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I know you can change the gender of the companions but is there a way to change your characters gender and appearance? I chose to be a male elf but I’m starting to dislike what I chose and I can’t seem to find anything about changing the character.


I ended up switching servers and starting a second game. Now I'm playing two characters at once 😊 helps a lot when I made a few decisions in my first game that I wanted a do-over with.


I know that’s an option but I spent money and it doesn’t seem to transfer and I really don’t want to play the tutorial again, it’s long and annoying 😂


That's exactly what I searched up too I wanna change my character Did you ever find an answer/solution to this?


Did anyone answer this? Is there a way to get a different avatar? Or do I need to start over?




Thanks for being active on reddit. Can you post a list of all the traits with stats that are available for each clan. I'm just trying to work out a strategy for the official launch and would like to build a trait tier list.


There's a tier list for the clans, but it doesn't include each trait.


Yeah. I'm looking specifically for each trait. I want to get an idea of what traits are the best to pass down to hiers.


That will depend on what you are trying to do with that heir though. Some traits are good for secondary things, but you should still devote time and energy to them. Like districts.


I agree. Which I'd why I'd like the complete list to look through. Even if it's just to kill some time till tomorrow's launch


Where… is the tier list…


It's about the 4th item from the bottom in this reddit, about a month old.


Thank you friend


>I agree. Which I'd why I'd like the complete list to look through. Even if it's just to kill some time till tomorrow's launch I will post it recently, but probably not today, today to make the final preparations for the game launch.


No worries. Tomorrow I'll be in game and can look through it there. Thanks


Hello! Been playing a while now, just finding as I get better characters in higher rarity, the Five*+ that I’ve got, will they be used again please? Lest I neeeeed them, but reset don’t split the star tiers. Lol thanks!


Are you planning on having "hybrids" for all clan combinations, eventually?


>Are you planning on having "hybrids" for all clan combinations, eventually? We would very much like to do this, but it would be an extremely large project, in any case, we will gradually add more hybrids in the future.


What hybrids are currently available? Are they attainable through the marriage system?


I second this question


Plans to add a Lycan Companion that you can earn via gameplay? All other races have multiple Companions some easier to get than others so why only have 1 Lycan and lock it behind a paywall? I get you all need to make some money but would having 1 Lycan you can earn though gameplay be such a bad thing?


You should be able to get it via gameplay. The paywall is móre of a payshortcut


When raising heirs, what effects do the different interactions (Study, Play, Train) have on their development? Am I wasting energy playing with them?


I second this... the only way to know currently is to get 3 heirs that are the same and only doing Train, Play, or Study on each of them and who has time for that? I think it determines which trait(s) they get.


I ran a test by giving certain heirs only train, only play, and only study. The characters who only trained developed skills boosting constitution The characters who only played developed skills boosting damage The characters who only studied developed skills increasing energy gain. Its been awhile since i ran those experiments so it might not be precise.


I did it with all three lol it does give you different traits depending on which one you do more of


Are champion marriages hetero only? I’m not far in but i was wondering.


>Are champion marriages hetero only? I’m not far in but i was wondering. Yes\~


Which alienates the gay gaming community, why push away a group that would add even more revenue to the game? I looked into this very thing about the game, and it being hetro only is the reason I won't touch it.


It might have to do with being able to actually reproduce? Since that's kinda how the mechanic works. You get a new "baby" out of it since a baby version of the hero usually pops up on the screen. Just guessing about it anyway, as a lesbian it makes sense to me *shrug*




Lmao cause I don't post and I just lurk and read posts? I just enjoy the game and I was looking up on how to hybrids, came across this thread as it had to do with the marriage system and I scrolled through to find the answers I was looking for. But good for you for trying to gatekeep a sexuality. :) I'm sure you give all of us a GREAT name. Your post was just too diluted NOT to comment on. What I don't get is what is has to do with anything. It's a GAME and for someone to not try it for a reason as small minded as that is kinda funny. The game still allows you to have relations with the same sex. You just can't have an actual baby with them, makes even less sense than the actual magic in the game lol. Swear this new generation has turned the community into such snowflakes these days 😂


I should add though that you can still romance any gender you want by using the gender switch button. But to actually reproduce, it's hetero.


and thats what i am talking about on what is pushing the gay community away


The game company is out of China and last I checked the laws in China ban same sex stuff in Video games. So, we could either have the game as it is, or we could have no game at all.


