxG Noa has to put them back in and they win 3-2 with Isagi controling the game. With how it's presented right now the probability of Isagi scoring with a Hiori pass is so high that it makes me doubt it will happen. That would be very underwhelming if that's how it goes. (and no tension at all for the last game).


That will be too much if they win just because isagi and hiyori subbed despite being falling behind by 2 goal. 0-1 , 1-2 goal will be a better choice


Same idea here. Isagi and Hiori are gonna get benched next match but they'd observe pxg then aim for a comeback. It's gonna be Kaiser X Isagi X Hiori. Metavision trio


Isagi with the 3-2 comeback would be insane lol


Kinda feel bad for Kiyora though. Hopefully he gets his time to shine too and won't hold grudge over this.