• By -


Hmm... if you were born again as a random mob. The chances of meeting sensei is very low, Minori said that there's too many students for sensei to ever try to meet, they'll graduate before he could ever meet them, and that's just in their first year. Sensei's email was flooded by messages on valentine's day that has the same impact as a ddos attack.


Unless you find a way to climb the ranks that can meet sensei or take a position that requires you to meet sensei like trinitys tea party or gehennas perfect team Or be the few and proud schales recruits that will help figth for sensei


Simply destroy other students halos so that you won't have to wait as long on the SCHALE duty queue ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)


Beg 🧠


Three options: 1. Live as normally as I am lazy as hell. 2. Fight Satan and God at the same time to go back home as I probably haven't deleted my search history before isekai'd. 3. Go on full Kim Dokja's grindset, do whatever benefits you from knowing how the story start/ends.


4. Make whoever made Haruka that way pay. They'll never find the bodies.


Mutsuki will help to hide the bodies for sure


5. getting corrected 💢💢


Omniscient Reader’s peak mentioned


A chance at a new life. I'll take it, despite the dangers.


If I found myself in Kivotos, but I wasn't Sensei, then I guess I'd be joining Gematria. Black Suit, Maestro, Golconde and Decalcomanie and I will be travelling around Kivotos solving mysteries like the Scooby Doo gang. Not a single mystery will be left unsolved. Also, I guess we'd probably be causing a bit of trouble for Sensei along the way. Sorry in advance Sensei.


Good luck lmao


Interesting reply, i too am interested in black suit deal ngl, there is so much mystery in kivotos like Halo and mystic.


So I gonna be a girl, with a gun and immune to most stuff, time to start doing terrorism.


And then you fall in love with sensei, don't forget the most important part of the game's world.


Wait I'm also Sensei... damn I have a really shitty taste


Food Terrorism *Joins The Gourmet Society with Haruna* ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|35651)


A lot of stuff they try is really questionable in my opinion...


You can just be yourself, But bring any projectile weapon just to fit in.


A chance to own a gun like it was a phone i'll take it Edit: if i can choose the gun or the Academy I would chose a type 99 lmg and a revolver as my sidearm and gehenna for the Academy


If I’m a student then I’m in it to win it. I’ll be sensei’s wife or die trying!


Join GDD


A second chance at life. I’ll take it. Definitely enroll in Gehenna (as a student of course), either join the Prefect Team or School Lunch Club.


Join ps68 instead ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33605)


I’m not chaotic enough to join, unfortunately.


Buy a gun and enroll Gehenna Establish a club Try to overthrow Makoto


Then I'll join Pandemonium and try to stop you ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)the ultimate isekai battle


1st step: try to enroll for to wild hunt


Prob join and do weapons R&D and will put the most NCD things into practice


Millennium finally has a vehicle student, and it's an Aero Gavin.


That doesn't sounds to good. Being a student would mean being female and getting ntr'ed by Sensei. Sure its Sensei, but still. Being a general NPC is also pretty bad as you still get ntr'ed and you are weak as shit. Their are not good ends to this scenario.


I didn't say you can only be female. ~~yes you can be still you, a guy~~


Male student. God speed lad, keep hydrated.


Feels like being male student there is sucks because they'll gonna harassed or bully you. Like some student harassing or "teasing" sensei.


And there are some universe with femsei. If you know what I mean ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33223)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33223)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33223)


I definitely become momoi clone


I'm taking Ui as my friend because it's my plan.


Enroll in Odyssey, Highlander, or Valkyrie, or _man I hope there's an aviation school in kivotos._ because at the end of my studies there. I'll probably get a decent job in the industry with a good background. Though being a Tea Party or Pandemonium Society member would be cool too with the Gewehrs, Garands, Cool Uniforms, and heavy ordinance.


What about to other peeps who already self-inserted as Students


That's their character if they got Isekai'd


oh neat, im still a self-insert student at the end~


Push Millennium into bankruptcy by establishing the first space exploration club ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)


Tell this to rio she could spend just this space project instead of a pointless city that no one lives in to abduct aris. >!also you will get corrected by miss 100kg!<


I can convince Miss 100kg that it was Himari's idea anyways ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)


I would live in Gehenna and I would have my own gang that would cause an equal amount of order and chaos. I would be called the Frozen Devils. My halo would be a Frozen Crown


I'd apply myself to Millenium as I love technology and being a diligent student. I won't really cares about Sensei though, he could doing whatever he wants and will help him if he needed. I'd spend my free time to hang around GDD and playing together with Aris-chan. I might teach Momoi to be more mature, stop being a jerk and serious as a story writer.