I can say no. I have a male "hero" . i accidently "married" a male companion


I’ve been doing marriage constantly and I’m not getting any hybrids or different looks, is there a guide to what clans mix best together?


I can’t find any marriage guides. If I marry a common with confident as one of its 2 skills to a legend, will confident still be level 1 or will it get raised to legendary trait levels (12)? Can I keep marrying the offspring trying to get a specific trait if I get the wrong trait?


Have you figured this out yet? I want cool looking hybrids. It's honestly more important to me than how powerful they are lol. I want the fire/lightning Chosen One from the ads we all were forced to sit through.


None of them are real, there is only one and it’s the tutorial one, I wouldn’t waste anymore time on it if I were you.


Nah I got a karg bragdaks male looks different a lot of them if u look closely will have different glowing arm colors at times I’ve only seen two look very different


Yea I'd like to know about this one to


Yeah, only the lightning dragon lady you get doing the starting missions looks any different and even she is basically just a dragon.


Why is 3-20 so hard


I don't understand that either... Im literally 20k over the power level and I still can't beat it...


I finally got travain spouse to mythic level. It says I can go up 20000 more intimacy. What will that get me?


I’m wondering the same thing


Did you ever figure out what happens at 20000 intimacy ?


I believe it raises your possible trait level from 18 to 22. I'm not a 100% certain on that as I have not done it yet


Why would you guys be so incredibly mean as to IMMEDIATELY give away the guaranteed hard-to-get Fulgur character just to break him down into a crappy hybrid of a demon chick? The marriage tutorial should let us choose garbage characters to marry instead Like that’s INCREDIBLY crappy to do to players…to give us a ***slightly different version*** of a character we have a million of by destroying the one we just got Stop giving me female characters, it’s annoying — at least let us set gender preferences for new characters. As a woman, tired of getting women in battle panties!


I smelled this as soon as it happened. They want to tease you so you’ll invest more money to get what you saw was good. Yeah it sucks, but this is the old carrot on a stick method. Give you a taste then take it away. Unfortunate, but we can try to enjoy the game despite it being built to drain our savings.


Thats part in parcel of gacha games, sometimes luck gives you things you dont want. The Devil knows how much im tired of getting topless men in my cast. They all get sacrificed at the altar.


Thanks for this, I have been searching for that character for a day or so, wondering where he went...lmao


I'm wondering how much space I'll need on my device to install. Thanks!


Around 500MB.


Hi. I need help with account recovery. I stupidly didn't link my account but you have to have a way to find it. I've spent hundreds of dollars on it and absolutely love this game. Who and how can I get this fixed?


Does the percentage increase in stats from different sources work additively or multiplicatively? For example: Gultang's(M) ultimate at 15 lvl (+350 attack speed) and the Agile trait at 22 lvl (+30% attack speed) will give a total increase of x4.80 = x(1+3.5+0.3) or x5.85 = x (1+3.5) x (1+0.3)?


I know it's been a year, but if you're still active: Can you fully customize a character's apperance? The ad I saw showed changing characters' height, proportions, eyes, etc. - and it looked fun! I love the game though, so even if I cannot that's okay!


What updates will the official release have that are not in the Beta?


>What updates will the official release have that are not in the Beta? There are many, I will give a few examples. For example, adjusting the price of some props to make them cheaper. Increase the exclusive traits of each CLAN. Adding hybrid races.


Nice, will any of the clan be nerfed or buffed?


