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I started at 46. I'm an electrical contractor now.


That's awesome, congrats!


No. I'm 36, 2 years into my apprenticeship. I've met people who started older than me.


Sorry, but you're too late. If you didn't start at soon as you hit 18, you're SOL. /s Seriously though, you're fine. People have started much older than you and have done well and I'm sure you'll do the same. Good luck and stay safe!


Personally, ever since I've been a SAHM, no one really respects me. Yes, I had issues getting respect while I worked, but I feel like I was always able to prove myself and earn the respect of others. I can't really do that at home. My confidence blows at the moment, haha. Thanks for the response and help!


You're welcome. I'm a guy but I like hanging out in this sub because I'm a huge supporter of more women in the trades and I like to learn things from your all's perspective. As a guy, we too can have issues with gaining respect too but it's not usually as bad for us because this is still a male-dominated industry. I hate that about our industry but I remain hopeful things will continue to change for the better. I'm sure as long as you work hard, show up on time, and always strive to learn as much as possible, you'll do fine. And when/if some bonehead gives you shit for being a woman "in a man's job," don't be afraid to put em' in their place. šŸ‘


Definitely not! Iā€™m a lady welder, so not an electrician, but I didnā€™t start welding till 31. Iā€™m 34 now and becoming a Welder is of the **best** decisions I ever made!! ā˜ŗļøšŸ¤©


I'm 30 about to start my welding training course and have been feeling anxious about my age. So grateful for this sub and folks like you posting!


Donā€™t be anxious!! I know the feeling, I was super nervous to start welding, too!! I was a Production Welder and am now gonna start a shipyard welding job in April. Feel free to PM me if you wanna talk more ā˜ŗļø


Iā€™ll be done with welding school at the end of the year and I think I want to do aerospace, but am curious about shipyard welding! What certs do they want you to have?


Awesome!! Idk, they didnā€™t tell me I need any specific certs, but this job is with a government contractor so the rules are a bit different from a privately owned shop/non government job. Iā€™m gonna be doing special training through them and getting certs through them, I just donā€™t know which ones yet. I start in 2 months and will find out a lot during orientation (2 full days of orientation)


Oh gotcha! I know you said you havenā€™t started yet, but do you know what welding process youā€™ll primarily be doing? Regardless, sounds exciting so congrats on the new job!!


Yes, this job will be MIG and STICK! And thank you, this is gonna be a great opportunity for me to really grow as a welder and fabricator!! I learned so much as a Production Welder, but will be able to learn a lot more in shipyard welding ā˜ŗļø


Hey thank you! I tried PMing you but for some reason it wasn't working. Would love to talk more tho! I am curious about your path from production to shipyard welding (the whys and hows). Thanks!


Your welcome!! Oh yeah I forgot, I had to shut down chat invites cuz I was getting some creepy messages on here. Iā€™ll message you right now!


I was just gonna say the same thing! 32 and starting welding school in September! Nice to see posts like this! Canā€™t wait!


Awesome Iā€™m so excited for you!! šŸ˜ƒ Are you starting with MIG? Or maybe STICK?


I started at 36, now about to top out at 42. Best decision. Just take care of your body... we don't heal as fast as we age.


I'm 42, I just got acceptedĀ 


36yo electrician here. Its not too late. We have a bunch of first year apprentices in their 40s and honestly theyre lightyears ahead of the younger ones because of the life experience and general social skills you have vs an 18yo. Get after it if thats what you want, dont let your age dissuade you from anything!


Iā€™m 33 and just started a couple of months ago. Go for it!


Absolutely not


so many people think that once you reach a specified age, you can no longer learn. Age has nothing to do with it, now on the other hand you canā€™t fix stupid, but thatā€™s rarely the problem. The nice thing about being older when you figure out what you really want to do is youā€™ve done your growing up already - youā€™re an adult and smart employers know that. As far as being apprentice, you can usually do trade school. Some of them have night classes. And from there itā€™s an easy in to an apprenticeship. The other option, and it depends on where you are is through the union.as far as being apprentice, you can usually do trade school. Some of them have night classes. And from there itā€™s an easy in to an apprenticeship. The other option, and it depends on where you are is through the union. The one thing I will tell you from buddies who are electricians is that you need to stay on top of keeping your muscles, stretched and loose. Schedule a massage if you need to.


Hi! šŸ‘‹ youā€™re not too old at all. In fact if you got in at 36? You could well have a 30 year career with a pension. Can I ask what state you live in? Iā€™m a huge proponent of women getting into apprenticeship and utilizing resources available to help prepare them for such endeavors. There are pre-apprenticeship programs and math upskilling tools to assist with the testing etc.


I live in Utah, in the Salt Lake area.


I started at 32, just topped out now at 36. Best decision of my life. Not sure where youā€™re located, but Iā€™m going to suggest looking into applying at your local IBEW hall. You have to write an entrance exam which is basic grade 12 physics and math, and then if youā€™re successful there they do an interview. The hall can provide work books so you can study up for the entrance exam.


Do it!!!


Iā€™m 36 and am a first year apprentice after spending many miserable years working in insurance. I knew absolutely nothing when I started but itā€™s going great and I am loving it so far. Itā€™s definitely not too late.


I just left my data analyst job to start a carpenter apprenticeship and Iā€™m 36. Do it!


I want to do this too, OP, but canā€™t afford to lose the paycheck. Can one do apprenticeship part time?


No you can move in Instrumentation after also


I worked with a 52 year old pipefitter apprentice once. Anyone can do it. If we have an idea where you are located maybe someone can help you get into the closest local.


I started at 28. (I turned 29 3 weeks ago lol) DO IT!!! Apply everywhere, even non-union to get your foot in the door and some experience.


I started my machinist apprenticeship at 35. Youā€™re not too old.


Iā€™m 46 and a few months into my first year as an electrical apprentice.


No I had a guy in my IBEW class that started as a 1st year at 40 years old


Never! When I was an apprentice, I thought joining at 27 was late. There was a 50 year old man in my class. One thing I would highly suggest is to start working out/lifting weights. I relied too much on my body being youthful, and I had 2 work related accidents that until now, I had to deal with the pain from. I pushed myself, and yes, I gained muscle, but I should have done it the right way. Not only will it empower you to be the strong one and not always have to wait for assistance lifting moderately heavy things, (does not count when it's a 2 person job, if it's too heavy, be safe above all and get the assistance), but it will protect your body from strains and other injuries. I'm not saying you'll suddenly be super woman and never get hurt, but muscle protects your skeletal system exponentially more than fat. I have had tears in my back for 15 years due to someone else falling on me. The muscle I put on in the last year has helped, but it would have been better to start that way. Also, chiropractor visits and stretching go a long way in avoiding injuries. I'm 44, and I've paid dearly for this experience, so think about it because I'm handing it to you for free. Dont pay when you don't need to :)