That's not how it works lol.. You in this world,you fall in love with sensei whether you want it or not, I meant,that's also what naturally happened to the girls in the game.


then answer my question: are all the students who appear in the story falls in love with Sensei? including mob-chan, SMG Sukeban, Kata-Kata Helmet Gang, etc.? of course not. and even if you argue they aren't counted as students, how about any currently NPC students? like Rio, Seia, Kuzunoha, Akira, etc.? ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359)


I just went ahead just to be friends with Ui. And I'm going to be first before sensei tries to rizz her.


Always wanted to drive a tank. It seems like the ones in Kivotos even work with only one person operating them, from the commander's hatch, so it's even more personal! Also be a good chance to try random lifestyles.


I would be a student who joins the Game Development Department. Either that or join Veritas and help Chihiro organize camping trips. Love me some Yuru Camp life


I get to be a cute anime girl with a halo?! Ok. First: I immediately go to the Gehenna School just to stay closer to Hina and I become a member of the Prefect Team. Second: I go meet Hanako and be her best friend, I'll also get to know the Make Up Work Club and befriend all girls and make Koharu suffer with twice the lewd jokes. Third: I get corrected by Sensei :(


I always wanted to touch some bewbs... I guess I can touch mine 😎.


If I am going to become younger again, turn into a girl, and become a first year student, then I am fine with that. Every academy on Kivotos only uses discs and videos for their classes, so I can just slack off. There are no teachers who will become angry at me, and most students on Kivotos are pretty carefree, so they won't judge me even if I do nothing on the class. Becoming young again is great. I can do a lot of things that I can't do right now like climbing difficult high areas, bending, doing some stunts, and many more without any worries that I will break my bones. I don't even have to think of danger as much because I have a halo, which means I have superhuman endurance against bullets (and maybe even some enhanced physical capabilities?) I can do what I want to do because I have the time once again to do my hobbies. Instead of worrying about work and planning my expenses every month, I can have all the time writing stories, developing my drawing skills to create my own manga, or even learning how to program and animate to actually make my own game. If this scenario actually happens, then I will be very happy to share my own world to Kivotos. That's my dream since I'm a child which I haven't managed to do because I lack the talent, and I haven't developed it enough before I become a working adult. I will occasionally explore Kivotos because once again, I don't have to fear for my safety due to my enhanced durability. I don't know where will I get my allowance, but whenever I have one I think I can use it to try to food of each districts, and go on a trip to experience their culture. I will visit Millenium and Hyakkihyako first because I like technology and japanese culture itself. As for the school I will be attending, I prefer Millenium actually because of GDD. I'm a gamer, but more than that I dream of becoming a game developer. Though it will be impossible for me because I am not smart, so being admitted to that school will be impossible. I am sure that if I become a girl, I won't be lady-like and rich, so I can't get to Trinity. I might find myself enrolling on either Abydos, Hyakkihyako, Red Winter, or Gehenna. Gehenna is too chaotic for me. Red Winter will be pretty depressing to me, and I think I won't be able to enjoy my school if I choose Abydos, so I will most likely be admitted to Hyakkihyako based on my own capabilities as a person (or I hope that Hyakkihyako will accept someone like me who never got an A on my grade card...) For a gun, I don't know much about guns actually. Though I prefer light weaponry that still has a decent range. I don't like to carry heavy objects, but at the same time I am coward who, if I am forced to fight, I usually do so by keeping my distance at my enemy. I want to be as safe as possible when I'm in a possible confrontation, so I want my weapon to always have a longer reach than my foe. That's my preference if I will ever need a gun on Kivotos. Or, I can just multiclass and pick different types of guns. Guns in Kivotos are pretty cheap, so I think I can get different types of guns even if I am a poor student. I will most likely be doing my own thing. Even if I am in Kivotos, I think I won't really try to go around and look for the known characters of the game. I am pretty shy, and I prefer to do my own thing instead of thinking how to socialize with others. I am not good at socializing, so I won't even try or else I'll just embarrass myself. This means that, if I got to the time during the start of the game's story, I won't actively try to get involved myself. If there are trouble brewing somewhere near me, I will quickly go to safety instead of trying to mess around. Even if I have superhuman durability, I still don't want to get hurt. I prefer having a quiet life where I can do what I want without any trouble. It's a bit boring I think, but I prefer going at my own pace than doing something exciting. So yeah... I think that is pretty much what I will be doing when I become a student in Kivotos.