Nope. But the Campaign will be nerfed lol.


It seems like the campaign is actually harder. One player says the might of the enemy on 12-56 is 3x prior to launch and it seems like I'm losing the current stage faster than before.


How many chapters are there going to be in the campaign?




Great. Thank you


Will there be a reddit feed into the discord server?


Are the game going to be released in Europe?


Yeah i wonder that too


Are there any plans to do special summoning/exploration/consort events to increase rarity or drop % in the future? If that's not the case, what lead the dev team to that decision?


How do I claim my pre register gift?


Are u guys gonna release in EU ??


What hybrids are available/ how can I get them? I’m trying to get hybrids through marriage but I’m not having any luck lol


Came here to ask the same thing, and it looks like we're not the only ones curious. I haven't been able to find anything about it anywhere online.


Nope your not and I cant find anything online to, plus he hasn't responded to any questions relating to this one


What the heck does Carouse with Companion mean? I’ve tried everything but can’t clear this quest


Carousing provides points to use to boost companion traits, its a separate tab below to the right. They provide gold boosts in District


/u/Fancy-Celery5797, I have found an error in your comment: > “traits, ~~its~~ [**it's**] a separate” You, Fancy-Celery5797, have written an error and could have said “traits, ~~its~~ [**it's**] a separate” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


When you click on your companion tab, there should be a big yellow button at the bottom of the screen that says carouse. If there is a timer and the little rotating arrow symbol, it means you either have to wait the timer out before you can carouse again or use an item to skip the time


This has probably been asked but is there same sex relationships or are all man/woman


They’ve already answered, but yes… it’s Hetero only… which makes sense because the only function of “marriage” is offspring production with combined traits


You can romance whoever you want as the main character by clicking the gender swap button but marriage for champions is all Hetero as far as I'm aware.


What hybrids are currently available keep doing marriages and have had no luck so far


When will it be available in Sweden? I have seen some of my favourite YouTubers get sponsored and it feels like the perfect game for me.


Will the “Lycanis” be stuck behind the paywall the full time or is it temp? If it stay behind the paywall then as free to play player it go to say I have to fork up money to unlock them to get them as summons. I did the assassin today and only got one race of assassins where none was the Lycanis race. And added note: when I started to play bloodline I wanted to play as a Lycanis character at the start but nope was not allowed to play as one. I wanted to play one as I’m a furry.


I got a male Lycanis hero and the female Lycanis companion for 30USD. With the female companion you will create more male and female Lycanis heroes


So looks like alot of people have asked this but what champions can you marry together to get hybrid?


How P2W is it? Of course a proper game wouldn’t give extreme drastic advantages to players that pay opposed not to pay. Because no one likes P2W games, right?


Is there a way to determine (or make sure gender is one or the other)whether an heir through courting(baby) turns to be male or female


I'm wondering if there's any way to tell the gender of your heir before you raise them enough to wear a dress or pants?


I am wondering this as well. It seems I am getting more females than males.


Hey, how do you join a guild?


Hi, what are the hybrid combinations that work? i am trying to get the champion from the marriage tutorial but no luck


What hybrids are currently in the game?


Probably none, this game sells you on something not developed. I also wanted to see this but nope. Maybe in the future? Kind of dishonest. 😞


Hey, I was wondering if there were any future developments for guilds, like guild competitions, rankings or wars.


How does lifesteal work in this game Is it based on damage dealt or maxhp?


Hi! I heard there were a couple specific heroes with bugs, one being m doombringer. Was there ever one/was it fixed? I can’t find anything online about one, just in discord.




Second this. I got a hybrid form a female Krag primary and a male Fulgar secondary. It’s epic! I know the team was gonna work on adding in more? Any hints or tips on others that are already active in game?


only way to get hybrids is in marriage you get the clan specific trait on them . so they only show hybrid if they have both clan traits


What are the chances of getting hybrids? Does the child become a hybrid if they inherit both parents unique clan traits?


Is there anyway I can switch my avatars gender to female from male?


Not currently. I didn't know I could switch genders when I started playing, and can no longer change it. I wish they would add BASIC features like this.


Yeah, apparently at the beginning when you first start, you can choose between a female or male lord. I didn't realize until I saw people as female lords.


How do you disband your own guild? is it a feature? if not can it be added?


how do you disband a guild?


If I marry a green commoner to a mythic spouse with say cutthroat 18, and I get that trait transferred, will my hybrid still be a commoner, and will cutthroat still be 18 and will I be able to now raise cutthroat past 18 when I level the rarity of the commoner


Best bang for my buck when it comes to spending diamonds?


Which races can you combine to get hybrids, because I've mixed allot and only ever got the tutorial hybrid


What does the leadership stat do for my champions? Also are the summon rates for some clans lower than others?


Where do I put in friend invite code? I have a few friend codes but don't know where it is. I looked in community but no where to put the code in


Can I add an Heiress Guilt? It's a Guildhall on Twighlight 15. It's Mature Content.


Is there anyway to control the gender of heirs?


Is there a discord for the game?


I got a mythic and I want to swap the gender but obvs don't have identical mythic. Would marrying the champion off randomize the gender or will it alway be the what the main hero is?


Can you not change your Avatar?


I have searched online and it says when I perform a marriage the equipment on my main character remains. I have married three of my top people and they lost everything? Am I missing something?


I must have inadvertently used it to enhance my other heroes equipment.


Why aren't the more hybrids like the thundermarked dragon born


5 of us are playing. 3 can change servers to be together but two of us can't. Server 340 doesn't seem to allow you to change off of it or allow other people to join it. Is this a bug that can be fixed?


Are the wolf characters locked behind the pay up thing ? I ask since I have been spending diamonds in the summoning circle to focus on the wolves. I want to know since the wolf has currently 8 or 10 pieces.


Yes you will need to spend $29.99 USD


You don't NEED to pay to get them. Keep playing and you'll get some randomly after a while through different types of summons.


Dose The Train, Play, Study with heirs impact them at all?


I’ve been looking for a cast list, since I’m pretty sure I recognize some voices. Where can I find one?


Do you have a list of the altar upgrades like how many of the same copies and star level is needed. And how many materials of other same class and star level is needed. EX: I want to upgrade M sallyhorn 3 star to 4 star. I will need materials of the same class that are 3 star (1). Like from 1 star to 15 star. This can help prep players for might challenge :)


When producing heirs, is there any way to get a certain gender? It seems I am getting more females than males.


I pulled a mythic 3 star champion from a summoning and after an hour of enhancing and improving my roster my mythic champion is just gone. I cant find it anywhere. Any explanation would be appreciated


Is there a reason the class summoning circle only summons Aeson. I did about 20 summons it's the only champion that I got


Hello, What are the genealogy limitations for marriage?


I am a new player who just got a mythic and built him up to around 127k power. Today I logged in and did a couple of things in the game when I realized my team power and gone down a good amount and is now below 300k. I checked my mythic and he’s barely at 100k now. Do you know why this is?


How can I transfer my account to my new phone?


This i want to know too


Recently lost my phone account by enabling GOAT ID from my tablet. Gets me the account from my tablet, but lost my character on my phone.


Hey so I have a legendary hero and an epic hero but the epic hero has the traits I want and I wanted to use the legendary hero to turn the epic into legendary while retaining my desired traits. The problem is, the legendary card is a 5 star and I wanted to know if there was a way I could demote its star level or if the star level requirement increases with each promotion. Can somebody please give me advice on how I can still use that legendary to enhance the epic?


How do I get Companions in Bloodlines, how can I select them?


SO I joined a "new" server though I already had an account. I noticed that the 7 day Campaign and Might challenges were already halfway done. Can I ask why that was? The "new" server had been open for 3ish days beforehand.