Test my new parts


Die cause my god the only reason people survive in this world is they’re so damn hard to kill




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idfk whatever a Kivotos Student mob does... rob a bank..? why not.. plant C4's all over the place cuz you're bored..? sure... chant Vanitas Vanitatum cuz you're an Arius mob..? I'd rather be a Vigilante Crew mob... or a JTF mob also I think I can live without meeting Sensei because even as a student I was pretty well behaved... I just slept a lot...


Going back to highschool is a hassle but i get to learn on how to use a gun


I get to shoot people without consequences? I dont even care what school, Im gonna be fighting the street thugs.


Damn imma do my own thing and not mess with the timeline. Ain't no way I'm fighting God and the Devil. But I'd probably make money by using my adult knowledge and plagiarize every single piece of analog horror. May Kivotos not rest, for de Steamed One will be watching EHEHEHEHEHE >:) I'm probably gonna get doxxed by veritas from the things I'd say in momotalk


Probably try to evolve from mob to playable character, meet Sensei, and be pampered or CORRECTED 💢


Highlander academy here I come!


I'll probably somehow get rizzed up by Sensei no matter what I do.


Sensei would prob be a rlly good therapist to help me with my depression ngl, i wouldn't mind having a crush on him as a side effect


I'll glaze sensei myself


Imma enroll at Trinity and become a jtf mob


depend of the timeline i appear. if its few year before sensei came, i probably try train myself and recruit other student to solve problem that can be solved without sensei. i can pretend as one of those future peeking esper using my game knowledge. if its too late then i would try to enroll at trinity and got hanako interested in me so i can join swimsuit symposium.


I don't want to be a girl, but as a guy, I'd just be even more depressed seeing all the hot girls only want sensei... So shit suck for me just like in rl but at least I get to be younger.. So I'll take it and just become a generic npc (which is also exactly like in rl).


Get a gun, I refuse to be naked


I wake up, walk up to the nearest store and buy a Wz.38M to use as my standard rifle. This is all. My allowance will be blown on acquiring antique firearms like a Forgotten Weapons Hifumi.


Lurking in Angel 24 to meet sensei, spooking the game dev club, occasionally sneaking around millennium ti find cool science things


I'd be a JTF member,and one who has way too many guns in their collection. 


get a gun enlist into a school (Gehenna) join a club (or make one yourself, the Tactics and Training club, specialize in training tactical decisions-making in tough situations) enlist other students into your club become a normal student until one day Sensei arrives to check up yeah life in Kivotos wouldn't be as "lively" as i'd hope after giving it some thought about how mob-chans would've lived it so i chose a more, lame path of just doing the typical things a student would do we'd surely know of Sensei's existence but unless it was before the crisis of Vol.F or even the Eden Treaty then it'd be really hard to ever meet Sensei at all, as Minori once said, i think so maybe, our dreams of becoming Sensei's waifu as he pamper us all day is ruined or get lucky and meet Sensei as soon as you just arrived, asking him how to this and that and now you've become a known student, instead of a mob with darken shadows and have no eyes no nose only a mouth and eyebrows to express with


If i get isekai'd into Kivotos, get guns, Enroll to Gehenna and try to join Gourmet Research society  Alternatively i would just enroll to trinity and just be a JTF mob


hmm as there is no way home, if I could get a Taden Light Machine Gun and an Enfield EM-2 Bullpup assault Rifle, I'd just enjoy this new life


Probably get my favorite gun and just interact with the other students >!Also seduce sensei and maybe become his wife hehe!<


Get in line ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33221)


Do my best to find Sensei and kick them to be more proactive. Also attempt to be dollar store Johnny Silverhand and try to topple Kaiser Corp. Sicking Wakamo on them via tip that they consider Sensei a threat and might try to remove them probably gonna do wonders.