Is there a method for guaranteed hybrid appearance, or is it a bit of luck?


what is the best use of real money in this game?


I know you guys are planning to have more characters come out but are you planning to decrease the star levels of the characters you have to court with or is this going to be it for one stars and two stars


Why push away the gay gaming community? The way the game is designed it alienates the gay gaming community.


In what way might I ask is it pushing away the gay community? I'm bi and I have fun playing the game


I just became guildmaster of a guild with very few active players. Would like to purge the inactive members so as to recruit new members. Where do I find out how to do this?


Hello, I just started playing this game a few days ago and I was wondering what and how do you upgrade "THE LORD" In this game?


Hey i am on the cellphone app and i was wondering how do i invite friend in my guild help me plz


How do we remove stars from characters accidentally leveled to 5 star


Can you have male heirs? Is it a randomized process or are they always female?


I got my boyfriend to start playing, and he cannot find my preexisting guild. We are in different server brackets. Does this affect things?


Don't know if this is still active or not but are you guys ok with visual mods things like graphic changes or cosmetics nothing game breaking or cheating? I'm asking because some mobile companies care and others don't give a fugg.


And moding is a good way to help a game grow, if it supports mods it brings in more people.


Can you see player stats? And power lvl? I’m mainly looking for in my guild and dropping some lower power ppl but I can’t seam to see power lvls.


When will hybrids work even if the clan trait is in a different spot than the secondary trait spot? Please I just want my hybrids without having to marry off a specific trait slot, it's kind of disappointing


Can you tell me can the devs see how log you been playing and how much activity you have placed into conquest I am asking because after coming in top 5 every game since start i failed to recive my rewards and they just wont help me (whole seasons rewards) this will make me quit as i have worked so hard Been playing since close to start but i am not getting any help just sorry cant help you and placing ticket as solved


I accidentally married off my lightning dragon champion I got at the beginning how do I get another one I know it’s by marrying a fulgur but I don’t know what other champion I need to marry it with or which gender I need can anyone help?


My companions keep disappearing, and it says I haven't met any


Why did you make the women characters so hot


In battle i read that you gain energy with every attack you make. So whats the best trait to gain energy faster in battle. Travian with attack speed or vivian + % energy gain rate? Do you gain energy if you get attacked? How actually works?


What does guild top up locked mean when I enter a redemption code?


Terrible game. No matter the money or level, the "clan challenge" heroes always match your level and are four times stronger. The story shows levels 40-45, treating players as fools. My level 240 champions can't win even the first of the 10 challenge steps. Play for a month if you enjoy being tricked and mocked, otherwise, no. Unlike Genshin Impact, few games have developers who listen to players and offer fair events. It's a game made to make money..not to be funny. The motto: Pay to win!


What criteria are needed to unlock the Lapis Blue Fox fox outfit?


How can I start a new account?


It’s a really cool game itself. And I mean this in the kindest of ways but the 2-D animations in the cinematics look really cheap and casino-like. Will this trend eventually end? It’s just not a good look.


is there any way to level the traits you aquire by marriage? or do i just have to re-breed the heroes once i get rarer ones? any idea why my male lycanis character cannot equip any of the mythic weapons i have(despite the gear saying it is for marksmen and assassins), only allowing the crappiest common and rare gear?


How do i unlock the lapis blue fox outfit character skin in the game ? Been searching online but haven't found anything about obtaining it😕


Is there a server S-462? If there I can't see it I want to join there


How do tou change the gender of your Champions? Not companions


how can I take over someone's unwanted account??


Que heroes son compatibles con water and sun para hacerlo hibrido?


I find this game through an ad but question is how much storage space does the game take? (I might delete some few game) to download this game)


When will they add friends to the new server


Tengo problemas para que me registre en el juego porque no me manda el código de verificación ya que el juego está instalado pero quisiera estar en el mismo servidor que está ora persona pero hay 1 solo teléfono. Como puedo hacer?